swine flu

ElementalChomp9999 said:
Aight, since I live in San Diego very near the border of Mexico. In class today, We had to learn about the Swine Flu for Science.

Spreading in San Diego, Europe, and could be World Wide. I even think I have it but just not noticing it, VERY SCARY. Signs are Fevers, chills, diarrhea, or other sickness. If anybody has it, they should test for the disease and if you have it, you MUST take an antiflu shot in 48 hours after sickness or the anti-flu shot would not work. So now, some people in San Diego or actually most are wearing the masks you wear in Hospitals.

Now Asia is preparing for it because it is most likely to spread there since it went all the way from Mexico to Europe. Pigs infecting people just makes me mad.

It's not spreading(not yet), the numbers double cause they were able to confirm more people with it, like I sadi before with New York.

d master342 said:
CrazyAipom said:
d master342 said:
Card Slinger J said:
I'm worried about this as well, hopefully it won't become as bad as we think it might become. The Obama Administration should be working on this issue as well...

Quote time: "cause for concern not alarm"

Nobody has died from this.There is also no distinction between this swine flu and the regluar flu that happens every year. Odds are most people have it if they have a runny nose. :]

dmaster out.

Over 140 people have died in Mexico. :/

My bad. I was referring to the U.S. Don't really care about Mexico..:F

dmaster out.

People like you are horrible. Peoples friends and family are dying. Anyways you should care cause:


2.People ARE DYING!

Also, you shouldn't be posting commets like that since it gives, I don't know, since peole can get angry(including me) since they can think it means something else as well.

But again people, don't worry, just take everyday measures(washing hands, avoiding sick people) and stay home if you feel sick or check with your doctor.

As for the U.S, like they have been saying, "the outbreak was reason for concern, but not yet a cause for alarm. "
Mexico hurts us more than helps us. Drug Cartels are a huge issue still. I don't care about the disease there is all I'm saying. It originated THERE not here after all.

dmaster out.
I won't be silenced. This is my opinion. Everybody has one here.

dmaster out.
Yes and yours is reallyless and dumb and I have my own opinion so I can disagree.

Also, I see you live in Arizona(as do I), and sincethe virus is VERY NEAR US(or did you forget we were so close to Mexico?), you should care.
d master342 said:
Mexico hurts us more than helps us. Drug Cartels are a huge issue still. I don't care about the disease there is all I'm saying. It originated THERE not here after all.

dmaster out.

It's most likely our fault for the industrialization of farming. Just like all the chemicals harming us from China are our fault for throwing them there.

We keep all these animals in tight small areas and force feed them loads of antibiotics. The diseases and all that which survive this treatment are thus the strongest of the rest and spread easily in the close quarters environment of the farm. Thus, we have created PERFECT brooding grounds for diseases to evolve and build up until they can infect humans. Thus we develope things like bird flu and swine flu.

It's so fun!
That really isn't the cause. First off Swine flu is a flu that used to only effect pigs. From my understanding it mutated to a point that it could infect humans, not industrialization side effects.

Note: I think 12 people have died from this, and it's supposed to have a 10% mortality rate I think.
Mew the source of all said:
That really isn't the cause. First off Swine flu is a flu that used to only effect pigs. From my understanding it mutated to a point that it could infect humans, not industrialization side effects.

Note: I think 12 people have died from this, and it's supposed to have a 10% mortality rate I think.

I don't think you understand the part about things like the flu being able to evolve because of all the antibiotics. :B

The strongest survive, the strongest make more, new antibiotics are made to counter them, some survive, they make more, etc. It is a sped up evolution process with perfect conditions.

ON TOP OF THAT, we eat the meat with the now ineffective antibiotics.
Mew the source of all said:
That really isn't the cause. First off Swine flu is a flu that used to only effect pigs. From my understanding it mutated to a point that it could infect humans, not industrialization side effects.

Note: I think 12 people have died from this, and it's supposed to have a 10% mortality rate I think.

Is no one couting the hundreds of deaths in Mexico!!!
People should just be careful now. I'm sure most of you remember bird flu from about three years ago. That was several times more deadly and by being careful, it never escalated to a point where it was spread worldwide.
Mimebread said:
According to Fox, the virus is a mixture of pig, bird, and human viruses.

