<<<<Team Monster>>>> [WE NEED MEMBERS] <TCG>

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Yah, I mean I know the website and all, but it seems like everyone knows them personally. Lol. Im sorry I am a random person and get everything off topic :D
I've seen and met a lot of these players at Nationals and events like that. John Kettler, who is one of the most known players in the world goes to my league, and helps me with my decks. I talk to him on Facebook and stuff sometimes, and well, yeah.

I don't know them personally, i just know who they are, and what their playing due to what people have said.
Oh okay. That's really cool that that guy goes to the league that is so close. Well, if I find time I think I may start playing
Emerging Powers will definitely leave a dent in the format with Pokemon Catcher. This is a remake of the old card Gust of Wind, as you probably know. Decks will have to cut down on techs that are easily killed, like Bouffalant which gets easily killed by Donphan. Main attackers that get left on the bench to charge up, or are retreated with loads of damage will be killed or their setup will be cut down.

Max Potion will make the already super strong Yanmega even more of a beast. The same might go for Donphan.

Crushing Hammer is meh, but if you get the coin flip I guess it can be possibly worth it. On second thougt, no don't use this card.

Krookodile has an ability that does the same thing and an ok attack. It hasn't gotten any hype, but still it looks like it could do something.

Bianca is a nice supporter that gets you 6 cards in your hand. Probably depends on your deck.

Gothitelle sounds like a good Pokemon, if and only if, there is a Pokemon that can attack and then switch out to Gothitelle.

Finally, Beartic. Beartic's attack is great and if you pair it with Vileplume your opponent has to retreat out of the affect. Many times your opponent may not have the resources to get out of it and it'll slow down their setup. Yanmega will probably cause trouble for this guy and this deck will probably have a large setup time so I don't know if it could work.

EDIT: Just found this little guy, Whimsicott. Not sure if it is the best pair with Gothitelle, but it could definitely lock trainers while being able to Switch out afterwards. Plus you could run some DCE to retreat. Whimsicott also can lock your opponent with a crappy or unusable attack.
Hi guys, thanks for adding me into the Team. I really appreciate it and I hope to learn more from all of you! :D

Talking about EP, I am liking Tordanus very much and am experimenting with a Tornadus/Zekrom deck. Tornadus is a cover for Zekrom's weakness/gives the deck better endurance/makes a T1 heavy dmg more accessible with its DCE compatibility, while Zekrom makes for an all rounded 120 sweeper.

- Edited Out -

All the best to my fellow Team Monster members going for EP Prereleases. Findings indicate Audino is a beast, comprising of cheap but devasting attacks, its status as a basic Pokemon and an uncommon pull, making it easy to find, use and deal damage with. Being Colourless just makes it rather splashable. Heal Pulse trolls, except in Audino OHKO mirrors. Just bring a good pair of dice. It shows combatibility with a number of leads such as the Elemental Pans (Collect while you hoard energy onto Audino), Whimsiscott (Assist) and Tornadus if you are lucky to pull one. I'm not sure of the other tricks involved, but I am liking Audino swarms as a mid to late sweeper in EP PRs. I hope I've helped!
^^^ Your not allowed to post deck lists on this thread, please edit it.

I'm glad were starting to get some posts on here, it seemed a bit dead to be honest.

As far as Pretzels (ZPST) i think that list is fine (But still, you can't post it on here) but 3 Shaymin is definitely the best way to go. I still play 4 Zekrom since Tornadus is mainly for Donphan and as a back-up attacker.
2 DCE is fine as well. I'd drop Seeker and SSU for some stuff, but not exactly sure what yet.

For Emerging Powers, i say the only things that have an impact on this format are Pokemon Catcher, Tornadus, Bianca, and i think that's about it.
forneyuntd could you please make longer posts? It just seems like spam sometimes.

Also I'm glad that we finally got some discussion going.
LegosLock said:
For Emerging Powers, i say the only things that have an impact on this format are Pokemon Catcher, Tornadus, Bianca, and i think that's about it.
Those will for sure make an impact plus Max Potion. I think Beartic will have a chance, but lots of decks are running 4 Switch and Yanmega is on the loose. Bianca will be tried, but I'm not sure it's absolutely playable. I overlooked Tornadus, but now that I think about it it's probably the best Donphan counter out there. I'll probably add one to my Donphan Dragons for mirror match and other Donphans. I think Whimsicott could make an impact paired with Gothitelle and he could use Encore on unusable attacks or things that can't OHKO which could be annoying, but I don't know if it'll work.

I'm going to a prerelease today, I'll tell you guys how it goes. I think on the forums we can work on decklists if I'm not mistaken.
Post: #49RE: <<<<Team Monster>>>> [WE NEED MEMBERS] <TCG>

When are we getting a new topic?

Emerging Powers will make the format way too fast, because you can use Pokemon Catcher for easy knockouts and you can junk arm it back. (all card names link to a picture of that card)

Tornadus will make Donphan easy to kill because Donphan can kill Tornadus in 3 hits while Tornadus can kill Donphan in 2.

Virizion, Terrakion, and Cobalion are good with their Sacred Sword attack, and Terrakion could become a staple for Donphan decks.

