TCG One TCG ONE General Discussion

RE: TCG ONE - Full Featured Online Pokemon TCG Simulator [DEX, DRX, DRV Live]

I think you may be taking that out of context. I didn't say that you should go to a Pokemon website to view nudes or in the other case, advertisement. If you say that things not adding any value to TCGOne don't belong, then plenty of things would be banned. In the chat, I feel like casual conversation would be fine, however, it doesn't add any value. As far as pornography goes, I'm not advocating that it should be posted, but our society views the human body in a negative light and I think it really would be a step forward to stop censoring every single thing that is exposed. Pornography has a much different intent than "artsy nudes" and topless women should be viewed no differently than topless men. I'm not trying to get into a political debate about that and quite honestly, I'm not suggesting that TCGOne start the trend to more accpeting views, but I just tossed out that little side note for an ideal society that doesn't take offense to a woman in her underwear. Of course, even in an ideal society, spamming even "artsy nudes" can give pornographic intention, but when used in the right context, I see no problem.

On topic, I encountered a bug last night that might be very specific and I didn't have time to send it in, because I might have been booted for inactivity due to trying to explain it.

Misty's Gyarados has an ability that sends Gyarados and all cards attached into the deck if heads is flipped. Muk from fossil was placed on the bench to stop this power. However, it was brought to active by a GoW and Paralyzed, therefore making its own power stop, while Gyarados's power active again. The player then used switch to bring out Gyarados and send Muk to the bench. Muk was no longer Paralyzed and so Gyarados should not have had to flip when it attacked. However, it did flip, got two tails and was shuffled into the deck.
RE: TCG ONE - Full Featured Online Pokemon TCG Simulator [DEX, DRX, DRV Live]

axpendix said:
- Meganium (N1) Wild Growth and Gardevoir (NXD) Psychic Mirage minor bugs fixed.
Nah, now the game crashes when Meganium comes into play.
RE: TCG ONE - Full Featured Online Pokemon TCG Simulator [DEX, DRX, DRV Live]

evilpacman said:
On topic, I encountered a bug last night that might be very specific and I didn't have time to send it in, because I might have been booted for inactivity due to trying to explain it.

Misty's Gyarados has an ability that sends Gyarados and all cards attached into the deck if heads is flipped. Muk from fossil was placed on the bench to stop this power. However, it was brought to active by a GoW and Paralyzed, therefore making its own power stop, while Gyarados's power active again. The player then used switch to bring out Gyarados and send Muk to the bench. Muk was no longer Paralyzed and so Gyarados should not have had to flip when it attacked. However, it did flip, got two tails and was shuffled into the deck.

It should be fixed with the last update.

Tash said:
axpendix said:
- Meganium (N1) Wild Growth and Gardevoir (NXD) Psychic Mirage minor bugs fixed.
Nah, now the game crashes when Meganium comes into play.

It should be fixed now.
RE: TCG ONE - Full Featured Online Pokemon TCG Simulator

#1 Proposition for random promo drops from quests:
Let the drop rate be calculated by X/52, where X = number of achievements finished. Make the system always choose a promo that the player has less than 4 of.

This serves three primary purposes:
1. As a player unlocks more promos, the odds of getting any specific one would drop. This would help counteract that.
2. Since players with more achievements will get promo drops more often, they'll max out the 4 limit per card significantly faster. Thus, even if their promo drops are bad, they'll still get the "good" promos faster than a normal player.
3. Encourages people to actually work toward them.

For the sake of reference, I have 32 (64%) finished. Eevee has 27 (54%) finished. Meanwhile, the vast majority of players have less than 10 (10-20%) finished. Those who actually try generally seem to average around 19-ish (38%).

#2 Weighted quest rewards bonus
As has been mentioned, in addition to the above, a "quest ticket" system was suggested, where quests reward "tickets" that can be used to buy things like Base 2 packs. For this, I suggest a system that rewards doing different quests.

