TCG One TCG ONE General Discussion

RE: TCG ONE - Full Featured Online Pokemon TCG Simulator [DEX, DRX, DRV Live]

Refresh the server~! I'm locked out.
RE: TCG ONE - Full Featured Online Pokemon TCG Simulator [DEX, DRX, DRV Live]

Fossil Grimer's Minimize doesn't work.
Fossil Magmar's Smokescreen doesn't fade after retreating anymore. Maybe it's not supposed to?
RE: TCG ONE - Full Featured Online Pokemon TCG Simulator [DEX, DRX, DRV Live]

It's supposed to.

Also, I went through and test all of the neo 3-4 cards that were marked "untested". Most of them worked, but a handful had serious issues.
RE: TCG ONE - Full Featured Online Pokemon TCG Simulator [DEX, DRX, DRV Live]

AuburnSky said:
It would really help to have some sort of warning/banning mechanism.
If not this, then can we get some form of an ignore list/blocking feature? There's certainly more than a few people that I don't care to play against or talk to, unfortunately.
RE: TCG ONE - Full Featured Online Pokemon TCG Simulator [DEX, DRX, DRV Live]

Hello! Firstly, I would like to thank axpendix for his hard work and effort in developing this game. Moving on, I'd like to point out that Garbodor's Garbotoxin counts Terrakion (Retaliate) as having an Ability that it could block. Also, I would like to make a few suggestions:

~ Create a 'Daily Login Bonus' feature that is somewhat similar to the PTCGO. This would help the new players tremendously because seasoned players that have more cards or stronger decks would have an advantage over the newcomers.
~ Day 1 - 25 Bits, Day 2 - 1 Random Booster Pack (except the Energy Pack), Day 3 - 50 Bits, Day 4 - 25 Bits, Day 5 - 1 Random Booster Pack, Day 6 - 50 Bits and Day 7 - 25 Bits.
~ Create a 'Gift' and a 'Trade' option that people could use to either gift cards to other plays or trade cards with other players.
~ Decrease the price of the Booster Packs for a certain level so that new players have access to more cards. Maybe Level 1 ~ 5 pay only 25% of the Booster Pack price, Level 6 ~ 10 pays 50% and Level 10 ~ 15 pays 75%. Anything above Level 15 pays 100%. I believe this would help newcomers a lot. This is because a new player who had just joined the game (chose either Shadow Spore, Fossil Force or Revenge) can't possibly win against a seasoned player who already has a really strong deck (eg. Blastoise or Haymaker).

Well, that's all I wanted to say. Thank you for reading.
RE: TCG ONE - Full Featured Online Pokemon TCG Simulator [DEX, DRX, DRV Live]

Just a head's up: Even though you can unlock the "Do 50,000 damage" promos, Machamp is the only one implemented. The other six just sit in the inventory.
RE: TCG ONE - Full Featured Online Pokemon TCG Simulator [DEX, DRX, DRV Live]

On more thing that I realized that I forgot to mention before, I think an 'Undo' option would be awesome to have. Sometimes mistakes can happen therefore having an undo option would be most helpful.
RE: TCG ONE - Full Featured Online Pokemon TCG Simulator [DEX, DRX, DRV Live]

I'm not too keen on the undo option. I think if it is implemented, it should be limited to very basic moves such as laying down a Pokemon or attaching an energy and it should only be allowed once. Someone could abuse the "undo" option by testing their move first and then calling it back if it did not work like they wanted it to.
RE: TCG ONE - Full Featured Online Pokemon TCG Simulator [DEX, DRX, DRV Live]

Shadower said:
On more thing that I realized that I forgot to mention before, I think an 'Undo' option would be awesome to have. Sometimes mistakes can happen therefore having an undo option would be most helpful.

It sounds like something that would require limitations.

Perhaps once per game or similar to that effect.
RE: TCG ONE - Full Featured Online Pokemon TCG Simulator [DEX, DRX, DRV Live]

SoulWind said:
Shadower said:
On more thing that I realized that I forgot to mention before, I think an 'Undo' option would be awesome to have. Sometimes mistakes can happen therefore having an undo option would be most helpful.

It sounds like something that would require limitations.

Perhaps once per game or similar to that effect.

