TCG Fail Moments.

CommonCandy said:
One day I helped a noob change his Theme deck by adding 2-2 Claydol [SV-GE], his only DCE and his only expert belt. So first match that BR I have to play him. I get an awusome Unown G start. When he flips over his pokemon I see that he has a Baltoy active and a Sableye [SF] benched. So I go first and pass. He then attachs a Specail dark enegy to his baltoy, then ask if he can take it back. Feeling bad for his noobyness I say yes. Here is a list of things he does.
Attach DCE to Baltoy.
Attach Expert belt to Baltoy
Use Spinning Turn [flip 2 for each heads do 20 dammage.]
Gets 2 heads.
Then ask "Ummm...did I do good"

Yeah... This kind of thing happnes alot at BR lol :D

Methinks someone didn't shuffle very well:p
At CCs earlier this season I was playing Andy Wieman in top 4, we were both playing flychamp. Game 1 I take a clear 3 prize lead, and I have a chance to knock out his last machamp with my belted machamp X--all I need is 2 heads with hurricane punch, and 1 to put enough damage to get a ko in a moment of disaster. I flip. . . 4 tails. Good game, onto game 2.

Game 2 I whiff on a strong willed flip that he admitted would have made him scoop his game.

That's about as FML as any of my tournaments have gone
This reminds me of one of my CCs. I was running a Sceptile rogue combining the AR, GE and SF Sceptiles, and the 1st round I was doing great and almost beat a guy's Speedrill deck, but probably due to me attaching an expert belt I lost. It was still a fun game, but the next round I got Uxie donked by starting with a lone Treecko and going first (I had a Uxie in my hand, I should have played it...). Then the third round I was playing what seemed to be a random deck combining types containing, as I recall, Tyranitar and Darkrai and others and I thought it was going to be easy but I had a bad start and he managed to get T-tar out somehow and beat me... Not fun.
Oh yeah. I remember another one. I went to a BR with Jumpluff. There were four rounds. Round 1: Lost to Cursegar. Round 2: Lost to Shuppet. Round 3: Lost to Shuppet. Round 4: Got a bye. :(
when i frst started playin TCG I read the rulebook nd i didnt quite get it, i thought youy had to discard all your energy cards when you did any attack, thats why i thought charmeleon was the best card b/c his flamethrowing attack said you only discard 1
^Haha that would stink, low energy decks would have even MORE of an advantage.
OK, this is fail:
My brother and I were playing tonight and I have 4 pixies on my bench. He kills my belted Donphan and I send up my Entei/ Raikou Legend and kill myself for the game. 4 Prizes on my field. lol fail
I was playing sunkern form SW and I used sun soak and it didnt work and I had went first. So next turn he attached an energy to his gastly and the used a pokemon collector and got 3 crobat G's and dropped all three of them and then attacked and I had no one on my bench. So if I would have just flipped heads I wouldnt have gotten donked.
Azelf Master said:
OK, this is fail:
My brother and I were playing tonight and I have 4 pixies on my bench. He kills my belted Donphan and I send up my Entei/ Raikou Legend and kill myself for the game. 4 Prizes on my field. lol fail

Haha today I did that on purpose (after realizing I was about to lol) against DiGiTalMInD at league. Haha in that same game he also knocked out two of my Spiritomb. Both with an Unown G...>.<
Hey guys, long time reader (a year and a half or so) and this is my first post. I was playing in a battle road against Glaceon. The guy I was playing against flipped tails on his first flip of the game, then went on to flip heads to rest of the game, Probably between 20-25 flips in a row. He even used different dice. It was insane. I was playing cursegar and was able keep the game going but eventually there was nothing I could do. Everyone sitting around couldn't believe it.
^ thats hilarious.
I know someone who built a gengar metagross thing (he's new to the game) and put in berthas warmth.