For starters, let the game keep an internal list for each player that keeps track of which quests they've finished. For the sake of this example, let's assume that the system has 25 possible quests. This reward ONLY applies to "new" quests that the player hasn't done yet. Once a player has done all of the quests, their list is wiped clean and every quest counts as new.
First 12 new quests done: 1 ticket
Next 6 new quests done: 2 tickets
Next 3 new quests done: 3 tickets
Next 2 new quests done: 4 tickets
Next 1 new quest done: 5 tickets
Last quest done: 10 tickets
(these assume there are 25 possible quests. The actual ratio should be similar either way)

Accepting quests works EXACTLY how it does now, so the player is at the mercy of the 5 random quests a day. Taking a quest you've already finished will always give 1 ticket. Once again, after you get the 10 ticket bonus, you get to start over. This will encourage people to take quests other than the standard "do X damage", as well as make the stupid quests worth doing.

#3 New Quest suggestions
1000 Damage with Light/Dark Pokemon
5 games with decks containing only (leader) Pokemon
Pay 25 energy in retreat costs
500 Damage with any Pokemon from Southern Islands (when we get it)
KO 5 Pokemon with a Shining Pokemon
500 Damage with Dark/Steel Pokemon (this can be bumped up once we get to the RS sets)
Heal 500 damage
Win 5 games with a deck containing 4 Unown
RE: TCG ONE - Full Featured Online Pokemon TCG Simulator

Tash said:
Proposition for random promo drops from quests:
Let the drop rate be calculated by X/52, where X = number of achievements finished. Make the system always choose a promo that the player has less than 4 of.

This serves three primary purposes:
1. As a player unlocks more promos, the odds of getting any specific one would drop. This would help counteract that.
2. Since players with more achievements will get promo drops more often, they'll max out the 4 limit per card significantly faster. Thus, even if their promo drops are bad, they'll still get the "good" promos faster than a normal player.
3. Encourages people to actually work toward them.

For the sake of reference, I have 32 (64%) finished. Eevee has 27 (54%) finished. Meanwhile, the vast majority of players have less than 10 (10-20%) finished. Those who actually try generally seem to average around 19-ish (38%).

I have 28 Finished :p
RE: TCG ONE - Full Featured Online Pokemon TCG Simulator

Gotta say that I love TCG ONE, it's much better than PTCGO even in this rough stage. My favorite part of TCG ONE has to be the market, the prices for packs are pretty reasonable, and doesn't make it feel like I have to grind points just for one pack. I can't wait to see how it can improve, the sky is the limit for TCG ONE.
RE: TCG ONE - Full Featured Online Pokemon TCG Simulator

If your hand gets too big, there's no way to see it.
RE: TCG ONE - Full Featured Online Pokemon TCG Simulator

Sounds like a Chinese proverb.

Anyway, you might want to paint the situation where you want to be saving THAT many cards in the first place, but I suppose a horizontal card scroller would be nice.
RE: TCG ONE - Full Featured Online Pokemon TCG Simulator

I'd also like to see the prize cards flip when they are revealed rather then have a pop up window for them. It can get in the way sometimes.
RE: TCG ONE - Full Featured Online Pokemon TCG Simulator

Rival Gary tries too hard. I hate gimmick posters.

Also, I think we should add to what constitutes as "disrespect": Saying "gg" at all during matches should probably be a bannable offense, unless the game was actually good... Which only occurs in maybe one out of every ten or twenty games. It's condescending and fake. If you actually thought it was a good game, first of all, actually spell out the words "good game". Hell, don't even SAY "good game". Say "great game". Say "awesome game, man". Have a full-on goddamn conversation about the logistics of the game, why you did this, why you did that, why you played that card, why you didn't play that one... Go into how good the game was instead of just saying "gg" and leaving, like a lazy prick.

"Gg" shows a dismissive attitude, because you don't actually care about the game's quality. You're just gonna save face and make yourself look like a good sport, because you're morally obligated to, or whatever. I hate this forced courtesy shit like nothing else in our society. Especially because whenever I complain about it, I invariably sound like a whiner. Maybe it is, but I don't care. I think it's garbage and I don't support it.

