TCG Fail Moments.


You can't deny that Psyduck is beast. I guess.
This is the thread where you can post any awful scenarios, games and tourneys that you've had in the pokemon trading card game. here's an example from me:

At a recent City Championships, I got Uxie donked... by a Salamence deck. (I had an Azelf start.)
RE: TCG FML Moments.

At regionals, I was playing Jupluff against an SP Toolbox. I had SW skiploom active against her Absol GX w/ Sp. Dark. I use U-Turn... and switch to Uxie. Shut up.
RE: TCG FML Moments.

I was playing LuxChomp w/ Claydol and ERL techs against Jumpluff. They were on topdeck mode but were somehow able to keep themselves going off of only one Uxie from turn one. I got an early prize lead and was struggling mid game to find my stuff to OHKO his Jumpluffs. When I tried to dump as much of my hand as possible and did Cosmic Power for 1-2 cards I whiffed on the Garchomp C Lv.X to revenge kill him. I did my Collector and saw the next card was the Garchomp. This happened the next two turns except this time with a Double Colorless Energy and then the other half of the LEGEND. Anyone of these cards at the time of the one card whiff would have won me the game. FML
RE: TCG FML Moments.

Finals of a BR

Game 1:
My hand: Snover, Energy, Roseanne, Bebe, Claydol, Abomasnow, Warp Point, drew into Night Maintenance. Attacked with Hide, failed the flip
Opponent: Machop-Candy-Machamp-Energy, Game
Game 2 was long and drawn out and won by me.
Game 3:
My hand: Snover, Energy, Energy, Luxury Ball, Night Maintenance, Manectric, Bebe, drew into Roseanne. Attack with Hide, failed the flip.
Opponent: Machop-Candy-Machamp-Uxie...last card is Roseanne.
RE: TCG FML Moments.

Ran Luxchomp.
4 rounds
R1: Mamoswine= bad toxicroak start
R2: Macheap= couldn't set up
R3: Donkphan= Donkphan
0-3 I dropped after that. Donkphan dude was 7 years old!
got 2 packs for losing
RE: TCG FML Moments.

Cities: Had the pleasure of playing against Palkia G lock with... Speedrill. :( I go first, start with a really good hand, Weedle active and an energy to call for Baltoy with Bebe's for next turn Claydol. Doesn't matter, he T1 Mespirits, and it honestly felt like my powers were locked the entire game. I'm pretty sure he 6-0'd me.

Other Cities: One of only three actual tournaments I've ever been to, was donked by Machamp. As soon as I saw my Azelf start, I just knew he had "the hand". Machop is so innocent-looking too. :( Worst part was having to wait around for 40 minutes for my friends to finish so we could get food.
RE: TCG FML Moments.

at regionals Im playing Speedrill, my opponent has gyarados. It comes down to 1-1 prizes, and I could OHKO whatever he had, with my 130 hp beedrill. He has a gyarados that can only do 90, so he regimoves just to discard, and cosmics for 4, getting expert belt and 2 poketurns. FML.

Then, I think it was the next round, Im playing kingdra, and it all comes down to a SSU on his part to reuse his crobat G to get the ko on my benched ge beedrill that had 30 left. he gets heads. FML

Then I get donked. (I hate machamp)
RE: TCG FML Moments.

minimidget94 said:
at regionals Im playing Speedrill, my opponent has gyarados. It comes down to 1-1 prizes, and I could OHKO whatever he had, with my 130 hp beedrill. He has a gyarados that can only do 90, so he regimoves just to discard, and cosmics for 4, getting expert belt and 2 poketurns. FML.

Then, I think it was the next round, Im playing kingdra, and it all comes down to a SSU on his part to reuse his crobat G to get the ko on my benched ge beedrill that had 30 left. he gets heads. FML

Then I get donked. (I hate machamp)

The first one is really fail.
RE: TCG FML Moments.

That time four years ago when I started playing this game.
RE: TCG FML Moments.

