TCG One TCG ONE General Discussion

RE: TCG ONE - Full Featured Online Pokemon TCG Simulator

Verbatim said:
No, because the intent is sound. You're wishing the person a good sleep. You can't not be genuine about that kind of thing. Who the hell has ever said "goodnight" in a malicious or disingenuous way?
Good game has been said to harm someone?

This really isn't that complicated. Saying "gg" when it wasn't a good game is disingenuous. You even admit that you say it only to not look like a sore loser. That's the WRONG reason to say it. Here's a good reason to say "gg": When it's a good game. Then and only then. In any other time, you look like a pompous braggart, a pretentious idiot, or an appeasing sheep. Personally, I enjoy my integrity and will not compromise it. Not saying it doesn't mean you have bad sportsmanship. It means you can tell what's good from bad. A very important life skill.
It's a common courtesy that deals no one harm. I say it because it's polite. Being polite in no way makes me a sore loser.

Oh, and it's not censorship, either. You could argue that I'm trying to censor the website by proposing that we ban the posting of pornography in the main chat rooms, but you wouldn't do that, would you? No, you were on my side there. So don't give me that. I consider the canned response of "gg" to be disrespectful, and yes, I'm for the "censoring" of disrespect. Does that mean I'm never disrespectful? Obviously not. Does the fact that I can be take away my right to have an opinion on the subject? No (Dharma).
There is no reason to sensor something that is a common courtesy. You shouldn't take it as a sign of disrespect if no disrespect is intended. I doubt anyone will say gg as a sign of disrespect as there are better ways to show disrespect.

That's all I have to say anymore about it. I don't think I can really flesh it out any more than I already have, or dumb it down more for those who can't yet grasp it. This is getting beyond the scope of TCG ONE anyway. I just hate liars, and I hate stupid social norms. If being a good sport means that I have to lie through my teeth to my fellow players, just to make myself look like a swell guy, then it's terrible to be a good sport. Awful.
I understand your point of view I just don't agree with it at all. There is no reason to insult me. We are having an intellectual argument. If you don't want to argue then don't.
Replies in bold...
RE: TCG ONE - Full Featured Online Pokemon TCG Simulator

Good game has been said to harm someone?
Lying isn't harmful?
It's a common courtesy that deals no one harm. I say it because it's polite. Being polite in no way makes me a sore loser.
It makes you look like a loser who is trying to save face, or a winner who thinks he's the shit. Which is arrogance. Arrogance isn't harmful? Traditions are a good thing? We should all just conform to stupid normative crap like this forever?
You shouldn't take it as a sign of disrespect if no disrespect is intended.
Garbage. I could say or tell or ask any number of things to you in good conscience, but you'd probably take offense if I said them to you. Like if your face looked like an ass, or something, and I said, "Hey, has anyone ever told you that your face looks like an ass?" And I'm not trying to be offensive, I just thought that would make a good icebreaker. No disrespect was intended, so you shouldn't take offense.

See how dumb that is?

It's disrespectful to ask a woman how much she weighs, no matter how innocuously curious you may be.
It's disrespectful to ask what race a person is, no matter how innocuously curious you may be.
Et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.

You know what would make me happy? If I played a shitty game with someone, and they said, "You know, that was really a terrible game. I/you need to step it up." That would make my day.
RE: TCG ONE - Full Featured Online Pokemon TCG Simulator

The biggest thing that bothers me, though, is people that forfeit the game when the other person is about to take their last prize card or two. It ticks me off so much because those are missed points
Now that is something I don't care about, because I don't care about points. If you can see that there will be no chance of you ever winning, or if you see that your loss is imminent within the next couple turns, it's senseless to waste your time on the game. That's kind've my least favorite thing about our current currency system. The greed. It's not enough that you "win". You have to win BIG.

How's that for sportsmanship, huh?

The problem is that the currency is needed to buy extra packs to build a deck that is usable. It's not greedy. Everyone is trying to get more good cards to have a better, more fun deck and they need points to do that. If you are going to lose next turn, just let the opponent knock out your Pokemon. Let them get the points. It's not fair to deny them because someone doesn't have the patience to wait 10 more seconds...

I really do think there should be a consequence for that so people can't freely rob others of points they would otherwise get. Points that are needed to advance in the game. It's a whole lot different in real life, where a win is a win.

Anyway, I won't be able to change your opinion on the "good game" thing and I wont even try to, but if I lose horribly, I will still say good game to someone to congratulate them on their win. If I win by a large margin, I say it to the opponent out of respect and it is not condescending or anything else you might infer from it. Its context.

Verbatim said:
Good game has been said to harm someone?
Lying isn't harmful?
It's a common courtesy that deals no one harm. I say it because it's polite. Being polite in no way makes me a sore loser.
It makes you look like a loser who is trying to save face, or a winner who thinks he's the shit. Which is arrogance. Arrogance isn't harmful? Traditions are a good thing? We should all just conform to stupid normative crap like this forever?
You shouldn't take it as a sign of disrespect if no disrespect is intended.
Garbage. I could say or tell or ask any number of things to you in good conscience, but you'd probably take offense if I said them to you. Like if your face looked like an ass, or something, and I said, "Hey, has anyone ever told you that your face looks like an ass?" And I'm not trying to be offensive, I just thought that would make a good icebreaker. No disrespect was intended, so you shouldn't take offense.