If it wasn't a good game, I never say it was, because I'm not a liar. I usually don't say anything, but if I had to, I would say, "thanks for playing". Aww, is that too long for you? Whatever, that's the only honest way of going about. And if you're honestly of the mentality that "every game is good", that's just plain idiotic. What's "good" about losing on the very first turn simply because your opponent happened to flip heads, have a Hitmonchan, and score a donk win on your Voltorb just because you drew no more basics? What's good about that? What was gained from that game? What was gained from a game where you lost 6-0 because your opponent's deck was a hard-counter to yours? Is THAT a "good game"? Is it really?

No. Good games are when both players are evenly matched, and are using either evenly matched decks, or one is at a disadvantage, but uses his cunning to outsmart his opponent and either win, or come very close to winning. Either way, there should be a lot of ambiguous plays, mind-games, no coin-flip BS, no lucky top-decks. Just a pure, unadulterated test of wits and wits alone. Those are rare. But those are the "good games".

It obviously won't become a bannable offense, but it will be a blockable offense. To me. Because I just hate seeing that crap. Rant over.
RE: TCG ONE - Full Featured Online Pokemon TCG Simulator

Verbatim said:
Rival Gary tries too hard. I hate gimmick posters.

Also, I think we should add to what constitutes as "disrespect": Saying "gg" at all during matches should probably be a bannable offense, unless the game was actually good... Which only occurs in maybe one out of every ten or twenty games. It's condescending and fake. If you actually thought it was a good game, first of all, actually spell out the words "good game". Hell, don't even SAY "good game". Say "great game". Say "awesome game, man". Have a full-on Goshdarn conversation about the logistics of the game, why you did this, why you did that, why you played that card, why you didn't play that one... Go into how good the game was instead of just saying "gg" and leaving, like a lazy prick.

"Gg" shows a dismissive attitude, because you don't actually care about the game's quality. You're just gonna save face and make yourself look like a good sport, because you're morally obligated to, or whatever. I hate this forced courtesy shit like nothing else in our society. Especially because whenever I complain about it, I invariably sound like a whiner. Maybe it is, but I don't care. I think it's garbage and I don't support it.

If it wasn't a good game, I never say it was, because I'm not a liar. I usually don't say anything, but if I had to, I would say, "thanks for playing". Aww, is that too long for you? Whatever, that's the only honest way of going about. And if you're honestly of the mentality that "every game is good", that's just plain idiotic. What's "good" about losing on the very first turn simply because your opponent happened to flip heads, have a Hitmonchan, and score a donk win on your Voltorb just because you drew no more basics? What's good about that? What was gained from that game? What was gained from a game where you lost 6-0 because your opponent's deck was a hard-counter to yours? Is THAT a "good game"? Is it really?

No. Good games are when both players are evenly matched, and are using either evenly matched decks, or one is at a disadvantage, but uses his cunning to outsmart his opponent and either win, or come very close to winning. Either way, there should be a lot of ambiguous plays, mind-games, no coin-flip BS, no lucky top-decks. Just a pure, unadulterated test of wits and wits alone. Those are rare. But those are the "good games".

It obviously won't become a bannable offense, but it will be a blockable offense. To me. Because I just hate seeing that crap. Rant over.

That corner you sit in, has no credibility on that subject. Im sorry to "bash" on this post but you are well known on the site for being the biggest sore loser. Anyone who is just flat out better than you is, by default, a "c*** ". A slug, swimming in salt is more friendly than you.
RE: TCG ONE - Full Featured Online Pokemon TCG Simulator

Except it's impossible to be "flat-out better" than somebody at this game. Im. Possible. It's all luck, and all based on your cards. A deck with nothing but Psychic types can beat a deck with nothing but Psychic-resistant Pokémon if he just uses Abra's Psyshock and gets heads forty-six times in a row. And I'm sure if that happened to you, you would still say "gg". What a good sport you are. You should be SO proud.

I have credibility in whatever subject I choose to comment on, if I know enough about the subject. And I do. Try refuting the central point of the argument. Otherwise, you're just a waste of my time. "You're a meanie-face, so what you say doesn't matter" doesn't hold much water. You're gonna have to do better than that.
RE: TCG ONE - Full Featured Online Pokemon TCG Simulator

Verbatim said:
Except it's impossible to be "flat-out better" than somebody at this game. Im. Possible. It's all luck, and all based on your cards.

