Finished The Challenge: Season 7 - And the Winner is...

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##Vote: bbninjas

Let's get things moving. Regardless if ninjas flips scum or town there'll be discussion on either him or me, so we at least do something. :v
End of Day 2

Once again, the townspeople of Inari Village were rather apathetic about the kitsune. However, despite the small amount of discussion, enough of a consensus was reached about one villager in particular, Old Lady Yuugiri. Despite her claims about happening to catch the vicious kitsune that took out poor Setsuna, the old maid happened to fine herself on the chopping block.

bbninjas was lynched! He was...

You are Old Lady Yuugiri, the oldest resident of Inari Village, and a member of the Villagers. You never married but instead treat the entire village as your children and grandchildren, always happy to offer a word of advice or a freshly-baked pie. You can’t walk around so good anymore, so you spend most of your day sitting on your porch and watching the town.

At least, that’s what everyone believes. In secret, you are really a kitsune yourself, and therefore you are not actually aligned with the Villagers but instead aligned with the Kitsune. Your kitsune father abandoned you in the village as a young child, and you never told anyone your secret in fear that you would be abandoned again. This is also why you never married, as you felt your husband would discover your secret.

Win Condition: Either kill all of the Villagers or make sure the Kitsune control the vote.

Active Role: Watcher - Everyone is used to the sight of you sitting on your front porch that no one bats an eye when you can watch what happens. Each night, you may watch a player of your choice and see who acts on them, if anyone. You may not watch the same player twice in a row, nor may you watch yourself.

Passive Role: Poison - So fearful are you of your secret being discovered that you have set a variety of boobytraps around your person and your house. Anyone that acts on you will be poisoned. They will be alerted to the condition (but not the cause) and will die at the end of the following Night phase if they are not healed.

As the sun began to set, the villagers went about their tasks, each hoping to contribute to the town's efforts on their own. However, the kitsune also gathered together to plot their own mischief...

Night 2 Start!

No posting is allowed in thread during the night phase. You may, however, continue to use any out-of-thread communication that you have access to within the rules of the game. If you have an active night ability, please PM me to use it. Night 2 ends Saturday, March 19th at 4:20pm CET (or approximately the same time as this post in your own time zone).
End of Night 2

As the sun went down, the villagers went about their secret business. Some were innocent humans only trying to do their best to help get rid of the troublesome kitsune. Other troublemakers had more deadly business on their minds. Regardless of intent, everyone went about their business promptly and hurried home before they could get caught and killed (and perhaps eaten!) by the dangerous kitsune.

Unfortunately, the night did not pass without any casualties. While out on her nightly rounds, Oboro sadly succumbed to the poison that had infected her body and collapsed in the town square, dead.

Jabberwock is dead! He was...

You are Detective Oboro, a young lawwoman of Inari Village, and a member of the Villagers. You work together with your partner Hinata, but even though he’s technically in charge, you’re much better at finding kitsune than he is. Constable Takumi should definitely have given you the job instead, but he probably didn’t think you could handle it because you’re a girl. Although that pisses you off, it just makes you even more determined to do a good job.

Win Condition: Kill all Kitsune and/or any other hostile parties.

Active Role: Kitsune Hunter - In your role as detective, you are constantly looking around the town and trying to spot possible kitsune threats. Each night, you can PM me the name of a player and I will tell you whether they belong to the Kitsune faction, the Villager faction, or another faction. NOTE: Oboro was secretly a Paranoid Seer.

Passive Role: Mason Lover - Although anyone in the village could probably potentially be a Kitsune, you know in your heart that your boyfriend Ryouma (played by @Brave Vesperia) is fully human and you trust him with your life. You and Ryouma may communicate in private outside of the thread as much as you wish, so long as I am involved in the conversation (if you make a PM to share, add me; if you prefer a QT, link me). However, if Ryouma dies, you will be grief-stricken beyond hope and will kill yourself shortly after.

When he came across the body of his dead lover, Ryouma was overcome with grief and killed himself, preferring to die than to live without the one he loved.

Brave Vesperia is dead! he was...

You are Swordsmith Ryouma, a talented smith in Inari Village, and a member of the Villagers. You love swords more than anything (except maybe your girlfriend Oboro) and spend your days forging new blades, each better than the last. People come from far and wide to buy blades made at your hand, but admittedly you don’t care much about making a lot of money.

Win Condition: Kill all Kitsune and/or any other hostile parties.

Active Role: Pick a Sword, Any Sword - Each night, you may hand a sword to a player of your choice. The player can use that sword in place of their regular active Night action to kill another player. You may not give a sword to the same person twice, nor may you give a sword to yourself or to your lover.

Passive Role: Mason Lover - Although anyone in the village could probably potentially be a Kitsune, you know in your heart that your girlfriend Oboro (played by @Jabberwock) is fully human and you trust her with your life. You and Oboro may communicate in private outside of the thread as much as you wish, so long as I am involved in the conversation (if you make a PM to share, add me; if you prefer a QT, link me). However, if Oboro dies, you will be grief-stricken beyond hope and will kill yourself shortly after.

In the morning when the people came out of their houses, they found the mangled corpse of one of the town's beloved bakers lying in the town square.

Luispipe was killed! He was...

You are Street Urchin Tsukuyomi, an orphan of Inari Village, and a member of the Villagers. Your parents were killed by the kitsune a few years ago so now you mostly live on the streets, begging or doing odd jobs for food and toys. You know the town like the back of your hand, probably better than anyone else, and you know the best people to beg (old lady Yuugiri) or steal from (Setsuna’s baker family).

Win Condition: Kill all Kitsune and/or any other hostile parties.

Active Role: Tracker - You’ve pretty small and scrappy and it’s easy for you to get around town without being noticed. Each night, you may track a player of your choice and learn who they act on (if anyone). You may not track the same player twice in a row.

Passive Role: Lynch Slip - Your cute face and shy grin makes you excellent at getting out of trouble. The first time you are voted to be lynched, you will survive and no one will be lynched that Day.

Depressed at all the deaths, the townspeople vowed to do their best to apprehend these monsters. They knew that they would have to band together or be consumed. Mistakes today could end the game.

Day 3 Start!

Day 3 will end on Tuesday, March 22nd at 5:07pm CET (approximately the same time as this post in your own time zone) OR when a majority vote has been reached. As there are currently 5 living players, 3 votes are needed to reach a majority.

You should have received a PM with the results of your night actions if applicable. If you have any questions or if you think something is incorrect, please PM me!

As a reminder: No game-related communication with dead players is allowed.
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NOTE: A small amendment was made to the plot regarding Jabber's role. Forgot I had to add something that wasn't in the original copy of his role PM, whoops!
TDK can you post your role name? Nothing else, just whatever the name your character is. Depending on who you say you are my vote will be influenced. I will say this is a gamble but at this point, I don't think we have a choice especially since no one is really posting at all, and we will lose at this rate. Also, Mord, I don't think a mass claim helps anyone but scum at this point, I don't think we gain anything from it, please try to convince me otherwise, you have probably played more games than me so if there is an experience reasoning behind it I am all ears.
@thegrovylekid since you are away and I don't want you to miss the previous post before the day ends. Also, please let me know if you aren't willing to make a gamble, I just can't really see any other options right now, and no one else is really putting anything else forward.
We have to get started with something, why don't we all mass-claim?
This being the first thing you post (and ignoring my other post </3) isn't really helping. After all, you're the one person who has basically posted nothing. Iirc, you did this when we were scumbuddies (in PMD WW I think) so please say something. And don't ignore this post @mordacazir
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