See how dumb that is?

It's disrespectful to ask a woman how much she weighs, no matter how innocuously curious you may be.
It's disrespectful to ask what race a person is, no matter how innocuously curious you may be.
Et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.

You know what would make me happy? If I played a shitty game with someone, and they said, "You know, that was really a terrible game. I/you need to step it up." That would make my day.

Again, you are taking this out of context. If you are okay with saying "good night" when it is the middle of the day, why can't it be okay to say "good game" when the game was terrible? And now you are talking about tradition, which is much different than the contextual meaning of a phrase.

I will agree that asking about weight, race or wage should not be offensive unless it is being used against that person. However, claiming good sportsmanship is a blatant, harmful lie makes you seem pretty bitter about society.
RE: TCG ONE - Full Featured Online Pokemon TCG Simulator

I think this conversation should stop. This is just turning into a argument room and not what it is supposed to be used for.
RE: TCG ONE - Full Featured Online Pokemon TCG Simulator

Why don't you guys just argue over PM instead of having to annoy us with your bickering.
RE: TCG ONE - Full Featured Online Pokemon TCG Simulator

Why don't you guys just argue over PM instead of having to annoy us with your bickering.
Because it's not personal, quite obviously. It's an issue that pertains to every single member of the community, and I tried to sway from the damn "gg" conversation, but some of us, even a mod, insisted on going on about it. And misrepresenting what I'm saying, to boot, so I'm essentially forced to reply. I don't have any particular beef with him, I have beef with whoever chooses to defend the sanction of saying "gg" after terrible games, because apparently that's the "good person" thing to do, despite it actually creating an adverse effect, and makes "gg" about as meaningless as saying "bless you" after someone sneezes. Despite the fact that we don't bless each other for any other involuntary noise or expulsion we make.

And my favorite thing, too, is that instead of being productive to your own ideals and broaching a new topic, you just tell us to stop, without any suggestion. I mean, you're basically clogging up the thread with more spam than us, because at least we were having a conversation. So what would you like to talk about, buddy? How about that point system, huh? Should probably change it by now, huh?
RE: TCG ONE - Full Featured Online Pokemon TCG Simulator

I also attempted to change the subject to discuss the way points were awarded when people quit. I'd like to reply to the adverse effect you are implying it creates, but apparently a common saying that occurs on the very website this thread is about is off limits to some people on this thread haha

I can respect that though. It probably is annoying to others to come here expecting some new information about TCGOne and, instead, seeing a few people arguing about trivial things. So, Verbatim, if you wish to continue this argument, which I expect you probably don't, I'm more than happy to go to PM for the sake of everyone else.

But, seriously, I think something needs to be done about the points awarded when someone drops out of a game. Does anyone else find this to be annoying?
RE: TCG ONE - Full Featured Online Pokemon TCG Simulator

For the record, arguments and debates are perfectly welcome in this thread, and elsewhere on the site, so long as they are productive and conducted respectfully. Please keep this in mind if/when the above discussion continues.
RE: TCG ONE - Full Featured Online Pokemon TCG Simulator

But, seriously, I think something needs to be done about the points awarded when someone drops out of a game. Does anyone else find this to be annoying?
The root of the issue being mostly with how decks are rated by the sum of their parts, which is silly. A deck with nothing but Base Set holographic rares (no Trainers or Energy) scores over a 300, suggesting an obscenely powerful deck, if only it could actually function in a game. Another example: Wigglytuff, who is, by far, the strongest Stage-1 Pokémon in Base-Gym—if you have a full bench to power it up with. A Wigglytuff who may be worth ten points on the scale should be worth zero if there's nothing to help it do the wave.

Actually, has it been disclosed how exactly the current point system works to a T? I know the deck rating is part of it, but I know that's not the only factor. Amount of prizes collected is one. Is it taken into account the kind of Pokémon that Knocks Out another kind of Pokémon? I mean to say, if you Knock Out a Machamp with a Machop, are you rewarded more points than if your Machop beat his Machop? That's my general understanding of how it works, if that's the case...
RE: TCG ONE - Full Featured Online Pokemon TCG Simulator

Playing this on an I-Pad is pretty cool. I just misclick every once in a while :(.
RE: TCG ONE - Full Featured Online Pokemon TCG Simulator

Verbatim said:
No. Good games are when both players are evenly matched, and are using either evenly matched decks, or one is at a disadvantage, but uses his cunning to outsmart his opponent and either win, or come very close to winning. Either way, there should be a lot of ambiguous plays, mind-games, no coin-flip BS, no lucky top-decks. Just a pure, unadulterated test of wits and wits alone. Those are rare. But those are the "good games".

