Team Transform- Shutting down.

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RE: Team Transform- Transforming YOU into a better TCG Player.

You could use that prize to your advantage, and use an Upper Energy or two, since Grind attacks based on energy, not energy cards, right?
RE: Team Transform- Transforming YOU into a better TCG Player.

I suppose so, I'd have to make room for the Weaviles and the Upper Energies then. I'll see what i can do. ;)

EDIT: I have a confirmation on one of the people that I had asked to be "Head Agent" when I made the team. TofU is Head Agent of the Northeast.

*adds to list*
RE: Team Transform- Transforming YOU into a better TCG Player.

Hey guys, I may just be able to go to a third BR. Hopefully. Do you guys have any opinions on what I should play?:

-G Toolbox (Beat me at a BR =P)
-Dialga G (Seems to counter a lot of the current metagame decks in my area)
-Mother Gengar (If I used this, I would be using the same list for 3 BR's XP)
-Legos (Because I can)
-GeChamp (I would rather go with Mother Gengar TBH, but still an option)
-Mothballs (Just thought of it and no one really played when Rainbow came out :p)
-Yanmega/Bronzong (Never got to actually test this in OP)
-Turtwig G (Cuz it be cool :3)
-Any variant of Flygon (Want to see how good it is)

Helps? Thoughts? All comments are appriciated. :]
RE: Team Transform- Transforming YOU into a better TCG Player.

Deck Tester said:
Hey guys, I may just be able to go to a third BR. Hopefully. Do you guys have any opinions on what I should play?:

-G Toolbox (Beat me at a BR =P)
-Dialga G (Seems to counter a lot of the current metagame decks in my area)
-Mother Gengar (If I used this, I would be using the same list for 3 BR's XP)
-Legos (Because I can)
-GeChamp (I would rather go with Mother Gengar TBH, but still an option)
-Mothballs (Just thought of it and no one really played when Rainbow came out :p)
-Yanmega/Bronzong (Never got to actually test this in OP)
-Turtwig G (Cuz it be cool :3)
-Any variant of Flygon (Want to see how good it is)

Helps? Thoughts? All comments are appriciated. :]

I wouldn't do the ones that I scratched out... I would personally go with Flygon, because it's a really good deck. It's winning BR's left and right in my area.
RE: Team Transform- Transforming YOU into a better TCG Player.

Name (real, or screen name):Liam Williams
Region:North West US(WA, wont leave state unless by coincidence)
Records this season (ex: 1st at states, 1st at regionals):My Auttumn BRs and cities were shameful, but about 37th at states and 4th at a BRs. plan onheading to Lakewood next week. 29-27 in modified and unlimited.
Current Deck(s): Gechamp
Anything else?: I have a feeling my year is next year from the changes in my records lately.
Can you make banners?:No
RE: Team Transform- Transforming YOU into a better TCG Player.

37th? Wow, you had a lot of people show up in your division. :O

*adds to list*
RE: Team Transform- Transforming YOU into a better TCG Player.

I was thinking of using either Dialga G or Flygon (mostly, feel free to change my opinion =P). The problem is, I don't know what to run Flygon with XP. Any input on what I could run it with?
RE: Team Transform- Transforming YOU into a better TCG Player.

Play flygon like:

4-2-3-1 Flygon (SW Trapinch, 2 RR Flygon, 1 SW Flygon)
2-2 Claydol
2-2 Weavile (extra damage helps this deck a lot, along w/ energy acceleration.)
2-1-2 Nidoqueen (more evo' Pokémon, and heal damage)

and BTS.
RE: Team Transform- Transforming YOU into a better TCG Player.


I got the grass one finished. Also, is anybody else here going to Worlds? I'll be there from the 12th to the 15th for the Grinder. I doubt I'll make it in, but I can play in League and side events on the next two days.
RE: Team Transform- Transforming YOU into a better TCG Player.

The Power of Three said:
safariblade said:
hey, TPOT, trying not to nag you, but could you give credit for the banner on first post (just put it at the bottom of the page or something) I just want to try to get some business :p thanks!

I didn't do that? Really? *facepalm*

haha facepalm :D
RE: Team Transform- Transforming YOU into a better TCG Player.

yeah, 66. add a northwest section to front plz? WA and OR have one of the strongest player bases in world right now. Henry Leaming is back, and i scared at my Lakewood BR if i fight him. At least i'll get my revenge for the Scramble at cites he pulled... not even my super secret swampert tech in mario could stop him. i got 4th at my first brs with gechamp, running 3-1-3 gengar, and 4-1-1-2-1-1 machamp. 4 dp machop, 1 sf machoke, 1 DP machamp, 1 Level X
RE: Team Transform- Transforming YOU into a better TCG Player.

