Super Smash Bros. 3DS/Wii U

Another one to check off my wish list!

1. Jigglypuff
2. Zelda
3. Lucario
4. Ganondorf
5. Marth
???. Professor Layton
I'm really relieved to see that Lucario is returning, being my favorite Pokemon and all. Not utilizing his Mega Evo would be a massive missed opportunity!

Also, apparently there was a image floating around confirming that Falco was in, but it looks like it's confirmed fake. Why would you fake *Falco* of all characters? I mean, he's one of the least likely characters to be cut from the roster. You would think people would focus on more controversial or interesting chars, like Dark Pit or something. :|
So there's a Nintendo Direct, but I only got to see the SSB bit fully, as it's just buffering now. Little Mac is confirmed.

I know a ton of people have been begging for him to be in the game, but I never realistically expected him to make it. Personally, I don't care much, but that's going to make a significant portion of the Smash community really happy.
Personally, I'm not too excited by this character announcment. The Smash series are the only 'fighting' games I play. So not only have I never played the games in which he originates from, I probably won't be using this guy at all in Smash Bros.
Where are you Mewtwo and Blaziken!?!
Hah, that's pretty hilarious. I was familiar with the old Punch Out, didn't even know they'd remade it for Wii. I don't think I'll play as him (I'm sexist so I only play girl characters and Pokémon), but I do think it's hilarious and a nice throw back.
Athena said:
Hah, that's pretty hilarious. I was familiar with the old Punch Out, didn't even know they'd remade it for Wii. I don't think I'll play as him (I'm sexist so I only play girl characters and Pokémon), but I do think it's hilarious and a nice throw back.

You only play as female only Pokémon, or you keep on resetting your game to get a female starter? You must have awful luck with breeding, as you can only use Ditto. (Then again, it's genderless...)
Oh, haha, I meant that in Smash Bros. the characters I play are female characters or Pokémon (my excitement for Rosalina is... a bad internet meme). I guess Ike is an exception to that rule, though; I forgot I do like playing Ike, and he's not even that girly. In Pokémon games themselves, I do have a preference for female Pokémon, but I'll happily play male Pokémon, too, especially starters and Pokémon that are more rare to find.

Sorry for the confusion. :p
Don't put Mewtwo and Blaziken in the same level as Charizard, kiddo:p. And don't worry, Fletchling will show up in a banquet scene as the main course.
Little Mac is kinda meh... I didn't expect him, to be honest, and I don't plan on playing as him. But I guess many will be happy by it, so I'm not overl surprised.
Chaos Jackal said:
Don't put Mewtwo and Blaziken in the same level as Charizard, kiddo:p. And don't worry, Fletchling will show up in a banquet scene as the main course.

Oh, you shall be the starter...
You're right. Swampert is better than all of them :p
I hope Mewtwo is a Pokéball mon tbh, we already have Lucario :p
I've been really hoping that Little Mac will be added, just because he's one of those characters that should be included in the games. I probably won't use him too much, but I'm glad that he's finally made his Smash debut.
Scorched Feathers said:
Chaos Jackal said:
Don't put Mewtwo and Blaziken in the same level as Charizard, kiddo:p. And don't worry, Fletchling will show up in a banquet scene as the main course.
You're right. Swampert is better than all of them :p

What are you smoking? Swampert is, like, the worst starter. Even Meganium is better than Swampert. Hell, if Dunsparce was a starter, Swampert would still be worst starter. That's how much Swampert sucks.


Super pumped for Little Mac though. I can't wait to Dempsey Roll Marth, because fudge Marth in particular
Sounds like someone hasn't battled competitively recently. If there's one thing a competitive player hates, it's a specially defensive water/ground type coming in on their electric type and proceeding to use Curse, etc. to 1.) wall near everything bar powerful grass moves and 2.) barrage your team with boosted EQs and Waterfalls. Sure Swampert doesn't seem like much at first glance, but do NOT underestimate him. Meganium lacks coverage, and thus didn't make the cut even in gen 5 UU, whereas Swampert did. Oh, and did I mention Grass is the ONLY way to hit Swampert&co. for Super-Effective damage? That's almost as handy for a wall as Bug/Steel is (though Water/Ground has great STAB offensive coverage - almost the opposite of that of Bug/Steel which has a great resistance list, but lacks in offensive STAB coverage).

I know this is going to be entirely different than competitive pokemon, but still...
Diddy Kong is confirmed and no one's talking about it? For shame!

I know he's a veteran, but still, I'd assume someone would have brought it up by now!