Finished The Challenge: Season 7 - And the Winner is...

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Ok, thanks TDK you are the best, also Skyleaf2000 you need to bold your vote otherwise it doesn't count :/
I will post my opinion when I get back later today, sorry that doesn't leave a huge amount of time, I just realized there is a hole in who should be lynched that I need to fix before I am willing to post it.
That moment when you want to sign up for the new official werewolf, but you aren't allowed to get accounts on other forums. :(

So, I have a big analysis that I though was pretty much a gamble based off of information I can't really trust, but something struck me. Jabberwock was a false seer, and I am also a false seer (I am Hinata, role claim in following post). Takumi is meant to be the mentor to Oboro and Hinata, so if he were scum it would make sense for why Jabberwock who was confirmed insane, and myself who knows I am insane as (my seer result on Luispipe8 came up with him being a Kitsune, despite the fact he isn't), to be bad at seering the faction memebers of the person who "trained" us. I don't know how flavourful Athena is being with this game or really anything about the characters other than what Athena has told us so far, but TDK being a Kitsune makes sense in the fact the two seers he trained both suck at actually identifying Kitsune.

##Vote: TDK

Other than that, I will post up my analysis soon, and everyone can decide for themselves who they want to vote for
Please bear with me, this might be a little long, it is all speculation, there are likely holes (point them out please, a better argument only helps town), and it is a complete gamble, I just think town is very likely to lose if we do nothing.

There are a few things I want to talk about first. Firstly the number of Kitsune there are.

The game started with 10 players, leaving us with four options for the number of Kitsune.

1: Obviously not the case, as bbninjas has died, but the game still goes on

4: Obviously not the case as town would have lost at day 2

This leaves us with either 2 or 3, with three also substituting one Kitsune for an independent, although at this point that isn’t too relevant.

Reasons for each option

3: No Independent

There will be an elimination at the end of this challenge.The members losing faction will each vote for which member of the faction they feel should be kicked out of the game. In the event that multiple factions lose, each will vote

This would mean there would be an actual team that would require voting, however Athena may have thought ahead to this point and specifically said this to throw people off the team numbers. It doesn’t make sense to have two people voting for each other meaning three team members is a likely option. It also discludes the probability of an independent since depending on the win condition of that person, it may just be an elimination sentence, or an easy way to avoid elimination. My issue with having three Kitsune is being unlucky and lynching two town is game over by day 3, which is too short in my opinion although Athena could have intended that to be the case, so that is just my own personal interpretation.

2: No Independent

Due to the use of poison, I believe this to be the more likely option, if we had lynched town instead of bbninjas, I would have seered him, and have died in the next day’s night due to poison. I believe Athena wants this game to be short, but not two-three days/nights, although that is just personal belief, if Athena wants the Challenge to be more important than this challenge, I could see why, although I feel that is throwing safety dynamics into the wind with a lopsided game, which again, might be what Athena is after.

3: One Independent

I don’t really have an argument for it, I just want to point out it is an option, details below.

What does this mean for the game? It means that if there were three starting Kitsune, town loses tonight unless town lynches another Kitsune. If there are only two, then tomorrow is towns last opportunity. If there is an independent, town loses tomorrow without a successful lynch today.

Ok all of that may have been obvious, but here we continue, that was just the ground work and people need to decide how many Kitsune they think there are left, since it determines when town loses, and you should vote accordingly.

Who should be lynched?

As far as I am concerned, barring some extremely ballsy play from bbninjas, which he has already done this game so this isn’t too far stretched, skyleaf2000 is the most cleared person, although I can see a lynch opportunity if there were three starting Kitsune. I do want to point out though, if bbninjas planned for people to target him to get poisoned, then it doesn’t make sense for him to have died second day, although he may have been unable to control the lynch outcome which is a real possibility, which is why I think skyleaf2000 is town.

TDK has been softcleared to me in the case of only 1 Kitsune left with the reveal of his character name. However, if there are 2 kitsune or an independent then I believe it is him and Vom, based off of my results, although I am not sure which one is which.

That leaves myself and Mordacazir. In the name of self-preservation, I am not going to say lynch me, and the only reasons I can state would just end up looking like I am saying them to argue that I am not a Kitsune rather than actually not looking like a Kitsune. In this particular case, the Kitsune benefits from no one doing anything for as long as possible to pick people off without suspicion if there is only one left, or if there are two left, they don’t ned to act as they win tonight if there is no lynch, however now that I have said that, it kinda becomes an invalid defense as I was the one to point it out.

