swine flu


Aspiring Trainer
recent news says that swine flu, killing approximately 70 people in mexico city could spread all over the world!!! (pandemic) texas, california, and kansas (i believe) have already had problems with this. I am worried about this "pandemic" swine flu... is any one else worried about it or am i just a worry wart?????
So, it hasn't spread. People should still be more careful. The swine flu could become a pandemic. Right now, a lot of people are safe, and should stay that way.
All I'm saying is that it's not a pandemic...yet.

dmaster out.
its not pandemic yet but it has the potential to... and people have been affected in texas ( 6 people) and california (2 people) and i THINK i heard something about kansas but i don't know about kansas yet
Hmm, those are some complacent attitudes.

We'll see how it goes, though, but I think most can agree that this does have the potential to be a pandemic.
I do live in Mexico City and here is what is happening here:
I think it is getting worse according to the news here in Mexico City,school has been suspended for like 10 days according to the Internet there have been around 81 deaths due to the flu and the number of people on the street had decreased a lot due to the fear of the virus.
At least I would like to say that people that have family here should tell them to take the safety measures and try to get outside only if necessary.
I really don't think there is much to worry about. These sort of viruses mutate all the time, creating new species which are able to affect susceptible people before they can be identified and contained.

On the other had WHO ( World Health Organization) has this to say:
What about the pandemic risk?
It is likely that most of people, especially those who do not have regular contact with pigs, do not have immunity to swine influenza viruses that can prevent the virus infection. If a swine virus established efficient human-to human transmission, it can cause an influenza pandemic. The impact of a pandemic caused by such a virus is difficult to predict: it depends on virulence of the virus, existing immunity among people, cross protection by antibodies acquired from seasonal influenza infection and host
factors. Swine influenza viruses can give a rise to a hybrid virus by mixing with a human influenza virus and can cause pandemic.

To all you non-medical scientist this basically means that until we know how virulent (how easily it causes clinical symptoms) and how effctivly our natural immunity can combat it, its impossible to say how serious the virus will become., but I would stay positive ;)
I'm worried about this as well, hopefully it won't become as bad as we think it might become. The Obama Administration should be working on this issue as well...

I remember when people used to freak out about the Bird Flu (Avian Flu) a few years ago and people were worried that it might have become a global pandemic but it never did.

Hopefully this Swine Flu strain won't mutate, scientists and medical doctors around the globe should already be on high alert about this situation.
I have heard of it, but I live in the UK so it won't affect me. I saw on Fox News people have to wear face masks to get rid of it.
I'm calling another Bird Flu on this. It's not going to be a big deal.

Ironically enough, I was just playing Pandemic II today for the first time and trying to destroy the human population!
It is officially a pandemic now, apparantly :s. Scientists are pretty sure it's spreading throughout america, so it will be in Europe soon then . Guess all we can do is hang tight and wait for the cure to come along.

RaichuPika, I live in UK too, but don't think that means we are safe. If its continues to spread throughout america, it will only be a short tiome before it reaches the rest of the world... They were worried the toher day that a Brittish Airways Stuwardess has got it - luckily she was OK in the end, but see how quickly these things can spread? Saying I'm safe so I dont' care is a bad attitude, for two reasons:

A) Our fellow humans in America are dying.

B) No-one is ever safe.

As I said, all we can do is wait. Mexicans, avoid kissing your girlfreinds until we can secure the situation D:
I recently saw on the news that even though some people in America have it (I live in the U.K.) they are not to badly affected by it as Health Care is pretty good and as far as I know people in the US have not died yet though I could be mistaken.
Maybe we could all stop freaking out and continue our boring daily lives? Mexico city has, what, 8,836,045 inhabitants? 80 died? OMG IT'S THE END OF THE WORLD.

Sometimes I think humans are addicted to fear, using everything from terrorism to worms in pets' faecal matters just to cultivate and justify this fear. Sure, this is a rather big deal, and the people who know what has to be done should do something, but this doesn't mean we have to freak out and lock ourselves in our anti-alien bunkers...

If you're afraid of this, be afraid of walking around, anywhere, the chances of someone randomly shooting you in the face are way bigger than getting killed by swine flu...
Considering that I doubt 80 people died in Mexico from the exact same thing in such a short space of time, I think they have every right to freak out. Even if I don't really care
raichupika33 said:
I have heard of it, but I live in the UK so it won't affect me. I saw on Fox News people have to wear face masks to get rid of it.

There are reports of it showing up in places like France. So, it seems to be coming north. I hope it doesn't make it's way up to Canada.