Super Smash Bros. 3DS/Wii U

I'll just dump my overall thoughts and opinions here since I've got no other place to drop them. My apologies for the long post.
- By golly this direct was hilarious, from the fake "directly"s to the sudden substitute to the Palutena misdirection to the Ridley troll to actively lying about ZSS. Sakurai definitely seems to be more entertaining than the usual direct presenters.
- I predicted Yoshi and Mewtwo, as well as no mention of a stage builder, so I'm 2/3 for that, which is nice, I guess.
- I actually like having ZSS, Sheik and Charizard as separate characters. The changing mechanics, while fun on the surface, never really got much use and always seemed like a waste of a B-move. Especially with Pokémon trainer, where the exhaustion mechanic was more annoying than fun and made him pretty unplayable for the most part.
- Greninja... meh, I hope this doesn't mean Mewtwo's out, we'll see.
- For Glory... see below
- Smash Run: looks fun, though I think Kirby Air Ride lends itself to this concept quite a bit better (sequel, please). The higher speed might hurt more than it would help, but at least there's no momentum transfers when jumping (which I think is a negative, but I guess it helps in this case).
- ZSS looks ridiculous with the high-heeled jet boots.
- If Jungle japes, a Melee stage, can come back, this sort of raises the odds of seeing Celadon City and Hyrule Castle again. Fingers crossed.
- No more forced tether recoveries: awesome, those were never a good idea to begin with. It seems like recoveries in general will again be a bit more difficult, which is great. Brawl made recovering far, far, far too easy. If you want to recover, you should earn it, in my opinion.
- No more gliding: awesome, see above.
- They somehow managed to make Olimar a more consistent character than Project M managed, which was quite a pleasant surprise.

Okay, those were the small points, I do have few bigger points to make.

About Final Destinations for everything. This, at first, seems like it would be a good idea, but if you've got any experience with competitive smash (which is what "For Glory" is trying to emulate), you'll know that FD is probably the least neutral of the neutral stages. It promotes camping, juggling and chaingrabs and generally favours a more defensive and monotonous playstyle, as well as giving certain characters very distinct advantages and disadvantages. It's like Sakurai wanted to throw the competitive community a bone, but couldn't be bothered to do any research beyond the "No items, Fox only, Final Destination" meme. I'm all for neutral versions of the stages, and this is way better than nothing, but adding a few platforms would be very little trouble and yet be a huge boost to the diversity and fairness of the neutral stages. It's odd that we're going to have an FD version of both Battlefield and Town & City, 2 stages which are probably far more neutral than FD ever was.
That being said, it would still be interesting to see what kind of metagame would form in an FD-only environment. I really hope the answer isn't obsessive camping, though.
Another problem with "For Glory" is that the battles seem to be in time mode rather than stock mode, which always feels sort of unfair to me and I think promotes even more camping. I hope the timer is longer than 2 minutes, at least, or these battles will just be rather pathetic.
But still, I think I can summarise my opinion of "For Glory" with this:

From what we've seen so far, hitstun, falling speed, landing lag and ledge magnetism all seem to be somewhere in between Melee and Brawl (when taking L-cancelling into account), leaning more towards Brawl than Melee. This, again, is a step in the right direction, but I fear not enough. It might seem like this would only matter at a competitive level, but that's not true at all. These things, along with unlimited airdodges, promote camping and discourage offense, and I don't think anyone can really call camping "fun". Casual all-items all-stages play already seriously favours camping, so the game should do everything it can to allow for more offensive pressure. I grew up playing both Smash 64 and Melee casually, and never had any problems with the fast-paced nature of those games. I get that Sakurai primarily wants this to be a party game, but allowing for faster and more offensive play does not in any way limit this, all it does is add an extra layer for those who do want to dig a little deeper.