Just make it like the one on the official PTCGO.
RE: TCG ONE - Full Featured Online Pokemon TCG Simulator [DEX, DRX, DRV Live]

An undo option is a really nice feature for any online simulator for TCG's, since misclicks happen all the time and it's unfair to equate that to a misplay when playing in real life. Obviously it would have to be restricted to energy attachments and playing Pokémon down, since playing something like a supporter or a search card can't be undone, but limit one per game seems a little silly.
RE: TCG ONE - Full Featured Online Pokemon TCG Simulator [DEX, DRX, DRV Live]

Hello guys,

Thank you for all your interest, bug reports and suggestions. New updates are on the way as always. Neo for Career release is very soon. Players will need to buy a Neo starter deck to unlock Neo Series and Rocket-on format. I'll post tentative neo starter decks for you to revise and playtest them.

Remaining recent expansions (BCR, PLS, PLF, PLB, LTR, XY) will be done after the struggle of Neo for Career.

Banning and Moderation
We'll be having moderators, who will have the permission to kick/ban rude or inappropriate users. Please state here if you want to be a moderator. More permissions will follow.

Undo Option
Simulator doesn't have a rollback mechanism of actions yet. So I'm afraid this feature is not possible. Note that 'laying down a pokemon' can kick off various effects like Rocket's Minefield Gym, which should render the action non undoable. Attaching an energy also has a similar effect with Warp Energy, etc.

Daily Reward
Daily login rewards is on my todo list.

Seperate Logs, Private Messaging and Trading
Those are on my todo list.

I'll start rewarding bits for donations. Donators will have login predecence during peak hours.

Sheodon said:
Is there any chance that Unlimited will support BW cards too? Or can just just create an "All" format, separated from Unlimited, where you can use all the cards?
Sorry but I havent planned that right now, there are some technical difficulties. However they will surely merge later on.

Dux said:
First, I'd like to just thank you axpendix for all your work on this, I don't think people show their appreciation to you quite enough. I have just recently started playing this in the past couple weeks and am definitely enjoying it a lot. I invited my friend and he plays too now, and we have come up with a couple suggestions. Some might be too difficult to implement, or too time consuming, or overall not what you want but I figured it wouldn't hurt to suggest.

1- Have separate chat and activity logs. The activity log can fill quickly, and so having a separate box for conversation would make things easier.
2- Perhaps allow for some customization in terms of the location of things in the interface. For example, the ability to relocate the chat to other places, like at the bottom instead of the upper-left.
3- Expandable/resizable interface, my friend says he has a lot of wasted space on his 1080P monitor when playing
4- Have the market and inventory views up side-by-side, similar to deck builder, where inventory also pops up. That way you don't have to go back and forth between the tabs to see what you already have.
5- More sorting and filtering options in the market, similar to the deck builder. So you can search the market by type, generation, etc.
6- In the deck builder, allow sorting on the (right) deck side similar to on the (left) inventory side.
7- It would be nice in the deck builder (left) inventory screen to have some sort of mark next to the cards that are already in the deck on the right window, maybe have a red number next to the card showing the quantity you already have in the deck
8- It would be more convenient if there were more sorting options, like if every column heading was able to be used as a sort method. There is not really a great way to organize decks you've made in the Career Decks section.
9- Having some sort of damage counter symbols above the cards that fills in as they are damaged, would make things easier to quickly glance over your pokemon, in addition to just the number.
10- Perhaps have a "Wanted" section where people can ask for specific cards to buy and maybe even have the price they are willing to pay
11- Lastly, I think it has been mentioned and maybe it is too difficult to implement, but an undo last action button would be really helpful. Accidents and lag can happen enough that it can be pretty frustrating.

Those are just some nit-picky things we came up with. It doesn't really hurt the experience, we are really enjoying this, but thought you might be willing to listen to some suggestions. Thanks again

Thank you for your compliments and suggestions. There are not many people who make explicit UI suggestions. I have numbered them for convenience:
1, 4 and 5 will be done. 2, 3 and 11 are technically hard to do. 6 and 8 should already be present. I'll rethink about 7, 9 and 10 when there are less important stuff in the list.

