The Dream Thread

RE: Dream Thread

Lol, one of my hilarious and repetitive ones:

So I was in my house, and two people kept trying to get into my room. So I lock it, and escape thru my window. I run away, but they catch me and put me in their car and drive off. I open the door, jump out, run home, and I tell my mom "There's people trying to kill me!" and she's on her computer the entire time and she said "hold on a minute..." and I obviously die. The end!

Facebook...can kill any man.
RE: Dream Thread

Can someone tell me what THIS means?

So Avatar: The Last Airbender was real and the Fire Nation was friendly. Then they came after us trying to kill us... yeah, not really friendly any more. So I hid in my house, which was empty. I called my mom but she didn't answer. I was SOOOO scared. Then my friend who was texting me from her house next door, texted me and said, "Do you wanna roleplay?"
Then we got caught and put in jail, but Aang saved us

I think the universe is trying to tell you that you care more about your friend than she cares about you.

Can someone tell me what this might mean?
I woke up and it was christmas morning. I receive a Magic the Gathering deck and a nightfall deck with holo reprints of Kabuto and Kabutops from Base set? I think and there are weird cards in there. The the final boss from Paper Mario 2 tries to kill Darkrai and Giratina because they're complaining that their powers are not good enough for them.

Honestly, all I think what was really going on was that you were thinking about video games and characters before you went to sleep. I don't see any really deep meanings in there.

Can someone tell me waht this might mean?

I was walking odwn a road that suddenly turned blu and began to form sinkholes everywhere. I procceded to walk calmy down the road till i got sucked into a hole and began to scream warsnippit

Just sounds like a regular nightmare to me. No real "meaning" in that.
RE: Dream Thread

I'm not sure what to make of this one, but last night I had a dream that my dad and I were trying to remove my grandma's old dishwasher so we could replace it with a new one. However, in order to get it out, we opened up a hole in the backside of the wall where it sat. Unable to remove it, we called in the local fire department who brought a comedically oversized saw to cut the appliance in two. All the while, I realized that I still had dishes in the machine, so I went into the kitchen, started taking them out, put them in the sink and started doing them. And, that's when I woke up. Any ideas what it was supposed to mean?
RE: Dream Thread

OK. This is really random dream I had last night

First, I was in a shak from harry potter, and my friend is reading a book, then suddenly, Everyone switches boddies, then we hear the school bell, and randomly teleport to my primary school, and while we teleport, we all switch back to our right bodies, we're late for school though, so me and 2 of my friends are sitting outside the classroom waiting to be let in, suddenly, all these anime songs start playing, like the pokemon theme song and things like that. And the teacher comes out (And he's my middle school lybrarian), and says, are you guys singing anime songs :K? And we're like. NO, then we go inside the classroom, and my year 5 teacher is reading a book about switching bodies to my year 4 class. So me and my friends were like. Hey! You switched our bodies like in Inkheart (That's a book where these people can read from a book, and the people and stuff like that come to life). Then Suddenly, the world blows up, but everyone is ok, but every structure is destroyed, and you have to get on a train if you want to survive, but then a giant titanic sized boat starts rolling towards the train, and everyone runs off, but then it is stopped by a giant crane (The machine, not the bird), and everyone tries to get back onto the train, and I do, then it starts moving and the roof comes off, and it turns into a rollercoaster ride with heaps of loops and stuff, so I grab my hat which randomly appeared on my head, and then the rollercoaster ends, and I'm at an amusment park, I go to play a game, but the guy says I can't because someone grafitied on it, so I go do pokemon rock climbing, when you have to rock climb on pokemon shapped rocks, but then my dad appeares at the bottom, and says the guy will let me play the game now, so I go down, then just as I'm about to play the game, one of my friends apppear then they switch bodies with a guy in a rocket ship costume, then everything changes into reverse colouring and I wake up.