Also, just for fun, here are my final roster predictions, excluding those already announced, along with percentages of how certain I am they'll be included:
Captain Falcon (YES!): Falcon is synonymous with Smash to me, if he’s not in, it will not be Smash, so adding a percentage here is pointless.
Wario (99%): Ashley is an assist trophy, he already has his own logo, he has 2 major franchises linked to him, a unique moveset, etc. etc.
Ice Climbers (90%): We’ve seen the polar bear, we’ve seen the freeze-item-thing, I’ve wager the odds are very high.
Mr. Game & Watch (90%): He’s been in 2 games now and represents a complete era of Nintendo’s history all by himself. If he got into Brawl, he’ll get into Smash 4.
Ness (90%): Mr. Saturn is confirmed, and he's an original.
Ganondorf (85%): He probably won't go, but a moveset change is never out of the question.
Jigglypuff (85%): She’s an original, and I don’t think Sakurai will drop those, especially since Ness somehow got into Brawl alongside Lucas. That, and she has a unique playstyle, which is always a plus. That being said, Sakurai might decide he wants to add some more unique Pokémon and drop everyone’s favourite pink puffball (what’s a Kirby?) Let’s hope not.
Palutena (85%): We’ve had the leak and Sakurai’s trophy-trolling, as well as Pit’s final smash no longer including her, so yeah, she’s probably in.
Meta Knight (80%): The only reason Meta Knight might not come back is because Sakurai might’ve caught wind of how broken he is in Brawl and misinterprets that as nobody liking him. Kind of like how he seems to have designed “For Glory”.
R.O.B. (75%): If the roster has to be reduced, this little guy might end up in a box in a basement somewhere, but his uniqueness will probably keep him in.
Wolf (75%): He’s a bad guy (which is always a plus when it comes to designing event matches) with a moveset which is more unique than Falco’s. That, and Lucario being back means Wolf’s got a pretty good chance. He was originally supposed to be in Melee as well, so he’s pretty much a veteran at his point.
Falco (70%): He’s a veteran now, and seems to be getting more distinct, but if Sakurai feels he needs a more diverse roster, Falco might just be the one to go.
Ike (65%): There has been new Fire Emblem game, so there's always the possibility that he'll get booted out in favour of someone like Chrom, but Sakurai doesn't like cutting (see: Lucario), so he’ll probably share the stage with Marth and maybe Chrom or My Unit. If 3 near-identical Starfox Characters can be in Brawl, I don’t see why 3 sword fighters couldn’t be in Smash 4. It's not like he's clone like Roy.
Lucas (55%): Sakurai really doesn't want to cut, it seems, and this drastically increases Lucas' chances, but that's really all he's got going for him.
Mewtwo (50%): Sakurai can’t keep ignoring the cries, can he? The recent Mega Evolutions also up his chances, especially since with Charizard X being in, Y might feel underrepresented.
Bandana Dee (40%): If Meta Knight gets in, this little guy has a pretty decent shot. We’ve already seen both the Mario roster and Zelda roster expand to 5, so Kirby can probably afford to have 4, and the recent Return to Dream Land has given him a unique moveset and at least some additional recognisability. It’d be fun to see what they do with a spear-based character. The main reason this guy gets almost 50% is because Dedede now only throws Gordos, which seems like an odd decision if not for the confusion this would cause. Waddle Dee might also just be an enemy in Smash Run, of course, but still.
Bowser Jr. (15%): If we do see another Mario character, this’ll be it. He’s of the newer generation, is a small character (there seem to be less of those nowadays), appears in quite a few games and most importantly, lends himself quite well to getting a unique moveset.
Squirtle (15%): He might come back, but we already have a water Pokémon and more than enough little creatures. It’ll be sad to see him go, but still.
Chrom or My Unit (10%): It’s one of these, probably Chrom, although he might play too much like either Ike or Marth and would therefore not warrant the effort. They only have the 1 game as well, while Ike has 2, so if there’s only 2 FE games, Ike will probably get the spot.
Ivysaur (10%): This would have to mean Squirtle is back as well. We’ll see, but I’m not getting my hopes up.
Girahim, Shadow, Zero, etc. (5%): Who knows?

