Super Smash Bros. 3DS/Wii U

Nah Sceptile would not be bad but since the 3rd gen remakes are on the way it would be best to add him but the 3rd gen games will come out right before the Wii U release comes out and I don't think the 3DS version would have him before the remakes are released. They could make Venuaur a playable character since he has been a PokeBall Pokemon only. Wait does this mean that we could see all first gen starters as playable characters? The reason I am thinking this is because Charizard used to be Pokeball only and same for Venusaur and Blastoise. We could see the other 2 Pokemon as playable characters as well. XD.:)
I'm getting kinda pumped for Smash now. Gonna hold off and wait for the Wii U version though, playing on the 3DS would destroy my lanky hands.

Does online play for Brawl still work? I wouldn't mind a friendly spar. ;]
bacon said:
Uh... am I the only guy here who thinks Sceptile would be... completely awful? I get that it completes a starter trio, but it doesn't have much personality and is hardly a gen 3 poster boy. If we were to have an extra Pokemon, I would much prefer something oddball. Hell, a Plusle and Minun pair like the Ice Climbers would be way more interesting.

I've always liked Sceppy when he was released back in the days. He got some airtime during the Hoenn era of animé battling some Legendaries and stuff. I could see a Leaf Blade attack, something with his tail for a dair, Bullet Seed for a B, etc. etc. Plusle/Minun would be interesting, no lie.
I doubt they are going to add another Pokémon character in the game because that would be over-saturation of the series. That being said, doesn't mean I wouldn't want them to add more Pokémon!

Sceptile is just as much of a poster child of Generation 3 as much as Greninja was for Generation 6. They were both rather obscure for their respective generations, but hey, who knows. Also, both have been owned by Ash (well, the pre-evolution in Greninja's case). Thinking about it, all the anounced Pokemon have been owned by Ash in one way or another. Pikachu, Charizard, and Greninja (Froakie) are all in Ash's team. Lucario befriended Ash when he thought he was Riley (Aaron, I don't remember the name to be honest) in that Pokémon movie about Lucario. With this little theory playing through, Sceptile could be a good character in SSB4. I can see his attacks be like:

B: Bullet Seed - kind of like Flamethrower, but straight out, and can be angled
B-side: Razor Leaf - same as Ivysaur's
B-down: Grass Knot - lay a trap, like Snake's bomb, that trips or tangles the opponent and holds them there
B-up: Agility/Quick Attack - simply Pikachu's and Greninja's recovery, but cooler...?
Smash A-side: Leaf Blade
Smash A-down: Slam
Smash A-up: Magical Leaf - Like Zelda's up smash
Final Smash: Frenzy Plant - Plant vines and roots just shoot up throughout the ground and platforms hitting, stunning, or wrapping the opponents around.

Another cool playable Pokémon mentioned earlier that would be fun is Plusle & Minun. Especially, since there have been rumors (even trademarks? correct me if I am wrong) for Mega Plusle and Mega Minun. They could work as a combination of Ice Climbers, Pikachu, and Rosalina and Luma. I can see this working out:

B: Swift - Both shoot out stars at the opponents, like the Ice Climbers's B move
B-side: Baton Pass - Plusle throws Minun, like Pikachu's Skull Bash, and Rosalina's Luma push or toss, and then they can fight separately acting like two fighters controlled as one. Press it again to bring Minun back.
B-down: Thunder - Imagine the riots you can create with this haha
B-up: Helping Hand/Volt Switch - Kinda like Ice Climber's belay, Plusle can shot up to the ledge and use an electric current to pull up Minun, causing damage

The A attacks could work like Pikachu's, with the down A being them chasing each other being the most adorable.

Well, that's what I would think could happen haha. Little long winded, but yeah.
bacon said:
Uh... am I the only guy here who thinks Sceptile would be... completely awful? I get that it completes a starter trio, but it doesn't have much personality and is hardly a gen 3 poster boy.
Couldn't the same be said for Greninja? It too is lacking in personality and hardly a Gen 6 poster boy (does Gen 6 even have a poster boy?).

bacon said:
If we were to have an extra Pokemon, I would much prefer something oddball. Hell, a Plusle and Minun pair like the Ice Climbers would be way more interesting.
People still care for Plusle and Minun? I mean, they seem to exist solely to be the poster children of double battles, and we're way past the debut of double battles. Ironically they're terrible in doubles... terrible in singles too actually...

