Team Transform- Shutting down.

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RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: Autumn Battle Roads underway. What's popular, and what's actually winning?

O thanks man lol, I gotchya. I can loan you my SP crap, 'cept 'turns.

TPo3: Idk...Rampdonk is so miserably inconsistent. At the battle roads last weekend, the guy playing Ramp lost every game but one, and he won the game because of crazy luck. Its kinda a bad deck, maybe make RampChamp?
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: Autumn Battle Roads underway. What's popular, and what's actually winning?

I got a flash of inspiration today. Honchkrow Gengar! With Metagross and maybe a Crobat G, Bang! Or, a nidoqueen variant, can destroy. Only problem is It's an unclear Matchup vs. Flygon. But it seems About Even.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: Autumn Battle Roads underway. What's popular, and what's actually winning?

Lol monster seth ran that for a while...dont use honch
just use metagross with gengar and crobats, and against flygon first snipe claydol then trapinch.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: THE NEW SEASON IS UPON US! \o/ What will the start of this year look like as compared to the

Azul said:
I went to BRs but I decided not to play in the last minute, I let somebody else use my Grinders deck and they did pretty good for their first tournament. I am going to 2 more BRs and I am playing FlyChamp, how can I improve this?

4 Trapinch (3SW/1RR)
2 Vibrava
3 Flygon
1 Flygon Lvl X
2 Machop
1 Machoke
2 Machamp
1 Machamp Lvl X
2 Baltoy
2 Claydol
1 Chatot
1 Uxie
2 Unown G
1 Nidoqueen
1 Nidoran
1 Ditto
1 Azelf

4 Call
3 Upper
4 Fightning
2 Psychic

4 Bebe's Search
4 Roseanne's Research
4 Rare Candy
1 Luxury Ball
2 Night Maintenance
1 Premier Ball
1 Lucian
2 Cynthia's Feelings

Please be sure to not post decks in the TCG clans guys. Keep them in the Deck Garage. This is a verbal warning for any of you.

dmaster out.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: Autumn Battle Roads underway. What's popular, and what's actually winning?

Metal Gengar doesn't have room for a honch or a Nidoqueen, and barely Crobats.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: Autumn Battle Roads underway. What's popular, and what's actually winning?

I swept Brandon FL BRs with Gyarados.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: Autumn Battle Roads underway. What's popular, and what's actually winning?

Raquaza96 said:
I swept Brandon FL BRs with Gyarados.

How does a Gyarados deck work? What, is it just 4-4 Gyara, with discarding/Pokémon rescues, or what, lol.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: Autumn Battle Roads underway. What's popular, and what's actually winning?

^^Yeah, using Sableye as a starter, and cards like Felicities. You discard 3 Karps ASAP, and send up Gyrados, and use bucks/Plus power/Crobat G to add on more damage. VERY fast, and when one dies, you send up Sableye, use pokemon rescue to grab a Magikarp, slap it on your bench, use Sableye to Bebes for a Gyrados(how I have used it/seen it in some cases) and then bring him up next turn. There are special darks/regular darks just in case sableye feels in the donking mood.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: Autumn Battle Roads underway. What's popular, and what's actually winning?

I don't like gyarados. But Luxray and 'Cario GL is a good counter.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: Autumn Battle Roads underway. What's popular, and what's actually winning?

I went undefeated with Gyarados today in swiss. Got out in T4 because of dead draw.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: Autumn Battle Roads underway. What's popular, and what's actually winning?

Well, I don't like it. It seems really inconsistent, but it always wins.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: Autumn Battle Roads underway. What's popular, and what's actually winning?

I went 3-1 today..I had a auto loss cuz I showed like an hour in a half late. Maybe 4-1 would have been possible.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: Autumn Battle Roads underway. What's popular, and what's actually winning?

I'm going to my last one tomorrow. Oh Gosh, I can't take this!
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: Autumn Battle Roads underway. What's popular, and what's actually winning?

I went 3-2 and misplayed which cost me game...
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: Autumn Battle Roads underway. What's popular, and what's actually winning?

Gyarados is 80% consistent with the right list.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: Autumn Battle Roads underway. What's popular, and what's actually winning?

i expect Steven and MAYBE Amelia to show today. Which sucks, because they both played worlds, HARDCORE.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: Autumn Battle Roads underway. What's popular, and what's actually winning?

The team forum has been akwardly dead lately. I have thought about playing a raichu/magnezone deck recently what does everybody think? Also flygon/mespirit?
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: Autumn Battle Roads underway. What's popular, and what's actually winning?

Flygon/Gardy is better if you want power lock. Along with the team topic Gengar and Gyarados did very well in FL. And PKB's Flychamp.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: Autumn Battle Roads underway. What's popular, and what's actually winning?

I've tested flygon/gardy it runs fine except that it is almost even slower then flychamp.
Otherwise I'm messing around with toolbox/palklock decks currently.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: Autumn Battle Roads underway. What's popular, and what's actually winning?

In my area, the big decks have been Speedrill and GeChamp. [some new wierd version. Took Top 4 in masters, won seniors in a couple of places.]

Sorry for the inactiveness. My internet crapped out on me. >__>
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