Community The Beach Member Picture Thread

RE: Beach Member Picture Thread (Please don't quote images!)

Spoilered for size.


You jelly? You should be. I don't even think that's all of them.


Now everyone knows what I look like ;_; And I look derpity in this pic :/

At least my best bro is in it with me.
RE: Beach Member Picture Thread (Please don't quote images!)

Tyraniking said:
Oh man, I love the Wild Thing. One time me and my friend tried to pose by picking our noses, but they censored it before we could buy it. But you definitely got a perfect shot!!!

They censored a nose pick?! That's insane. We're going to Six Flags Great America (Chicago) next month so I hope to get another good roller coaster shot.
RE: Beach Member Picture Thread (Please don't quote images!)

First catutie, then Xdogking. Who else has stolen my glasses?
RE: Beach Member Picture Thread (Please don't quote images!)

Ya safari...but do your glasses compliment your suits :p


I didn't think so

Miniaturized brothers messed up my mirror it's dirty again....
RE: Beach Member Picture Thread (Please don't quote images!)

xxashxx said:
Secrets: Are you a guy or a girl? Just wondering and no harsh feelings as the pic looks to me like a girl and I am confused and hope you are not offended for me asking. If you are offended PM me and I will delete my post as I am only just wondering here. Thanks.:)

His profile says he's male, so I guess he's the one on the right, unless they're both cross-dressing :p [TK]

It's always hard to tell with cosplay. Indeed I am female. No offense taken.
RE: Beach Member Picture Thread (Please don't quote images!)

Secretsof2113 said:
It's always hard to tell with cosplay. Indeed I am female. No offense taken.

That is a sigh of relief. Was just making sure it was what it said as I thought the hair was a wig so was just making sure you were ok with it. Thanks XD.:)

EDIT: Catutie you look like a LDS Missionary in that suit. Now you just have to go to church get your priesthood ordinances so you can be an elder for 2 years on mission. Some elders will call you elmer instead of Elder though XD.:)
RE: Beach Member Picture Thread (Please don't quote images!)

Me looking very strange with my tongue partially out, testing webcam:

RE: Beach Member Picture Thread (Please don't quote images!)

It doesn't show up. :angry
RE: Beach Member Picture Thread (Please don't quote images!)

I tinks I fixed it.
RE: Beach Member Picture Thread (Please don't quote images!)

JC it looks like you're trying to fart. Badly. Jussayin'. :p
Also, look at catutie in his fancy man clothes. X3
RE: Beach Member Picture Thread (Please don't quote images!)

ShadowLugia said:
JC it looks like you're trying to fart. Badly. Jussayin'. :p
Also, look at catutie in his fancy man clothes. X3

Fancy man cloths and a dirty mirror....that is every friday night for me.
RE: Beach Member Picture Thread (Please don't quote images!)

Not the best quality... but it's better than nothing! :D
RE: Beach Member Picture Thread (Please don't quote images!)

My avatar is legitlly me!!! Im rockin' the scene style with purple converse glasses and blonde extentions =3 I polish my nails white an my middle fingers have red dots on them so when I get ticked at ppl I give em' a japanese-flag birdie! XD the beautymark is an eyeliner dot heehhee!! Dont I kinda look like an anime character? 0.o here is a better picture:

RE: Beach Member Picture Thread (Please don't quote images!)

4th person to steal my style of glasses.
RE: Beach Member Picture Thread (Please don't quote images!)


Yaaaaaa we tried on helmets at Target tonight. I'm on the left (The one with the terrible smile and is just plain weird looking in that photo), my friend Kasey is in the middle...trolling as usual, then my friend Brianne is on the right...also trolling :p.

I had a kitten helmet on, right after the picture some guy that worked there yelled at us to stop messing around to which I replied, "Stop ruining our kodak moment sir." and he walked away xD.

Edit: Uhg....I hate my hair downish lol
RE: Beach Member Picture Thread (Please don't quote images!)


Me at the last chess tournament. I did okay (2/4) for being the lowest rated player in the top section.
RE: Beach Member Picture Thread (Please don't quote images!)


Sitting at a Burger King...and yes...those are women's sunglasses...that I stole from the woman I was with when I took this pic. AND I wore that Burger King hat thinger all the way through Best Buy that we went to after...where we rage quit playing the Kinect xD
RE: Beach Member Picture Thread (Please don't quote images!)


Luckily, they didn't censor out Tyraniking and I picking our noses like they did at Valleyfair. No, Tyraniking and I are not crying...actually, I'm not sure what we're doing.
(I'm in the front of the log, Tyraniking's in the back)
RE: Beach Member Picture Thread (Please don't quote images!)

Screaming, but you look like you just got kicked really hard, and I look like I'm an overgrown baby or a young old man. Either way, we both don't show our teeth o_O
RE: Beach Member Picture Thread (Please don't quote images!)

Guy89 said:
Me at the last chess tournament. I did okay (2/4) for being the lowest rated player in the top section.
I see you still favor that King's knight getting out there early. Which opening is that, btw?