Playing Jumpluff versus the Theme Deck with Roselia+Onix. I start with Unown Q, going second and him with Roselia+Grass Energy. Two heads and donks me for the game. FML

dmaster out.
RE: TCG FML Moments.

here is an excerpt from my Cities report:

Overland Park, KS (Collector's Cache) - 1/3/10 - Masters Division - ?? Players: 5 Round Swiss w/Top 4 cut

well, Roman Calendar Year 2010 hasn't started off very well, we've gotten a good amount of snow dumped on us since about Christmas, I thought it was cold during Baldwin's CC, sheesh, that was nothing...with snow on the ground, and it being even colder, things just progressively worsen from there...on Saturday I go out to start my truck, and it doesn't want to start, as though it doesn't have enough power and/or I have ice/water in my gas tank...I get a jump and put some Heet in the truck, and it starts...I go to league, everything goes fine for the rest of the day, except that I left my binder full of X's at league...I go home, go to sleep about 3ish, so I can get up for the tourney...I get up @ 10, get myself ready to go by 11:45 and head out to load the truck...this time I parked it in front of the house, being where I normally park my truck caused it to be encased in a semi-igloo from the snow plows :/, I figure that might help my issues with the truck (besides the fact that the bed of the truck is full of snow :/)...I hop in, and go to start it...and what do you know...same thing as yesterday...this time I figure now it's the battery due to the cold...I try to get a jump, but no help...truck still won't start...I start calling around seeing about a ride, one of my teammates was going so I called them to see if I can catch a ride...well, they aren't neccessarily the most sure driver, so I was unable to get a ride from them...I call ChairmanKaga to let him know my situation, and a ride was worked out...I get to the tournament in just enough time to save me from getting a 1st round loss...and unfortunately, due to having such an issue with getting to the tourney, I was unable to run AMU PLOX, like how I wanted to and ended up playing MamoChamp, onto the rounds

0-0 - 1st Round - MamoChamp vs. Random Psychic Deck (??? adult male)

Well, this was one of those unfair matches...I've seen the guy before at one of my leagues and we've chatted...he doesn't really play, he just brings his kid to play in the league...well, I guess his son talked him into playing, so this was his first tournament...the deck was something his kid also made for him to play...during playing he plays a Professor Birch 0.0 lol...I tell him, I won't say anything, but he's not supposed to be playing with those as they are no longer legal in the current format...then I look at things a bit more, and I notice his deck doesn't even up when I cut...after further checking, it seems he (not only) has some split sleeves, but he also has sleeves that are not all the same...we go ahead and finish, he manages to get a prize before Mamoswine and Machamp clean house...I know I should have reported it, but I figure he wasn't gonna make the top cut anyway, and no need to interrupt the game or the mood...after the game he showed me this real cool recording device, that runs about $250 that I think I'm gonna try an buy

1-0 - 2nd Round - MamoChamp vs. Salamence Dragon Deck (Ken Collins)

This was an interesting turn of events (as if this day wasn't already full of them), I get paired down, which sucked, and end up going against another person that attends one of the leagues I play a matter of fact, I even assisted with the very deck he's playing that day...I figure, I should be able to take it being I know the make up and I have enough high HP pokemon to be able to hold off...he gets a pretty good hand and starts with 2 Bagon...I "mull" and start with Trapinch...he swings, I Inviting Trap the other Bagon (no energy, just at the time)...he premieres for Salamence Lv. X and starts evolving...I get to Spritomb and evolve a Baltoy...he gets to Salamence (SF) and begins his assault...he ends up getting me down 6-1 before I get rid of this point in time, I'm ready to begin my assault...he's got 2 Dragonite, 1 Charizard G, and a Bagon on the field...I've got a fully built Mamoswine w/Memory Berry, a fully built Machamp, Togekiss, Claydol, and I'm building my Flygon back up from it being KO'd early...I take 1 prize, and then he starts "snailing" along being all he's got left is pokemon with no energy and anything that looks like he can build quickly I'm bench damaging with Mamoswine's Overrun attack, by this time we're the only match left and there's a judge watching...he asks the judge for a time check, judge states they don't know...he plays a Night Maintenance that takes over a minute to finish, judge says nothing, he ends his turn...I play my Night Maintenance and is done in about 30 sec. (Tournament Rules), I attack setting up a double KO on my next turn...he goes (slowly) for his turn and time is called...yet another loss for the season due to "snailing" players

1-1 - 3rd Round - MamoChamp vs. Darkness/Fire Deck (Ben Stephens)