Shadower said:
Hello! Firstly, I would like to thank axpendix for his hard work and effort in developing this game. Moving on, I'd like to point out that Garbodor's Garbotoxin counts Terrakion (Retaliate) as having an Ability that it could block. Also, I would like to make a few suggestions:

~ Create a 'Daily Login Bonus' feature that is somewhat similar to the PTCGO. This would help the new players tremendously because seasoned players that have more cards or stronger decks would have an advantage over the newcomers.
~ Day 1 - 25 Bits, Day 2 - 1 Random Booster Pack (except the Energy Pack), Day 3 - 50 Bits, Day 4 - 25 Bits, Day 5 - 1 Random Booster Pack, Day 6 - 50 Bits and Day 7 - 25 Bits.
~ Create a 'Gift' and a 'Trade' option that people could use to either gift cards to other plays or trade cards with other players.
~ Decrease the price of the Booster Packs for a certain level so that new players have access to more cards. Maybe Level 1 ~ 5 pay only 25% of the Booster Pack price, Level 6 ~ 10 pays 50% and Level 10 ~ 15 pays 75%. Anything above Level 15 pays 100%. I believe this would help newcomers a lot. This is because a new player who had just joined the game (chose either Shadow Spore, Fossil Force or Revenge) can't possibly win against a seasoned player who already has a really strong deck (eg. Blastoise or Haymaker).

Well, that's all I wanted to say. Thank you for reading.

Thank you for the suggestions and Garbotoxin bug. It'll be fixed. Daily login rewards and private trading will be added soon.
However pack discount idea is not feasible because high level players would create secondary accounts and trade them to their primary.

Tash said:
Just a head's up: Even though you can unlock the "Do 50,000 damage" promos, Machamp is the only one implemented. The other six just sit in the inventory.
Congratulations for unlocking them. They'll soon be implemented.
RE: TCG ONE - Full Featured Online Pokemon TCG Simulator [DEX, DRX, DRV Live]

Tentative 4 Neo Starter decks are ready. I have listed them at TCG ONE, I expect players to playtest them and offer rebalance suggestions, if relevant. They also need cool names.

Deck 1: P W
1 Espeon (N2 20)
2 Eevee (N2 38)
1 Light Vaporeon (N4 52)
3 Mantine (N1 64)
2 Omastar (N2 43)
2 Omanyte (N2 60)
2 Girafarig (N1 58)
2 Starmie (N3 25)
3 Staryu (N3 56)
1 Cleffa (N1 20)
11 Psychic Energy (N1 110)
11 Water Energy (N1 111)
1 Berry (N1 99)
2 Super Rod (N1 103)
2 Bill's Teleporter (N1 91)
1 Professor Elm (N1 96)
1 Healing Field (N3 61)
1 Mail from Bill (N4 105)
1 Double Gust (N1 100)
3 Fossil Egg (N2 72)
3 Moo-Moo Milk (N1 101)
2 Pokémon Breeder Fields (N3 62)
2 Energy Ark (N2 75)

Deck 2: R G
1 Jumpluff (N1 7)
2 Skiploom (N1 49)
2 Hoppip (N1 61)
1 Hoppip (N2 55)
2 Ariados (N1 27)
3 Spinarak (N1 75)
2 Quilava (N1 46)
2 Cyndaquil (N1 56)
1 Cyndaquil (N1 57)
2 Magmar (N1 40)
1 Magby (N1 23)
1 Cleffa (N1 20)
10 Fire Energy (N1 107)
12 Grass Energy (N1 108)
1 Berry (N1 99)
1 Super Rod (N1 103)
2 Bill's Teleporter (N1 91)
1 Pokémon Breeder Fields (N3 62)
2 Pokémon March (N1 102)
2 Energy Ark (N2 75)
1 Professor Elm (N1 96)
1 Mail from Bill (N4 105)
1 Double Gust (N1 100)
3 Moo-Moo Milk (N1 101)
1 Lucky Stadium (N4 100)
2 Old Rod (N3 64)

Deck 3: G F
1 Hitmontop (N2 3)
1 Hitmonchan (N4 69)
1 Hitmonlee (N4 42)
2 Tyrogue (N2 66)
1 Butterfree (N2 19)
2 Metapod (N2 42)
4 Caterpie (N2 53)
2 Pupitar (N2 45)
3 Larvitar (N2 57)
2 Scyther (N2 46)
1 Furret (N1 35)
2 Sentret (N2 63)
1 Cleffa (N1 20)
11 Grass Energy (N1 108)
11 Fighting Energy (N1 106)
1 Berry (N1 99)
2 Super Rod (N1 103)
2 Bill's Teleporter (N1 91)
2 Pokémon Breeder Fields (N3 62)
1 Energy Ark (N2 75)
1 Professor Elm (N1 96)
1 Mail from Bill (N4 105)
1 Energy Stadium (N4 99)
1 Double Gust (N1 100)
2 Moo-Moo Milk (N1 101)
1 Miracle Berry (N1 94)

