TCG Discussion - Please Read Before Posting in this Forum!

RE: TCG Discussion

I ran lucky flips with Blitzle's Agility for a bit, and built up a small bench.

Escavalier can stand against Accelgor with Sp Steel on it and it's defensive attack. Also, N worked great as I'm always behind in prizes.

I tried milling a little with Durants but, they get stuck out there and get KO. Also, he used Crushing Hammer against Durant. bah!

After losing two "best of three" matches, :headbang I decided to buy the other theme deck and them combine the two to create a descent {M}{G} deck.
Can't wait to try it tmrw at league! :)
RE: TCG Discussion

Hew fellow Pokebeach guys, quick question:

As a TCG collector, I've never played the game - sans the GBA game way back when. I love collecting the cards; nothing makes me happier than picking up a pack/gift set, or my girlfriend coming home and giving me a booster pack. (The looks I've gotten for buying condoms and Pokemon cards, or Pokemon cards and a 6pack have been anywhere from utter shock, to a hearty lol)

Why is Kyurem $20 friggin' dollars on trollandtoad? I use that site and go by it as being the cheapest site on the web to buy cards. Is it a big competitive card? I usually picked up on why Emboar, Gardevoir, Kingdra, etc, were expensive but for the life of me, I don't get why Kyurem. Care to explain competitors?

Thanks :p
RE: TCG Discussion

Johnnieboilulz said:
Why is Kyurem $20 friggin' dollars on trollandtoad? I use that site and go by it as being the cheapest site on the web to buy cards. Is it a big competitive card? I usually picked up on why Emboar, Gardevoir, Kingdra, etc, were expensive but for the life of me, I don't get why Kyurem. Care to explain competitors?

I'm sure it's just hype.
RE: TCG Discussion

To the best of my (admitted limited) knowledge, there are a few rogue deck ideas being tossed around that use Kyurem, but it's not really a major competitive card. If I had to put a guess on its price, it would probably be more about that it's a Legendary Pokémon, and therefore of more interest to non-competitive players than holos of other random Stage 2s, etc.

Troll & Toad is a pretty good place to buy cards, but it's not always cheapest. For example, it's only $17.99 at Collector's Cache, and $15.75 (though out of stock) at Professor Oak. There's also a $15.99 Buy It Now on Ebay with $.95 shipping (multiple available).

The set is also less than a week old, so there aren't as many single cards available as there will be in time. I can definitely see the price dropping pretty significantly in a month or so.
RE: TCG Discussion

And besides, even if it's less significant than the other dragons, it's Kyurem. It's probably going to get SOME sort of reprint in the future.
RE: TCG Discussion

Pokefan4000 said:
Hype? Since when was Kyurem ever hyped?

Since it could OHKO active Cyndaquils, one shot babies all day, dismantle a Zekrom deck after 3-4 attacks, and drop 180 damage on the opponent's field with one attack for Reuniclus to have a field day with.

Kyurem is big. Maybe people haven't been posting threads about it a lot, but I hear lots of talk about it. Plus, why else would it be so expensive? Because people are buying it.
RE: TCG Discussion

ESP said:
Since it could OHKO active Cyndaquils, one shot babies all day, dismantle a Zekrom deck after 3-4 attacks, and drop 180 damage on the opponent's field with one attack for Reuniclus to have a field day with.

Kyurem is big. Maybe people haven't been posting threads about it a lot, but I hear lots of talk about it. Plus, why else would it be so expensive? Because people are buying it.
Pretty much anything played in this format (at least, have a deck named after them) can do all of those but mess with Reuniclus. So that would make Kyurem's only uses to be a Donphan counter and to mess with Reuniclus.
RE: TCG Discussion

Pokefan4000 said:
Pretty much anything played in this format (at least, have a deck named after them) can do all of those but mess with Reuniclus. So that would make Kyurem's only uses to be a Donphan counter and to mess with Reuniclus.

We already have a good Donphan counter (Tornadus), and Kyurem only does 10 to benched Donphans and 40 to active ones, so I wouldn't call it our Donphan counter.

And I guess I wasn't clear. It one shots active Cyndaquils, and also drops damage on the bench at the same time, which is huge. 4 attacks from a Kyurem is pretty much enough to take out the entire field, which Zekrom and Reshiram can't boast.
RE: TCG Discussion

I think you're not really understanding that Glaciate isn't Kyurem's only attack. It has Outrage, which OHKOs Donphan after Donphan EQs it.
RE: TCG Discussion

I figured the big hype behind it was that Kyurem was the newest legendary/dragon Pokemon. It'll drop in price sooner or later; it's been out for a week and it already dropped from 25 bucks.

I didn't think about it being a Donphan counter - and it's cheaper at Collector's Cache? I never check that site because I always found it more expensive. I didn't think that a card, that counters another one, would be so pricy, but it's just like Yu-Gi-Oh! at times.
RE: TCG Discussion

Johnnieboilulz said:
and it's cheaper at Collector's Cache? I never check that site because I always found it more expensive.