I've only played Ben once, during the Food Drive tourney 2 weeks prior, I believe he played the same deck then too...well, there wasn't much to this game...I managed to setup Mamoswine w/Memory Berry, Flygon Lv. X, and Machamp...Machamp mainly did all the work as alot of Ben's deck were basics, and I was able to set up so fast with Machamp he wasn't really able to get a chance to it was pretty much a clean sweep 6-0

2-1 - 4th Round - MamoChamp vs. Grass/Water Deck (??? adult female)

OMG >, I got paired down again, twice in the same tournament...I've never player her before, but I've seen her at one of my leagues...I know she comes with Ben & was said that she was playing one of Ben's decks...this deck I haven't really seen before today...I did notice Ludicolo, Palkia G, amongst others...nothing really stood out...we attacked back and forth for a bit, but eventually Mamoswine, Flygon, and Machamp prevailed again

3-1 - 5th Round - MamoChamp vs. Stallgon (Ken Crumpler)

finally, where I need to of the 1st two tables...this match was going to be a tough one, for both of us...him completely running Flygon/Machamp Stallgon w/Nidoqueen tech and me running MamoChamp w/Flygon tech...if I was going to pull this off, I was gonna have to use Mamoswine to do it...he's got the HP to withstand Flygon's attack, and then can get a KO due to Rouse, and hopefully it will take him time to build back up so I can continue to use Rouse to heal dmg...unfortunately...nothing about this match went normal...we get started on our way, he goes first...starts with Nidoran F, I start with Machop, Baltoy...he passes and starts to worry about me RC'ing to Machamp and game...lucky for him, I don't have the RC in hand, nor the energy...I Kick...he starts to go, he plays a Bebe's, places his card on top, gets a Baltoy...this is where things go awry, and makes the day a "Day of Fail"....someone mentions something about parents concerning a younger player, then it's mentioned that the kid's uncle is here...being I know them both (and can see what's happening), I know they are speaking with R.J., Ken's nephew...Ken turns to take a quick glace and see what's going on, and then we both go to continue the game...when we both go back to focusing on the game, Ken looks down and his hand is nowhere in sight...he looks around the table and on the floor, still no this time, we both figured that he shuffled his hand into his deck when playing Bebe's...we call a judge over to adjudicate, the game is deemed a game loss on Ken's end...we both feel really sucky about that, so we go ahead and decide to play a fun game while waiting for the round to end...during the course of playing the fun game, another tournament match ends next to us...when one of the players gets up, he finds some of Ken's cards and hands them to him...0.0...we both are complete disbelief, because it was his hand from the tournament match that we thought he shuffled into his deck...we're running around telling about what happened...Chairman Kaga after hearing this, and in the name good sportsmanship, declares our original match to be a full match restart...we both sit down, shuffle and setup...Coin Flip, is called Ken loses...I go first...I start with a lonely Swinub...he starts with Trapinch, Baltoy, and Machop (his active)...I attach and pass...he plays Azelf, Time Walk...Machamp...Rare a way to lose in a round

Record: 3-2
Place: 9th

what a fail of a day...I am now working on acquiring a ride home, luckily I live less than 5mins. away...however, I need someone to take me to Wal-Mart so that I can get some Heet to see if that will help my truck out...I go to Minsky's to eat with the Slushers and play some Killer Bunnies...they agree to take me to Wally's and home...we eat, talk, play, have a good time...then head back, surprisingly enough, the tournament is just now over (it's almost 9:30)...we chat with Chairman Kaga a bit, while gets berated by our TO about the time...Chairman Kaga agrees to give me a ride instead, and we all part our and CK chill at Perkins for a bit and play some Race for the Galaxy, head to Wally's, then I get dropped off...I put the Heet in the truck to see if that will help, and to put the nail in the coffin and make it a "Day of Epic Fail" it doesn't now, I have to probably get a new battery for the truck, since it seems that someone failed to mention that the battery hadn't been replaced since the truck was purchased...hopefully next weekend will be much better...and not nearly as cold and snowy

that day was definitely an EPIC FAIL FML day
RE: TCG FML Moments.