How random! What does it mean?
RE: Dream Thread

Ok last night. This:
I woke up in bed wearing buffalo skins... lolz. Then Taio Cruz walked in and started rapping Dynamite but it was really loud and it didn't seem to be coming from his voice. Finally he turned into a Kyogre and the world became Anime style but the music kept playing. It was creepy. Then randomly Samus comes out of nowhere and says get ready for school. I woke up for real then. Turns out it was my mom and my bro was hammering Dynamite in his room. Funny how even know I vividly think of it as a dream...
RE: Dream Thread

I'm not sure what to make of this one, but last night I had a dream that my dad and I were trying to remove my grandma's old dishwasher so we could replace it with a new one. However, in order to get it out, we opened up a hole in the backside of the wall where it sat. Unable to remove it, we called in the local fire department who brought a comedically oversized saw to cut the appliance in two. All the while, I realized that I still had dishes in the machine, so I went into the kitchen, started taking them out, put them in the sink and started doing them. And, that's when I woke up. Any ideas what it was supposed to mean?

I would say that the universe is trying to tell you to do the dishes. Before they get destroyed. This is just an idea, though.

First, I was in a shak from harry potter, and my friend is reading a book, then suddenly, Everyone switches boddies, then we hear the school bell, and randomly teleport to my primary school, and while we teleport, we all switch back to our right bodies, we're late for school though, so me and 2 of my friends are sitting outside the classroom waiting to be let in, suddenly, all these anime songs start playing, like the pokemon theme song and things like that. And the teacher comes out (And he's my middle school lybrarian), and says, are you guys singing anime songs :K? And we're like. NO, then we go inside the classroom, and my year 5 teacher is reading a book about switching bodies to my year 4 class. So me and my friends were like. Hey! You switched our bodies like in Inkheart (That's a book where these people can read from a book, and the people and stuff like that come to life). Then Suddenly, the world blows up, but everyone is ok, but every structure is destroyed, and you have to get on a train if you want to survive, but then a giant titanic sized boat starts rolling towards the train, and everyone runs off, but then it is stopped by a giant crane (The machine, not the bird), and everyone tries to get back onto the train, and I do, then it starts moving and the roof comes off, and it turns into a rollercoaster ride with heaps of loops and stuff, so I grab my hat which randomly appeared on my head, and then the rollercoaster ends, and I'm at an amusment park, I go to play a game, but the guy says I can't because someone grafitied on it, so I go do pokemon rock climbing, when you have to rock climb on pokemon shapped rocks, but then my dad appeares at the bottom, and says the guy will let me play the game now, so I go down, then just as I'm about to play the game, one of my friends apppear then they switch bodies with a guy in a rocket ship costume, then everything changes into reverse colouring and I wake up.

-cracks knuckles-
Every night, you have a bunch of dreams. Some dreams are just of you sitting and watching the grass grow. Some are more exciting. Some nights you remember one of the dreams. Some nights you don't remember any of the dreams. On very lucky nights, you remember ALL of the dreams.

So, you weren't just teleporting from place to place, you were actually transitioning from dream to dream.
That might be a tough concept to chew on though, so if you don't understand, feel free to ask more.
RE: Dream Thread

@ aggiegwyn
That makes sence.

Anyway, nw it's time for this nights dreams.

I was taken to this underground dungeon pool type thing, with 5 other people, who I don' know. My Really nice Italian teacher is there, but he's all like :K You all have to review your italian or you'll be bad. So he put's up this slide show, and I'm the only one who knows what "thing" is (It's Cosa). Because I answered right, I got to get out of the pool and watch all the others get into weird spaceman like diving suits, and tye knots underwater, but 1 guy tyed a knot in his diving suit and started paniking.

I'm guessing I switched dreams here, cause this dream is really awesome, unlike the last one.
Suddenly, I'm in America with 2 of my friends from pokemon and we go into 711, and it's run by my league leader. O.0, He says that we're allowed to have all the lollies we want, and gives everyone in the store a bag. We go grab all these lollies then start to go back to the hotel, but find a giant worm has crushed it. He says because he crushed the place we were staying, we could go to a special water park, so we arrive in the water park, and stay there for 5 years and go on all these spinny water rides rides. Then we go bck to find that the worm has killed everyone.

