Super Smash Bros. 3DS/Wii U

Blob55 said:
Rusty Sticks said:

I know Sheik is supposed to be OOT's Zelda's alter-ego, so why did they make Twilight Zelda be able to change into Sheik? They don't even have the same hair colour.
First of all, characters in Smash are not the same character as the character they are based upon; that isn't Twilight Princess Zelda, that's Smash Zelda, and Smash Zelda isn't restricted to the same rules or logic as her canon counterpart, so if they want Smash Zelda to transform into Smash Sheik, then there's no reason she can't.

Second, it stands to reason that any Zelda with magical talent and knowledge of Sheikah could potentially transform into Sheik. In fact, at one point in time Sheik was planned to have a part to Twilight Princess; it's her Twilight Princess design which Sheik's Brawl design was based on.

Finally, hair color means nothing, considering Zelda's eyes and skin also change color; it's magic, you don't need any more reasoning!

professorlight said:
Okay, that makes sense... but why not OOT zelda then?
Probably because the Twilight Princess designs are the most detailed and complex. The OoT designs are nice, but they're plain and simple compared to later designs like those in Twilight Princess.

Blob55 said:
Twilight Princess was pretty boring.
I can agree with that, Twilight Princess was a pretty dull experience. The worst thing is, they'll more than likely add Twilight Princess Ganondorf (old and wheezy) with a Twilight Princess Ganon transformation (generic giant pig). I much prefer his OoT appearance, where he's a young thief that transforms into his monstrous bipedal beast Ganon form.
Hey, I liked Twilight Princes... :<

Overall, though, I'm super happy Rosalina is in this! I always love to take on at least one new character to play each new release, and she'll definitely be the first of mine. Still crossing my fingers for someone from FE: Awakening to show (Chrom would make a good Ike replacement, for example, though I'd like to see some at least one FE character who's not a male lord with a sword >.<).
I've got a popularity poll for characters you want to see in Smash Bros. 3DS and Wii U in my sig. It'd be really cool if you guys could vote on it. Smash Bros. speculators use polls like this to see which characters the fanbase wants to see. There are over a hundred characters to choose from, so there should be someone you want to see in the next game.

If you have any questions or feedback, as to not derail this thread, please send me a profile comment or PM. I'm not the poll creator, but I do work with them to help give it publicity.
Haunted Water said:
Everybody follow the survey in Astra's sig and vote for Gengar and Victini.
Um... why? Those are two of the last Pokemon I'd ever vote for... not that there are many Pokemon I'd vote for. Frankly, as far as Pokemon is concerned, I only want Pikachu, Mewtwo and Lucario, and maybe Zoroark... beyond that, what's the point? I want new characters from unrepresented franchises, not the same old ones that already take up too much space! ...and yet, I fear such redundant characters will get the highest votes...

Speaking of the survey, I filled it out, but then it asked me to sign up for something and I couldn't skip it... sorry, but I'm not signing up for anything, especially a character poll that'll likely have no impact on the game.
There's nothing to signup for. It's just weird with the site.

Once you hit next page, it submits your responses. Thanks for filling it out!
Adeline and dark samus should totally be in. And I wouldn't oppose to RE: revelations jill as a fast counterpart to snake (assuming he's still in).
J.D. said:
Haunted Water said:
Everybody follow the survey in Astra's sig and vote for Gengar and Victini.
Um... why? Those are two of the last Pokemon I'd ever vote for... not that there are many Pokemon I'd vote for.
Because Gengar is the Master of Badassery and Victini wrecks face.
Would you rather have Jigglypuff back?
I actually would prefer to see more done with the Pokémon Trainer class rather than just tossing in more Pokémon. Sure, keep Pikachu and Lucario (I'm not even sure why Jigglypuff is still in, honestly) or whatever, but I think there are more fun options for a Pokémon Trainer class, either by keeping Red from Kanto, tossing in someone from 6th Gen, or multiple. It's more realistic and true to the Pokémon franchise, while also giving lots of options and being fun to play.
Athena said:
(I'm not even sure why Jigglypuff is still in, honestly)
How dare you?
Jigglypuff, when done right (as in, Melee puff, not Brawl puff), is one of the more unique characters, not just in terms of mechanics but also in terms of overall play style. Since SSB4 seems to have upped falling speeds once more there's a chance things like Meta Knight might no longer encroach on Jiggly's kingdom (being anything over a short-hop away from the stage), although the new air dodge mechanics will probably still hurt her greatly.
I've been maining her since 64, have tried to become somewhat decent with her in Melee (which for the longest time messed up my play style for every single other character) and ended up maining her purely out of spite in Brawl as well, along with the rest of her bottom tier brethren. She's quite a unique character, and I think Smash would be a lesser game without her.
Not only that, the way I understand it Jiggly's still quite popular in Japan, and with the introduction of the Fairy type she has at least some justification for being re-introduced.
That being said, if they keep Rest weaker than things like Luigi's uppercut they might as well not bother. It's ridiculous the things they've done to poor old Jiggly in Brawl, and I'm not sure I'll ever be able to forgive them.