Personally, if I were to go with an oddball character, I'd pick Marill... represents Gen 2, the new Fairy-types, and as the unevolved form of a now standard-tier competitor, 'Pikablu' would be easily recognizable. Just fuse Squirtle (who seems likely not to be returning) and Jigglypuff (who I'd be way too happy if it didn't return); I imagine it could look something like this:
B: Roll Out - Like Jiggly's.
B-side: Ice Punch - Like Jiggly's useless Pound, but with a very useful freezing effect.
B-down: Water Gun - Like Squirtle's/Mario's F.L.U.D.D. attacks.
B-up: Waterfall - Like Squirtle's.
Final Smash: Surf - Summons a giant wave, covering the stage in water. Opponents must dodge various water-type Pokemon swimming across the stage, until the water subsided.

xxashxx said:
They could make Venuaur a playable character since he has been a PokeBall Pokemon only. Wait does this mean that we could see all first gen starters as playable characters? The reason I am thinking this is because Charizard used to be Pokeball only and same for Venusaur and Blastoise. We could see the other 2 Pokemon as playable characters as well. XD.:)
There's... not a a lot of logic in your statement friend. Why would they make Blastoise and Venusaur playable simply because they, like Charizard, were Pokeball Pokemon? And considering they added Greninja, adding another Water-type starter would be completely redundant, wouldn't it?

TyrannosaurusRik said:
I doubt they are going to add another Pokémon character in the game because that would be over-saturation of the series.
There are five playable Mario characters in Smash 4, and six playable Pokemon in Brawl... you can pretty much count on there being more than the four Pokemon that are currently confirmed.
I'm sorry. This is just so fitting.
J.D. said:
bacon said:
Uh... am I the only guy here who thinks Sceptile would be... completely awful? I get that it completes a starter trio, but it doesn't have much personality and is hardly a gen 3 poster boy.
Couldn't the same be said for Greninja? It too is lacking in personality and hardly a Gen 6 poster boy (does Gen 6 even have a poster boy?).

bacon said:
If we were to have an extra Pokemon, I would much prefer something oddball. Hell, a Plusle and Minun pair like the Ice Climbers would be way more interesting.
People still care for Plusle and Minun? I mean, they seem to exist solely to be the poster children of double battles, and we're way past the debut of double battles. Ironically they're terrible in doubles... terrible in singles too actually...

Personally, if I were to go with an oddball character, I'd pick Marill... represents Gen 2, the new Fairy-types, and as the unevolved form of a now standard-tier competitor, 'Pikablu' would be easily recognizable. Just fuse Squirtle (who seems likely not to be returning) and Jigglypuff (who I'd be way too happy if it didn't return); I imagine it could look something like this:
B: Roll Out - Like Jiggly's.
B-side: Ice Punch - Like Jiggly's useless Pound, but with a very useful freezing effect.
B-down: Water Gun - Like Squirtle's/Mario's F.L.U.D.D. attacks.
B-up: Waterfall - Like Squirtle's.
Final Smash: Surf - Summons a giant wave, covering the stage in water. Opponents must dodge various water-type Pokemon swimming across the stage, until the water subsided.

xxashxx said:
They could make Venuaur a playable character since he has been a PokeBall Pokemon only. Wait does this mean that we could see all first gen starters as playable characters? The reason I am thinking this is because Charizard used to be Pokeball only and same for Venusaur and Blastoise. We could see the other 2 Pokemon as playable characters as well. XD.:)
There's... not a a lot of logic in your statement friend. Why would they make Blastoise and Venusaur playable simply because they, like Charizard, were Pokeball Pokemon? And considering they added Greninja, adding another Water-type starter would be completely redundant, wouldn't it?

TyrannosaurusRik said:
I doubt they are going to add another Pokémon character in the game because that would be over-saturation of the series.
There are five playable Mario characters in Smash 4, and six playable Pokemon in Brawl... you can pretty much count on there being more than the four Pokemon that are currently confirmed.

For your first point, that's right. I don't like Greninja being in, as he is not a huge part of Pokémon. The poster boy for gen 6, really, was Mewtwo-Mega-Y, and Sylveon was the poster boy for the Fairy-Type. Eevee is a Pokéball though, and I think he might evolve into a random eeveelution upon being sent out (or stay as Eevee and tackle a bit) so that's some kind of representation for it. I feel like Greninja was only picked because he's pretty popular, but that's only on the competitive scene tbh.

