Team Seadra - The Real Pros! Topic: LOST WORLD

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RE: Team Seadra - Topic: How will Lostgar affect our format if Lost World comes out?

Rampardos is also good against Luxchomp, because of weakness. It may just be the play.
RE: Team Seadra - Topic: How will Lostgar affect our format if Lost World comes out?

Who knows. Maybe hart lock is the play.
RE: Team Seadra - Topic: How will Lostgar affect our format if Lost World comes out?

Yeah man, test LostGar against Hart Lock
RE: Team Seadra - Topic: How will Lostgar affect our format if Lost World comes out?

Hartlock may do very well, because it doesn't run many Pokemon and Lostgar does require some set up.
RE: Team Seadra - Topic: How will Lostgar affect our format if Lost World comes out?

And it just shuts them down.
RE: Team Seadra - Topic: How will Lostgar affect our format if Lost World comes out?

Totally true man, we'll see.
200th post on Team Seadra!
RE: Team Seadra - Topic: How will Lostgar affect our format if Lost World comes out?

The only thing about Rampardos is that if people start playing it to counter Lostgar, the lostgar players will just tech in a 2-2-2 Vileplume line so that you can't drop anymore fossils.
Also can I see a skeleton list Hart Lock?
Edit ##James that Banner is win##
RE: Team Seadra - Topic: How will Lostgar affect our format if Lost World comes out?

Sure thing. We'll give it to you.
RE: Team Seadra - Topic: How will Lostgar affect our format if Lost World comes out?

Yeah, I'll PM it to you sometime tonight. I'm a little busy with all this team stuff.
RE: Team Seadra - Topic: How will Lostgar affect our format if Lost World comes out?

Yeah, that sounds good.
RE: Team Seadra - Topic: How will Lostgar affect our format if Lost World comes out?

PM me the list to, want to have a better view of how it works
RE: Team Seadra - Topic: How will Lostgar affect our format if Lost World comes out?

OK, so, we need to start working on our list. I have the skelaton so far we talked about, any ideas hit me up or pm me for the list so far.
RE: Team Seadra - Topic: How will Lostgar affect our format if Lost World comes out?

Who wants our current secret deck: Hartlock?
RE: Team Seadra - Topic: How will Lostgar affect our format if Lost World comes out?

Sorry guys, I hate to do this but...
I'm going back to Team Typhoon... I would have stayed, and planed to, but then this started turning into a "We are better" kind of thing, and I just hate being like that. I hate being on the "better side" I'm going to just try to change a couple things on Team Typhoon instead of rebelling. Sorry James. Peace out
RE: Team Seadra - Topic: How will Lostgar affect our format if Lost World comes out? WHAT!?!? Team Typhoon is copying ou

Building LostGar tommorow guys.
RE: Team Seadra - Topic: How will Lostgar affect our format if Lost World comes out? WHAT!?!? Team Typhoon is copying ou


Should we use a starter in Lostgar? If so, which one(s)?
RE: Team Seadra - Topic: How will Lostgar affect our format if Lost World comes out? WHAT!?!? Team Typhoon is copying ou

Pretty much goes without saying, but looks like I have to crack down hard on this. Anybody who is not in the team and posts gets a week long ban. You need some discipline here. It's fine another TCG Group was made but that means leave everyone else alone.

dmaster out.
RE: Team Seadra - Topic: How will Lostgar affect our format if Lost World comes out? WHAT!?!? Team Typhoon is copying ou

Sure thing dmaster.

James, yeah, there should be a starter.
RE: Team Seadra - Topic: How will Lostgar affect our format if Lost World comes out? WHAT!?!? Team Typhoon is copying ou

Nope no starters, I don't know about Spiritomb from TR.
RE: Team Seadra - Topic: How will Lostgar affect our format if Lost World comes out? WHAT!?!? Team Typhoon is copying ou

The possible starters for this deck are Sableye, Smeargle, Mew Prime, and Spiritomb.

Mew Prime has some synergy with the deck and helps against the mirror

Spriritomb provides trainer lock, but that could hurt you

Sableye is ok, probably not the best

Smeargle is a faster but less reliable version of Sableye
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