I'm pretty sure this is also a new dream, but it could have fit somewhere in the old one.
Ok, so I was at a party, and there are all these flashing lights, and it was in the internet (like we were inside the internet). And everyone was trying to get free slushies, so me and a couple of people try, but they wont give them to us, so we leave there tap dripping :K. We then go sit down, amd they say that they're about to announce the winner to the raffel, and we're like "what raffel?" They then say he winner of the raffel is Kyo (Anyone here seen fruits basket) and everystarts clapping but then stops when they relise it's him, but since I'm a cat person, I start clapping again and yell Go Kyo, then everyone starts clapping really loudly. Then I get bored of the party, so i exit the internet that it was in. :p

Dream #4
I was sitting on a bench on the beach, then I saw 2 dollers on the ground, so I pick it up, then I see another 2 dollers then a 1 doller eventually, I have $8.53 so I go back to the bench and thse Identicle twins approach me and say you have sand on your feet. And I'm like O.0 as they walk away.

And that's the end. What do they all mean?

Edit: OMG! I remembered another one.
I was at an ammusment park eating Fairy floss (I believe you call it cotton candy). when someone who I'm kinda friends with says, let's go sit on that bench. So I sit there and when I do i see this really really big ride. The ride is spinning really fast, then suddenly stops, and that jerks theground of the amusment park, so I go flying into the air for about a meter then Land on my feet. The ride starts again. I hear 1 of my friends screeming, then I wake up.
RE: Dream Thread

Okay here's the rundown, recently I have been thinking of reviving this thread, when I noticed that a similar one popped up, I kindly asked dmaster if I could revive this thread, even though a new one popped up because I wanted to find out what some of the dreams here mean and because I had a new dream that I would like to find out the meaning of, dmaster responded with this.

dmaster said:
You can revive it.

dmaster out.

So I thought I should revive it. RaichuGirl, I'll try to figure out your dreams.

Dream 1: You will do well in a challenge, probably an Italian one, but you should try to help out others that struggle though.

Dream 2: Good things don't always last, or don't live in your own little world and think about the reality.

Dream 3: The Internet isn't always a good thing but when they are, you will get bored easily. Bad meaning I know, it's just a weird dream to me.

Dream 4: Shouldn't be greedy. Or by taking more money, you are digging yourself a bigger and bigger hole and there is sand on your feet from figuratively digging yourself a bigger and bigger hole.

Dream 5: Think about the consequences of your actions.

Sorry if those are lame meanings, that all that I could think of.

So here is my dream from a couple of nights ago.

I dreamed that I was back in school, I walked passed people remembering that someone in my school's brother died during the holiday, which is true. I walked past the schoolyard, but I walked to a opening, out of the school. Then there was a street with people watching this huge screen on a city building. I heard a voice, the voice says that there was a sonic boom noise a couple of days ago. The whole world was watching this breaking story, the woman talking on the video screen said that it could be an alien or robotic takeover, of the world. I was scared as I walked towards the street where people watched in awe. The woman said that Oprah had the news story, Oprah spoke and showed a video of a Jet with a Pilot flying it, the jet hit a building and it crashed into a million pieces.

I woke up scared, what could it mean?

P.S: By the way, I started my new term of school today, just incase that has anything to do with it.

P.S.S: Sorry if this should really be closed.
RE: Dream Thread

Slight violence warning

I was at this water park thing (Easily related to WI regionals, wilderness resort waterpark and such) and I was trying to go down this slide, so I stood in line and waited. Then this little asian (?) girl comes up to me and says "You can't stand there". I looked around and didn't see any sign or lifeguard saying I couldn't be there, so I told her I think I can stand in line. She gets out this pin and starts trying to stab me, so I run away, and she shouts "I'm gonna get you!"

*Insert dream scenes I don't remember*

I come back to the water slide, and sure enough, she's there, and keeps trying to stab me. She takes out this ninja star thing and throws it at my hip, and then keeps trying to stab me. I grab the pin from her and start to defend myself, meaning poking her eyeballs o_O then this guy I do lots of trades with comes up and throws one of her ninja stars at me when I stabbed her eyeballs out and I'm like "wtf man?! I thought we were friends!" and he's like "I'm gonna be late for something." and runs off.

I know that I was late for one of my regionals games because I was talking to that trading guy, but idk about the girl trying to stab me with a PIN and me killing her.
RE: Dream Thread

I'm prone to lucid dreams, you need to know that fact before reading this.