This is not true. The virus is a mutated form of the virus H1N1 which normally infects pigs.
However it has mutated into an infectious virus which has not yet killed anyone outside of the Mexico. In Scotland (I live in England) two people have been confirmed to have it but they are getting better. I repeat, they are getting better!

Mew the source of all: No-one has died outside of Mexico yet!
Garchomp said:
Mimebread said:
According to Fox, the virus is a mixture of pig, bird, and human viruses.

This is not true. The virus is a mutated form of the virus H1N1 which normally infects pigs.
However it has mutated into an infectious virus which has not yet killed anyone outside of the Mexico. In Scotland (I live in England) two people have been confirmed to have it but they are getting better. I repeat, they are getting better!

Mew the source of all: No-one has died outside of Mexico yet!
A lot of the problem is how poor their treatment is. They don't really have the care most countries do.
Kevin Garrett said:
People should just be careful now. I'm sure most of you remember bird flu from about three years ago. That was several times more deadly and by being careful, it never escalated to a point where it was spread worldwide.

That was different. Bird flu could nto be spread from Human to human, it could only be passed on by an animal. THere was no real danger, unless you were constantly in ocntact with a diseased animal. of course, this wasn't dicovered until later, but they have proof htat swine flu can go from one person to another.
d master342 said:
Mexico hurts us more than helps us. Drug Cartels are a huge issue still. I don't care about the disease there is all I'm saying. It originated THERE not here after all.

I cant even begin to say what a silly comment this is.... Of course Mexico does not help the US, its a developing country, it does not have the resources or infrastructure that the US does. I don't see how anyone can be so caviler about people dying, especially when there is a real risk of an epidemic in your own country. Show some compassion.

Medaforcer said:
I don't think you understand the part about things like the flu being able to evolve because of all the antibiotics.

Not to be picky but antibiotics only work on bacterial infections, not viruses. Just so you know antibiotics wont help if you get the flu, you need anti-viral drugs.

Seriously I really think everyone should just stay calm and not over-react. The flu comes and goes every year, this one just seems a little tougher than normal.
DMaster, that was a disgusting comment and only shows you as an ignorant slefish *insert bad word here*. Don't say something as stupid as that if you want to make a good impression.
d master342 said:
Mexico hurts us more than helps us. Drug Cartels are a huge issue still. I don't care about the disease there is all I'm saying. It originated THERE not here after all.

dmaster out.


150 deaths is not going to effect any drug dealing like you seem to hope it will. Most of the people infected are probably just like me or you(except maybe they're a little a little less heartless towards Mexicans). All 150 deaths mean many sad families and tossed-around lives.

150 deaths in any country is terrible. Why does it suddenly become a good thing when it's Mexico. (At least "not care")

Honestly d-master, you have a right to your opinion, as you said, and I have a right to my opinion on your opinion and in my opinion your opinion is no more than heartless.

My thoughts on Swine flu? we might not all die, it might not spread too far, but 150 deaths is no less than tragic. Sure, Cancer may have claimed more lives, same with the normal flu and a million other diseases, but most of them didn't do it over night.
36,000 people die a year in the U.S from regular flu, so far this hasn't gotten too bad...and hopefully it doesn't!

While no one likes death, it could be far worse. Still, follow some of the tips in my signature ( fun, yet informative! =] )...four of them actually are from the CDC and not just part of the Swinub/Piloswine joke...you never can be too safe.

As silly as it sounds, hand washing is one of the biggest precautions you can take to prevent the spread of diseases.
Seriously I really think everyone should just stay calm and not over-react. The flu comes and goes every year, this one just seems a little tougher than normal.
Antiviral drugs can build stronger viruses as well.
1ste the swinub and piloswine joke isn't that funny.
and second in belgium there are 6 cases we're it COULD be but they say that it's safe here a lot of country's already ahve ben affected (spain UK ect.) it's mostely the people that went to mexico the last past weeks in europe btw they say that canada is affected to there are 7 people in canada i have heard and 20 in USA