Deck 4: L W
1 Kingdra (N3 19)
2 Seadra (N1 48)
4 Horsea (N1 62)
1 Electabuzz (N1 33)
1 Elekid (N1 22)
1 Raichu (N3 21)
2 Pikachu (N1 70)
2 Lanturn (N1 38)
3 Chinchou (N1 55)
1 Croconaw (N1 31)
1 Croconaw (N1 32)
2 Totodile (N1 80)
1 Totodile (N1 81)
1 Cleffa (N1 20)
11 Lightning Energy (N1 109)
12 Water Energy (N1 111)
1 Berry (N1 99)
1 Super Rod (N1 103)
2 Bill's Teleporter (N1 91)
2 Pokémon Breeder Fields (N3 62)
2 Energy Ark (N2 75)
1 Professor Elm (N1 96)
1 Mail from Bill (N4 105)
1 Double Gust (N1 100)
2 Moo-Moo Milk (N1 101)
1 Lucky Stadium (N4 100)
RE: TCG ONE - Full Featured Online Pokemon TCG Simulator [DEX, DRX, DRV Live]

Some name ideas for the decks:

1. Ocean Soul / Pure Mind
2. Wildfire
3. Metamorphosis
4. Jaw Breaker / Water Flow
RE: TCG ONE - Full Featured Online Pokemon TCG Simulator [DEX, DRX, DRV Live]

axpendix said:
Hello guys,

Thank you for all your interest, bug reports and suggestions. New updates are on the way as always. Neo for Career release is very soon. Players will need to buy a Neo starter deck to unlock Neo Series and Rocket-on format. I'll post tentative neo starter decks for you to revise and playtest them.

Remaining recent expansions (BCR, PLS, PLF, PLB, LTR, XY) will be done after the struggle of Neo for Career.

Banning and Moderation
We'll be having moderators, who will have the permission to kick/ban rude or inappropriate users. Please state here if you want to be a moderator. More permissions will follow.

Undo Option
Simulator doesn't have a rollback mechanism of actions yet. So I'm afraid this feature is not possible. Note that 'laying down a pokemon' can kick off various effects like Rocket's Minefield Gym, which should render the action non undoable. Attaching an energy also has a similar effect with Warp Energy, etc.

Daily Reward
Daily login rewards is on my todo list.

Seperate Logs, Private Messaging and Trading
Those are on my todo list.

I'll start rewarding bits for donations. Donators will have login predecence during peak hours.

Sheodon said:
Is there any chance that Unlimited will support BW cards too? Or can just just create an "All" format, separated from Unlimited, where you can use all the cards?
Sorry but I havent planned that right now, there are some technical difficulties. However they will surely merge later on.

Dux said:
First, I'd like to just thank you axpendix for all your work on this, I don't think people show their appreciation to you quite enough. I have just recently started playing this in the past couple weeks and am definitely enjoying it a lot. I invited my friend and he plays too now, and we have come up with a couple suggestions. Some might be too difficult to implement, or too time consuming, or overall not what you want but I figured it wouldn't hurt to suggest.

1- Have separate chat and activity logs. The activity log can fill quickly, and so having a separate box for conversation would make things easier.
2- Perhaps allow for some customization in terms of the location of things in the interface. For example, the ability to relocate the chat to other places, like at the bottom instead of the upper-left.
3- Expandable/resizable interface, my friend says he has a lot of wasted space on his 1080P monitor when playing
4- Have the market and inventory views up side-by-side, similar to deck builder, where inventory also pops up. That way you don't have to go back and forth between the tabs to see what you already have.
5- More sorting and filtering options in the market, similar to the deck builder. So you can search the market by type, generation, etc.
6- In the deck builder, allow sorting on the (right) deck side similar to on the (left) inventory side.
7- It would be nice in the deck builder (left) inventory screen to have some sort of mark next to the cards that are already in the deck on the right window, maybe have a red number next to the card showing the quantity you already have in the deck
8- It would be more convenient if there were more sorting options, like if every column heading was able to be used as a sort method. There is not really a great way to organize decks you've made in the Career Decks section.
9- Having some sort of damage counter symbols above the cards that fills in as they are damaged, would make things easier to quickly glance over your pokemon, in addition to just the number.
10- Perhaps have a "Wanted" section where people can ask for specific cards to buy and maybe even have the price they are willing to pay
11- Lastly, I think it has been mentioned and maybe it is too difficult to implement, but an undo last action button would be really helpful. Accidents and lag can happen enough that it can be pretty frustrating.