Also, I'm all for Pokémon Trainer's return, but the exhaustion mechanics made him pretty much unplayable against anything with decent enough punishment capabilities. The automatic switching also hurts any positive match-ups he might have had. It's a fun concept, but since Pikachu and the likes don't have to switch I think it might be justifiable to just change the mechanics to that of Zelda/Shiek, or at the very least remove the exhaustion.
I've recently installed Project M and I must say I'm quite enjoying solo-Ivysaur, it's sad to think he probably won't be among my possible SSB4 mains purely because of a rather pointless mechanic.
All this is why I hope they don't add another Pokémon trainer, not just because xe'll probably have ugly Pokémon, but because unless they change the mechanics we'll just be getting 3 barely playable characters when we could've gotten 3 new distinct characters, which would've required just as much programming. If they get rid of exhaustion/seriously decrease switching time one such character is entirely justifiable, but more of them just doesn't seem like it would be worth the time and effort. I'd much rather just have Mewtwo back (and considering recent events there's absolutely no reason why he shouldn't come back) and if need be one of the newer Pokémon along with some new characters from un(der)represented franchises.

Haunted Water said:
Would you rather have Jigglypuff back?
Yes, totally.
Haunted Water said:
J.D. said:
Um... why? Those are two of the last Pokemon I'd ever vote for... not that there are many Pokemon I'd vote for.
Because Gengar is the Master of Badassery and Victini wrecks face.
So they're strong characters... so what? Lots of Pokemon are strong, that doesn't make them important in any way.

Haunted Water said:
Would you rather have Jigglypuff back?
Hell no... Jiggly's my second most wanted to be removed character in the game. Why's it still around? Why was it added in the first place?
Guts said:
Yup... that brings the total of confirmed characters up to 21 now, and the full list of everything confirmed as of 1/16/14 to:


01. Mario - [Super Mario]
02. Luigi - [Super Mario]
03. Bowser - [Super Mario]
04. Peach - [Super Mario]
05. *Rosalina & Luma - [Super Mario]
06. Kirby - [Kirby]
07. King Dedede - [Kirby]
08. Pikachu - [Pokémon]
09. Link - [Legend of Zelda]
10. Toon Link - [Legend of Zelda]
11. Zelda - [Legend of Zelda]
12. Samus Aran - [Metroid]
13. Fox McCloud - [Star Fox]
14. Donkey Kong - [Donkey Kong]
15. Marth - [Fire Emblem]
16. Pit - [Kid Icarus]
17. Pikmin & Olimar - [Pikmin]
18. *Villager - [Animal Crossing]
19. *Wii Fit Trainer - [Wii Fit]
20. Sonic - [Sonic the Hedgehog]
21. *Mega Man - [Mega Man]

*New Challenger


::Wii U::
01. Battlefield - [Smash Brothers]
02. "Mario Galaxy" - [Mario Galaxy 2]
03. Skyloft - [Zelda: Skyward Sword]
04. Pyrosphere - [Metroid: Other M]
05. Garden of Hope - [Pikmin 3]
06. "Smashville" - [Animal Crossing: City Folk]
07. "Smash Circuit Boxing Ring" - [Punch Out!! Wii(?)]
08. "Wii Fitness Studio" - [Wii Fit]
09. "Pilotwings Planes" - [Pilotwings Series]
10. Windy Hill - [Sonic Lost World]
11. Dr. Wily's Lair - [Mega Man 2]

