TCG One TCG ONE General Discussion

RE: TCG ONE - Full Featured Online Pokemon TCG Simulator [Neo Series Live]

TheAnticipationEevee said:
Some tweaking adjustments

The "Diffuser" deck should be Electrode not Gyarados because Electrode Diffuses

The games that are in the status "closed" should automatically go away instead of manually clicking Delete

Theme Decks can be lowered 20% of price (except Zap! to 800 and Blackout to 1900)

Why so much for Blackout? It only has 2 playable rares in it.
RE: TCG ONE - Full Featured Online Pokemon TCG Simulator [Neo Series Live]

Yeah, Blackout's strength as a deck is vastly overrated.
RE: TCG ONE - Full Featured Online Pokemon TCG Simulator [Neo Series Live]

Blackout has

Hitmonchan worth around 500?
4 Energy Removal worth 150 each (600 total)
and Super Energy Removal worth 500?
RE: TCG ONE - Full Featured Online Pokemon TCG Simulator [Neo Series Live]

The game is heading in a very positive direction. However, something absolutely needs to be done about trading. The honor system simply won't work, as more people like stephenacevedo1 start playing.

There's a problem with players "sniping" other players' trades.
Look at this conversation from today, and the problem will be apparent.

I suggest nobody plays Stephen, trades with him, or buys from him, that he may fathom how bad what he did was.. unless what he did is considered acceptable in this community.

[DarthArdios](07:41:45): aub i'm ready
[AuburnSky](07:42:06): okay
[AuburnSky](07:42:23): on sale
[Thien](07:42:29): Logged In
[AuburnSky](07:42:35): Tyty!
[AuburnSky](07:42:39): :D
[DarthArdios](07:42:48): um
[AuburnSky](07:42:49): I really appreciate it.
[DarthArdios](07:42:52): says sale does not exist
[stephenacevedo1](07:43:00): Created a new game.
[AuburnSky](07:43:01): hmm..
[AuburnSky](07:43:07): woah
[AuburnSky](07:43:09): 1 sec
[AuburnSky](07:43:14): Logged In
[DarthArdios](07:43:19): which means i got sniped and the ****** who did so will be hunted down and murdered
[AuburnSky](07:43:41): Did you tell anyone ele about the trade?
[stephenacevedo1](07:43:44): Created a new game.
[DarthArdios](07:43:52): no dragonsider is a friend irl
[AuburnSky](07:43:58): Steven, not cool man.
[AuburnSky](07:44:10): Not cool at all.
[AuburnSky](07:44:17): If you don't give that card to Dark
[AuburnSky](07:44:19): Darth
[AuburnSky](07:44:23): I will never play you again.
[stephenacevedo1](07:44:33): Created a new game.
[AuburnSky](07:45:28): stephen
[stephenacevedo1](07:45:34): Created a new game.
[AuburnSky](07:45:46): Give that charizard to darth, or you will be blacklisted by the community.
[stephenacevedo1](07:46:00): huh?
[meiko](07:46:03): Logged In
[DragonsiderEX](07:46:14): do we even KNOW it was steven? there are 9 peopele on
[AuburnSky](07:46:23): I know, I can see the trade
[stephenacevedo1](07:46:28): nobody wants to play?
[DarthArdios](07:46:29): ah
[AuburnSky](07:46:37): Stephen, you stole that Charizard
[AuburnSky](07:46:41): we were in the middle of a trade.
[stephenacevedo1](07:47:03): There isn't a trade system here
[DarthArdios](07:47:10): i'd literally rather strangle you with your own intestines than play a game with you
[AuburnSky](07:47:13): I don't know if you meant to or not, but it's an honor system.
[stephenacevedo1](07:47:23): I only see a market
[stephenacevedo1](07:47:36): where things are put up for the public to buy
[AuburnSky](07:47:57): Right, well, I'm informing you now (because you may not have known)
[AuburnSky](07:48:03): we were in the middle of a trade.
[AuburnSky](07:48:26): Please give the charizard to Darth :) It was meant to go to him.
[stephenacevedo1](07:48:35): Again, there is no trade section. Only a market.
[DarthArdios](07:48:45): the market is the only way TO trade
[YoMamaSon](07:48:47): Logged In
[stephenacevedo1](07:49:15): Maybe there should be an actual trading post of some sort.
[AuburnSky](07:49:17): Stephen, I'm telling you, if you don't return that card to Darth, you run the risk of being blacklisted by the community.
[DarthArdios](07:49:19): if you see something for 1 bit, especially something that rare, do you think there's any other purpose than trade
[AuburnSky](07:49:43): I will post on the feedback thread on pokebeach
[stephenacevedo1](07:49:44): I don't see how i did anything wrong.
[AuburnSky](07:49:59): You sniped a trade, (the only way players have to trade atm)
[AuburnSky](07:50:10): You may not have known, but now you do.
[DarthArdios](07:50:21): i am literally shaking with rage, so please right your wrong and we can forget this ever happened
[stephenacevedo1](07:50:27): A trade system could be implemented.
[stephenacevedo1](07:50:37): wait
[stephenacevedo1](07:50:47): i need to go do something
[AuburnSky](07:51:06): Darth don't worry about it
[AuburnSky](07:51:09): I'll make it right.
[stephenacevedo1](07:51:30): It will be up in about 13 hours when i get out of work. See you there gentleman.
[DarthArdios](07:51:43): and now is not possible because?
[DarthArdios](07:51:47): it literally takes 3 secons
[DarthArdios](07:51:53): seconds*
[AuburnSky](07:52:00): 1. I will post this conversation on pokebeach, and stephen will be known as a player without honor
[AuburnSky](07:52:09): 2. I have another charizard for you.
[DarthArdios](07:52:22): thank you
[AuburnSky](07:52:23): Which we will not trade the same way
[AuburnSky](07:52:47): I will put it up for 800, and then buy a common from you for 800.
[DarthArdios](07:52:59): cool, but i've got 727 bits
[AuburnSky](07:52:59): Logged In
[AuburnSky](07:53:11): okay, 700. Just enough so that it won't be sniped.
[meiko](07:55:26): interesting fact: on Feb 11, stephenacevedo1 admitted to having 6 charizards
[DarthArdios](07:55:47): and he saw fit to snipe a trade. *******
[DarthArdios](07:56:00): Logged In
[AuburnSky](07:56:07): I'll post the conversation on Pokebeach.
[DarthArdios](07:56:49): Logged In
[meiko](07:56:53): use me as a witness if you like
[AuburnSky](07:57:00): Okay.
[YoMamaSon](07:57:22): me too