Those are just some nit-picky things we came up with. It doesn't really hurt the experience, we are really enjoying this, but thought you might be willing to listen to some suggestions. Thanks again

Thank you for your compliments and suggestions. There are not many people who make explicit UI suggestions. I have numbered them for convenience:
1, 4 and 5 will be done. 2, 3 and 11 are technically hard to do. 6 and 8 should already be present. I'll rethink about 7, 9 and 10 when there are less important stuff in the list.

Shadower said:
Hello! Firstly, I would like to thank axpendix for his hard work and effort in developing this game. Moving on, I'd like to point out that Garbodor's Garbotoxin counts Terrakion (Retaliate) as having an Ability that it could block. Also, I would like to make a few suggestions:

~ Create a 'Daily Login Bonus' feature that is somewhat similar to the PTCGO. This would help the new players tremendously because seasoned players that have more cards or stronger decks would have an advantage over the newcomers.
~ Day 1 - 25 Bits, Day 2 - 1 Random Booster Pack (except the Energy Pack), Day 3 - 50 Bits, Day 4 - 25 Bits, Day 5 - 1 Random Booster Pack, Day 6 - 50 Bits and Day 7 - 25 Bits.
~ Create a 'Gift' and a 'Trade' option that people could use to either gift cards to other plays or trade cards with other players.
~ Decrease the price of the Booster Packs for a certain level so that new players have access to more cards. Maybe Level 1 ~ 5 pay only 25% of the Booster Pack price, Level 6 ~ 10 pays 50% and Level 10 ~ 15 pays 75%. Anything above Level 15 pays 100%. I believe this would help newcomers a lot. This is because a new player who had just joined the game (chose either Shadow Spore, Fossil Force or Revenge) can't possibly win against a seasoned player who already has a really strong deck (eg. Blastoise or Haymaker).

Well, that's all I wanted to say. Thank you for reading.

Thank you for the suggestions and Garbotoxin bug. It'll be fixed. Daily login rewards and private trading will be added soon.
However pack discount idea is not feasible because high level players would create secondary accounts and trade them to their primary.

Tash said:
Just a head's up: Even though you can unlock the "Do 50,000 damage" promos, Machamp is the only one implemented. The other six just sit in the inventory.
Congratulations for unlocking them. They'll soon be implemented.

Please be conscious of who you choose to moderate. It's a lot of power that can be easily abused by obvious people. It would be smart to have someone who is a veteran of the site and knows who is who, and also, knows how to deal with most of the people
RE: TCG ONE - Full Featured Online Pokemon TCG Simulator [DEX, DRX, DRV Live]

SoulWind said:
Shadower said:
On more thing that I realized that I forgot to mention before, I think an 'Undo' option would be awesome to have. Sometimes mistakes can happen therefore having an undo option would be most helpful.

It sounds like something that would require limitations.

Perhaps once per game or similar to that effect.

Yeah, that would be better.

AlexanderTheAwesome said:
SoulWind said:
It sounds like something that would require limitations.

Perhaps once per game or similar to that effect.

Just make it like the one on the official PTCGO.

PTCGO limits the 'Undo' option to one per game? Or is it more than that?

axpendix said:
Hello guys,

Thank you for all your interest, bug reports and suggestions. New updates are on the way as always. Neo for Career release is very soon. Players will need to buy a Neo starter deck to unlock Neo Series and Rocket-on format. I'll post tentative neo starter decks for you to revise and playtest them.

Remaining recent expansions (BCR, PLS, PLF, PLB, LTR, XY) will be done after the struggle of Neo for Career.

Banning and Moderation
We'll be having moderators, who will have the permission to kick/ban rude or inappropriate users. Please state here if you want to be a moderator. More permissions will follow.

Undo Option
Simulator doesn't have a rollback mechanism of actions yet. So I'm afraid this feature is not possible. Note that 'laying down a pokemon' can kick off various effects like Rocket's Minefield Gym, which should render the action non undoable. Attaching an energy also has a similar effect with Warp Energy, etc.

Daily Reward
Daily login rewards is on my todo list.

Seperate Logs, Private Messaging and Trading
Those are on my todo list.

