TCG Fail Moments.

RE: TCG FML Moments.

nardd said:
I don't get this one... maybe I'm missing something?

I guess mine would be when I played my promogon against a cursegar at states. MY unown G start to his mr mime start. I have nothing else and get nothing else while he knocks me out with his mr. mime. Yep, lost to a mr. mime's attack.

Uxie has 70 HP. Absol GX w/ a Sp. Dark can hit for 70.
RE: TCG FML Moments.

Anime Event Tournament in July 2008. I'm playing Empoleon versus a kid's Magmortar deck. I get a terrible start, and he gets a Magmortar up turn 2. I manage to get Magmortar low on HP, just low enough to KO it with my Piplup next turn... and he plays a Potion FML.
RE: TCG FML Moments.

At cities early this year (or last), I played premier ball and searched my deck for my Magmortar Lv.X for game to go to finals. Found out it was in my discard pile.

Bet you know who lost that game then.
RE: TCG FML Moments.

Decmaster said:
I was at City Championships, and I was running a Mother Gengar deck. My opponent was running Machamp. Since I actually set up pretty fast, It was a good match. It came down to a one to one prize situation. He had a Machamp out, and I had a Gengar Lv.X out. The only way to knock me out and win the game was to get four heads on Hurricane Punch. And you can guess what, there were four heads on those dice. And they were my dice.

And, at another City Championships, I got fifth place, just one place away from getting a prize. Not so much of a fail, but it was pretty bothersome.
Okay so after reading that, here's my list of 5th/3rd places/9th
3rd at BR w/ Glaceon lock
5th at CC w/ DusGar
5th at CC w/ DusGar
9th at SPT w/ ToxiTank
5th at BR w/ Rotom
3rd at BR w/ LuxApe
5th at BR w/ LuxApe
5th at BR w/ GeChamp
3rd at CC w/ Stallgon
3rd at CC w/ Blazeray
5th at CC w/ DialgaGarchomp
5th at CC w/ Gyarados

Also tournaments that i wasn't one away from TC/Prizes
2nd at BR w/ LuxApe
6th at CC w/ DialgaGarchomp
16th at SPT w/ CurseGar

talk about epic phails....
RE: TCG FML Moments.

0-6 in SSU flips in two games today. I definitely didn't give the dice enough love FML.

dmaster out.
RE: TCG FML Moments.

maybe you should've changed dice.
Also my brother at states played gyarados no heads the whole day...
RE: TCG FML Moments.

Battle Roads Spring 2010
Top Cut last round: he warped point my metagross for last prize not even realizing the turn before i couldv expert belted just in case and i had a switch in my hand awell live and learn:p
RE: TCG FML Moments.

maybe you should've changed dice.
Also my brother at states played gyarados no heads the whole day...

Yeah, my friend gave me this awesome trick to get Heads. He got about five Heads in a row in this mini-Tournament before the matches I had. I think it was the sound effect that I said when I threw the first time that made it get tails lol.

dmaster out.
RE: TCG FML Moments.

These are all great, I'm glad this thread is so popular, keept it going guys, and also I have a BR tomorrow so knowing me I'll have something for this thread. ;)

EDIT: Maybe eventually this could get put in important threads?
RE: TCG FML Moments.

There's too many Stickies here to have any more.

dmaster out.
RE: TCG FML Moments.

dmaster said:
Yeah, my friend gave me this awesome trick to get Heads. He got about five Heads in a row in this mini-Tournament before the matches I had. I think it was the sound effect that I said when I threw the first time that made it get tails lol.

dmaster out.

Yea, there really is a trick but with some dice. Probably not the dice that Pokemon has but I would just press the side I wanted and threw and most of the time I would get it.

I checked and a similar trick works with the dice Pokemon uses. So lets say you hold a number with your finger and one with your thumb. The bigger number you hold minus the smaller number will sometimes equal the number you get. When I held a 3 and a 1 I usually got 2 if I had no interuptions. If I held a 5 and 1 I got 4. Works about 50% of the time. It's not allowed in tournaments because you actually have to shake the dice.
RE: TCG FML Moments.

Worlds 2009, qualifiers, last round of the day, if I could've won, I could've made it to the next day, I'm using Gengar(not Mother Gengar) and I go up against Tyrnaitar, and received one prize card, and completely lost the whole game
RE: TCG FML Moments.

Today at a BR I got decked out by a FlyLock that only had 2 cards left in their deck themselves, and the worst part is that the night before I took out the second warp point in my deck that would have saved me from that situation... At least I won both other rounds.
RE: TCG FML Moments.

At regionals i played leafmin and was about to win when i shuffed my discard pile into my deck.
RE: TCG FML Moments.

Its not that hard to do, when your distracted or talking to your opponent. my friend did that when using a Night Maintenence, but instead of shuffling the chosen 3 cards, he shuffled in all the other cards lol
RE: TCG FML Moments.

That happened to me as well in league. My friend did the same thing in a tournament and lost though.