Team Transform- Shutting down.

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RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: Arceus PR's coming up soon. What's good this set?

I'll add you Capt. Umbreon, jump on into the discussion.

I"m looking at playing a few decks for City's, but I really want to try Suns/Moons [Lunatone/Solrock]. It kills the overhyped decks in my area, and so I wanna give it a shot. But, it's weak to Gengar, Speedrill, and Flygon, so I don't know how to counter. Any ideas?
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: Arceus PR's coming up soon. What's good this set?

i made a deck yesterday. it is Flygon Hippowdon. it needs some help. can anyone give me some? its in the deck garage.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: Arceus PR's coming up soon. What's good this set?

The Power of Three said:
I'll add you Capt. Umbreon, jump on into the discussion.

I"m looking at playing a few decks for City's, but I really want to try Suns/Moons [Lunatone/Solrock]. It kills the overhyped decks in my area, and so I wanna give it a shot. But, it's weak to Gengar, Speedrill, and Flygon, so I don't know how to counter. Any ideas?

I cant really help ya dude, cause I have never heard of that deck. What are the lines, who attacks, which Lunatones/Solrocks? I don't understand, can you explain?
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: Arceus PR's coming up soon. What's good this set?

A few people at my league run 2-2 Medicham with their Suns/Moons Decks, but I'm not sure how well they do.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: CITIES APPROACHING FAST! Please discuss strategies/metagames.

Is this the Medicham from Supreme Victors, or from another set? o_O

and @Seth:
Lunatone/Solrock, mainly from SV. The Lunaton'es poke'body protects all Lunatone/Solrock in play from Lv. X's, completely. Solrock, for {C}{C}, does 30, and 30 + 30 if you have a Lunatone in the discard pile [then you shuffle the Lunatone back in.]
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: CITIES APPROACHING FAST! Please discuss strategies/metagames.

sounds like you run it with and older lunetone to discard the solrock?
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: CITIES APPROACHING FAST! Please discuss strategies/metagames.

Name (real, or screen name): Randy Arnold
Division: Senior
Region:Northwest usa
Records this season (ex: 1st at states, 1st at regionals): None, just got back into the game
Current Deck(s):Absol
Anything else?: None that i can think of,
Can you make banners?:no
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: CITIES APPROACHING FAST! Please discuss strategies/metagames.

TPo3: Hmm, that makes sense. Is it fast? Whats the draw power? Is it the Solrock/Lunatone?
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: CITIES APPROACHING FAST! Please discuss strategies/metagames.

@Randy, you are in, please jump on into the discussion on Cities.

@Seth: the Solrock/Lunatone provide good draw power, but I play Felicitie's too, to get the Lunatones into the discard pile. Solrock lets me look at the top 3 and place them in any order I want, and Lunatone GE lets me draw 1 if I discard one... but I don't need a TON.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: CITIES APPROACHING FAST! Please discuss strategies/metagames.

Ah, ok. Makes sense. Maybe think about pluspowers or e.belt for more damage? Cause 60 for 2 or whatever isnt that good IMHO
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: CITIES APPROACHING FAST! Please discuss strategies/metagames.

^Yes, those would be a rather good idea. Especially if I face something like Kingdra that has eactly 130 HP.

Guys, start discussing CC's metagame, please. I'm edxtremely interested in what's going around in the different areas you guys are in. Here [Midwest, in Wisconsin] we're getting overhyped Salamence, GlisTomb w/ Mr. Mimes, and other varieties of SP decks.

EDIT: Also, could all people on this team who can make banners please PM me? Sometime this week. ;)
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: CITIES APPROACHING FAST! Please discuss strategies/metagames.

Well, here in MN, we got ourselves a very one sided meta. Flygon. Once you get past Flygon however, you have these:

Palkia G
Blastcatty(a few people play it)

I mean this list isn't really even that accurate, cause not many people play these kinds of decks, but when the person does, they top cut, so they are good. So idk what you wanna think of it. But Frozendukie and I have built an UBER deck for Cities...muhahaha...MUHAHAHAHA
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: CITIES APPROACHING FAST! Please discuss strategies/metagames.

Hey P3 would we see you at regionals this year? I'd like to meet you in person :D Seth you forgot a lot lol. What is great in the MN region is that every good player has a rogue that easily is able to top cut. For example radu's torterra deck, and or Emmanuel's Exegutor deck that like sweeped BR's
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: CITIES APPROACHING FAST! Please discuss strategies/metagames.

It wasn't an Exegutor, it was GG WITH an Exegutor tech, only to stall the opponent. Trust me. I had to play it, and it beat me down.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: CITIES APPROACHING FAST! Please discuss strategies/metagames.

Frozendukie said:
Hey P3 would we see you at regionals this year? I'd like to meet you in person :D Seth you forgot a lot lol. What is great in the MN region is that every good player has a rogue that easily is able to top cut. For example radu's torterra deck, and or Emmanuel's Exegutor deck that like sweeped BR's

You might. I heard regionals was going to be in Chicago this year instead of Wisconsin Dells like the last few.

GG w/ Exegutor? I have absolutely no clue how to play against that kind of deck. :s How does it work?
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: CITIES APPROACHING FAST! Please discuss strategies/metagames.

you could try Luxape. Decent type coverage sounds like an essential in your area.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: CITIES APPROACHING FAST! Please discuss strategies/metagames.

Umm P3 i was talking to Jeff. the PO for the Midwest chicago area, and we have dates for the regionals here at the wilderness resort on 4/17/10
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: CITIES APPROACHING FAST! Please discuss strategies/metagames.

For cities I'm going to try my Gigas deck. I run 2 mesprit for lock and 4 Absol for stalling while I set-up and it messes with the opponent.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: CITIES APPROACHING FAST! Please discuss strategies/metagames.

For cities, I'm going with Shixie for sure. I'm having trouble getting a strong T/S/S line going. Any suggestions?
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