Finished The Challenge III - 3 Teams, 3 Twists, 3 Times the Fun!

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You pull a shenanigan like that again, Nengeni, and I'll replace you in a heartbeat.
People, Imakuni? isn't going to be back for a while - so I have been informed. I don't have any more replacements lined up because the only one there (Mokoko) already replaced Bippa.

So, we can either wait until 2 weeks from now or later (which is when Imakuni? will be back), or you guys can stir up interest and try to get 1 more person signed up and send me an app.
I'd like to vote for HypnoticLuxray to be our leader.

So I guess the votes so far:

2 Porygon-X
1 Hypnotic
sure i'll do this, seems fun.
I know this is just a formality at this point, but would you mind filling out the app and sending it to myself and TheGuy in a PM? It's in the very first post in this thread.
sillykyle said:
I don't see any problem with keeping Hatman because he can still talk to us on Skype/team site.
There are still a few other problems that arise besides that, not the least of which is he's not able to actually see the challenges themselves. Besides, he's also told me that he doesn't mind being replaced because of this either.
Porygon-X is now the Air Lockers' team captain.
Also, CarlosDuranJr will replace Imakuni? from this point onward. He's currently on the Suns of Pokebeach team.

CFOURCOLTSFAN has been added as a replacement. Anyone else is free to sign up as replacements.

The next round should be up once Guy and I deliberate over exactly how to troll with you all next.
So, you said it would be up today or tomorrow- but that's just my time zone. :p

I wonder what they're thinking of next.
Deus: Nightmare Autarch said:
@Nengeni: I probably won't even start the Challenge until Friday, or maybe even next week.
I did not state for sure that I'd start it on Friday; if anything it would be Friday at the earliest...but at the rate I'm going it probably will not start until Monday or so.
Paint a Pretty Picture

My apologies for taking so long with the next round; I haven't had much input from Guy since he's busy and I kept putting it off. Nevertheless, I have promised you guys the next round, and the next round you shall get.

In this little challenge, you are going to have to use your artistic skills to create a picture...but not just any picture; you'll have to think of something chess-related! The guidelines are below.

  • Your team will need to draw or fashion a picture in some way, shape, or form. You may use Paint, GIMP, Photoshop, pen and paper, whatever...but it must be a completely original work. If I find you took an existing picture of an original work and merely tweaked it, your team gets an automatic loss.
  • The theme of this round is that the picture must be related to chess in some way; it is up to you how you wish to craft the picture. In addition, you need to have 3 chess pieces in the picture (or a non-zero multiple of 3).
  • The pictures will be graded by both Guy and myself, using factors such as cleanness, originality, what's going on in the picture...well, you get the idea anyway.
  • Your team is free to corroborate any way you want, and any of you can work on the picture. When the picture's done, however, the team leader must submit it, and it must be sent to both Guy and myself. If you don't send it that way, it won't be accepted.
  • The due date for this round's pictures is May 31, 2012. Most of you should be off school by then anyway.
Ah, good question. Yes, you can use existing basic sprites, if you wish.
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