If you want games that are good like that, you probably shouldn't be playing Pokemon....

Sorry, I'm a little late to the party :rolleyes:
RE: TCG ONE - Full Featured Online Pokemon TCG Simulator

I think if we're to keep the sum-of-parts system, each card should have their own rating displayed in the deck builder. It seems as though the highest the ratings go is 8, but that's only after checking Hitmonchan/Scyther/Electabuzz. Cards like Gastly from Base Set are naturally worth no more than Energy cards (1).

This also means that the weakest possible deck will rate a 60, when it should probably be 0 or 1.
RE: TCG ONE - Full Featured Online Pokemon TCG Simulator

Tash said:
If your hand gets too big, there's no way to see it.
There exists a "play card from hand" action which you can see every card when your hand count gets bigger than 15. A horizontal scroller will follow afterwards.

evilpacman said:
I'd also like to see the prize cards flip when they are revealed rather then have a pop up window for them. It can get in the way sometimes.
Added to backlog.

Verbatim said:
I think if we're to keep the sum-of-parts system, each card should have their own rating displayed in the deck builder. It seems as though the highest the ratings go is 8, but that's only after checking Hitmonchan/Scyther/Electabuzz. Cards like Gastly from Base Set are naturally worth no more than Energy cards (1).

This also means that the weakest possible deck will rate a 60, when it should probably be 0 or 1.
Power Value of each card is public (in card list sheet) and changes are welcome.

v12.0 Update: Boundaries Crossed and Plasma Storm expansions are now available for Quickplay!

- The Hall is a new view merging Card Database & Inventory & Market & Deck Editor into one. It allows easy deck construction and market traversal. It is accessible via in-game buttons.
- Increased client and server communication performance with websockets (still experimental).
- Minor Bug Fixes: Pokemon Breeder, Igglybuff (N2) Gaze, Magby (N1) Sputter, Carracosta (NVI) Solid Rock, Challenge! (TR), Mew (WBSP) Devolution Beam, Meganium (N1 11) Wild Growth, Gardevoir Psychic Mirage, Dark Gloom Pollen Stench, Snubbull (N1) Roar.

Players needed for testing new expansions!
We're very close to completing all modern series! Stay updated!
RE: TCG ONE - Full Featured Online Pokemon TCG Simulator

I'm getting really tired of people surrendering mid game when they know they are going to lose. It robs me of points I could get to buy expensive packs. I can't tell you how many times I've had a guy surrender on the last play instead of just hit end turn and allow me to end the game. I'm losing points people. Don't be a bunch of babies. Play the game all the way through. You made a commitment by playing against someone, so see it through to the end. I would have rather waited to play a good match than have a big fat quitter waste my time.

Please, Axpendix! Implement something that will deter people from doing that. Perhaps they forfeit their points if they quit and they are awarded to the other player. Or half of them awarded. Anything to keep people from wasting my time.

Ugh, sorry for the rant.
RE: TCG ONE - Full Featured Online Pokemon TCG Simulator

You realize that removing the surrender button will not prevent people from quitting early, right? I mean, I've said already that I don't care if people surrender, because I think it's their right as a player to do so, regardless of any notion that the winning player is "entitled" to more points, but even logistically, it will not work out if you simply remove the option.

If it's that big of a deal (which it isn't, in my opinion), you could implement a caveat system attached to every player in the form of a personal bio (similar to simply looking at the profile page of a random user on a basic forum) where you can check players out and view their information. Here, you'll be able to see a number (among other misc. data) that signifies how often this person quits during matches, so you know to look out for that particular player.

To make this more appealing for players like me, I respect that axpendix has plans already to implement a bio feature, aforementioned, that will record the win/loss ratio of every player, how many games they've played, their rank, their most often used decks/cards, their favorite card, and various other miscellaneous information, some of which can be customizable to the player's discretion. Perhaps even player avatars could be added.

These ideas are all riders attached to the surrender rate feature, mind.

Additionally, you could make it so the surrender button only appears on that specific player's turn, if you really want to. But unless you hold a gun across the Internet to people's heads, no one is going to just stop quitting early no matter what.
RE: TCG ONE - Full Featured Online Pokemon TCG Simulator

I like the bio idea. I was not suggesting to remove it entirely, just remove all the points from the offender. It kills me to see the points they get when they screwed me out of mine. It's as if they got what they needed and left. I also like the idea that it would not be available until it is your turn. The worst part is preparing to get a knock out and as you move your mouse over to the attack, they quit....
RE: TCG ONE - Full Featured Online Pokemon TCG Simulator

So, something along the lines of this:

Make it so your opponent can manually extend the time again. I had to leave during a match, and though I said "brb", my time was up by the time I got back. So I "lost". Garbage.
RE: TCG ONE - Full Featured Online Pokemon TCG Simulator

Hey does anyone know the classic decklist for Beedrill/RetroEnergy/LureBall? I can't seem to find it. Also where can I post this question on another thread where it might get more attention?