I don't think it was that he cared for Plusle and Minun, he was saying that it would be better than Greninja lol. I mean, Greninja is basically Sheik mixed with Meta Knight....Plusle and Minun would be really interesting. That reminds me actually, when I was much younger I made a moveset for Plusle and Minun (this was like 4/5 years ago) which I may as well find and post here.

A: Slash upwards while facing sideways with ears. 8% for Minun, 6% for Plusle.
AA: Slash back down while facing sideways with ears. 9% for Minun, 6% for Plusle
AAA: Slash up and down repeatedly with ears. 6% Each slash for Minun, 4% each slash for Plusle.
Up tilt and A: Criss-cross ears above them. 16% Short knock-back for Minun, 13% moderate knock-back for Plusle.
Up smash A: Minun jumps on top of Plusle (or vice versa) and jumps up with an electric ball in-between it's ears. 28% moderate knock-back. for Minun, 23% High knock-back for Plusle.
Side tilt A: Simple head-butt. Plusle and Minun both do it on differentiating sides and so it does not matter which way you tilt, as long as it is left or right. 13% per headbutt minimal knockback but enters the characters into the helpless state so has great edge-guarding capabilities. Since this uses both Plusle and Minun doing the same thing, the hit-box and knock-back stays the same for Plusle/ Minun.
Side smash A: Minun shoves Plusle (or vice versa depending on which way you smash the control stick) to the side and deals 26+ (21+ for Plusle) damage to anyone it hits. Plusle and Minun has priority over the attack once they are shoved but becomes helpless once the shove runs out. The player can make the character go anywhere, up, down, even turn around while their pokemon has been launched. The helpless state only lasts for 1.25 seconds, so if the pokemon is up a long way, it's possible to recover if it drops for a long time. Has a major percentage of knock-back (lesser so for Minun) and is to be feared. It also causes the pusher to trip, but will get back up in half a second.
Down tilt A: A simple kick on the ground in both directions. Trips anyone it hits and could be referred to as low kick ( I know he can't learn the pokemon move, just a suggestion.) It also delivers 21% (14% for Plusle) to anyone it hits but deals no knock-back for Minun whatsoever, it deals very small knockback for Plusle. Also, the character can't get up if either Plusle and/or Minun kicks them for 1 whole second.
Down smash A: They both simultaneously jump, then launch themselves off of each-others feet(?) at a slightly more horizontal angle of mario's fireball, so it's clearly more effective after being charged up and launched in the air. High knock-back capabilities (Guaranteed KO for any character above 45% if Plusle hits anyone) coupled with a 42% (34% for Plusle) possible hit-box makes this a move to watch very carefully for. Since it is a glass cannon move, it would be difficult to pull off. Also since Plusle is obviously the more dangerous user of this move, it is fired in the direction the character tilts the control stick after you begin charging the attack, with Minun being fired on the other side.

Neutral special: Fake tears. A brilliant move if you've been building up HP for the opponent, and need to finish it quickly. It also requires no charging. Plusle and Minun make no warning, and then suddenly shoots tears out of there eyes. You can control where the tears go for 6 seconds, but if an opponent starts coming towards you, then you can go straight into another move (minus that moves starting lag.) It deals 3% damage for each tear, but tears launch themselves in two's since there are two eyes, so unless he manages to roll to the side, it's 6% damage rapidly firing at him over and over again. It fires them upwards and is the meaning of a vertical finisher; It fires them straight up and has star KO's a plenty. Let me give you a taste of how strong it is. On Bridge of Eldin (It's the lowest stage of any stage) you can star KO opponents at 112% - that's if a horizontal finisher doesn't get him first.
Side special: Thunder wave. Does what it says, really. It creates a wave of thunder on both sides of Plusle and Minun and traps any characters it hits as it travels off-stage, it lasts for about 3 seconds, so if it hits anyone recovering, it can easily trap them and carry them beyond the blast-line.
Down-special: Baton pass. Plusle taps Minun (or vice versa) and creates a short shockwave launching for 0.45 seconds on the backs of both the characters. This enables the player to switch between plusle and minun freely with minimal(ish) lag (1.2 seconds) and can then control the other character. While switching, it leaves the pair completely vulnerable from the above, so the players have to time the switch pretty well.
Up B: Electro-ball. For this attack I wanted to make a reference to the fact that they're called: 'the cheer-leading pokemon' so naturally it would involve some cuteness. Plusle and Minun combine their electricity to create a giant ball of electricity and they jump on top of it, they can control it for a short amount of time to get back on stage. They do this while chanting their respective names and both wave pom-poms. it also meteor smashes any opponents that come into contact with the ball. 33% Very strong meteor smash.
Final Smash:
Charge beam. Both Plusle and Minun Go to the top of the screen, much like Lucario now, and they both use charge beam. I looks much like aura storm, but there are two of the beams (controlled symmetrically) and the beams are a little bit smaller. It also includes some things surrounding discharge to it, since random shocks of thunder come out of the beams if you press A during the smash.