01. Battlefield - [Smash Brothers]
02. "Mushroom Kingdom 3D" - [Mario 3D Land]
03. Rainbow Road - [Mario Kart 7]
04. Gerudo Valley - [Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D]
05. Spirit Train - [Zelda: Spirit Tracks]
06. "Jungle Ruins" - [DKC Returns 3D(?)]
07. Arena Ferox - [Fire Emblem: Awakening]
08. "Chapter 11 Battlefield" - [Kid Icarus: Uprising]
09. "Kapp'n's Boat" - [Animal Crossing: New Leaf]
10. "Nintendogs Home" - [Nintendogs + Cats]
11. "Find Mii Fortress" - [Find Mii 2]


Smash Ball - [Smash Brothers]
Assist Trophy - [Smash Brothers]
Capsule - [Smash Brothers]
Ray Gun - [Smash Brothers]
Koopa Shell - [Super Mario]
Fire Flower - [Super Mario]
Poké Ball - [Pokémon]
X Bomb - [Kid Icarus: Uprising]
"Hocotate Freight Bomb" - [Pikmin]
"Steel Diver Torpedo Gun" - [Steel Diver]


::poké Ball Pokémon::
01. ???

::Assist Trophies::
01. Skull Kid - [Zelda: Majora's Mask]
02. Ashley - [Wario Ware: Touched!]
03. French Bulldog - [Nintendogs + Cats]
04. Starfy - [The Legendary Starfy]


Toad - [Super Mario]
Shy Guy - [Super Mario 2]
Lubba - [Mario Galaxy 2]
Xerneas - [Pokémon X/Y]
Saria - [Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D]
Engineer Link - [Zelda: Spirit Tracks]
Wendell - [Animal Crossing]
Pelly - [Animal Crossing]
Saharah - [Animal Crossing]
Gracie - [Animal Crossing]
Kapp'n - [Animal Crossing]
Dr. Shrunk - [Animal Crossing: Wild World]
Beagle - [Nintendogs + Cats]
Dark Emperor - [Find Mii 2]
Rush - [Mega Man]
Yellow Devil - [Mega Man]
Yeah, King Dedede is in! With Rosalina and that amazing Zelda design, I think that my first time trying SSB will be great. Do we know if Dedede keeps the same playstyle from the previous installations?
No, Jigglypuff will not be removed. I won't allow it. I'm not losing my main now.

And I've probably said this before, but I will weep great tears of joy if they ever add Professor Layton to the roster. That is my one and only wish for SSB4. Please make it happen, Nintendo.
Alright bros, big news. Apparently Palutena has been leaked as (possibly) being a playable character from a picture of the 3DS version of the game [please note we don't know what assist trophies look like on the 3DS].

Before ya'll go crazy about fakes and stuff, this was leaked about 2 days ago, and I held myself posting it. We've combed through every picture of the 3DS version of the game and all the trailers, and we can say that this is very likely to be real.

- The background is of Battlefield, but not a single image or trailer has shown us the background at that exact angle
- The Mario sprite is new as well, he never makes that exact pose in any pics/trailers
- The model of Palutena is different from KI:U
- The model of Palutena is different from her AR card

Basically, the only way for this to be fake is if the creator made everything from scratch. Models and background included. Nothing was ripped from previously supplied resources.

(huge images)

Even better, today's pic of the day gives off the impression that Sakurai knows...

Ah yes, the Palutena leak... was wondering when someone would talk about it...

If fake, it's easily the best fake I've ever seen... and if real... well, I highly doubt she'd be an Assist Trophy; all NPCs so far lack the black outline (even Rosalina's Luma lacks an outline). She's also way too detailed, and in the second picture near the bottom, she has a Mario Star hanging from her belt... a rather oddly specific addition, especially if she's just a shortlived summonable NPC.