Eh, one of the things I've learned about buying cards in singles is that it's ALWAYS good to look around. You never know what you're going to find. :3
RE: TCG Discussion

What BW, EP or NV theme deck is better?

I need peoples opinion on this so i know what deck i should get my friend for his birthday.
RE: TCG Discussion

mpain0 said:
What BW, EP or NV theme deck is better?

I need peoples opinion on this so i know what deck i should get my friend for his birthday.

I would go with either the Emboar theme deck, the Accelgor theme deck or the Escavalier theme deck; Emboar has Badboar and Cinccino, Accelgor has Accelgor, Leavanny and some useful Items and Supporters, and Escavalier has Durant and Eelectrik.
RE: TCG Discussion

Emboar. Emboar deck gives you a 2-1 CIncinno line, enough Tepig, Pignite, and Badboar to contruct a Reshiboar, and staples like Pokemon Communication and Revive. There's really nothing good competitively in any of the other theme decks except the Durant in Escavalier and since Durant is a common (maybe uncommon, too lazy to check mine) it would be a way better deal to just buy them as singles.
RE: TCG Discussion

Another reason why Kyurem might be at that price...Reshiram and Zekrom both had Full Art versions, making them easier to get in a box. Tins were also confirmed before the set came out IIRC. Now they're so easy to get and are relative at $5, non FA version. I've heard of some boxes getting 0 Kyurem. ZERO, that's outrageous. The price will die down though, as people have said. Come tournament season, it will really prove is Kyurem is worth that much (I'm not expecting it to).

dmaster out.
RE: TCG Discussion

mpain0 said:
What BW, EP or NV theme deck is better?

I need peoples opinion on this so i know what deck i should get my friend for his birthday.

Serperior deck, aka Green Tornado. Cause it's everywhere and it's cheap. To be honest, it is available and cheap just because nobody buys it. So have a heart, and give Serperior some love, because he hates being a shelf warmer.

Considering you posted yesterday, which means that the newest set is Noble Victories, I will tell you my experience in my own location. If you live near a designated game shop that sells pokemon cards, then I guess you could get Red Frenzy, which is what everyone is suggesting, but it is most likely that game shops will sell that more expensive than the other ones. If you are buying from a mass retail store like Wal-Mart, forget about Red Frenzy, because you aren't going to find it.

This is what I observe at mass retailers. A hook holds around 8ish decks. There are 2 hookfuls of Green Tornado. It used to be 3 hookfuls, but they had to make room for EP and NV theme decks. There is 1 and a half hookful of Toxic Tricks and half a hookful of Power Play. It seems people prefer Power Play more, but not by much. Fast Daze and Furious Knights are even in how much are available, around half a hook full. Occasionally there are some Blue Assaults, like 1 or two, and you have to be very lucky to find a Red Frenzy there. What I suggest is, other than relieving the Green Tornado shelf warmer, is to buy both the decks from the newest set, and give one of them to your friend. I heard that the deck mascots' pre-evolved states interact with each other, so if you have Karrablast in play, and your friend has Shelmet in play, both of you can evolve them to Escavalier and Accelgor respectively.

Ironically, Growth Clash from Heartgold and Soulsilver were also the least selling, and both Meganium and Serperior are final forms of the Grass starter. Wierd.
RE: TCG Discussion

Ok thanks. I was offered a free emboar deck for me today and I said no because I already run emboar. And also because I can return for something better.
RE: TCG Discussion

mpain0 said:
Ok thanks. I was offered a free emboar deck for me today and I said no because I already run emboar. And also because I can return for something better.

aw man, you should have took it regardless. If it was given for free, it is better to just take it and give it to someone else later. I guess you indirectly gave it to someone else by refusing it I suppose.

I could tell you how I collect my theme decks, well let's just use the black and white series.

The theme deck I pick depends on which version of the video games I pick. I always pick the second version, so white, as I own soulsilver and Pearl.

The theme deck associated with the version of the game depends on this: In the black and white playmat, you see Reshiram and Zekrom on it. Reshiram represents black version, and Zekrom represents white version. Now take the EP and NV playmats, and notice that Scolipede and Accelgor is in the same position as Reshiram, and Krookodile and Escavalier is in the same position as Zekrom. So since I will own the white version, I bought Power Play and Furious Knights.

What about Green Tornado, Red Frenzy, and Blue Assault? I picked Red Frenzy, because that is based off whatever pokemon I would have started with in the white version, and that's tepig. I started with Piplup in Pearl, and Chikorita in Soulsilver, so it is fitting that I should start out with fire type in White, and as such own the Red Frenzy deck as opposed to the other two.

For the older theme decks, I always buy the one whose playmat has the larger image on the right side, rather than on the left side, for example, Recon, Royal Guard, Nightfall, Steel Sentinel, Flamemaster, Overflow. I own growth Clash just because I started with Chikorita in SoulSilver. Had I bought and used Heartgold, I would have owned Chaos Control, Daybreak, Verdant Frost, and Retort.

Ironically, based on how much the EP and NV decks sell at walmarts, the white version is a better seller than the black version, and power play is a better seller than toxic tricks, and furious knights is a better seller than fast daze.