TCG Discussion - Please Read Before Posting in this Forum!

RE: TCG Discussion

Hey guys, I have a question about the Pokémon TCG Online game, and I thought that this thread is probably the best place to ask it. How do you open the packs that you purchase with your Booster Credits? I have been redeeming the codes, then spending the Booster Credits on packs. I have been going to Online Play, then clicking the "collection" button. However; nothing ever loads, it just stays on the loading screen. I figured that it was just my internet connection, but then I tried it at a friend's house, and it still didn't work. Am I doing something wrong or is the site down? Thanks in advance.
RE: TCG Discussion

Prime Challenge Boxes:

Has anyone actually seen these in a brick and mortar store or only online? I was hoping to just pick one up local (I usually buy my non-online purchases at stores like Meijer and Target, since I don't have any local card shops to support), but I haven't seen them anywhere, even though they've been for sale online for a while now.
RE: TCG Discussion

^ I saw one at cities on friday. I didn't buy it, but I saw a few. It was at a cards shop btw
RE: TCG Discussion

Yeah, I don't have any card shops around, but I was thinking they'd pop up at the big box retailers. Thanks, though.
RE: TCG Discussion

I really wish they would put some more card shops in Florida, the closest one I know of that sells Pokemon cards is 80 miles away! :( (and I STILL have not seen any Prime Challange Boxs around me) The vendors are so lazy around my area... They were more than a month late with the Clash of Legends boxs....
RE: TCG Discussion

the aura is with me8 said:
They were more than a month late with the Clash of Legends boxs....
We didn't even get them.
I wasn't really sure were to post this but I figured, the best place is here so, where is the best place to buy cards online apart from eBay?
RE: TCG Discussion

Hazz said:
We didn't even get them.
I wasn't really sure were to post this but I figured, the best place is here so, where is the best place to buy cards online apart from eBay?

If your looking for Japanese cards/packs/deckboxes/sleeves,

Hope I helped :)
RE: TCG Discussion

No, because Conkelldurr is a stage 2 that takes 4 energy and requires flips for discarding.
RE: TCG Discussion

Durant is a loner.

You can use Spiritomb to mess with your opponents hand, or Weavile for Claw Snag.
RE: TCG Discussion

Is durant a good , bad or great deck[

quote='Glaceon' pid='2168863' dateline='1323038981']
Durant is a loner.

You can use Spiritomb to mess with your opponents ha
nd, or Weavile for Claw Snag.
RE: TCG Discussion

Glaceon said:
Durant is a loner.

You can use Spiritomb to mess with your opponents hand, or Weavile for Claw Snag.

^ Tell me how that works for you.

I think Durant is a beautiful deck, it struggles against Reshiram variants, but it beats everything else in the format most the time, pretty badly too, with maybe the exception of google's. I have had a lot of testing against Durant, I'm sure you could take a good list deep into a tournament.
RE: TCG Discussion

Yeah +1 for Durant being a great deck.

I built one couse I had everything I needed for it in my trade folder, have been happy with it ever since.
I run the version with Weavile, and have been using spiritomb and found it useful enough to keep in for now, am yet to start with a lone spiritomb!
RE: TCG Discussion

^That doesn't mean a lone Spiritomb start isn't possible. It will happen at some point; you're just playing the odds (and it's even more risky if you play Rotom). I think a Spiritomb-less Durant is better, although I'm on the fence about Weavile– it has some good and bad points, and relies on some luck to get it out early enough to make a difference.
RE: TCG Discussion

Ah, it seems to me that the Rotom version is better, low chance of scratching, and a lot more room for pesky trainers, such as Lost Remover and Crushing Hammer. Not to mention that like Feraligatr Prime, Weavile will never be good for anything, no matter how much people want it to be.
RE: TCG Discussion

I read a lot of top-cut reports and thought each one was the one I was judging. That's how similar they were.
RE: TCG Discussion

The new Raicou EX is out, with attacks of the following:
[L][C] Thunder Fang: 30 damage. Flip a coin, if heads, the Defending Pokemon is now Paralyzed.
[L][[L][C] Voltage Arrow: Discard all Lightning Energy from this Pokemon. This attack does 100 damage to one of your opponent's Pokemon. (Don't apply Weakness and Resistance when damaging the Bench.)
Do you think this could work in a crazy Dodrio/Eletrick/Raikou EX deck?
RE: TCG Discussion

^I dunno. It's horribly Catcher-prone, relies on setup, and gives 2 prizes when the main attacker is KO'd. Plus, it's doing 100 damage max per turn, and while that can be bench damage, once Dodrio start to be Catcher+KO'd, it gets hard to pull the combo off. It'd be nice to see something like that work, but I'm just not sure.
RE: TCG Discussion

No Dodrio, the Raikou has only 1 retreat, so you might as well use Skyarrow Bridge. Sure, its not searchable like Doduo ad Dodrio, but its 1 card instead of 2 that you need and its much harder to get rid of. It can also get you out of bad starts like a Tynamo start (if you use the 40 hp 1 retreat Tynamo, which you should because Chandelure and Kyurem all hit 30 damage).