Taunt 1: They both: twirl, hi5, sleep and awaken in 2 -- 3 seconds.
Taunt 2: Plusle and Minun seperate, then launch a ball of electricity in-between eacother to create a bigger ball in the middle of them.
Taunt 3: Plusle and Minun wrap one arm around the others neck, take out pompoms, wink, spin around and then put the pom poms away.

^ That's actually from a thread I made on smashboards forever ago . (Since the hoenn remakes got confirmed the OP was given to someone else) but it shows that Plusle and Minun actually have quite a bit of support now! I would still love it, though it isn't very likely. Likelier thanks to Hoenn Confirmed though :p

Marril isn't a bad idea, actually. Jigglypuff should 100% come back, but if for whatever reason he didn't, Marril would be pretty good. I would choose Plusle and Minun, Pachirisu and Pichu before it though :p.

I 100% agree with your last 2 points though! ;)

Honestly I just posted to HYPE PLUSLE AND MINUN YAY



I guess this is totally opinionated. I haven't looked at fan favourite stats for gen 3 and 6 or anything. Still, I feel pretty justified in saying that Greninja is the more interesting of the two. It's a goddamn ninja frog with a tongue scarf man! Sceptile is a sassy tumour lizard.

About poster boys, Blaziken was always the representative of gen 3 IMO. He seemed to get the most attention in both TCG and VG. Despite Charizard, I would expect Blaziken over Sceptile if I had to pick. I might EVEN put money on freaking Mudkip over Sceptile. I actually don't know if gen 6 even has a poster boy what with megas stealing the show.

Mainly highlighted Plusle and Minun because I think it would be cooler than JustAnotherStarter.
A red Greninja was revealed in today's screenshot! Where's it's awesome shiny palette?
I'm guessing that the red one is the second player...
We'll probably get it. That one's just the red team palette.

What happened to the Miiverse link? I enjoyed reading the comments Sakurai would make about each picture.

So yeah, Ike's back and I for one am very upset and worried that we won't be seeing Chrom. Plus I never really liked Ike in Smash or Fire Emblem in the first place.
Momaster12 said:

So yeah, Ike's back and I for one am very upset and worried that we won't be seeing Chrom. Plus I never really liked Ike in Smash or Fire Emblem in the first place.
I'm not really a fan of Ike in the games either, but to claim Chrom was somehow better seems silly. Chrom was just as generic a FE hero as Ike, except with more royalty and destiny tropes added for good measure.

And adding Chrom would mean adding another blue-haired prince wielding a sword named Falchion. If they add an Awakening character, Robin (my unit) seems like a more logical choice: gender balance, a unique combination of sword-fighting and magic, and most importantly not almost exactly like Marth. Chrom could still be in, of course, but I feel that would mean wasting resources on a character which will share his niche with at least 1 other character, a niche which could be filled by characters like Shulk or any of the other sword fighters in unrepresented Nintendo games.

Also, I'm glad they decided to use RD Ike. PoR Ike always seemed far too weak compared to how powerful his moves were.
I'm of mixed feelings regarding Ike's return. I did love playing him in Smash, even if he wasn't the best character (read: slow as hell), so that's nice. It does make it less likely for Chrom to show up as a character, since I could see Chrom taking Ike's place, but I could still see them pulling off Lucina if they wanted to include her instead; she would likely be a nimbler, faster character rather than being similar to Ike.
We have eleven Brawl characters who haven't been included. Do you guys think there will be any cuts this time around?

