Finished The Challenge III - 3 Teams, 3 Twists, 3 Times the Fun!

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No more we make it you grade it challenges :/...

Skype for Hurricane.
All I hear so far is a bunch of complaining with no real reasons or excuses as to why.
Maybe look at the last thread, and you'll see the problems with the current one, derp. (There has been too many make something things and not enough actual challenging things.)
"Challenges are supposed to be... I dunno... CHALLENGING, not just (herp, derp, appease our leaders)
If all we are doing is making a bunch of stuff, the teams with player advantages (like one member having Photoshop) will win.

In real Survivor players are supplied with the same materials, so whoever is more talented wins. This challenge relates to who has $100+ software.
Yes, but Photoshop is the better system, and would make better looking art. Ask Futa.
HypnoticLuxray said:
Doesn't specifically say it's judged on quality. :O

"using factors such as cleanness, originality, what's going on in the picture...well, you get the idea anyway" Quality is very likely one of those factors.
When your co-host never got back to you ever and you had a deadline to meet at a certain point, the luxury of time ceases to exist and you think of the first thing that crosses your mind.

Just shut up and do it while I think of other ideas for the next round, okay? I'm fully well aware this round's idea was subpar; you need not point out the obvious.
oyeah1988 said:
We never even asked for your opinion. This is between DNA and Glaceon/I


If you want to go that way, technically it's more between Glaceon and DNA, you just as much jumped on Glaceon's side as I jumped on DNA's side. They never asked for your opinion. Plus, If you didn't want a public conversation, don't talk in a public place.

And everyone knows "Who asked you" and variants like that basically mean: "Bah, I can't believe you have a point. I Don't even LIKE you. Get out of here." It ticks me off when people say stuff like that/

Just had to let that out. I'm (probably) done. If I feel the need to say anymore, I'll take it to PM
Could we get a little extension to the deadline? My exams are about 8 days after the deadline (28-31), so I'm going to be spending most of my time studying.

Just a question.
Glaceon said:
Could I, perhaps, draw my interpretation of a scene from a book?
As long as it's chess-related, then sure.

By the way, I've decided to extend the deadline to May 31st.
Awww, this challenge is nothing like the previous challenge from last seasons. Paint and pass was a great idea that tested actual teamwork and not just who has the better digital artist.

Plus I stole the idea off Zenith so that's cool!

Anyways, my computer is at repairs. I can't really paint from my phone, however I can look over progress and give criticism
Of course I get a great idea for a challenge today.

you make it we grade will not be present.d
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