Donked by Luxape when I had an Unown Q start when my hand was Roseanne's, Double Drawer, Candy, BTS, Watever, Seadra, and something else.
RE: TCG FML Moments.

At states i played cursegar w/a DP Dusknoir tech(Like most people have) the problem i played ONE shiny duskull... i started w/ it 3 TIMES in 6 GAMES! and it was my last states in seniors....
RE: TCG FML Moments.

Recently with Mightytank in BRs:

My turn:

Poochyena start.

Opponent's turn:

Cyrus for Poketurn
SP radar for Crobat
2 Crobats to the bench
2 Flashbites
2 Poketurns
2 Crobats to the bench
2 Flash Bites
1 Poketurn
1 Flash bite


Even more recently, I played an MD version of Mightytank for league and I played contest hall and both me and my opponent kept rolling fives. I thought it was weighted or something, so we switched the die after rolling fives for the forth time. and what did I roll? 5. 5 on the 5th turn of rolling 5s. I cracked up so hard. IT'S A SIGN!!! If only that happened on Saturday, June 5th lol.
RE: TCG FML Moments.

Played against a dialga G deck with T2 downer material against my shuppet XD on Redshark
RE: TCG FML Moments.

At regionals I was playing Jumpluff and lost to what basically was Gible rush.

I started with a lone Azelf and two poketurns, and some other unusable stuff and drew almost every single poketurn, rare candy, and BTS in my deck before losing.
RE: TCG FML Moments.

So I'm in South Florida, and I sit down to play a PokeParent that I thought I'd never played before. We setup and flip and I win the flip. She says "Oh, I'm going first anyway." So she flips Sableye and I flip Shinx. She laughs and says "Oh it looks like payback for last time you came down here." We talked for the minute or two before the match started and she told me I donked her last time I was in South Florida, which was more than a year previous.

Nervously, I ask "Do you have the special dark?" She frowns and says "Nope."

Match starts, she draws and in the same motion attaches the special dark to end the game.

Then I get paired for the next round, and it's her husband. He gives me a lecture about donking his wife more than a year ago... and then we play a just terrible game. I'm whiffing left and right, just can't get anything I need. He's saying "Man, I could really use this card...." and then top decking it, turn after turn after turn.

I lose by one prize and he goes "That should teach you not to beat up on inexperienced players." FML (Just to note: I've never played a donk deck, and don't think I'd ever even played this woman before. Last time I was in South FL, I played Eeveelutions.)
RE: TCG FML Moments.

Nats '08. I'm running Infernape MD/Typhlosion MT/Delcatty PK. I'm up against...well, he was ranked top thirty nationally. He ran a rogue Blissey MT/Bronzong MD deck, and attempted to spread the crud out of me. I got set-up within the first three or four turns, and was pumping out 80-120 damage with Mega Bravo each turn. He throws out the Bronzong MD, with Resistance, and Pain Amplifiers. I know what's coming. His Body would kill my Typhlosion and Delcatty, and I had nothing to stop it. I Mega Bravo'd over and over, but my opponent had Buffer Piece too! O.O It took me three turns to crumble a single Bronzong, and he'd either bring up a Blissey with six to seven Energy on it or another Bronzong. My support was down, and I couldn't seem to get anything out again. I lost by a single prize.
RE: TCG FML Moments.

I was at City Championships, and I was running a Mother Gengar deck. My opponent was running Machamp. Since I actually set up pretty fast, It was a good match. It came down to a one to one prize situation. He had a Machamp out, and I had a Gengar Lv.X out. The only way to knock me out and win the game was to get four heads on Hurricane Punch. And you can guess what, there were four heads on those dice. And they were my dice.

And, at another City Championships, I got fifth place, just one place away from getting a prize. Not so much of a fail, but it was pretty bothersome.
RE: TCG FML Moments.

6-Dimension said:
At regionals, I was playing Jupluff against an SP Toolbox. I had SW skiploom active against her Absol GX w/ Sp. Dark. I use U-Turn... and switch to Uxie. Shut up.

I don't get this one... maybe I'm missing something?

I guess mine would be when I played my promogon against a cursegar at states. MY unown G start to his mr mime start. I have nothing else and get nothing else while he knocks me out with his mr. mime. Yep, lost to a mr. mime's attack.