SSB had 12
Melee had 25
Brawl had 35

Assuming we get no more newcomers and they don't cut anyone besides Squirtle and Ivysaur, that'll make 41. Kind of an awkward number, but whatevs.

Also, do you think any of the secret characters will be newcomers?
I think each of the newcomers have been great picks, so for the most part I'd be satisfied with no more newcomers; if we were to get a few more, though, I'd be thrilled. I don't want to get my hopes up, of course, but I don't think a few more newcomers is out of the question...

In fact, I think it's pretty likely that there will be at least a couple that are meant to be a surprise. Prior to Brawl's release, Wolf, R.O.B., and Toon Link were unrevealed, unlockable newcomers. I believe Lucario might've been revealed before release, but unofficially (through a leaked screenshot or something), so you could group him with those three as well. Going by PMJ's numbers (no more newcomers + only Ivysaur and Squirtle cut), I could see there potentially being four unrevealed newcomers to bring the number up to 45.

In regards to your last question PMJ, some of the revealed newcomers are bound to be unlockables. I'm sure Mega Man will be, like Sonic and Snake in Brawl. The third-party characters are a different ball game, which is why they're announced early despite being unlockable.

Then again, I'm no Smash Bros expert so take everything I have to say with a grain of salt!
I feel like Snake would've been announced already if he were coming back, but other than him I think the other veterans have a decent chance of returning. Mewtwo as well seems to be quite popular (and with good reason), so I'd estimate its odds of getting back in to be quite high as well, so that still brings us to 41.

R.O.B., Lucario, Tink and Wolf were all hidden newcomers (and Sonic and Snake were technically unlockable newcomers as well, though they aren't hidden on the Smash Dojo), and Melee had quite a bit more unlockable newcomers, so I think it's not unreasonable to expect a few unannounced newcomers. These will probably be either gimmicky (e.g. R.O.B., G&W) or secondary characters from an already represented franchise. We're already pretty certain Palutena is in (the leak, the Sakurai trolling and her being removed from Pit's Final Smash all paint a pretty clear picture) and the odds of a FE Awakening character being in are pretty high as well (though it's a toss-up between Chrom, Lucina and Robin). I'm also of the opinion that Bandana Dee has a pretty decent shot (he has quite a unique spear-based fighting style, is now officially the 4th main Kirby character and Waddle Dees have been removed from Dedede's forward-B). People also seem to think Isaac will be in because he hasn't been shown to be an Assist Trophy yet, and because we only saw a shadow Ridley is still a crowd favourite. Also, Shulk.

That brings us to around 45 characters, which I think is fair.

Also, my crazy prediction for E3 is the reveal of Pac-Man. The game is being co-created by Namco, Pac-Man is probably the 2nd most famous video game character and truly E3 would be the only place to announce his inclusion. They couldn't announce him last year because they already had all the Megaman they needed to create hype. I mean, they're going to have to announce someone, and I don't see Shulk or Palutena creating anywhere near enough hype or publicity. But Pac-Man, that'd be on the front page of every magazine, website and blog. Also, he totally has a moveset.
PG24 said:
Robin from Fire Emblem Awakening - I know people want Chrom, Lucina, or even Ike to return, but I'd rather have a FE character added that's not all about swords and more swords. Robin would be great, as (s)he can use tomes for ranged attacks, then use his/her sword for close quarters combat.

Man, I really wanted a Fire Emblem character that exclusively uses swords and nothing but. Thanks Sakurai! :^)
Heavenly Spoon said:
Also, my crazy prediction for E3 is the reveal of Pac-Man. The game is being co-created by Namco, Pac-Man is probably the 2nd most famous video game character and truly E3 would be the only place to announce his inclusion. They couldn't announce him last year because they already had all the Megaman they needed to create hype. I mean, they're going to have to announce someone, and I don't see Shulk or Palutena creating anywhere near enough hype or publicity. But Pac-Man, that'd be on the front page of every magazine, website and blog. Also, he totally has a moveset.

Agreed completely. If there's another third-party newcomer, it's Pac-Man. Including the character could also fill the "history/throwback newcomer" slot, as G&W and R.O.B. have in the past (albeit not necessarily Nintendo history this time).