Mordacazir has been inactive (although with the rest of us that isn’t saying much) but that also means he is the only person I have zero information on barring a bad rolefish at the end here, which normally is scummy in my opinion, but in this case would make for bad play since the Kitsune just wants nothing to happen and to night kill more than they want to try to form a lynch, doubly so if there are two kitsune left meaning I think this action while scummy, does not shift my view on Mordacazir’s scumness although I have already made up my mind on him, and therefore I believe he is the best lynch target.

These are opinions, based on some fact, please come to your own conclusions, I just want to spell everything out and add my thought process since we need some discussion.

This is my role claim

You are Detective Hinata, a young lawman of Inari Village, and a member of the Villagers. Working under Constable Takumi and with your partner Oboro, you have been placed in charge of the kitsune hunt, and you dedicate all of your waking hours (and half of your sleeping ones) to figuring out the truth. You’re young, but incredibly enthusiastic about your job and you know more about kitsune than any humans in the town.

Win Condition: Kill all Kitsune and/or any other hostile parties.

Active Role: Kitsune Hunter - In your role as detective, you are constantly looking around the town and trying to spot possible kitsune threats. Each night, you can PM me the name of a player and I will tell you whether they belong to the Kitsune faction, the Villager faction, or another faction.

Passive Role: Sneaky - When you’re out on the prowl for kitsune, you’re very careful about being unnoticed and covering your tracks. No one will be able to watch or track you during the Night, but other actions will affect you normally.

I have role claimed since I am supposed to be a seer much like Jabberwock (Oboro), however my seering revealed that Vom was untraceable, and that Luispipe8 was scum, which Luispipe8 was not, and Vom has role claimed to me (in a chat allowed by rule 8), but lacks anything that would make him untraceable. As I see it there are two options, I receive random results, or I receive opposite results (or paranoid). For the former, there is nothing I can do about that, and it fits in with Oboro being similar, for the latter it doesn’t explain why Vom was untraceable (Vom has pointed out I might have been blocked or something), and one of his abilities doesn’t fit with what we currently know about the game, although I am giving him the benefit of the doubt for this as he requested I not post information on his role.

Since town is in such a precarious position, I am thinking the best option is to essentially concede if Skyleaf is a Kitsune, as she is last on my lynch map.

I believe Vom to be the best lynch option since if he flips without an ability that name reveals, I believe TDK to likely be a Kitsune due to Vom telling me TDK’s role name is Takumi, something he wouldn’t know if he lacked a seer type ability without being “informed”. Meanwhile if Vom flips with that ability, the case I have is a bit weaker but I believe Mordacazir to be a Kitsune although I will admit that is yet another gamble, relying on the fact that

I believe the best lynch order is Vom, then depending on what abilities he flips TDK or Mordacazir.

In the end, if this fails, at least I tried, it is better than floundering waiting for town to lose, and I just wanted to actually do something since this game has been quite uneventful.

Please note all of this stuff was written before the previous post by me, so how my new opinion will affect the game is pretty simple, I am trading unreliable knowledge for stab in the dark style points with possible awesome implications for the game as a whole.

If there are two Kitsune remaining and TDK isn’t one of them, then we lose. If there is only one Kitsune left and TDK isn’t one of them then there is another day where people can hopefully figure this out. If there are two Kitsune and TDK is one of them, then the survivors will have to figure it out on their own as this plan trades the knowledge which would help in the lynch. My stance on Skyleaf2000 does not change between any of these scenarios.

Also there might be a couple of extra holes in this thing, sorry about that I just wont have the time to to anything about it until this day ends.
End of Day 3

The villagers of Inari knew they were in a bind, though most of them had few ideas on where to look for kitsune. Thankfully, a couple of brave souls willing to work things through managed to find a lead on a kitsune and follow it through to the end. Although it broke their hearts to do so, they formally arrested Constable Takumi, the village's chief lawman, and brought him in to justice, his head held low.

thegrovylekid was lynched! He was...

You are Constable Takumi, chief lawman of Inari Village, and a member of the Villagers. You inherited the job from your father, and you dedicate your life to protect the townspeople from the kitsune menace and other common criminals. You’re a warm-hearted man, much loved by the people you protect and the handful of detectives (such as Hinata and Oboro) you keep under your wing.

At least, that’s what everyone believes. In secret, you are really a kitsune yourself, and therefore you are not actually aligned with the Villagers but instead aligned with the Kitsune. Your father married a woman not knowing she was a kitsune until after you were born. He forced her out of the village but couldn’t bring himself to abandon his only son, so he raised you in the village as if you were a human.

Win Condition: Either kill all of the Villagers or make sure the Kitsune control the vote.

Active Role: Jailer - Each night, you may jail a player of your choice in the Inari Village jail cell. They will be unable to act, and any actions taken against them will fail. You may not jail the same player twice in a row, nor may you jail yourself.

