Team Transform- Shutting down.

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RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: CITIES APPROACHING FAST! Please discuss strategies/metagames.

And Shaymin+dawn stadium. You heal like 60 with a single energy. Add pokehealers+nidoqueen and you have yourself a lamemans tanngrowth. Ouch.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: CITIES APPROACHING FAST! Please discuss strategies/metagames.

Juliacoolo said:
Ya, why not run a deck that counters everything? Simply because if one existed, that would become the format. As much as I dislike the deck, arceus may be a god option for an unpredictable metagame.

There is nothing that counters everything, I'm not saying that something does. :p I'm saying, play the ocnter to YOUR SPECIFIC AREA. Like in my area, the deck AMU was at one time played heavily in seniors, along with PLOX. So what'd I do? I played T2Bannette and took 2nd in a tournament. :]

@Seth: On top of all that, there's also the oh-so-famous TAKE OUT attack. :p
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: CITIES APPROACHING FAST! Please discuss strategies/metagames.

Haha o yes. Still. Sceptile is always good. The PA one is just-fantastic lol. Super good. I may even run it if I got nothing else to lol.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: CITIES APPROACHING FAST! Please discuss strategies/metagames.

I guess just for kicks. lol

Name (real, or screen name): Bennett M.
Region: United States
Records this season (ex: 1st at states, 1st at regionals): 5th at Battle Roads. :/ Would of went 5-0 at it if I would havbe gotten two heads on Twineedle. I also got down paired to Ryne. I beat him and went 4-1. :(
Current Deck(s): Regigigas, and one I ain't saying
Anything else?: If there is anything you want to know PM me.
Can you make banners?: Nah.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: CITIES APPROACHING FAST! Please discuss strategies/metagames.

Pokeman said:
I guess just for kicks. lol

Name (real, or screen name): Bennett M.
Region: United States
Records this season (ex: 1st at states, 1st at regionals):
Current Deck(s): Regigigas, and one I ain't saying
Anything else?: If there is anything you want to know PM me.
Can you make banners?: Nah.

I'll add you to the Midwest region. Jump into the discussion. What do you expect to be big on Saturday, bennett? [finally, someone in MY area. :p]
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: CITIES APPROACHING FAST! Please discuss strategies/metagames.

Well at least a few 190 HP Regigigas, it is really good, unless you play Machamp. I think Christian is using T-Tar or Arceus. There will be a lot of decks with Spirtombs, look out lol.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: CITIES APPROACHING FAST! Please discuss strategies/metagames.

Our area is undecided. I am running Speedrill. My list is one of the fastest out there lol, 2/5 game sI get 4 bees T1. Haha...thank god for milling speed trainers. Haha.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: CITIES APPROACHING FAST! Please discuss strategies/metagames.

Pokeman said:
Well at least a few 190 HP Regigigas, it is really good, unless you play Machamp. I think Christian is using T-Tar or Arceus. There will be a lot of decks with Spirtombs, look out lol.

Bah. Just play supporter heavy. :p jk. I don't think Tomb is that hard to play against, since THAT many decks play BTS, so...

Glistomb is finally dying in our area then. Good. Took long enough. <_<
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: CITIES APPROACHING FAST! Please discuss strategies/metagames.

My Speedrill deck was really good, I like it but not for Cities, not using a fun deck for it. I am using well ummm.... a deck with 60 cards.

It is Gengar/Spirtomb.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: CITIES APPROACHING FAST! Please discuss strategies/metagames.

O clever! I was thinking of that but I decided that trainer lock wasn't really worth it cause it hurt my poketurn abilities.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: CITIES APPROACHING FAST! Please discuss strategies/metagames.

It's a good idea if you're playing a variable of Gengar that doesn't use total Poltergeist speed. And the lock just looks at SP and mocks it. And your'e pretty much guranteed a T3 Gengar. [assuming you have no BTS, or both Haunters aren't prized.]
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: CITIES APPROACHING FAST! Please discuss strategies/metagames.

It is really fast. I never had a bad han yet, but I need to play test it with Ethan tommorow. Stock up so many trainers in there hand Poltergyiest, over 9000. I also run Gengar X, and one Arceus Gengar to switch you know like with GlisTomb.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: CITIES APPROACHING FAST! Please discuss strategies/metagames.

Pokeman said:
It is really fast. I never had a bad han yet, but I need to play test it with Ethan tommorow. Stock up so many trainers in there hand Poltergyiest, over 9000. I also run Gengar X, and one Arceus Gengar to switch you know like with GlisTomb.

Arceus counters are a good idea.... there's gonna be AT LEAST one Arceus deck there, whether it's Christian's or not.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: CITIES APPROACHING FAST! Please discuss strategies/metagames.

190 HP Regigigas! o_O
There is no way I ain't running it for a Cities. It is good because Machamp died off.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: CITIES APPROACHING FAST! Please discuss strategies/metagames.

Take Out = 0HP Gigas! :O j/k.

Gigas is a god Flygon Counter, now that I think about it. Giga Blaster OHKO's, and Extreme attack doesn't even OHKO back, lolz.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: CITIES APPROACHING FAST! Please discuss strategies/metagames.

If you don't mind my asking, what IS 190 HP Regigigas? Is it REgigigas X w/ Snowpoint+expert belt?
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: CITIES APPROACHING FAST! Please discuss strategies/metagames.

^Yep that is right. Also when Regigigas is ready to die instead of letting your opponent get 2 prizes off it SSU for the win!

The deck is a little slow to set up that is all.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: CITIES APPROACHING FAST! Please discuss strategies/metagames.

O. Is it like R(AMU)N noodles gigas?
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: CITIES APPROACHING FAST! Please discuss strategies/metagames.

Seth1789110 said:
If you don't mind my asking, what IS 190 HP Regigigas? Is it REgigigas X w/ Snowpoint+expert belt?

Yes, that'd be correct. Sacrifice lets you never give out the multiple prizes, along w/ SSU and PokeHealers. Annoying as heck if you're not using Machamp or Rampardos against it.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: CITIES APPROACHING FAST! Please discuss strategies/metagames.

^What is that?
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