Team Transform- Shutting down.

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RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: CITIES APPROACHING FAST! Please discuss strategies/metagames.

It's Regigigas with the Pixie support and SSU, for repeated Time Walk/Set Up/Psychic Bind.

And Seth, I think it's a little bit of both.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: CITIES APPROACHING FAST! Please discuss strategies/metagames.

Yeah, it runs 4 Mesprit, and 1 uxie and 1 Azelf. Nick Demmith's now is with Todekiss, because he has no Mesprites, he traded them to devin when Devin wanted to make this for Cities.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: CITIES APPROACHING FAST! Please discuss strategies/metagames.

O ok...I thought gigas was dead and gone...but guess not. Is it consistent?
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: CITIES APPROACHING FAST! Please discuss strategies/metagames.

Yeah it is, and yes it wasdead and gone when Gengar Machamp was out there, but that is dead, and Regigigas is alive.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: CITIES APPROACHING FAST! Please discuss strategies/metagames.

Gengar is NOT dead. And Regigigas will die again, very soon.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: CITIES APPROACHING FAST! Please discuss strategies/metagames.

Gengar is not dead, lol. Machamp is. Even if there is a Machamp Unown G. In Nick Demmith's version I am making him, I am putting in a 1-0-1 Exploud, Erasing Sounds to get rid of it's Weakness.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: CITIES APPROACHING FAST! Please discuss strategies/metagames.

Regi is back and strong seth deal. It is being seen around in a bunch of places for BR's good deck. Also gengar isnt dead. No deck is dead lol, they all have potential with the right techs and players.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: CITIES APPROACHING FAST! Please discuss strategies/metagames.

O I know Frozendukie. When HGSS comes out, gigas will fall and die REALLY fast. As will a lot of decks weak to fighting.

1-0-1 Exploud, meaning you need 4 candies, which kinda sucks. Whats your draw power? 2-1 Uxie or 2-2 Claydol?
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: CITIES APPROACHING FAST! Please discuss strategies/metagames.

Yes michael but by then gengar will be a weird play and I feel just as always nidoqueen will just be more popular
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: CITIES APPROACHING FAST! Please discuss strategies/metagames.

2-2 Claydol, Nick Demmith is running it with Togekiss, and not Mesprites. So it already runs 4 Rare Candies.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: CITIES APPROACHING FAST! Please discuss strategies/metagames.

Why Togekiss? And haha Donphan will just destroy EVERYTHING in its path...Ampharos will be big as well.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: CITIES APPROACHING FAST! Please discuss strategies/metagames.

Togekiss is for fast energies. I won Cities last year with this version. :p
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: CITIES APPROACHING FAST! Please discuss strategies/metagames.

O really! Hmmm. I should look into Gigas. Which gigas do you use?
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: CITIES APPROACHING FAST! Please discuss strategies/metagames.

Gigaton Punch, it is the best one there is. I think maybe 1 Slow Start tech would not be bad, because of 140 damage Expert Belt. Regigigas hits really hard, it can do 120 with a Belt and that without Plus Powers.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: CITIES APPROACHING FAST! Please discuss strategies/metagames.

Haha such fun decks so fast becuase they are basics..
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: CITIES APPROACHING FAST! Please discuss strategies/metagames.

Holy crap...what are other techs used? Do you use any of the regis?
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: CITIES APPROACHING FAST! Please discuss strategies/metagames.

I run 1 Regice in mine, and are you talking about Togekiss one, or the Mesprite one?
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: CITIES APPROACHING FAST! Please discuss strategies/metagames.

Either. Why Regice? For drag up? What did you discard?
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: CITIES APPROACHING FAST! Please discuss strategies/metagames.

Oh well in both of my list I ran Regice, but it is good agianst Spirtomb so you can play your Trainers that are need for Regigigas, and good agianst SP decks. You use Regice to get rid of two energies, so then you Sacrifice a Mesprite and attach two energies to it. Then you attach one for turn and waala you can attack on T1.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: CITIES APPROACHING FAST! Please discuss strategies/metagames.

O! Incredible! Regigigas just got really good! Haha! No friggen way!
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