<<<<Team Monster>>>> [WE NEED MEMBERS] <TCG>

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LegosLock said:
Nice. Do you trade on here? xD I'd be interested in your FA Tornadus if so. <- Off topic.

--> On Topic.
I've been testing for BR's and i think i'm just gonna switch decks each time. Probably gonna play Pretzels, ReshiPhlosion and MegaZone.
What are you gonna play for BR's?

Are you going to Comic Book Craze this weekend for the Prerelease?

forneyuntd doesn't actually play, he's just a collector. That's why he doesn't have huge posts to make..

Sorry I don't trade on here, and I need tornados for my deck.
tybike said:
Sorry I don't trade on here, and I need tornados for my deck.

It's cool. I think i got 4 in a trade on Pokegym anyways. :p

High School isn't as bad as i thought it was.
Then again, it's only been the first day.
Newest member here :p

What do you guys think of the rumor of Regionals being in November?

I'm personally not all too happy about it, I feel that November is way too early in the season for such a big event like Regionals.
You can PM me and LMK an offer or something.

Welcome to the team.
It really just pisses me off.
My friends dad (who gives us rides to all tournaments from BR's-Regionals) hasn't gotten his tires fixed yet, and we don't know if we can get a ride down there. (I know i can, but i'm not sure about my cousin)
I don't think they'll do it this season though, and i hope they don't. Too early for Regionals.
LegosLock said:
You can PM me and LMK an offer or something.

Welcome to the team.
It really just mads me off.
My friends dad (who gives us rides to all tournaments from BR's-Regionals) hasn't gotten his tires fixed yet, and we don't know if we can get a ride down there. (I know i can, but i'm not sure about my cousin)
I don't think they'll do it this season though, and i hope they don't. Too early for Regionals.

Yeah, honestly, we haven't even had cities yet, and we'll still be on HGSS-EP, I feel that we'd need another set to fully staple in what the metagame for this season will be.
Yay DV you're on our team! It's not exactly a rumor that Regionals will be in November and it isn't for every state (It'll be half and half) I learned about this change at my Prerelease for EP. So it's not a rumor anymore, it's for sure. I personally like this because I am usually busy during the normal Regionals time.
It also doesn't really affect me too much because I probably won't even be able to make it to one of them, so it's not too big of a deal for me.
Well, this year i planned on getting an invite.. so 2 Regionals is gonna make it any easier. I hope they don't do it this season.
Feel free to invite your friends to join. (; xD
Darkvoid57, welcome to the team.

On topic: I don't have Regionals where I came from. :/ Sounds like a nasty big event that you don't want to come into with a shaky format.
Regionals aren't that bad. I enjoy going to them and can't wait to go to the upcoming ones. They have a large K value so their a great way to get points for worlds.
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