Community The Beach Member Picture Thread

RE: Beach Member Picture Thread (Please don't quote images!)

Yeah but we never got to see what you look like. Your drawing was super epic nonetheless SB.

Ahhh, make it stop, make it stop, I can't stop hearing the shaking of spraycans in my head. Owww my head hurts. I'll probably get over it when I go to sleep.
RE: Beach Member Picture Thread (Please don't quote images!)


^^ Me in my hotel at Nats.
Pfft, hair looks like crap. I just woke up. At least theres domo. :3

^^ Me and my girlfriend, in some bath room. She's wearing my shirt. -.- (And using my phone. O.e
RE: Beach Member Picture Thread (Please don't quote images!)

Guilty spark said:
Yeah but we never got to see what you look like. Your drawing was super epic nonetheless SB.

Ahhh, make it stop, make it stop, I can't stop hearing the shaking of spraycans in my head. Owww my head hurts. I'll probably get over it when I go to sleep.


Btw your spray paint art was amazing, Safari.
RE: Beach Member Picture Thread (Please don't quote images!)

/me facepalms.
Take that away. There are better photos of me in this thread. That one makes me look like a douchebag.

EDIT: There, I changed it for you.

I think you look great whether you look like a "poopybag" or not. :3 ~Afro-G

Cool story bro.

I don't know who you are Green Text but I am not your "bro"! >:[ ~Afro-G
RE: Beach Member Picture Thread (Please don't quote images!)


Me just taking pics with my phone.
RE: Beach Member Picture Thread (Please don't quote images!)

esperante said:
ewwwwww blakes back now i get to look at his HIP CHILL pictures on facebook AND pokebeach great

Hahaha I busted out laughing reading this, cause I was just coming on to post another. :)


I like taking pictures, sorry. :3
RE: Beach Member Picture Thread (Please don't quote images!)

safariblade said:
Not a photo, but a video.
Me doing art.

That was pretty cool. :]
I saw someone do that on the street before. It looks really fun to do. :eek:
At one point, I really wondered how your picture was going to turn out, but it looked really good by the end of it.
RE: Beach Member Picture Thread (Please don't quote images!)

Haha thanks! Yeah it looks so terrible at the beginning haha, because I'm basically just doing random colors and random textures.
RE: Beach Member Picture Thread (Please don't quote images!)

/me stalks the thread all the time

/me may post a picture some time...well another one...I have already posted uh...2? Not sure...
RE: Beach Member Picture Thread (Please don't quote images!)

I have another picture. This one is just my avatar, but I thought I would post here, since it IS a picture of me.

There is a a friend with me in the photo, although he is cropped out.
Acting silly with goofy glasses.
RE: Beach Member Picture Thread (Please don't quote images!)

Some lame pictures of me:

(Idk what that white spot is... o_O)
RE: Beach Member Picture Thread (Please don't quote images!)

So yeah, sadly, this is me at comic-con (my mom took the picture):


The sad part was that the mask was made of wood and plastic. So it was heavy. I actually got featured on Comedy Central's web page on Comic-con, so it was cool. Listening to Daft Punk of course. :p
RE: Beach Member Picture Thread (Please don't quote images!)


The recent dust storm where I live.
RE: Beach Member Picture Thread (Please don't quote images!)

@S-L: That's awesome.

@Guy: That isn't you, right? Your other picture looks way different and you look older.
RE: Beach Member Picture Thread (Please don't quote images!)

Safari, if you would be so kind to make an avatar out of that, I would greatly appreciate it. :3
And thanks for the comment, the right-ear (left on the photo) thingy fell off right after the photo was taken. X3
RE: Beach Member Picture Thread (Please don't quote images!)

Me at worlds talking to Dave (won nats in seniors) and his girlfriend. My hair is a mess =/
RE: Beach Member Picture Thread (Please don't quote images!)

safariblade said:
@S-L: That's awesome.

@Guy: That isn't you, right? Your other picture looks way different and you look older.

No, it isn't me, just a picture someone took of my brother's soccer practices that day.
RE: Beach Member Picture Thread (Please don't quote images!)

Guy89 said:
The recent dust storm where I live.

I love how you guys are outside even though there is a giant wall of doom behind you xD

"Come on kids...It's only a sandstorm."

"But teacher...that thing is taking off the paint on cars...won't it hurt us?"

"Not as much as the detention you just earned."


I now mirror is really dirty...yaaaaa
RE: Beach Member Picture Thread (Please don't quote images!)

Nice glasses and hairdo, except you totally stole them from me.

And you don't look like a Pony-lover. Be the man that you are.