I have been testing with Flygon a little bit and I have found that it works really good with Dusknoir lv.x. It is really good because it counters Flygon's worst matchup, Porygon Z, and it has some insaine disruption abilities. I will post the list up maybe tomorrow so I can get some comments on the deck.
RE: Team Transform- Transforming YOU into a better TCG Player.

Lolmonster said:
yeah, 66. add a northwest section to front please? WA and OR have one of the strongest player bases in world right now. Henry Leaming is back, and I scared at my Lakewood BR if I fight him. At least I'll get my revenge for the Scramble at cites he pulled... not even my super secret swampert tech in mario could stop him. I got 4th at my first brs with gechamp, running 3-1-3 gengar, and 4-1-1-2-1-1 machamp. 4 dp machop, 1 sf machoke, 1 DP machamp, 1 Level X

I'm going by geographical regions, and geographically, the region of 'West' includes Oregon, California, Idaho, Washington, Montana, and Nevada.

Blaziken EX: Great job on the {G} banner! *puts up front*
RE: Team Transform- Transforming YOU into a better TCG Player.

FlyNoir, eh?
How are its match-ups against other decks? Porygon-Z isn't exactly popular, but I may want to run FlyNoir as it seems quite interesting and fun. Could counter a lot of stuff in my area with DP Dusknoir tech as well. Thanks for the idea! :3
RE: Team Transform- Transforming YOU into a better TCG Player.

I'm going w/ SpeedDrill on Saturday for sure, maybe Sunday. (depends if I can pull off some major tradage w/ my Floatzel GL Lv. X or Gallade 4 LV. X. :p)
RE: Team Transform- Transforming YOU into a better TCG Player.

I was thinking about trying out Infernape and Raichu for my BRs this Saturday. I'm gonna need a lot of Raichu though.
RE: Team Transform- Transforming YOU into a better TCG Player.

KFT: Make sure you give Bliziken EX props for ur sig. ;)

Eh, I think you need to tech something else in, because just those 2 straight up will take too long to spread damage around.
RE: Team Transform- Transforming YOU into a better TCG Player.

Deck Tester said:
FlyNoir, eh?
How are its match-ups against other decks? Porygon-Z isn't exactly popular, but I may want to run FlyNoir as it seems quite interesting and fun. Could counter a lot of stuff in my area with DP Dusknoir tech as well. Thanks for the idea! :3

I am still testing it but I think it has some serious potential. On paper, the only deck that can beat Flygon is Porygon Z so Dusknoir helps out a bunch with that. Dusknoir gets countered by Unown G and other Statiums, and Flygon has his first attack so that works good as well. I think it can beat any deck pretty easily except for T-Tar. I will continue to test it and I will post what the record is for it. So far it is 3-0.
RE: Team Transform- Transforming YOU into a better TCG Player.

Anybody else notice? We have only Seniors on this team. D: Where are the Masters/Juniors?

Yeah, T-Tar is hard for Flygon to beat. Can't OHKO it unless there's a completely full evolved bench, and 3 Sp. Darks attatched. Then T-Tar just stacks energies w/ Darkrai Lv. X and Grinds all day. That's why I want to make T-Tar. I still need a Darkrai Lv. X and another Uxie/Claydol, though. and 3 Energy Links.
RE: Team Transform- Transforming YOU into a better TCG Player.

The Power of Three said:
Anybody else notice? We have only Seniors on this team. D: Where are the Masters/Juniors?

Yeah, T-Tar is hard for Flygon to beat. Can't OHKO it unless there's a completely full evolved bench, and 3 Sp. Darks attatched. Then T-Tar just stacks energies w/ Darkrai Lv. X and Grinds all day. That's why I want to make T-Tar. I still need a Darkrai Lv. X and another Uxie/Claydol, though. and 3 Energy Links.

Ya, T-Tar + Poke'Healer + Darkrai lv.x + Sableye = Awesome! The other card I like to tech into my T-Tar decks is the PT Blissey. It gives T-Tar a virtual 160-180 HP. Not to mention the Poke'Healer +... T-Tar is actually my favorite deck to play. Could you have guessed? (looks at avatar)
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