RE: TCG ONE - Full Featured Online Pokemon TCG Simulator [Neo Series Live]
The game is heading in a very positive direction. However, something absolutely needs to be done about trading. The honor system simply won't work, as more people like stephenacevedo1 start playing.
There's a problem with players "sniping" other players' trades.
Look at this conversation from today, and the problem will be apparent.
I suggest nobody plays Stephen, trades with him, or buys from him, that he may fathom how bad what he did was.. unless what he did is considered acceptable in this community.
[DarthArdios](07:41:45): aub i'm ready
[AuburnSky](07:42:06): okay
[AuburnSky](07:42:23): on sale
[Thien](07:42:29): Logged In
[AuburnSky](07:42:35): Tyty!
[DarthArdios](07:42:48): um
[AuburnSky](07:42:49): I really appreciate it.
[DarthArdios](07:42:52): says sale does not exist
[stephenacevedo1](07:43:00): Created a new game.
[AuburnSky](07:43:01): hmm..
[AuburnSky](07:43:07): woah
[AuburnSky](07:43:09): 1 sec
[AuburnSky](07:43:14): Logged In
[DarthArdios](07:43:19): which means i got sniped and the ****** who did so will be hunted down and murdered
[AuburnSky](07:43:41): Did you tell anyone ele about the trade?
[stephenacevedo1](07:43:44): Created a new game.
[DarthArdios](07:43:52): no dragonsider is a friend irl
[AuburnSky](07:43:58): Steven, not cool man.
[AuburnSky](07:44:10): Not cool at all.
[AuburnSky](07:44:17): If you don't give that card to Dark
[AuburnSky](07:44:19): Darth
[AuburnSky](07:44:23): I will never play you again.
[stephenacevedo1](07:44:33): Created a new game.
[AuburnSky](07:45:28): stephen
[stephenacevedo1](07:45:34): Created a new game.
[AuburnSky](07:45:46): Give that charizard to darth, or you will be blacklisted by the community.
[stephenacevedo1](07:46:00): huh?
[meiko](07:46:03): Logged In
[DragonsiderEX](07:46:14): do we even KNOW it was steven? there are 9 peopele on
[AuburnSky](07:46:23): I know, I can see the trade
[stephenacevedo1](07:46:28): nobody wants to play?
[DarthArdios](07:46:29): ah
[AuburnSky](07:46:37): Stephen, you stole that Charizard
[AuburnSky](07:46:41): we were in the middle of a trade.
[stephenacevedo1](07:47:03): There isn't a trade system here
[DarthArdios](07:47:10): i'd literally rather strangle you with your own intestines than play a game with you
[AuburnSky](07:47:13): I don't know if you meant to or not, but it's an honor system.
[stephenacevedo1](07:47:23): I only see a market
[stephenacevedo1](07:47:36): where things are put up for the public to buy
[AuburnSky](07:47:57): Right, well, I'm informing you now (because you may not have known)
[AuburnSky](07:48:03): we were in the middle of a trade.
[AuburnSky](07:48:26): Please give the charizard to Darth
![Smile :) :)]()
It was meant to go to him.
[stephenacevedo1](07:48:35): Again, there is no trade section. Only a market.
[DarthArdios](07:48:45): the market is the only way TO trade
[YoMamaSon](07:48:47): Logged In
[stephenacevedo1](07:49:15): Maybe there should be an actual trading post of some sort.
[AuburnSky](07:49:17): Stephen, I'm telling you, if you don't return that card to Darth, you run the risk of being blacklisted by the community.
[DarthArdios](07:49:19): if you see something for 1 bit, especially something that rare, do you think there's any other purpose than trade
[AuburnSky](07:49:43): I will post on the feedback thread on pokebeach
[stephenacevedo1](07:49:44): I don't see how i did anything wrong.
[AuburnSky](07:49:59): You sniped a trade, (the only way players have to trade atm)
[AuburnSky](07:50:10): You may not have known, but now you do.
[DarthArdios](07:50:21): i am literally shaking with rage, so please right your wrong and we can forget this ever happened
[stephenacevedo1](07:50:27): A trade system could be implemented.
[stephenacevedo1](07:50:37): wait
[stephenacevedo1](07:50:47): i need to go do something
[AuburnSky](07:51:06): Darth don't worry about it
[AuburnSky](07:51:09): I'll make it right.
[stephenacevedo1](07:51:30): It will be up in about 13 hours when i get out of work. See you there gentleman.
[DarthArdios](07:51:43): and now is not possible because?
[DarthArdios](07:51:47): it literally takes 3 secons
[DarthArdios](07:51:53): seconds*
[AuburnSky](07:52:00): 1. I will post this conversation on pokebeach, and stephen will be known as a player without honor
[AuburnSky](07:52:09): 2. I have another charizard for you.
[DarthArdios](07:52:22): thank you
[AuburnSky](07:52:23): Which we will not trade the same way
[AuburnSky](07:52:47): I will put it up for 800, and then buy a common from you for 800.
[DarthArdios](07:52:59): cool, but i've got 727 bits
[AuburnSky](07:52:59): Logged In
[AuburnSky](07:53:11): okay, 700. Just enough so that it won't be sniped.
[meiko](07:55:26): interesting fact: on Feb 11, stephenacevedo1 admitted to having 6 charizards
[DarthArdios](07:55:47): and he saw fit to snipe a trade. *******
[DarthArdios](07:56:00): Logged In
[AuburnSky](07:56:07): I'll post the conversation on Pokebeach.
[DarthArdios](07:56:49): Logged In
[meiko](07:56:53): use me as a witness if you like
[AuburnSky](07:57:00): Okay.
[YoMamaSon](07:57:22): me too
From Stephen's viewpoint, he may not have done anything wrong. But from anyone's viewpoint who has played the game for a while, it's obviously a low thing to do, to snipe someone else's trade.