I have credibility in whatever subject I choose to comment on. Try refuting the central point of the argument. Otherwise, you're just a waste of my time.

You are contradicting yourself. If its "all luck", then it doesnt sound like that leaves too much room for any other variable. If it was also ALL luck, you wouldnt lose to certain individuals 9/10 times. Those individuals are the same people who, for weeks at a time, would get a flood of (to others who have openly complained) offensive insults from Verbatim, and really, just cause they beat his expensive, archetype decks.
RE: TCG ONE - Full Featured Online Pokemon TCG Simulator

it doesnt sound like that leaves too much room for any other variable.
Which is exactly what I'm saying.
If it was also ALL luck, you wouldnt lose to certain individuals 9/10 times.
Which is exactly what I'm saying. I have bad luck. No shit.

You lose.
RE: TCG ONE - Full Featured Online Pokemon TCG Simulator

Feel free to continue the conversation if you can keep it civil, otherwise, let it go, please.
RE: TCG ONE - Full Featured Online Pokemon TCG Simulator

Verbatim said:
Rival Gary tries too hard. I hate gimmick posters.

Also, I think we should add to what constitutes as "disrespect": Saying "gg" at all during matches should probably be a bannable offense, unless the game was actually good... Which only occurs in maybe one out of every ten or twenty games. It's condescending and fake. If you actually thought it was a good game, first of all, actually spell out the words "good game". Hell, don't even SAY "good game". Say "great game". Say "awesome game, man". Have a full-on Goshdarn conversation about the logistics of the game, why you did this, why you did that, why you played that card, why you didn't play that one... Go into how good the game was instead of just saying "gg" and leaving, like a lazy prick.

"Gg" shows a dismissive attitude, because you don't actually care about the game's quality. You're just gonna save face and make yourself look like a good sport, because you're morally obligated to, or whatever. I hate this forced courtesy shit like nothing else in our society. Especially because whenever I complain about it, I invariably sound like a whiner. Maybe it is, but I don't care. I think it's garbage and I don't support it.

If it wasn't a good game, I never say it was, because I'm not a liar. I usually don't say anything, but if I had to, I would say, "thanks for playing". Aww, is that too long for you? Whatever, that's the only honest way of going about. And if you're honestly of the mentality that "every game is good", that's just plain idiotic. What's "good" about losing on the very first turn simply because your opponent happened to flip heads, have a Hitmonchan, and score a donk win on your Voltorb just because you drew no more basics? What's good about that? What was gained from that game? What was gained from a game where you lost 6-0 because your opponent's deck was a hard-counter to yours? Is THAT a "good game"? Is it really?

No. Good games are when both players are evenly matched, and are using either evenly matched decks, or one is at a disadvantage, but uses his cunning to outsmart his opponent and either win, or come very close to winning. Either way, there should be a lot of ambiguous plays, mind-games, no coin-flip BS, no lucky top-decks. Just a pure, unadulterated test of wits and wits alone. Those are rare. But those are the "good games".

It obviously won't become a bannable offense, but it will be a blockable offense. To me. Because I just hate seeing that crap. Rant over.
I say GG at the end of every single one of my matches regardless of whether it has been a good match or not. I don't mean it as a sign of disrespect but just the opposite. When you say GG you communicate to your opponent that you enjoyed the game. In fact GG originally meant "good gamer" not "good game". The meaning shifted over time but I don't think that the connotation did. Most people who say "GG" aren't using it to insult anyone, but rather as a way of showing respect.

Making myself seem like a good sport win or lose is a good thing. It means that you respect your opponent. In my case saying "GG" is not even forced. I try to act like a good sport in everything I do. Being courteous really is not a bad thing.

Everyone has a different meaning for the word "good". For some people it might be that they had a lot of fun playing. For others (like you) it might be that the game was evenly matched.
RE: TCG ONE - Full Featured Online Pokemon TCG Simulator

Nothing is wrong with being a good sport. If you don't want to, then don't say it. I say it to be friendly, even if it was not a good game. To make that punishable is a bit ridiculous. That is about the same as unnecessary censorship. To me, its basically the same as saying thanks for playing. Anyway, I will probably keep saying it, because a number of people would think I'm a sore loser if I don't and that is not what I'm trying to convey.

