The Dream Thread


Basically, just tell us about the dreams you want to mention, and we'll try to decode them

Like i remember 3 recent dreams

1. I'm bad at soccer, but in my dream i kept scoring goals, and this popular guy at school tells me to quit, and i said no, because i always try out sports, and i like soccer.

2. My school was a rocket, i think. And it was about to explode/take off so i told everyone to get off, we all got off, and there was this person who used to be apart of my main friendship group, but now he's at a different school and he's a punk now. And my main friends were there. We got off of it, onto a balcony, those chain balcony's with the wholes in them. For everyone there, it was really small, and all i could feel was sad because my dog was on board the rocket in this special Student pet, daycare.

3. I was with friends that i don't know and we were clothes shopping and all of the cool kids were at the shop saying hi, when they're really laughing at us inside there heads and that they are surprised we are there.

Anyway, if you feel comfortable, tell us your dreams.
RE: Dream Thread

I was sitting in the middle of a field, with Mudkips, Shining Raikous(both pokemon and moderators),and Magikarps, while eating waffles. In front of me, a gate. I enter, a bright light appears, and I wake up.. I woke up all like, "What was that. That was... weird." What does it mean?
RE: Dream Thread

I'll try my interpretation

Everything is okay with your life now, you are with the people, things you love ( U LIEK MUDKIPZ), and there is a gate, probably resembling death, not exactly soon, it could be you when you do die, if so it means that you except death and that you aren't afraid of it, or the gate is something new, something you wouldn't expect, so you want to leave your normal happy life so that you can try something different.
RE: Dream Thread

Hmm, PK95, yours are kind of tough. I think that #1 is telling you to not give up. I will need some time to think of your other two. Alright, so here's mine from a couple nights ago...
I was walking around school with my DS in my pocket. But suddenly a huge hole opened up out of nowhere and sucked my DS out of my pocket with my Heartgold version. What do you all think? I am being careful with my DS now.
RE: Dream Thread

Well I don't like Soccer anymore and i don't do it anymore, so i don't know.

Maybe your dream is telling you that you should be extra careful with your DS, or maybe that you don't really want to play the game, or it could mean that you want to get the 3DS and that game belongs in your 3DS, hmm i guess dreams advertise products as well.

This dream interpretation, is brought to you by KFC, it's finger licking good!
RE: Dream Thread

I had a dream around June where I was a wanderer stuck in a very high-tech city. There were skyscrapers in weird shapes every where with various lights emitting from them. I wore a olive-green trench coat and carried a relic, a unique weapon that augmented your innate abilities. I was walking around trying to find clues. I decided to go to the slums of the city. I happened into wander into a dimly-lite, dusty bar. The bouncer at the door demanded my relic so I don't cause trouble. I handed mine over to the man and sat down. My relic was a exact-o-blade (a box cutter). I sat down at the bar and ordered a drink from the waiter. A women....of ill repute, wearing revealing clothing, came up to me and attempted to get my attention. I remember just ignoring her until she gave up. I forget what happened then (I wrote all this down by the way). I remember the bar suddenly shake and the roof collapsed. What I was looking for found me instead. I was looking up at a giant, mechanized Gundam/Evangelion-esque humanoid robot. I rushed to the doorman, who was blown to pieces and got my relic. I remember destroyed the robot quickly and took off.

I don't remember much but I remember being on a train with a women with black hair and a Sniper Gun relic. We were surrounded by a group of human-sized robots. I was tearing them down my small exact-o-blade and she was shooting them down with her sniper rifle. We defeated all of them and I looked outside to see the robots destroying the city. Our train suddenly jolts and becomes derailed. I get up form the wreckage, with the black haired girl in hand, to look into the eye of a giant mechanized half-dragon, half-human robot. I then woke up. It was pretty epic and I'd like to draw a story from it if I can.
RE: Dream Thread

I had a dream once where I received a letter to go look for two owls around London. For some reason I went to the school canteen and there was a doorway to London. I spent hours looking around, but I found them in a hotel. The next thing I know I'm in a pile of rubble with the owl-owners. I can't remember whether the owls were still there or not.

