<<<<Team Monster>>>> [WE NEED MEMBERS] <TCG>

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The only one I talked to there was some girl with short hair. This is going to sound like a REALLY dumb question, but why do you need dice for pokemon?
Olivia? She's really nice.
We use dice for coin flips, evens are heads, and odds are tails.
We also use dice for damage counters.

You can't be a part of two teams.. (Team Victory, being the other, as far as your sig says)
I prefer using dice then damage counters or coins. It's just easier for me, and i've gotten used to it. That's how i learned. xD
I just don't have time. I am going to UTD starting Aug 24. I am on a full ride scholarship and have to maintain a high GPA. I just don't know if I will have time
Ahh, i see. I can understand then. I'm barely starting High School, and Pokemon has already started to get in my way.
Man, real life sucks lol. I was thinking of going to the PreRelease though since everyone has to start from scratch. I could probably do fairly well in that
Yeah, i know it does. xD
You should. I'm pretty sure i'm going to go this time so i can pick up some Tornadus, Catcher, and Beartic.
I always fail in Pre Releases, but i usually just drop anyways. xD
What would I need to bring? Sleeves, deck box, damage counters, status markers, anything else?
I would recommend taking:
A binder. You can put any good stuff you get in it, as well as take any of your other trades, so that you can trade with other people.

Sleeves, so that the cards you use in the tournament don't get damaged/scratched up.
A deck box, anything works. Some people use tins, which is fine.

Dice/Damage Counters, even though a lot of the time, your opponent will have them, it's always good to be prepared.

But to be honest, that's all i can really think of.
Okay thanks!! And if I read correctly its on August 27th at CBC?? I wish there was one closer lol
We need to start some kind of topic, not just random stuff... Should we discuss Hail Blizzard and Psycho Drive? We could also talk about Worlds or our Team Motto or something. I just feel like we've gone no where so far with discussion.
Yeah we are here to have fun, but we're here to become better players too. I just wanted to see if we could start some kind of discussion.
Me too. I personally thought that a deck with Donphan would be the champ. Soooo many decks use him and if combined well with other things, like yanmega and zekrom, it works well
I think that the Epic Rogue deck google used was just.. weird. It could've easily won, i know that, but it was just weird.

How can you fit all of that into a deck? It just doesn't make sense. He played Donphan, and Zekrom in it.

I was rooting for David, mainly because my username on Pokegym is MagneBoar, but because he is cool.
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