swine flu

Fridge said:
I have to agree with spoon abotu the media comment, Every type of media is biased in some way, nearly everything is exaggerated, and most of it is just 'news' rather than 'truth'.

So we shouldnt worry about people dyeing, Innocent Adults and children dieing? Also if the news didnt broadcast this information you dont think there would be serious querries about why the media never told us about this when it is to late.

They are teeling us so we can be aware, at least I know about it and god forbid anything happens but at least we all know what it is.

So they are trying to help not all media is bad it is only the media that are part of hollywood those are the people who exxagurate everything :)
What exactly is Swine Flu? I know it's an illnes, but why is it so important?
@ the person that said 150+ people have it in NY, only 28 cases were confirmed.

@ Fridge: Stop freaking out and exaggerating everything.

I'm pretty sure the majority of the people posting here are just kids who don't have any clue what's really going on and are making things up like kids like to do. If you don't fall into that category, post the website you got your information from as your source. Otherwise, I call BS.

I've been following this thing and it's really just another bird flu type deal. It went from 20 to 40 cases overnight though, if it keeps doubling day by day there might be something to worry about.
You know how you can tell when it's just to get people too buy more meds and cause fear like Spoon said or maybe to just be obnoxious? If you feel sick after reading the news or this thread. Like seriously did you feel sick 10 minutes ago?

Card Slinger J said:
I'm worried about this as well, hopefully it won't become as bad as we think it might become. The Obama Administration should be working on this issue as well...

Quote time: "cause for concern not alarm"

Nobody has died from this. There is also no distinction between this swine flu and the regluar flu that happens every year. Odds are most people have it if they have a runny nose. :]

dmaster out.
@ Maelstrom

Yeah, but over 150 students went sick in one school.
Not extreme cases, but still.
Maelstrom said:
@ the person that said 150+ people have it in NY, only 28 cases were confirmed.

@ Fridge: Stop freaking out and exaggerating everything.

I'm pretty sure the majority of the people posting here are just kids who don't have any clue what's really going on and are making things up like kids like to do. If you don't fall into that category, post the website you got your information from as your source. Otherwise, I call BS.

I've been following this thing and it's really just another bird flu type deal. It went from 20 to 40 cases overnight though, if it keeps doubling day by day there might be something to worry about.

I am not one of those people you described, nor do I find it necessary to call people "kids who don't have any clue what's going on..." I have a source here.


The article states there have been 6 confirmed cases of swine flu in Canada. A lot has been going around about this today. Here's a quote from the article to proove just how seriously Canada is taking it.

In P.E.I., the province's chief health officer Dr. Heather Morrison said Monday eight people who recently returned from Mexico are being tested for human swine flu and have been asked to isolate themselves.

They're testing people who have visited Mexico recently. Now, PEI is small, but that's still a huge undertaking! I have started to take Echinasia (or however you spell it) to help boost my immune system. Looks like the next few days/weeks are going to be interesting...

There is something similar going on here, it is called Dengue, it has a lot of cases, and it doesn't presumabbly kill. Still it is serious 'cause of the pain.
d master342 said:
Card Slinger J said:
I'm worried about this as well, hopefully it won't become as bad as we think it might become. The Obama Administration should be working on this issue as well...

Quote time: "cause for concern not alarm"

Nobody has died from this.There is also no distinction between this swine flu and the regluar flu that happens every year. Odds are most people have it if they have a runny nose. :]

dmaster out.

Over 140 people have died in Mexico. :/

Maelstrom said:
@ the person that said 150+ people have it in NY, only 28 cases were confirmed.

@ Fridge: Stop freaking out and exaggerating everything.

I'm pretty sure the majority of the people posting here are just kids who don't have any clue what's really going on and are making things up like kids like to do. If you don't fall into that category, post the website you got your information from as your source. Otherwise, I call BS.

I've been following this thing and it's really just another bird flu type deal. It went from 20 to 40 cases overnight though, if it keeps doubling day by day there might be something to worry about.

1. Really an understament, if I remember correclty, and anyone feel free to correct me, the bird flu was bird to human right? The reason they say it could be a problem is that it's human to human so it spreads quicker and is in other countries everywhere all ready.

2.It didn't double cause of spreading, they just checked the kids who went on a trip to Mexico and came back in New York and more tested positive on Swine Flu.

It is very serious but don't worry about it too much. Try to stay positive and just be careful!
I didn't mean to anger anyone, I just don't think it's a wise thing for uninformed people to make generalizations about what's going on here. It spreads paranoia and fear and causes people to panic for no apparent reason.
Maelstrom said:
I didn't mean to anger anyone, I just don't think it's a wise thing for uninformed people to make generalizations about what's going on here. It spreads paranoia and fear and causes people to panic for no apparent reason.

I guess there's always going to be someone who disagrees or gets angry/offended by any given post.

Now, regarding this swine flu, whether it's deadly or not, I certainly don't want it. Diabetes is enough to deal with.
CrazyAipom said:
d master342 said:
Card Slinger J said:
I'm worried about this as well, hopefully it won't become as bad as we think it might become. The Obama Administration should be working on this issue as well...

Quote time: "cause for concern not alarm"

Nobody has died from this.There is also no distinction between this swine flu and the regluar flu that happens every year. Odds are most people have it if they have a runny nose. :]

dmaster out.

Over 140 people have died in Mexico. :/

My bad. I was referring to the U.S. Don't really care about Mexico..:F

dmaster out.
Aight, since I live in San Diego very near the border of Mexico. In class today, We had to learn about the Swine Flu for Science.

Spreading in San Diego, Europe, and could be World Wide. I even think I have it but just not noticing it, VERY SCARY. Signs are Fevers, chills, diarrhea, or other sickness. If anybody has it, they should test for the disease and if you have it, you MUST take an antiflu shot in 48 hours after sickness or the anti-flu shot would not work. So now, some people in San Diego or actually most are wearing the masks you wear in Hospitals.

Now Asia is preparing for it because it is most likely to spread there since it went all the way from Mexico to Europe. Pigs infecting people just makes me mad.