Passive Role: Bulletproof - Being the top lawman of the village, you’re well-protected against attackers. The first time a kill attempt is made on you, Day or Night, you will survive. However, if you are voted to be lynched, this power will not save you.

As the sun began to set, the villagers went about their tasks, each hoping to contribute to the town's efforts on their own. However, the kitsune also gathered together to plot their own mischief...

Night 3 Start!

No posting is allowed in thread during the night phase. You may, however, continue to use any out-of-thread communication that you have access to within the rules of the game. If you have an active night ability, please PM me to use it. Night 3 ends Thursday, March 24th at 8:25pm CET (or approximately the same time as this post in your own time zone).
Night 3 has been over for a while. Thank you for your patience everyone! I had a busy night and then other PB business to attend to this morning, but I hope to have the Night update posted soon.
End of Night 3

As the sun went down, the villagers went about their secret business. Some were innocent humans only trying to do their best to help get rid of the troublesome kitsune. Other troublemakers had more deadly business on their minds. Regardless of intent, everyone went about their business promptly and hurried home before they could get caught and killed (and perhaps eaten!) by the dangerous kitsune.

In the morning when the people came out of their houses, they found the mangled corpse of one of the town's proud detectives.

Vracken was killed! He was...

You are Detective Hinata, a young lawman of Inari Village, and a member of the Villagers. Working under Constable Takumi and with your partner Oboro, you have been placed in charge of the kitsune hunt, and you dedicate all of your waking hours (and half of your sleeping ones) to figuring out the truth. You’re young, but incredibly enthusiastic about your job and you know more about kitsune than any humans in the town.

Win Condition: Kill all Kitsune and/or any other hostile parties.

Active Role: Kitsune Hunter - In your role as detective, you are constantly looking around the town and trying to spot possible kitsune threats. Each night, you can PM me the name of a player and I will tell you whether they belong to the Kitsune faction, the Villager faction, or another faction. NOTE: Hinata was secretly an Insane Seer.

Passive Role: Sneaky - When you’re out on the prowl for kitsune, you’re very careful about being unnoticed and covering your tracks. No one will be able to watch or track you during the Night, but other actions will affect you normally.

Depressed at all the deaths, the townspeople vowed to do their best to apprehend these monsters. They knew that they would have to band together or be consumed. TODAY IS THE FINAL DAY.

Day 4 Start!

As this is the final day, voting procedures will be slightly different than usual.


Day 4 will end on Sunday, March 27th at 2:00pm CET (approximately the same time as this post in your own time zone) OR when all players have committed to a final vote.

Since today will be the final day of voting, there will not be an automatic game freeze when a majority vote is reached. Instead all living players most post FINAL VOTE (yes, in bold and all caps) in the thread to lock in their current vote and signify that they are ready for night to be called. However, a majority vote is still necessary to lynch; if there is a tie, no one will be lynched.

You should have received a PM with the results of your night actions if applicable. If you have any questions or if you think something is incorrect, please PM me!

As a reminder: No game-related communication with dead players is allowed.
^^' So... I decided to watch @mordacazir last night... and this is what I got...

Athena said:
You spend a relaxing evening pondering you knowledge about mordacazir and you remember how angry he can be when provoked. Mordacazir is a bomb that will explode upon lynch or kill.

So, the way I see this is a double-edged sword... He probably is a Kitsune, since all of the other Kitsune seemed to have violent Roles...
But then again... He'd probably explode and kill his lynchers. Leaving it almost certain that the Kitsune win. So either way, it seems like they'll win. >_<;
W-wait a sec! There are only three people left?!
q_q @Vom , please don't be a Kitsune...
For now...

##LET'SRISKIT: mordacazir
You are Farmer Asama, the richest man in Inari Village, and a member of the Villagers. People don’t expect a farmer to be rich, but your parents were very good at planting the right crops at the right time and making the most from their harvests, and they left you a nice nest egg. You hope to do the same for your own kids, which is why you still till the fields every day, even though you have more than enough money to retire comfortably.

Win Condition: Kill all Kitsune and/or any other hostile parties.

Active Role: Cart Driver - Everyone’s used to the sight of you driving around town in your farm cart and you often give people rides. Each night, you can PM me the names of two players, and each will be forced to act on the other instead of their intended targets.

Passive Role: Bomb - Living away from the town, you’re quite a bit more knowledgeable about self-protection than most people would believe, and you’re not willing to go down without a fight. If you are ever lynched, you will kill the person who hammered the vote on you. If you are targeted by a kill during the Night phase, you will also kill your attacker.
I used cart driver on Vom and Vracken, because you where cleared I could know who the remaining kitsune was.
##vote Vom
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