TCG Fail Moments.

RE: TCG FML Moments.

That sounds like it would be really hilarious yet depressing at the same time.

At states, I played a practice round in the waiting room. I lost. He was a junior. With a RR theme deck with a random Garchomp SV thrown in.
RE: TCG FML Moments.

^That pretty much happened to me at a CC I got a useless start of some tech like Azelf and got beat by a "noobish" deck, if you will, as in they didn't have many staples or speed or much of a strategy other than combining types.

Also, I always do stuff like shuffling my discard pile into my deck. Sometimes I just shuffle my discard pile thinking it's my deck, which has no real harm, or shuffle it with my deck, which has only happened at leagu before. Today actually I played a poketurn and pokedrawer on the first turn when I went first but luckily there wasn't a prize penalty instead there was some other weird solution and I ended up winning anyway.
RE: TCG FML Moments.

It was at brs. Top 2 2nd match. I lost the first so i said you start first.

He was shocked he started first. I had chatot start with amazing cards in my hand. He drew. Dce, bite, flashbite. gg
RE: TCG FML Moments.

Tyraniking said:
Yea, there really is a trick but with some dice. Probably not the dice that Pokemon has but I would just press the side I wanted and threw and most of the time I would get it.

I checked and a similar trick works with the dice Pokemon uses. So lets say you hold a number with your finger and one with your thumb. The bigger number you hold minus the smaller number will sometimes equal the number you get. When I held a 3 and a 1 I usually got 2 if I had no interuptions. If I held a 5 and 1 I got 4. Works about 50% of the time. It's not allowed in tournaments because you actually have to shake the dice.

The trick I was talking about involves legally shaking the dice, but there needs to be some fine tuning to make it work...

And lol at shuffling your discard pile into your deck. That was funny at League.

dmaster out.
RE: TCG FML Moments.

i got 5th place at the only 2 battle roads i was able to get to with top 4 cuts in both -_-
RE: TCG FML Moments.

esperante said:
i got 5th place at the only 2 battle roads i was able to get to with top 4 cuts in both -_-

Dont worry. Just about every tourny, I either get 5th or 9th... I'm ALWAYS one spot from topping.
RE: TCG FML Moments.

At my BR Rikko and I were in top 2 and I had a charizard active aginst his belted darkrai. prizes were 2-1 his lead. he plays down reversal and gets a head. pulls out charmander and ko's it... FML
RE: TCG FML Moments.

I went to 4 Fall BRs. The first 3 BRs, I got 5th EVERY TIME!! I was very happy to get 4th at my last one
RE: TCG FML Moments.

I was in Top Cut this weekend. I got bad starts both games with 2 Hoppip prized. I couldn't do anything as I Azelfed, but couldn't take anymore prizes due to his snipe from Garchomp C LvX. I lost both games. FML :(
RE: TCG FML Moments.

dmaster said:
The trick I was talking about involves legally shaking the dice, but there needs to be some fine tuning to make it work...

And lol at shuffling your discard pile into your deck. That was funny at League.

dmaster out.

You could use that trick to pretend to legally shake it...but it really doesn't matter in the end if you don't get a 100% chance anyway because the risk is pretty much a ban from playing, right?
RE: TCG FML Moments.

I don't think it's any fun without a little bit of chance and luck in the game anyway.
RE: TCG FML Moments.

NSW States 3rd round 09
All of Australian Nats 09
All of QLD States 10
And this year Nats T4.

They're my FML moments.

RE: TCG FML Moments.

I was playing one of the Profs at a league game and mulligan'd like, 6 times. His hand was pretty beefy by the time we finally started.
It ended up being a close match, but his stupid belted honchkrow took me out. I hate Poketurns.
RE: TCG FML Moments.

I find the term "FML" offensive. Would you please change the title?
RE: TCG FML Moments.

I had just started playing TCG a few months ago. I went on a spree and bought a bunch of boosters, tins, etc. I pulled from some boosters, which were my first pokemon purchases ever, A Garchomp C and it's Level X. Went weeks with them in a box of other cards, and traded them both to some guy for two tangrowth, NEVER KNOWING WHAT THEY WE'RE TRULY WORTH. Now I hate myself, because that guy sold them.
RE: TCG FML Moments.

Top 4 cut, match 2 at a BR. He bright looks my giratina.Through out the entire game with about 10 hand refreshers, I could not draw into a super scoop, at the end of the game, I saw I had none prized either!
RE: TCG FML Moments.

My entire run at three years ago I was running a GG variant for anti-mirrors, half the participants were using GG, 6 rounds all I found was Gyarados MT, a Rampario where the judge screwed me out in a ruling which cost me the game and basically nothing close to GG

the next year I ran Kingdra, 36 players 1 Ampahros deck, 3 Torterras, and I had to face two Torterras and an Ampharos <_<

My friend also played Worlds and all his 4 Ralts were prized :D
RE: TCG FML Moments.

Amt said:
I find the term "FML" offensive. Would you please change the title?

Sure, sorry if it's too offensive, but can anyone think of a better title...?
RE: TCG FML Moments.

Its not that bad of a loss, but it is an unnecessary loss nonetheless. at the HGSS UL prerelease, there was a shortage of water energy cards. So I picked psychic energies. Long story short, I played against a deck and could have won 20 turns earlier if I had realised that the psychic energy where the substitute for my water energy. I lost eventually. Bad example but meh :/.

I also always finish 5th or 3rd. I never make cut!