Team Transform- Shutting down.

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RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: THE NEW SEASON IS UPON US! \o/ What will the start of this year look like as compared to the

Zapdos md for the power.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: THE NEW SEASON IS UPON US! \o/ What will the start of this year look like as compared to the

Willing to elaborate? This weekend I'm going to another BR's hopefully I destroy 3-0 in seniors again..Should I keep running the uber consistent flychamp with queen tech, or change to machamp, yinyangflygon, or flygon/nidoqueen?
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: THE NEW SEASON IS UPON US! \o/ What will the start of this year look like as compared to the

Azul said:
I went to BRs but I decided not to play in the last minute, I let somebody else use my Grinders deck and they did pretty good for their first tournament. I am going to 2 more BRs and I am playing FlyChamp, how can I improve this?

4 Trapinch (3SW/1RR)
2 Vibrava
3 Flygon
1 Flygon Lvl X
2 Machop
1 Machoke
2 Machamp
1 Machamp Lvl X
2 Baltoy
2 Claydol
1 Chatot
1 Uxie
2 Unown G
1 Nidoqueen
1 Nidoran
1 Ditto
1 Azelf

4 Call
3 Upper
4 Fightning
2 Psychic

4 Bebe's Search
4 Roseanne's Research
4 Rare Candy
1 Luxury Ball
2 Night Maintenance
1 Premier Ball
1 Lucian
2 Cynthia's Feelings

All this is is sammi's list. Drop stuff for 4 pokedrawer beacuse I find those to really help consistency. You also should add relincath instead of ditto beacuse it is a better tech in this format. Lucian never really helped me so I droped it. YOu might want to consider addind 2-3 memory berry just to give flygon another option of battling by decking them.

Frozendukie said:
Willing to elaborate? This weekend I'm going to another BR's hopefully I destroy 3-0 in seniors again..Should I keep running the uber consistent flychamp with queen tech, or change to machamp, yinyangflygon, or flygon/nidoqueen?

I guess that you could go with champ but it is best with alakzam beacuse that is the only way that it can hang on in the late game. YingYang is kinda inconsistent and if yo uy want that kind of damage output just play beedrill.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: THE NEW SEASON IS UPON US! \o/ What will the start of this year look like as compared to the

Flip to do flash bite. For instance: start with shuppet, play roseannes, flash bit, poketurn zapdos, blwer, etc.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: THE NEW SEASON IS UPON US! \o/ What will the start of this year look like as compared to the

Frozendukie, run Flychamp, like you are. Its a monster, and its awesome. It is also fairly consistent, and it is decently fast, and just DO it.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: THE NEW SEASON IS UPON US! \o/ What will the start of this year look like as compared to the

Flychamp is a great deck, but it's naturally inconsistent. Thats what happened to me.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: THE NEW SEASON IS UPON US! \o/ What will the start of this year look like as compared to the

Well if you put in calls, its less inconsistent. Its fast though, and its like as consistent as Machamp or Flygon so...
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: THE NEW SEASON IS UPON US! \o/ What will the start of this year look like as compared to the

I played Call. It's just naturally inconsistent like I said before.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: THE NEW SEASON IS UPON US! \o/ What will the start of this year look like as compared to the

Its a good deck none the less, and he found a way to make it consistent. Its a good variant.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: THE NEW SEASON IS UPON US! \o/ What will the start of this year look like as compared to the

Okie thanks guys..I just edited flychamp to make it my own variation that is pretty consistent :)
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: THE NEW SEASON IS UPON US! \o/ What will the start of this year look like as compared to the

GL tomorrow.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: THE NEW SEASON IS UPON US! \o/ What will the start of this year look like as compared to the

I have yet to figure out what I play tomorrow. I think I am going to have to go with Speedrill, just cause my variant is very fast, and I guess thats what I have to do so...otherwise, something with Gengar.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: THE NEW SEASON IS UPON US! \o/ What will the start of this year look like as compared to the

Ty, Lolmonster. Seth, you should be playing speedrill it is ur strongest deck..if not that then I can see electgengar or strait gengar. Gengar will destroy all the flychamp.(resistence, fainting spell) Kill their claydol turn 2 lol.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: THE NEW SEASON IS UPON US! \o/ What will the start of this year look like as compared to the

What about Metal? I can run 2 crobat g+4 poketurn also, for that little nudge, and maybe Electric, I will need to do UBER testing against your Flygon tonight.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: THE NEW SEASON IS UPON US! \o/ What will the start of this year look like as compared to the

We should just run it lik 10 times a deck..the crobat idea works great usually it is so broken lol.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: THE NEW SEASON IS UPON US! \o/ What will the start of this year look like as compared to the

Good point. I will need to proxie some claydol though, and getting 2 crobat g could be slightly difficult cause usually no one trades B4 hand, cause they want to "finish their deck lists", but we will see. Keep an eye out for Crobat Gs tomorrow
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: THE NEW SEASON IS UPON US! \o/ What will the start of this year look like as compared to the

Lolmonster said:
GL tomorrow.

1 line posts are spam. 2 word posts are epic spam. Headslap

@Frozendukie: IMO, FlyChamp BEATS Gengar. once they stick an Unown G on their Claydols, you've got nothing left to use Shadow Room on, and since they're playing 2 stage 2 lines, it's got hardly any trainers. Resistance doesn't do That much with Power Swing in play.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: Autumn Battle Roads underway. What's popular, and what's actually winning?

Actually, my resistance to power swing w/ Gengar has saved me numerous times, as Frozendukie knows all to well. Also, there are Uxies on the bench, which nab me free KOs, cause no one is going to guard an Uxie. Honestly. Lol.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: Autumn Battle Roads underway. What's popular, and what's actually winning?

I got second. Some guy from another state. Felt like coming to a (because hgis state didn't have one.) BR today.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: Autumn Battle Roads underway. What's popular, and what's actually winning?

I went 3-2 at my first tourney as a master! Lol go me! Read my report, and I missed finals because of a flip. It was so close Gengar-so-so close...anyways, that just showed that I LOVE GENGAR.
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