From Stephen's viewpoint, he may not have done anything wrong. But from anyone's viewpoint who has played the game for a while, it's obviously a low thing to do, to snipe someone else's trade.
RE: TCG ONE - Full Featured Online Pokemon TCG Simulator [Neo Series Live]

Thanks for sharing, AuburnSky. It's a shitty situation, but warning the public is probably the best thing we can do about such people at this point. I don't want people to go around publicly shaming others with no proof, but things like this where there are conversations and multiple witnesses should be welcome so that the community knows to avoid these people and to be careful with trades until a better system can be implemented.
RE: TCG ONE - Full Featured Online Pokemon TCG Simulator [Neo Series Live]

Thanks Athena. You give good points.
I don't want to shame anyone. There's already enough of that, I think. It just seemed like a perfect time to bring the issue up, and like you said, there were witnesses. It would be really bad if Stephen went and ripped people off in trades, while the program is still under construction. I can't speak for anyone else, but I wouldn't trust someone like that with an honor system trade.

Is to trade the cards at an expensive price, and then if necessary, trade commons to level out the bits.
For instance, I could sell a Super Energy Removal for 1,500 to Tash (not likely to get sniped, and if it does, it's kind of okay), while Tash puts up 3 Hitmonchan for 600 each. After that, he can put up a worthless common for 300, and I'd buy it to level out the deal.
RE: TCG ONE - Full Featured Online Pokemon TCG Simulator [Neo Series Live]

"an error happened"
"an error happened"
"an error happened"
RE: TCG ONE - Full Featured Online Pokemon TCG Simulator [Neo Series Live]

AuburnSky said:
Thanks Athena. You give good points.
I don't want to shame anyone. There's already enough of that, I think. It just seemed like a perfect time to bring the issue up, and like you said, there were witnesses. It would be really bad if Stephen went and ripped people off in trades, while the program is still under construction. I can't speak for anyone else, but I wouldn't trust someone like that with an honor system trade.

Is to trade the cards at an expensive price, and then if necessary, trade commons to level out the bits.
For instance, I could sell a Super Energy Removal for 1,500 to Tash (not likely to get sniped, and if it does, it's kind of okay), while Tash puts up 3 Hitmonchan for 600 each. After that, he can put up a worthless common for 300, and I'd buy it to level out the deal.

This isnt a bad idea but there is a much easier way.

Join a game with someone, discuss your trade there and only there. Proceed with the trade in the lobby. The key is obviously not to discuss it in the lobby. Its how I have been doing it forever, and unless somebody is sitting there refreshing market all day, no one will bother you.
RE: TCG ONE - Full Featured Online Pokemon TCG Simulator [Neo Series Live]

Dharma said:
AuburnSky said:
Thanks Athena. You give good points.
I don't want to shame anyone. There's already enough of that, I think. It just seemed like a perfect time to bring the issue up, and like you said, there were witnesses. It would be really bad if Stephen went and ripped people off in trades, while the program is still under construction. I can't speak for anyone else, but I wouldn't trust someone like that with an honor system trade.