also, at regs I was playing one of those strict kids who always calls the judges and I said "attach a grass to tangela" but I wasn't looking and slipped it under the landmin on my bench instead and he wouldn't let me attach it to tangela again!!!! D:
i got 0-3 at BR recently out of 6 people i made the mistake of retreating my shaymin for an eevee against a lucario and they both got KO'ed
here's an FML at Nats, Round 2...there are 3 different flights, the tables aren't consistently marked to show which flight is which...I unknowingly sit down at the wrong table, round starts, we begin playing and I go opponent finishes his turn, and I begin my 2nd turn...the person who was supposed to be sitting at that table finally shows and gets a judge...I grab everything and head to my actual table, the other person has already gone and turned in the match slip for a No Show for me...which puts me at 0-2, meanwhile, the person I was incorrectly playing, gets to have his full match
^Ugh... Thinking about things like that happening to me makes me depressed...
qnetykz said:
here's an FML at Nats, Round 2...there are 3 different flights, the tables aren't consistently marked to show which flight is which...I unknowingly sit down at the wrong table, round starts, we begin playing and I go opponent finishes his turn, and I begin my 2nd turn...the person who was supposed to be sitting at that table finally shows and gets a judge...I grab everything and head to my actual table, the other person has already gone and turned in the match slip for a No Show for me...which puts me at 0-2, meanwhile, the person I was incorrectly playing, gets to have his full match

Not to discount your story, but there are 2 flights, and they are color coded. The table numbers and the pairings. They are also on opposite sides of the room...
Lou Cypher said:
This one isn't mine but...
Saw someone playing Kingdra LA vs Rampadonk. Kingdra gets his T1 Dra against a Skull fossil and a benched Unown R, I believe it was. Lone Kingdra. The Kingdra attacks and KO's the fossil, then the fossil player tosses coins...13 heads, Kingdra is KO'd for game.

I got nine Heads with Sea Spray one game (which I thought was insane at the time), but 13?! Wow, that takes some epic skill and luck. He gave enough love to that coin, that's for sure.

dmaster out.
When Mary's Impulse was released you could still play trainers if you went first.

Me Some weird unlimited heymaker deck with exs and stuff vs My dad's raindance.

He plays Mary's impulse, flips 30 heads. Draws his deck. I draw, and end my turn.
Well, I can remember 2 fails of mine...

I played Gyarados at a State Championship. I was 5-0 in Swiss and thought this tournament could become a nice one for me.
In Top 4 (bo3), I faced a Gyarados mirror (Rudolf Hoffmann who got 4th @German Nats Masters). In game 1 I had 1 prize left, he had 2.
I had an active Gdos active with 110 damage and had just KO'ed his Gdos. I realized that he didn't have the cards to get Gdos back, as against me having really EVERYTHING. His only Looker's was already gone.
So I thought it wouldn't get dangerous anymore... but then he managed to KO my Gdos with twice Flash Bite. I had to replace it with a benched Pokemon.
My bench: Uxie, Azelf LA, 2 Crobat G, and Unown Q in my hand.
His bench: Uxie with 1 Energy, Luxray Basic with Belt and 1 Energy, random stuff, Crobat active.
He had just attached that single Energy and I knew that, but still for some weird reason I thought that Luxray would KO my Crobat and therefore I sent Azelf.
He did Turn on Luxray, Belt on Uxie, Crobat Flash Bite, Retreat, KO, gg =/
In game 2 I couldn't concentrate due to this shame and got sweeped^^

This one was at the Poke Cup, a side event of German Nationals. I had missed the cut with 5-2 cause of Tiebreaker.
Now i was standing 3-0 and we played the last round. I was still playing Gdos, my opponent had Luxchomp.
We both had 2 Prizes left and it was my turn. My active Pokemon was Gyarados with Belt, and he probably was able to KO it with Luxray in his next turn. He had Azelf active and some usual things benched.
I had Crobat and 2 Turns at hand, and I knew that he had nearly everything but no Power Spray. So I planned to SSU my Gdos and next round hit his Luxray... I played Crobat, Flssh Bite Luxray. Turn, again on Luxray.
At THIS moment I saw his benched Uxie X... it had 6 damage counters on it =P
I lost this one too.