Team Transform- Shutting down.

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RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: CITIES ARE UNDERWAY! What have you seen so far?

Right, to shoot something that is protected. Champ and Gengar attack the front, Relicanth can snipe ANYTHING, and weaken the forces of your opponent.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: CITIES ARE UNDERWAY! What have you seen so far?

Here's what if I ran GeChamp again how I'd run it-
2-1-2-1 Machamp LV.X
3-2-3-1 Gengar LV.X
2-2 Claydol
2 Uxie
1 Relicanth
1 Azelf
2 Unown G

I think that might work,25 pokes is about right.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: CITIES ARE UNDERWAY! What have you seen so far?

A player in my area Bobby is running GeChamp with 2-1-2-2 Gengar, and 3-2-3-1 Machamp. It is not that good in my opinion but intresting. I made PG-13 again. :p
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: CITIES ARE UNDERWAY! What have you seen so far?

Here's what if I ran GeChamp again how I'd run it-
2-1-2-1 Machamp LV.X
3-2-3-1 Gengar LV.X
2-2 Claydol
2 Uxie
1 Relicanth
1 Azelf
2 Unown G

I think that might work,25 pokes is about right.

IMO, Azelf and 1 Uxie aren't completely neccessary. 25 Pokémon is a lot, unless you're only playing like, 10 energies.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: CITIES ARE UNDERWAY! What have you seen so far?

Well its always good to keep 1 Azelf, cause of the whole Machamp X and GEngar X if they are prized and shtuff, but 1 Uxie should do just fine...
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: CITIES ARE UNDERWAY! What have you seen so far?

Umm gengar x I look at as an option lol, secondly the relicanth is also one. As Gengar is already one of luxray's and any other sp's counter.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: CITIES ARE UNDERWAY! What have you seen so far?

Still, I think Relicanth is a must, if at least 1 copy for Gechamp. Both Gengar and Machamp hate unown G, which is a tool, so Relicanth IS one. And yes, Gengar X is still an option, but its always good to keep an Azelf in a deck if there is 1 X. I mean honestly, if it is prized, like in Gechamp, it cuts a HUGE dent in your Machamp strategy...
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: CITIES ARE UNDERWAY! What have you seen so far?

/\ yup. I got 5th, going 3-1 losing to Lady GaGa. I never saw that one coming.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: CITIES ARE UNDERWAY! What have you seen so far?

Apparently I was spamming..but wtvr. I'm very curios on the locatoin of which you play, I.E. Midwest East coast. Because the lady gaga deck started in wisconsin and I want to be able to get a gauge on it's diffusion.
I've also been seeing an influx of decks with blazekin FB, besides blazeray
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: CITIES ARE UNDERWAY! What have you seen so far?

West Coast: Washington State. Lady Gaga is dominating here.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: CITIES ARE UNDERWAY! What have you seen so far?

Tell me about in the midwest I won a tourny with it, three other masters also won tournaments with it..crazy. But one person took the same deck and replaced dialga with blazekin. It almost perfectly combats the normal lady gaga.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: CITIES ARE UNDERWAY! What have you seen so far?

well, it's good to hear that it at least has a counter.

I'm thinking about going with either Dialga/Garchomp for cities [this deck is pretty good, IMO] or GeChamp. [we all know what GeChamp does. :p]
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: CITIES ARE UNDERWAY! What have you seen so far?

Well I have no idea what deck to use, I am thinking about it. I have a Dialga/Garchomp list right now, but not sure if I want to keep it.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: CITIES ARE UNDERWAY! What have you seen so far?

The dialga/chomp lists get so specific lol. Every little card makes the deck. Otherwise I would go with Gechamp, it hits big enough and then baits out free prizes for easy wins. Combats SP's well :)
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: CITIES ARE UNDERWAY! What have you seen so far?

No Kiddin'
i made my list in the car and forgot like 5 cards,just little things, and ended up getting bad starts the whole friggin day.
I'll try it again though and w/ GeChamp make sure you run both x's and 2 premier Gengar X has great synergy w/Machamp X
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: CITIES ARE UNDERWAY! What have you seen so far?

Oh.... I don't have a Gengar Lv. X.
/me runs

I don't see how it helps machamp that much, the Level Down is nice, but Compound Pain is more for spread.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: CITIES ARE UNDERWAY! What have you seen so far?

Here's how it works-
Level Down w/Gengar X.
Level up into Machamp X.
All of a sudden that Flygon is easily KO'd(2 heads w/Hurricane punch) as is many other things, even Luxray X and such just become easier to KO. I like using that combination but it is a preference thing.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: CITIES ARE UNDERWAY! What have you seen so far?

I was actually planning on using Miasma's valley. I understand that Machop isn't a Psychic type, nor Baltoy, but look at this:

Luxray Lv. X now has 90- HP = 3 Trainers for Poltergeist, or 2 heads hurricane punch
Claydol- 60 HP = Shadow Room KO
50 HP Basics [Trapinch, Gastly, Baltoy] now are an easy shadow room pick off
Flygon lv. X - 120 HP = 4 Trainer Poltergeist [yea right], 2HKO curse, or 2 heads Hurricane Punch w/ Lv. X

and much more. :p
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: CITIES ARE UNDERWAY! What have you seen so far?

Yes but the Gengar X thing is more consistent unless you play Honchy G(which you shouldn't :)
So again it's a preference thing.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: CITIES ARE UNDERWAY! What have you seen so far?

There is a whole different varient for miasma in gengar. lol. In gaga the hardest thing is energy actually XD. the lines are easy
pretty simple for pokemon just didnt feel like putting in the names. But you need warp energy and cyclone energy.

I'm playing kingdra for the next cities I think.
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