But my brother has weirder dreams than that. Once he had a dream about statues and rapping rubber rings around teddy-bears and blowing up cars... and that was all in the same dream! XD
RE: Dream Thread

A few nights ago I was dreaming about a werewolf girl and other werewolves allowing me to join them and become one.[I mostly liked the werewolf girl.:D]I have always wanted to be a werewolf and have wished on like 30 falling stars.
RE: Dream Thread

Unseen Psyco Poke-Fan, your dream means you have been watching too much of that Twilight junk. You might want to lay off it for a little bit.
RE: Dream Thread

I have dreams inside of dreams. o_o

I used to have this dream of a woman dressed in all white smiling and running away. It would just keep looping that same thing. It used to creep me out. I still have that dream.

I also have dreams of my dad. It's usually just memories. They aren't good dreams, btw. It would be of him hitting my mom, or him drunk, or him cheating on my mom. It's the kind of dreams I just hate to have.

I'd also have dreams of falling. As soon as I hit the ground, I wake up. It was actually pretty cool.

TL;DR version of my entire post: My dreams are ugly :|
RE: Dream Thread


Edit:The full capitalization was an accident so sorry guys.
RE: Dream Thread

I was joking. You hinted you liked the werewolf girl. From what I'm aware, that's what Twilight is about. Well since Twilight is out of the question, possibly you are going to meet a hairy daring girl who you'll like?
RE: Dream Thread

Like a year ago or something I had these dreams that would happen every week for 4 or 5 weeks. They weren't on the same day each week, but they were close. They were all about evil living dolls or Chuckie. I have never seen the movies, but I went to Universal House of Horrors and my best friend told a group of my friends the story of Chuckie. The dreams came like 6 months after my friend told me the story.

Also a few months ago, I had this recurring dream that I was nude and I tried to hide and sometimes I was hiding in water. It was very, very, very odd. 0__o
RE: Dream Thread

I had two dreams last night.

First Dream
So, I was Jessy in Toy story, and instead of having to break out of a daycare, I had to break out of a dollhouse...I don't remember all that much.

Second Dream: I was that girl from Robin Hood, you know? The one named Marion. I deicded to go on a solo-adventure without Robin and left without telling. Then, I broke my way into a castle and used a spell to make grass and vines grow around it. Then, I visit a river and jack a canoe from the prince, who owned the castle. I quickly glided down the river. I was heading home. As it turned dusk, I saw that the prince was following me, thinking I was some lost maiden in need. I ignored him, and went to sleep. When I woke up, it was dawn, and the prince was sleeping beside me, IN MY CANOE!. Aggravated, I woke him up gently and pretended to begin to kiss him, but at the last moment, I said "See yah sucker!" And jumped off the boat and on my way home.
RE: Dream Thread

A little while back I had one where I went bird watching as a field trip for school. But we left after about 2 seconds. Then we came back and forth and then the dream ended. Then there was this over dream where I was chased by these ghost things. Then I woke up as usual.

My dreams are kinda stupid with no meaning really. My mom usually dreams about flowers, me, and our dog. Kinda strange o_o.
RE: Dream Thread

Can someone tell me what THIS means? :p

So Avatar: The Last Airbender was real and the Fire Nation was friendly. Then they came after us trying to kill us... yeah, not really friendly any more. So I hid in my house, which was empty. I called my mom but she didn't answer. I was SOOOO scared. Then my friend who was texting me from her house next door, texted me and said, "Do you wanna roleplay?"
Then we got caught and put in jail, but Aang saved us :p
RE: Dream Thread

Can someone tell me what this might mean?
I woke up and it was christmas morning. I receive a Magic the Gathering deck and a nightfall deck with holo reprints of Kabuto and Kabutops from Base set? I think and there are weird cards in there. The the final boss from Paper Mario 2 tries to kill Darkrai and Giratina because they're complaining that their powers are not good enough for them.
RE: Dream Thread

Can someone tell me waht this might mean?

I was walking odwn a road that suddenly turned blu and began to form sinkholes everywhere. I procceded to walk calmy down the road till i got sucked into a hole and began to scream warsnippit