Is to trade the cards at an expensive price, and then if necessary, trade commons to level out the bits.
For instance, I could sell a Super Energy Removal for 1,500 to Tash (not likely to get sniped, and if it does, it's kind of okay), while Tash puts up 3 Hitmonchan for 600 each. After that, he can put up a worthless common for 300, and I'd buy it to level out the deal.

This isnt a bad idea but there is a much easier way.

Join a game with someone, discuss your trade there and only there. Proceed with the trade in the lobby. The key is obviously not to discuss it in the lobby. Its how I have been doing it forever, and unless somebody is sitting there refreshing market all day, no one will bother you.

So true Dharma, but I still remember the time when you stole my Hitmonlee. :p

Anyhow, stephen was never a nice person, some days he talks crap about me for no reason similar to someone else before.

Stephen also annoyed me because I used Dodrio in a Fearow deck -.-
RE: TCG ONE - Full Featured Online Pokemon TCG Simulator [Neo Series Live]

It's simple... we kill the batman!
RE: TCG ONE - Full Featured Online Pokemon TCG Simulator [Neo Series Live]

TheAnticipationEevee said:
Dharma said:
This isnt a bad idea but there is a much easier way.

Join a game with someone, discuss your trade there and only there. Proceed with the trade in the lobby. The key is obviously not to discuss it in the lobby. Its how I have been doing it forever, and unless somebody is sitting there refreshing market all day, no one will bother you.

So true Dharma, but I still remember the time when you stole my Hitmonlee. :p

Anyhow, stephen was never a nice person, some days he talks crap about me for no reason similar to someone else before.

Stephen also annoyed me because I used Dodrio in a Fearow deck -.-

Who uses a dodrio who gives you one less retreat cost with fearow who has free retreat cost
RE: TCG ONE - Full Featured Online Pokemon TCG Simulator [Neo Series Live]

I already told you, I use it for attacking not for it's ability, but it also works for Tauros.

Anyhow, it's quite interesting you ignore things you suck but you decide to respond to my Fearow deck....
RE: TCG ONE - Full Featured Online Pokemon TCG Simulator [Neo Series Live]

If any of you grabbed cards from when my account was hijacked, dont offer them back. You can keep whatever you grabbed. Consider it all your early birthday presents. And if you dont celebrate your birthday, an early Hanukkah present.
RE: TCG ONE - Full Featured Online Pokemon TCG Simulator [Neo Series Live]

your account was hijacked Dharma?

Also AuburnSky what was the point of you letting the time waste to zero in matches?
RE: TCG ONE - Full Featured Online Pokemon TCG Simulator [Neo Series Live]

@Roxas23, Auburn does that to farm bits. Don't follow what he does.
RE: TCG ONE - Full Featured Online Pokemon TCG Simulator [Neo Series Live]

Seems like a poor way to farm bits but to each his own. Just thought it was interesting
RE: TCG ONE - Full Featured Online Pokemon TCG Simulator [Neo Series Live]

We have new update:
v10.51 Update: Achievements

Latest patch brings Achievements to Career Mode, which reward promo cards! Be sure to check yours out, you may have completed some of them already!

Stability improvements. Bug Fixes: Beedrill (Poison Sting-flip), Koga's Kakuna (Emerge-shuffle), Sabrina's Jynx (Helping Hand-choose), Brock's Sandshrew (Sand Pit), Dark Vileplume (#13-#30-weakness), Minion of Team Rocket(G1), Dark Blastoise(TR-AD), Dark Primeape(TR-AD), Gyarados(BS-AD), Dewgong(BS-AD), Articuno(FO-AD), Magcargo(N3-power)
*AD: Special conditions those cards cause now apply After Damage. This fixes various bugs, most relevant is when any of those matched against Mr. Mime.

We'll soon need a strategy guide for every game format, to guide people what to look for each format. I dont have the necessary in-depth knowledge about them, so it'd be awesome if someone did that.

Private messaging and trading are on the list.

Don't quarrel before bedtime,
Don't be addicted to despair,
Stay tight.
RE: TCG ONE - Full Featured Online Pokemon TCG Simulator [Neo Series Live]

Game Center CX Doesn't work

2 minutes ago
Bought 1 Porygon (TR 48) from Tash.
4 minutes ago
Sold 1 Porygon (TR 48) to Tash.

We both didn't get the Cool Porygon.

The Pikachu Quest should also count Surfing / Flying / Lt. Surge's Pikachu