Recycle could become a better Junk Arm, but it is a bit flippy. *_*

I like Excadrill because his attacks are pretty good. Maybe he could be a Donphan Tech :_:

Cheren could be good for draw power, but Bianca could get you more cards. It depends on the situation.

Zoroark is a pretty good stage 1, but Donphan Decks ruin it.

Thanks for reading. :D
tybike why do your posts keep getting deleted? I'm confused this is the third time you've talked about Emerging Powers but it keeps getting deleted. Tornadus will be good, at least until Kyurem comes out, but it may continue to be played. Virizion might be the only remotely possible of those three to play, but none of them seem to great. Recycle doesn't seem like it'll work as you need a coin flip and you have to draw it. Excadrill doesn't seem that great either. Bianca will have a chance at working, Cheren I'm not so sure. Zoroark is not a very good card either, the BW one is 10X better. I'm going to try out Whimsicott once Emerging Powers comes out, I want to see if it's playable.
Why virizion, and how is excadrill not good? I don't understand. :( what is the chance that your top card will be discarded anyway with recycle. I haven't seen a Pokemon that can discard the top card or a trainer. I'll try out the cards at the prerelease towmorrow
Finished Prerelease 3 hours ago. Here is a list of my most notable cards:

RH Zorua
RH Purrloin
RH Vullaby
RH Venipede
H Gothitelle
Promo Gigalith
RH Boldore
RH Whimsicott. (Cotton Guard)
H Virizion
H Beartic
RH Whilipede
2x Pokemon Catcher
FA Tornadus (traded for)
FA Thundurus (traded for)
Nice. Do you trade on here? xD I'd be interested in your FA Tornadus if so. <- Off topic.

--> On Topic.
I've been testing for BR's and i think i'm just gonna switch decks each time. Probably gonna play Pretzels, ReshiPhlosion and MegaZone.
What are you gonna play for BR's?

Are you going to Comic Book Craze this weekend for the Prerelease?

forneyuntd doesn't actually play, he's just a collector. That's why he doesn't have huge posts to make..
When are BRs typically gonna be for you Legos? The last time a BR happened to start off the season was late October for me. I think since we're still in August, I would have to wait for my local metagame to evolve before making any moves.

I am favouring Pretzels for its sick games in Swiss and in Match Play, but everyone and their mom is giving google' deck a spin or two and it just makes me dizzy. I can tech against it but it would just be ridiculous. And Sad. 5 Slots off.

The increased utility of the rogue just makes TyRam and Stage 1's off-limits. Pretzel's eventual proliferation will ward off KYJ aficionados.

MagneBoar w/ Twins would have been great but Trainer Lock/Sludge Drag has a small following around.

So my meta's pretty much Trainer Lock/Sludge Drag, World #2 Rogue, TyRam, sooner-or-later Pretzels. MegaZone w/ Kingdra/Jirachi would work out fine as a metagame choice, but I still need and answer to Pretzel players an Catcher spam.

The agony...
MetsuZiddo said:
When are BRs typically gonna be for you Legos? The last time a BR happened to start off the season was late October for me. I think since we're still in August, I would have to wait for my local metagame to evolve before making any moves.

I am favouring Pretzels for its sick games in Swiss and in Match Play, but everyone and their mom is giving google' deck a spin or two and it just makes me dizzy. I can tech against it but it would just be ridiculous. And Sad. 5 Slots off.

The increased utility of the rogue just makes TyRam and Stage 1's off-limits. Pretzel's eventual proliferation will ward off KYJ aficionados.

MagneBoar w/ Twins would have been great but Trainer Lock/Sludge Drag has a small following around.

So my meta's pretty much Trainer Lock/Sludge Drag, World #2 Rogue, TyRam, sooner-or-later Pretzels. MegaZone w/ Kingdra/Jirachi would work out fine as a metagame choice, but I still need and answer to Pretzel players an Catcher spam.

The agony...

Ahh. I can't sleep right now. So much stress. I didn't do my project over The Odyssey for AP English, and i start school tomorrow. Dx

Anyways, I'm not sure when my BR's start here.
I think it's either in late September or early October. But i'm not 100% positive.
I won't be able to do a ton of playtesting since i have school, a girlfriend, and i'm hoping to get a job. But i'll still be able to do my amazing metagame calls. (Last season, i called the metagame perfectly at all of the tournaments i went too)

At the moment.. i think Samurott Donphan possibly with Vileplume is an amazing metagame call.. It beats Donphan, Reshi decks, is somewhat okay against Pretzels, and can handle off MagneBoar with Donphan. (Assuming you play a thick 4-4 Donphan)
I may actually build that and try it out a little bit.
Sadly, though, it doesn't do a great job against Yanmega. But you could throw in Dragons to help the KYJ match-up.
3-2-3 Samurott
4 Donphan
2 Zekrom
1 Reshiram
1 Pichu/Cleffa/Manaphy

That'd probably be a pretty good Pokemon line for the deck.

Also, i've found Pichu to be an amazing starter in my ReshiPhlosion (I'm trying to think of a unique name for it like i did pretzels.. any ideas?) as it gets out my Cyndaquils, Vulpix, and Reshiram for free.
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