Team Transform- Shutting down.

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RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: CITIES ARE UNDERWAY! What have you seen so far?

Cities seem to be done already in Socal
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: CITIES ARE UNDERWAY! What have you seen so far?

TPo3: I use it as a Flygon counter. Palkia X back to deck? And imagine against AMU lol. Azelf X back to deck!
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: CITIES ARE UNDERWAY! What have you seen so far?

well it says what have we seen so far. heres mine gengar,gengar and more gengar. with some random decks near me. i was playing a flychamp that was okay but not great. now im using the phrase "if you cant beat'em join 'em" and playing a gengar variant that ill be testing tonight and if it does good let everyone know what it is.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: CITIES ARE UNDERWAY! What have you seen so far?

Name (real, or screen name): sonicyellow
Division: Seniors
Region: Canada
Records this season (ex: 1st at states, 1st at regionals): Currently none, starting this season on the 2nd of Jan
Current Deck(s): Gardevior, Blastigator
Anything else?: nah
Can you make banners?: Duh. (yes)
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: CITIES ARE UNDERWAY! What have you seen so far?

After long thought, today I decided to revisit flygon. MOST great pokemon players that are well know: Radu, Pooka, Jason, Lesky,J,...etc would tell you flygon is done. But I built a varient today that those guys' ^^^^^^^^^^^^ sp deck can't beat.

The point being: Is flygon still a viable tier one deck? Or has it truelly lost it's luster even with DCE coming out?
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: CITIES ARE UNDERWAY! What have you seen so far?

I think of it this way. When DCE comes out, it gives Flygon a chance. States is Flygon's last chance. If Flygon cant make the big stake here and win, then its gonna go. Promogon, Garchomp C, Garchomp SV, and a few other normal types that were normally slow with energy now are gonna come back and be able to contend, Flygon wont be able to do so well. So...yeah.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: CITIES ARE UNDERWAY! What have you seen so far?

Flygon is good. My question is, what if Ursaring prime kills it forevs. RIP Archetypes, hello Donphan/Ursaring.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: CITIES ARE UNDERWAY! What have you seen so far?

Yup^^^ you're right lol. Ursaring is scary for flygon, but flygon still has the abilities and such xD..could be interesting.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: CITIES ARE UNDERWAY! What have you seen so far?

Hmmm. Maybe- Flychamp is going to die, and the NEW fighting Flygon will arise, Flyphan. Flygon Donphan. Both donphan and champ can donk, But Donphan is much more tank like. Add queen and such and your good to go.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: CITIES ARE UNDERWAY! What have you seen so far?

Lol, Mimephan FTW. Imagine, pwning all except machamp and rain dance.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: CITIES ARE UNDERWAY! What have you seen so far?

Hey guys, I don't know what to play for cities (since I still have a chance when there's 2 in SD this weekend), and I have certain choices. The metagame is Beedrill, Kingdra, and SP's. I'm thinking of either FlyChamp, Flygon Lock, or Gengar. Which one would you guys prefer?

I've been having a weird idea on HGSS decks, one of them is Flygon donk with Crobat G drops, expert belt, and a lot of Stage 1 techs in it.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: CITIES ARE UNDERWAY! What have you seen so far?

Hmmm...well, Beedrill and SPs function heavily on powers and trainers, while Kingdra functions heavily on powers. Whats the perfect block to that? Lol. Spiriplox. Start w/ Spiritomb and the charge Gardy, level up, and just abuse power locking abilities. Add pokehealer+ and nidoqueen to keep Gardy alive.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: CITIES ARE UNDERWAY! What have you seen so far?

Or just tech in snipes with gengar, or even better would be teching in absol to your decks.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: CITIES ARE UNDERWAY! What have you seen so far?

Seth1789110 said:
Hmmm...well, Beedrill and SPs function heavily on powers and trainers, while Kingdra functions heavily on powers. Whats the perfect block to that? Lol. Spiriplox. Start w/ Spiritomb and the charge Gardy, level up, and just abuse power locking abilities. Add pokehealer+ and nidoqueen to keep Gardy alive.

Well, I can't build Spiriplox because I don't have any cards to it. lolz.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: CITIES ARE UNDERWAY! What have you seen so far?

O. SPs, like Palkia, or Dialga can survive a Kingdra donk. Palkia works wonders against Speedrill, because if they cant use powers for a few turns, they are boned. Kingdra will have a little trouble under a trainer lock...
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: CITIES ARE UNDERWAY! What have you seen so far?

Azul said:
Hey guys, I don't know what to play for cities (since I still have a chance when there's 2 in SD this weekend), and I have certain choices. The metagame is Beedrill, Kingdra, and SP's. I'm thinking of either FlyChamp, Flygon Lock, or Gengar. Which one would you guys prefer?

I've been having a weird idea on HGSS decks, one of them is Flygon donk with Crobat G drops, expert belt, and a lot of Stage 1 techs in it.

@Azul: I'm playing flyChamp myself for my cities, that seems like the one to go with for your meta, just make sure you've got a 1-0-1 Dusknoir tech for speedrill. :\

@Sonicyellow: I'll add you to Canada. Join in on the discussion
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: CITIES ARE UNDERWAY! What have you seen so far?

TPo3: Flychamp is so...normal though. Why dont you try something special? Lol. Idk, I just think Flychamp is so plain...what techs are you using?
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: CITIES ARE UNDERWAY! What have you seen so far?

The techs I use are Relicanth SV, chatot MD, and Uxie [bet you couldn't guess that. :\]
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: CITIES ARE UNDERWAY! What have you seen so far? Well wahtevs I guesh. Currently I have 4 decks that I am making and tweaking lists for, 1 deck built, and another deck I am trying to complete for the last cities. So yeah. Its been pretty hectic, I REALLY need that case of HG/SS that Frozendukie and I are getting like NAO but it isn't out yet...:'(
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: CITIES ARE UNDERWAY! What have you seen so far?

:( Stupid case, huh? :p

Well, just so you all know, I am promoting Azul to the CO-DIRECTOR position of the team. He's been very active over the past few days, and is a good TCG player. NO ARGUMENTS. I don't want to get any PM's from you guys saying "I was more active than he was..." or "you didn't TELL me you were looking for a new co-director, I would have posted more..." none of this will be tolerated. mmK? Good. ^_^

Well, Relicanth is a great tech for my area, everybody in my area is like 'I GOTTA PLAY MY TOOLS AND UNOWN G'S, AND I NEED THEM NOOOOOOW!' quite funny really. Relicanth just sits there and is like 'BOOM! headshot... BOOM! headshot...'

I wish my masters division had a metagame. I can't even say that a certain tech is being used in everybody's deck in masters [save for Uxie and Claydol]. Even SPIRITOMB is way less popular then everybody expected it would be. What about your areas?
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