Team Transform- Shutting down.

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RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: Autumn Battle Roads underway. What's popular, and what's actually winning?

I had a BS time sorry bout my lang...but I was 2-1 which was ok with me..then i played a palkia lock which was almost auto win for me..but I uxie started and he palkia crobat egain water energy and googleeane started...i got Stolen it wasnt even funny.
Then I had to drop out becuase my fam and some peoples had a prior engagement dropping me to 2-3...making my #1 in minnesota to prbly #5-10(they havent updated gopokemon till tomorrow)
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: Autumn Battle Roads underway. What's popular, and what's actually winning?

If you drop, It doesn't hurt your rating. Martins 8-0 drop at Nats cinched his invite.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: Autumn Battle Roads underway. What's popular, and what's actually winning?

Well apperently I was just "missing" cuz on one explained for me when I asked them to...but still putting me at 2-3 they are updating by next weekend I guess..
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: Autumn Battle Roads underway. What's popular, and what's actually winning?

Right now I'm testing Gyrados.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: Autumn Battle Roads underway. What's popular, and what's actually winning?

^^as am I. Its got solid wins under its belt. And its just a monster of a deck.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: Autumn Battle Roads underway. What's popular, and what's actually winning?

I think I'm borrowing Corwyn's butterfree for my next BR. It went 4-0 in masters but lost in the cut. And Corwyn didn't play it.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: Autumn Battle Roads underway. What's popular, and what's actually winning?

Raquaza96 said:
Right now I'm testing Gyrados.

IMO, it's a pretty good deck. I could definitely see it doing good in some BR's/City's and whatnot.

I'm trying a few decks atm... Dusknoir, T-Tar, Mightyena rougue, and others as I get them. T-Tar doesn't seem to be that bad, with all of the poke-powers in the format.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: Autumn Battle Roads underway. What's popular, and what's actually winning?

I might play absol toolbox, now that I have the cards. Might try 1-1 Honchkrow SV for Gyarados.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: Autumn Battle Roads underway. What's popular, and what's actually winning?

Trucking off to battle roads tomorrow, I could not assemble Gyrados, so I am pulling a:

2-1-2-1 Flygon
2-2 Weavile
2-2 Honchkrow (SV)
2-2 Claydol
1-1-1 Nidoqueen
1 Uxie
1 Azelf
2 Unown G
1 Chatot

So its yin-yang, and I start off normal, but I use Honchkrow to just pull up basics, and then proceed to beat their faces in w/ Flygon. It is moderately fast, has great damage output, its just-inconsistent. And I dont/cant get a hold of calls, so thats a bummer. Also, there are what, 12 energy in the deck? 2 of them being fighting to help Claydol out in case of an inviting trap. But it should do ok, I hope...
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: Autumn Battle Roads underway. What's popular, and what's actually winning?

...I went 1-4...I hate yin-yang, I HATE IT
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: Autumn Battle Roads underway. What's popular, and what's actually winning?

What's with the Honchkrow? o_O

I wanna make a Rampardos deck. Does anybody know what to play with it? Or is it just straight up 4-2-4 Rampardos, 2-2 Claydol, 1 Uxie, and some Crobat G's?
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: Autumn Battle Roads underway. What's popular, and what's actually winning?

Well, the idea behind Honch was so that I could just snag a basic, instead of having to take down a fully charged attacker, but unfortunately, I never KOed enough basics to make it work. *shoots self*
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: Autumn Battle Roads underway. What's popular, and what's actually winning?

Anti Gyarados tech. I can bring Karps back and waste their bench space.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: Autumn Battle Roads underway. What's popular, and what's actually winning?

That to. But this time I am playing Gyrados, and I WILL win. Lol.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: Autumn Battle Roads underway. What's popular, and what's actually winning?

@michael(seth bladeblah) U wont win..we would need to make sure that gary deck has some great stuff in it..They were talking about it during the last match at BR's today..(wen radu mark j and ___ where there)

I went 3-1 today in seniors..lost to a flygon. It was the typical flychamp decklist minus the champ add in mewtwo x and palkia x techs.(seem random but was very good.) I ran monarchy it is a very exquisite deck. Afterword I got great trades made good friends and beat some masters :)
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: Autumn Battle Roads underway. What's popular, and what's actually winning?

I played Gyarados at my BR. I went 3-2 losing to my bro by a coinflip. Ah well, the deck set up beautifully in 4 out of 5 games. PokeBeast Brandon beat me. Good job PBB(PKB)
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: Autumn Battle Roads underway. What's popular, and what's actually winning?

Could you post ur list? just to help me and seth..I wont use the exact list of course Ill prbly change like 5-10 cards..just curious.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: Autumn Battle Roads underway. What's popular, and what's actually winning?

Lukas, your thinking about running Gyra? Dont run it next week, I want to lol, and I need some of your rescues and stuff. Yeah, post it so we can get a general idea of what to look for for a build, if you would be so kind.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: Autumn Battle Roads underway. What's popular, and what's actually winning?

Frozendukie said:
Could you post ur list? just to help me and seth..I wont use the exact list of course Ill prbly change like 5-10 cards..just curious.

Honestly, I DON'T want to do this, but... *HEADSLAP*
Unfortunately, asking for decklist is against the rules [not of this clan, but of the Clans and Clubs section in general] Sorry dude. I wanna see a good Gyara list as much as you do, but you can't ask him for it. Just PM him about it next time, and you'll be fine. ;)

I'm gonna try RamdDonk and see what happens... comments?
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: Autumn Battle Roads underway. What's popular, and what's actually winning?

NO i am not lol just trying to help as much as possible.
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