I think the roster size will be somewhere between 45 and 49, but it could be as low as 42.
I agree with this for sure. I think we will see a lot of great deal from the regular Smash bros. I definetly want to see the Silph Co. Stage come back because on the N64 I knew how to kick some butt with Pikachu. I loved the Pokemon coming out of the box and the occasional bomb that Chaney thew. Man that was SWEET. I now have the game on my tablet but the controls are very laggy so now I can only do well on Fox's level against 3 Mario's in VS mode and 1 Mario on the other levels.:)
I'm really excited about the custom movesets! I can already imagine myself making my charizard, lucario, and greninja Triple Threat from my Y version (these three were literally my 3 powerhouses on the game and are the highest level on there since it came out lol).I'd really like to see Charizard's Fly upward smash get changed to, maybe like, his wings get a bit bigger and with one flap he goes up high instead of that weird spinning flame. While we're on the topic of upward smashes, I think Pikachu's Quick Attack should instead show him dashing around as a blur instead of little stars, and not be as sharp. I still have problems getting him to do a quick attack twice. I'm also thinking that Peach's up smash should only send her upward if she's already in the air. Like, she could take the parasol out for a sec and anything falling towards her is hit instead of her.

On another note, with me being the huge pokedork I am, I'd like to see Pikachu, Charizard, Greninja, and the other pokemon get some shiny alternate colors. Maybe even some being references towards other pokemon (like a pachirisu colored pikachu, a salamence colored charizard, a politoed colored greninja, or arcanine colored lucario). I'd also kinda like to see Charizard get an option when you select him to be X or Y, like how you could choose the pokemon for the Trainer in Brawl.

As far as fighter predictions go, I just know I wanna see Shadow the Hedgehog (uses Chaos Spear and some guns with a Chaos Blast FS), Boshi (more violent than Yoshi, using more punches and kicks, as well as bites), and MGR:R Raiden (if they bring Snake back).
The problem with some moves like on the N64 is the RAM speed. On the N 64 the speed was just right. Ever since Melee I have not been able to control Pikachu like I could in the first Smash Bros. Now I have to use Mewtwo or Yoshi on 1 stock with infinite time and 3 Mario's on the Pokemon Stadium stage. They need to make the characters not move so quick.:)
I never played as Pikachu in the 64 game so I never noticed lol. Another speed problem I have is with Bowser's dash. If they don't speed it up in 4, I'm going to be upset. I think it'd be cool for it to become him spinning in his shell like Squirtle's Withdraw in Brawl. That, or him running on all fours. And, just wondering, does everyone have the same jump height?
So, Greninja's side special is Shadow Sneak. It's not a counter like it first looked (Greninja already has that in Substitute), but instead being a cross between Sheik's Vanish and Meta Knight's Dimensional Cape. From Lord Sakurai:

"The side special attack Shadow Sneak is a move that makes Greninja suddenly disappear and ambush opponents. If you press and hold the button, Greninja will move a greater distance. Another unique feature is you can move Greninja around freely while charging up."

Sakurai also calls Greninja's controls "sophisticated" and "extremely fun to use once you get used to how it controls!" I'm guessing that means that it will have a higher learning curve or some complex combos you can pull off. All of this just further makes me interested in trying out Greninja when the game comes out. :F
Man I can't wait to try out Charizard. Come on guys. Release time NOW.:)
What unconfirmed characters would you like to see in SSB4?

The question is pretty basic:
Are there any unconfirmed characters you would like to see in the newest Smash Bros game?

NOTE: This can be both new or recurring characters!

Personally I would love to see Sceptile as a new fighter. It has basically been confirmed already, with the introduction of a water and fire type starter in the previous Smash Bros direct. There is no reason not to include a grass type in the game, and there has also never been a fighter from the 3rd Generation of Pokemon.

The 3rd Generation games needs a remake (it's been over 10 years since the release of R/S)
We had a Torchic event at the beginning of XY, and Sceptile as a playable character in XY would be a hint towards a Hoenn remake, which the fans really want.

I also think that an important series such as the Donkey Kong franchise needs a new fighter, and the main villain of the series, King K. Rool would be a great addition to the SSB4 roster. :cool:
RE: What unconfirmed characters would you like to see in SSB4?

It's not impossible, but Sceptile is most definitely not "basically confirmed". There would be five Pokémon fighters and that might be a bit of an overkill.