I'll start rewarding bits for donations. Donators will have login predecence during peak hours.

Sheodon said:
Is there any chance that Unlimited will support BW cards too? Or can just just create an "All" format, separated from Unlimited, where you can use all the cards?
Sorry but I havent planned that right now, there are some technical difficulties. However they will surely merge later on.

Dux said:
First, I'd like to just thank you axpendix for all your work on this, I don't think people show their appreciation to you quite enough. I have just recently started playing this in the past couple weeks and am definitely enjoying it a lot. I invited my friend and he plays too now, and we have come up with a couple suggestions. Some might be too difficult to implement, or too time consuming, or overall not what you want but I figured it wouldn't hurt to suggest.

1- Have separate chat and activity logs. The activity log can fill quickly, and so having a separate box for conversation would make things easier.
2- Perhaps allow for some customization in terms of the location of things in the interface. For example, the ability to relocate the chat to other places, like at the bottom instead of the upper-left.
3- Expandable/resizable interface, my friend says he has a lot of wasted space on his 1080P monitor when playing
4- Have the market and inventory views up side-by-side, similar to deck builder, where inventory also pops up. That way you don't have to go back and forth between the tabs to see what you already have.
5- More sorting and filtering options in the market, similar to the deck builder. So you can search the market by type, generation, etc.
6- In the deck builder, allow sorting on the (right) deck side similar to on the (left) inventory side.
7- It would be nice in the deck builder (left) inventory screen to have some sort of mark next to the cards that are already in the deck on the right window, maybe have a red number next to the card showing the quantity you already have in the deck
8- It would be more convenient if there were more sorting options, like if every column heading was able to be used as a sort method. There is not really a great way to organize decks you've made in the Career Decks section.
9- Having some sort of damage counter symbols above the cards that fills in as they are damaged, would make things easier to quickly glance over your pokemon, in addition to just the number.
10- Perhaps have a "Wanted" section where people can ask for specific cards to buy and maybe even have the price they are willing to pay
11- Lastly, I think it has been mentioned and maybe it is too difficult to implement, but an undo last action button would be really helpful. Accidents and lag can happen enough that it can be pretty frustrating.

Those are just some nit-picky things we came up with. It doesn't really hurt the experience, we are really enjoying this, but thought you might be willing to listen to some suggestions. Thanks again

Thank you for your compliments and suggestions. There are not many people who make explicit UI suggestions. I have numbered them for convenience:
1, 4 and 5 will be done. 2, 3 and 11 are technically hard to do. 6 and 8 should already be present. I'll rethink about 7, 9 and 10 when there are less important stuff in the list.

Shadower said:
Hello! Firstly, I would like to thank axpendix for his hard work and effort in developing this game. Moving on, I'd like to point out that Garbodor's Garbotoxin counts Terrakion (Retaliate) as having an Ability that it could block. Also, I would like to make a few suggestions:

~ Create a 'Daily Login Bonus' feature that is somewhat similar to the PTCGO. This would help the new players tremendously because seasoned players that have more cards or stronger decks would have an advantage over the newcomers.
~ Day 1 - 25 Bits, Day 2 - 1 Random Booster Pack (except the Energy Pack), Day 3 - 50 Bits, Day 4 - 25 Bits, Day 5 - 1 Random Booster Pack, Day 6 - 50 Bits and Day 7 - 25 Bits.
~ Create a 'Gift' and a 'Trade' option that people could use to either gift cards to other plays or trade cards with other players.
~ Decrease the price of the Booster Packs for a certain level so that new players have access to more cards. Maybe Level 1 ~ 5 pay only 25% of the Booster Pack price, Level 6 ~ 10 pays 50% and Level 10 ~ 15 pays 75%. Anything above Level 15 pays 100%. I believe this would help newcomers a lot. This is because a new player who had just joined the game (chose either Shadow Spore, Fossil Force or Revenge) can't possibly win against a seasoned player who already has a really strong deck (eg. Blastoise or Haymaker).

Well, that's all I wanted to say. Thank you for reading.

Thank you for the suggestions and Garbotoxin bug. It'll be fixed. Daily login rewards and private trading will be added soon.
However pack discount idea is not feasible because high level players would create secondary accounts and trade them to their primary.

Tash said:
Just a head's up: Even though you can unlock the "Do 50,000 damage" promos, Machamp is the only one implemented. The other six just sit in the inventory.
Congratulations for unlocking them. They'll soon be implemented.

