TCG teams out of hand?

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LOL I am not the creater of Team Hatter, I just felt like doin this name. Muffins is Madhatter on da gym.
T-Tar Master said:
Not really a team...its more of a group of friends and unknown people, not competitive. BUT my new team will!

Really... Name ONE good competitive player in your team.
ya im the creator of team Hatter.. but anyway
Lafonte, M, R, Hatter are the only competitive teams i know of... i know there are "teams" that have websites but it gets like 3 or 4 posts a month... those are just people that want to be on a team to look cool and get the team shirt or whatever..
I have looked at the clans on this site and about 5% of them can be considered legit.. the other 95% are just there for show IMO
I feel TCG teams are more like , groups of ppl to get together , have fun playing the TCG , help each other , make friends and etc.

But some teams are really good and are competitive.
I can name one , and to be honest the only on the beach and that's shadow.
Well, TSS was alright but, it got inactive:( and spammy.

The new Team Lesage (my team) has some good players and it is very neat but, it isn't truely elite.
I feel the same as most of but i have a team and we are competitive (but the fact that were not on this site makes this kind of pointless) but we have braced out to out own site so ya

I feel that each member of poke beach should only be able to have one team they can join as many as they want but they only can be the leader of one time at a time.
Good teams with good discussion will remain. Crap teams filled with noobs would die soon. If they don't die, do us a favour and try to report as much spam as possible in there, and the thread will be locked. :) There is currently no limit on these teams. When I first joined the forum, I felt clubs were TEH COOLEST THING, but now I think otherwise; most of them are nonsense. The more professional ones are simply just discussion pages. The rest are rubbish. But we'll leave them there. Clubs are not serious things anyway.
hatter said:
LOL I am not the creater of Team Hatter, I just felt like doing this name. Muffins is Madhatter on the gym.

I know, I thought that he changed his name here aleady. ;/ I'm screwed. XD
If you have a team and you have members that are on like 3 other teams.. your biggest issue would be.. can you trust them????
I know people who have joined teams just to get decks and they don't post or anything..
Honestly, I've been on alot of teams, and it seems like its always the same people trying to find something new, and very few do. Seriously a team starts up, someone on the team makes a new team, and the previous team dies off. Rinse, Lather and Repeat >.>
To me, an "elite" team is classified by "elite" players, who have a record or skill in the PTCG to boot. I mean, if you accept an utter "n00b" into your team, then you can't exactly classify it as "elite", because that one n00b can make your team look... how can I put this? Well, they can ask their friends to join, you'll say you want to help them, it gets harder and harder to say no, and finally, you have a team full of n00bs!

Forms never help, because teams with forms usually never look at them when someone applies to the team. And, as for FORUMS, well, they just think they're amazing because they have awesome forums. If I remember correctly, and PLEASE don't quote or bash me on this, I think that maybe 2-4 of the 5 major teams (R, M, Lafonte, Hatter, and Rocket) don't have forums, but that does NOT mean they suck.

Lafonte is the only real "elite" team I'm firmiliar with, and I know a few members such as Fulop, Drew, Ajay, etc. Those are elite players on an elite team.

So, in conclusion, I think the best way to solve this problem is for teams to be more careful of who they let in. Have an ABSOLUTE MINIMUM (Like, they MUST have a permier rating of so-and-so). But, meh, just my 3 cents.
Agreed. Lafonte is the only TRUE Elite Pokemon TCG team IMO. There are other good ones... But the ones here....

So you guys are assuming that these are "teams"?

No, they just got inspiration from Team Twilight, a double battling club that is not involved with the TCG at all, and used it for their little clubs.
I don't think that 2 should be the limit... but that there should be a limit... like, 3 teams maybe?? I do agree that there is a lot of spam in the teams, so what your really saying is 'stop spamming' not 'you are on too many teams'
/me has an idea.

Rather then people just posting a team whenever they want, we limit the team leaders. The leaders are the one sthat make the team worth the thread. So have a little test or something that outlines what the person would do as a team leader, why the want to create this team, the relevance fo the team etc. Then mods or someone would determine who would be fit to make a team. I realize that this would be a huge workload, and I hate suggesting we just throw this kind of stuff at mods, but I can't think of whatelse to do. I'm sure that volunteers who seem well-educated and who could unbiasly grade applications could help out (I'd do it).
Serjent Tankian said:
* Serjent Tankian has an idea.

Rather then people just posting a team whenever they want, we limit the team leaders. The leaders are the one sthat make the team worth the thread. So have a little test or something that outlines what the person would do as a team leader, why the want to create this team, the relevance fo the team etc. Then mods or someone would determine who would be fit to make a team. I realize that this would be a huge workload, and I hate suggesting we just throw this kind of stuff at mods, but I can't think of whatelse to do. I'm sure that volunteers who seem well-educated and who could unbiasly grade applications could help out (I'd do it).

I second this. But also having a cap on the number of teams would help. Nobody wants over NINE-THOUSAAAAAAND teams all discussing their own "Secret Deck" variants of the same basic decks.
I think teams (most of them) are useless. A lot of people want some 1337 status that doesn't exist.
The only reason i am on the Team I am on (Team Rocket) is because they are all my friends.
What is the point of teams anyway? They seem to serve no purpose with the exception of saying, "I am on Team x!".
This isn't something I care to legislate. I imagine the rest of the mod team feels the same way.

The teams that actually mean something will live on. The teams that are nothing more than "OOH LOOK AT ME I HAS A TEAM" will get three or four posts and then swiftly proceed to their deserved death.

Darwinian selection is a good thing sometimes.
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