The character from Pushmo/Pullblox could be funny. It's not like I want it but it would bring some variety to the rooster.
I would like to see Phazon Seamus from Metroid Prime. That black suit is awesome XD.:)
From Pokemon, I'd love to see Sceptile. From sonic, I'd like to see Tails, Knuckles, Silver, Shadow, or Amy. Any of them will do. Maybe even Omega... Ya I'm a total sonic nerd lol. I'd also like to see a Boshi in there. But, honestly, the one character I wanna see in Smash Bros. that I know never will is The Scout from TF2. I love him so much (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ┻━┻
Boshi is a blue yoshi from Super Mario RPG. It's got a black mohawk, shades, fingerless gloves, and its claws coming out of it's shoes.
Oh then basically it is Blue Yoshi. Make sure when you post make the post a clear as you can cause I did not know or ever seen it typed like that. Thanks man. I always type the full name. Man I wish texting was never invented LOLz.:)
No, it's not basically blue yoshi. That's like saying Wario is basically yellow Mario. Yoshi isnt mean, doesn't push and shove and bite, doesnt beat up, and doesnt look all punk-ish like Boshi.

ok so I described him poorly off of memory, but here he is. Fangs, claws, spiked collar, etc.
Lucina/Chrom (would prefer Lucina, but I'll take Chrom), Palutena, and King K. Rool are the ones that have been talked about that I would love to see in the most. 1) I really love FE and would love to see some representation from the newest game; I was so excited when Ike got in because I actually like the games Ike is in (I didn't really care for any of Marth's games or Roy's). Lucina would be most badass because female fighters are cool and it would help set her apart from the other FE contributions, but I think Chrom is more realistic since he could basically play like an Ike re-skin. B) I haven't even played any of the Icarus games but Palutena seems really cool and I'm also ++ for more cool female fighters. III) K. Rool is just hysterical and it would be nice to get some DK love outside of the typical monkeys.
Chocolate Death said:
No, it's not basically blue yoshi. That's like saying Wario is basically yellow Mario. Yoshi isnt mean, doesn't push and shove and bite, doesnt beat up, and doesnt look all punk-ish like Boshi.

ok so I described him poorly off of memory, but here he is. Fangs, claws, spiked collar, etc.

Oh OK. Sorry man.:)
Note - A lot of my guesses of who's added to the game is based off the Sal leak, which has yet to be disproved as false.

Robin from Fire Emblem Awakening - I know people want Chrom, Lucina, or even Ike to return, but I'd rather have a FE character added that's not all about swords and more swords. Robin would be great, as (s)he can use tomes for ranged attacks, then use his/her sword for close quarters combat.

Ridley - Okay, I know Sakurai /kind of/ debunked this. Despite that, I'd still like to see him in some form due to the fact he's a fan favorite (more than even Little Mac was). Keep in mind that on the stage Spirit Train, Toon Link will conduct the train unless Toon Link is in the match, in which case Alfonzo will take over. Maybe Kraid or (most likely) one of the bosses from Other M (Queen Metroid would be amazing) takes over on Pyrosphere. Anyways, the whole size issue should be ignored for now, as Sakurai is extremely guilty of messing up sizes, especially with Ridley (although, SSBM was before the first 3D Metroid, so...)

If the size is an issue, there's always adolescent Ridley.

Palutena - Pit's Final Smash changing is enough confirmation for me lol.

Pac-Man - Namco is helping make the game and there's been a few Namco references (Galaga and the Namco Special Flag). Tekken is a great place to look, but I'd rather them use the figurehead of their franchise like Sega did with Sonic: Pac-Man. He'd be easy to make a moveset for (plenty of chomps, plus using his 3D appearances would add punches and kicks) and he'd have such an obvious final smash: power pellet.

Mii - Let me just state that I don't want Mii. I think it's a terrible idea for a character, and any game with a Mii should be sad for itself. Despite that, it really makes a lot of sense lol. There's so far been a lot of Mii-based stages shown off. Mii also has an easy to make moveset, as it has access to the boxing gloves, tennis racket, and baseball bat from the Wii Sports series, a racing kart from Mario Kart to be used like the Wario Bike, and some musical based attacks from Wii Music.

Mewtwo - Brawl featured six Pokemon characters (Sakurai counts different movesets as separate characters). As of right now, we have four revealed. Going off the logic that veteran characters are never cut, Jigglypuff should be returning with an updated moveset to reflect her new Fairy-type, hence why we haven't seen her yet. That's five characters. #mewtwoforsixth