Oh I see. Well, that's rather true. But it is really quite difficult for new players to get started in the game due to stronger players having more powerful decks. Also, another bug that I have found would be Ho-Oh EX's Ability. I can use its ability at any time I want even while Ho-Oh is in my deck, hand or prize and not the discard pile. Just wanted to point that out.
RE: TCG ONE - Full Featured Online Pokemon TCG Simulator [DEX, DRX, DRV Live]

Dharma said:

axpendix said:
Hello guys,

Thank you for all your interest, bug reports and suggestions. New updates are on the way as always. Neo for Career release is very soon. Players will need to buy a Neo starter deck to unlock Neo Series and Rocket-on format. I'll post tentative neo starter decks for you to revise and playtest them.

Remaining recent expansions (BCR, PLS, PLF, PLB, LTR, XY) will be done after the struggle of Neo for Career.

Banning and Moderation
We'll be having moderators, who will have the permission to kick/ban rude or inappropriate users. Please state here if you want to be a moderator. More permissions will follow.

Undo Option
Simulator doesn't have a rollback mechanism of actions yet. So I'm afraid this feature is not possible. Note that 'laying down a pokemon' can kick off various effects like Rocket's Minefield Gym, which should render the action non undoable. Attaching an energy also has a similar effect with Warp Energy, etc.

Daily Reward
Daily login rewards is on my todo list.

Seperate Logs, Private Messaging and Trading
Those are on my todo list.

I'll start rewarding bits for donations. Donators will have login predecence during peak hours.

Sorry but I havent planned that right now, there are some technical difficulties. However they will surely merge later on.

Thank you for your compliments and suggestions. There are not many people who make explicit UI suggestions. I have numbered them for convenience:
1, 4 and 5 will be done. 2, 3 and 11 are technically hard to do. 6 and 8 should already be present. I'll rethink about 7, 9 and 10 when there are less important stuff in the list.

Thank you for the suggestions and Garbotoxin bug. It'll be fixed. Daily login rewards and private trading will be added soon.
However pack discount idea is not feasible because high level players would create secondary accounts and trade them to their primary.

Congratulations for unlocking them. They'll soon be implemented.

Please be conscious of who you choose to moderate. It's a lot of power that can be easily abused by obvious people. It would be smart to have someone who is a veteran of the site and knows who is who, and also, knows how to deal with most of the people


Ima am wiLng tu modiraite

RE: TCG ONE - Full Featured Online Pokemon TCG Simulator [DEX, DRX, DRV Live]

Shadower said:
Oh I see. Well, that's rather true. But it is really quite difficult for new players to get started in the game due to stronger players having more powerful decks. Also, another bug that I have found would be Ho-Oh EX's Ability. I can use its ability at any time I want even while Ho-Oh is in my deck, hand or prize and not the discard pile. Just wanted to point that out.
Well I'll put opponent matching algorithm later but it'll only be effective with more players.
Ho-oh's ability is displayed as an action, but if you've tried clicking it, you'll see you can't use it unless that card is in discard pile.
RE: TCG ONE - Full Featured Online Pokemon TCG Simulator [DEX, DRX, DRV Live]

axpendix said:
Well I'll put opponent matching algorithm later but it'll only be effective with more players.
Ho-oh's ability is displayed as an action, but if you've tried clicking it, you'll see you can't use it unless that card is in discard pile.

Oh I see. Well, there's no rush my friend. Do take your time. Though I really hope the latest sets up till XY would come out soon. Also, I did manage to use Ho-Oh's Ability once when it was not in the discard pile. But after I tried a few more times, it did not work. Perhaps because when I was playing, it was really laggy due to a number of players.
RE: TCG ONE - Full Featured Online Pokemon TCG Simulator [DEX, DRX, DRV Live]

Shadower said:
Oh I see. Well, there's no rush my friend. Do take your time. Though I really hope the latest sets up till XY would come out soon. Also, I did manage to use Ho-Oh's Ability once when it was not in the discard pile. But after I tried a few more times, it did not work. Perhaps because when I was playing, it was really laggy due to a number of players.
You should immediately file a bug report with cases like that.

BTW, guys, if all goes well, Neo will be out tomorrow. Genesis and Discovery will be first, Revelation and Destiny will follow afterwards. Because Discovery and Revelation have low card counts, they will have 5-card packs (1rare, 1uncommon,3 common) rather than 10 and will be sold relatively cheap.