Team Transform- Shutting down.

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RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: CITIES APPROACHING FAST! Please discuss strategies/metagames.

Everyone thought last Saturday, oh wow why is Bennett using that deck? I was like because it is good now, and I beat Robert in the finals. Cities last year matchup Regigigas vs Kingdra. :D
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: CITIES APPROACHING FAST! Please discuss strategies/metagames.

Haha VERY interesting. I may opt to run that...VERY coool...
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: CITIES APPROACHING FAST! Please discuss strategies/metagames.

^I can help you with it maybe later tommorow or something if you want.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: CITIES APPROACHING FAST! Please discuss strategies/metagames.

How many Unown G/Spiritomb do you run? Gigas hasn't done well in my area.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: CITIES APPROACHING FAST! Please discuss strategies/metagames.

Just took second at Cities in MN going to another tomorrow.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: CITIES APPROACHING FAST! Please discuss strategies/metagames.

...took seventh...god I was SO close to top cutting. Got donked by a Gengar. Lone Unown G start, and he DONKS me.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: CITIES APPROACHING FAST! Please discuss strategies/metagames.

Idk Daniel had the perfect deck to kill mine too lol. Great build :)
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: CITIES APPROACHING FAST! Please discuss strategies/metagames.

I was hoping you would beat her, you were the underdog. Well it was crazy fun, I had an awesome time. The masters in our area split into two groups: Awesome people, and then @** holes. And most are awesome. So it is just totally enjoyable to go to a tourney for me and, even if I am not doing so good, just talk and have fun. I mean its fun to win(which I hope to do some day) but talking to them makes it better.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: CITIES APPROACHING FAST! Please discuss strategies/metagames.

Yes but if you play our legos list tomorrow you wont win, we are best off taking it apart and making the seperate chomp lists.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: CITIES APPROACHING FAST! Please discuss strategies/metagames.

Well I am not playing Legoes today, I am playing blackwater.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: CITIES APPROACHING FAST! Please discuss strategies/metagames.

I am using GeTomb for another Cities, I went 3-2 with it. Losing to a person running no trainers, and see ran Leafeon the one where you attach an energy to it remove 2. So I basically did 1 damage. I had a terrible starting hand with 1 Gastly, 1 candy, 1 Gengar SF, 2 poke turns, 1 Psychic energy, and a Claydol. I draw for my turn into a Night Maintenance. Terrible luck. Oh well at least I beat some good people, and I only lost to that one girl with the Leafeon, and Ronnie by a coin flip on fainting spell, and I got tails. :(
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: CITIES APPROACHING FAST! Please discuss strategies/metagames.

I ended up playing my sp the way it took first in wisconsin Minn. and Illinios. took second than 10nth missplayed for 2 of my losses..but anyway Either going to run gengar, same sp deck(luxray, dialga, garchomp), or flyqueen for consistency. The big challenges is a bad flygon build, good mother gengar with bats build, scizor cherim, and rampchamp in seniors. please help me decide :D
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: CITIES APPROACHING FAST! Please discuss strategies/metagames.

Going to the 1st of 3 tomorrow. Praying for 4th+. Might play Abby.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: CITIES APPROACHING FAST! Please discuss strategies/metagames.

Took first place today with my sp deck :)
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: CITIES APPROACHING FAST! Please discuss strategies/metagames.

Lucky...I came back 1-6 in prizes to tie a game at 1-1 but made a misplay which cost me the game. And I was gonna scoop! Oig. Lol. Anyways, I was this close to top cutting, but lost in that game so...
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: CITIES APPROACHING FAST! Please discuss strategies/metagames.

Hey guys, I just got back from my vacation. My cities is right after new years, I don't know what to play though. What kind of decks are top right now since I missed a lot?
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: CITIES APPROACHING FAST! Please discuss strategies/metagames.

Well, Lady Gaga(Luxray GL and Garchomp C) have been doing fantastic, nearly sweeping the midwest. Its always a solid choice, and DGX can be teched in to stop those pesky queens.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: CITIES APPROACHING FAST! Please discuss strategies/metagames.

michael nice job dude.. anyway yes just use that sp varient I took second in one and first in another with it. Or go for toolbox, since gengar is so popular again. If you don't like sp's play gengar or speedra.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: CITIES APPROACHING FAST! Please discuss strategies/metagames.

Seth1789110 said:
Well, Lady Gaga(Luxray GL and Garchomp C) have been doing fantastic, nearly sweeping the midwest. Its always a solid choice, and DGX can be teched in to stop those pesky queens.

That's not all. DGX shuts down Flygon's poke-bodies, and as long as it isn't Extreme-Attacked, you've got turns of stall if they've teched in Dusknoir, and you pull a nicely timed Bright-look. It also shuts down Scizor/Cherrim [not big, but still.], T-Tar [no energy acceleration] and GlisTomb. And having Garchomp Lv. X snipe down Claydol in 1 shot doesn't hurt either. :p
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: CITIES ARE UNDERWAY! What have you seen so far?

Funny how Lady GaGa wasn't realized in the last format :p
Here's what my area is(OH Seniors)
Various Flygon Variants(Mostly FlyChamp)
Mother Gengar
Turbo Decks(Uxie and Shuppet)
Palkia Lock
Not too many SPs. I've only been to one, hopefully will go to a total of five though. I played Stallgon and got T4, my loss being on time...:(
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