Also, some people say good night to someone who is taking a midday nap. The meaning carries further than the individual words. Should that be punishable?
RE: TCG ONE - Full Featured Online Pokemon TCG Simulator

No, because the intent is sound. You're wishing the person a good sleep. You can't not be genuine about that kind of thing. Who the hell has ever said "goodnight" in a malicious or disingenuous way?

This really isn't that complicated. Saying "gg" when it wasn't a good game is disingenuous. You even admit that you say it only to not look like a sore loser. That's the WRONG reason to say it. Here's a good reason to say "gg": When it's a good game. Then and only then. In any other time, you look like a pompous braggart, a pretentious idiot, or an appeasing sheep. Personally, I enjoy my integrity and will not compromise it. Not saying it doesn't mean you have bad sportsmanship. It means you can tell what's good from bad. A very important life skill.

Oh, and it's not censorship, either. You could argue that I'm trying to censor the website by proposing that we ban the posting of pornography in the main chat rooms, but you wouldn't do that, would you? No, you were on my side there. So don't give me that. I consider the canned response of "gg" to be disrespectful, and yes, I'm for the "censoring" of disrespect. Does that mean I'm never disrespectful? Obviously not. Does the fact that I can be take away my right to have an opinion on the subject? No (Dharma).

That's all I have to say anymore about it. I don't think I can really flesh it out any more than I already have, or dumb it down more for those who can't yet grasp it. This is getting beyond the scope of TCG ONE anyway. I just hate liars, and I hate stupid social norms. If being a good sport means that I have to lie through my teeth to my fellow players, just to make myself look like a swell guy, then it's terrible to be a good sport. Awful.
RE: TCG ONE - Full Featured Online Pokemon TCG Simulator

If that is what you think. I personally think it means more than the quality of the game itself. I'm not a fan of social norms either, but I'm not going to get up in arms about everything that is socially accepted. The fact is, you may be upset that you loss, but you show your respect and gratitude to the victor, unless they, themselves, were showing poor sport. Show your disdain all you want for losing. No one said you had to be happy you lost, but it makes you the better person to own up to it and congratulate the winner. Even if saying "good game" doesn't necessarily mean the game was really that great. I guess it all depends on how you see it. I don't take the meaning as literal as maybe you do. If it bothers you that much, just say something else or don't say anything at all.

The biggest thing that bothers me, though, is people that forfeit the game when the other person is about to take their last prize card or two. It ticks me off so much because those are missed points. I suggest that if you forfeit, you get no points at all. One game was especially annoying when I needed 20 more damage to a certain type (one I rarely see) and I just needed one more turn, but the other party forfeited, still getting almost as many points as me.

I think once the time expiration doesn't occur randomly when someone is playing, as it sometimes does to me, this rule should be implemented in order to deter quitters. Either that, or maybe award extra points to the person that didn't surrender.
RE: TCG ONE - Full Featured Online Pokemon TCG Simulator

And who the hell ever said that I'm only referring to my losses, as if all I do is lose? Dharma brought up that I lose nine times out of ten, because he doesn't know anything, but no, I'm not referring solely to my own losses where the punk winner was all like, "hurr durr, what a gg that was! I beat you 6-0 because your deck has literally 0 chance of ever beating mine in any realistic scenario! But it was a gg anyway! Please think nicely of me because I said that to you!"

I'll beat other people 6-0, with no chance of them ever winning, and the LOSER will say "gg". That's stupid, too. I'm not sure what's worse, actually.

Just had to clarify.
The biggest thing that bothers me, though, is people that forfeit the game when the other person is about to take their last prize card or two. It ticks me off so much because those are missed points
Now that is something I don't care about, because I don't care about points. If you can see that there will be no chance of you ever winning, or if you see that your loss is imminent within the next couple turns, it's senseless to waste your time on the game. That's kind've my least favorite thing about our current currency system. The greed. It's not enough that you "win". You have to win BIG.

How's that for sportsmanship, huh?