But this dream scared the living day lights out of me because I couldn't wake up from it:

It starts out in the hobby/game/card store that sells pokemon cards, and they were really cheap. So I bought some stuff and walked out of the store. The store was actually near my house, where this local drive-in restaurant is suppose to be, but I didn't think twice about it. I then start walking to my house with these kids, but in my dream I was calling them my brother and sister(which I do a have a brother and sister in real life, but they are older than me and those kids just didn't look like them). Sometime between the card store and my house, the stuff I bought disappeared. The moment I walk into my basement(my basement has a outside entrance) I hear this god awful growl/screech/scream, I don't know I can't describe it, but it scared me to death. I hear this gun shot from the upstairs and a window breaking. Then I notice that my basement is of people, like there was a party going on or something. It was a mix of people I knew from my church and people I don't know. Also my basement was different, but not really..... it just felt different, I don't know I can't explain it. All people were whispering, wondering what's going on, and then I heard my basement door open. I grabbed a broom(like it would help lol) and hid behind this random washing machine that shouldn't of been there. But it was just my dad and he was carrying a shot gun. He told me to follow him up the stairs.(By this time, I had enough of this dream and I was trying to wake up, but I couldn't) I walked into the living room where everything was messed up and the window was broken. My dad tells me there's this monster on the loose and he turned on the tv. A news reporter was on talking about this amphibious monster terrorizing the town I live in. Then I hear the creatures screech again and my dad raises the shot gun to the window, and then I finally made myself wake up.

I remember when I woke up, I was trembling and sweating. For a couple of days, I couldn't get the monster's screech out of my head... So yeah that's how my dreams usually go, starts out as one thing and then turns a total 180.
RE: Dream Thread

good news you dont got RDS XD. you probaly are having questions of your cultures in your head that you don't even realize. reason is in real life when we think we don't think all thats in our brains, but in dreams all of your brain goes out on you.

now here a scary dream, this one gave me a seizure and i will post it tommorow because it's a long dream
RE: Dream Thread

i didn't have this dream recently but i didn't like it when i had it.

the dream was where my grandpa was chasing me and he had a weapon with him and there were not any phones around.

i don't know what it might mean.
RE: Dream Thread

i would like you to know my guess are not always right but maybe you have family problems with another realitve clsoe to your grandpa, causing the dream
RE: Dream Thread

dmaster said I could add this in if it was important to this thread.

Tyraniking said:
Slight violence warning

I was at this water park thing (Easily related to WI regionals, wilderness resort waterpark and such) and I was trying to go down this slide, so I stood in line and waited. Then this little asian (?) girl comes up to me and says "You can't stand there". I looked around and didn't see any sign or lifeguard saying I couldn't be there, so I told her I think I can stand in line. She gets out this pin and starts trying to stab me, so I run away, and she shouts "I'm gonna get you!"

*Insert dream scenes I don't remember*

I come back to the water slide, and sure enough, she's there, and keeps trying to stab me. She takes out this ninja star thing and throws it at my hip, and then keeps trying to stab me. I grab the pin from her and start to defend myself, meaning poking her eyeballs o_O then this guy I do lots of trades with comes up and throws one of her ninja stars at me when I stabbed her eyeballs out and I'm like "huh? man?! I thought we were friends!" and he's like "I'm gonna be late for something." and runs off.

I know that I was late for one of my regionals games because I was talking to that trading guy, but idk about the girl trying to stab me with a PIN and me killing her.

Maybe you should listen to people, and that you shouldn't think about the logic behind it, even if it seems weird or not.

scuba stevee said:
I'm prone to lucid dreams, you need to know that fact before reading this.

But this dream scared the living day lights out of me because I couldn't wake up from it:

It starts out in the hobby/game/card store that sells pokemon cards, and they were really cheap. So I bought some stuff and walked out of the store. The store was actually near my house, where this local drive-in restaurant is suppose to be, but I didn't think twice about it. I then start walking to my house with these kids, but in my dream I was calling them my brother and sister(which I do a have a brother and sister in real life, but they are older than me and those kids just didn't look like them). Sometime between the card store and my house, the stuff I bought disappeared. The moment I walk into my basement(my basement has a outside entrance) I hear this god awful growl/screech/scream, I don't know I can't describe it, but it scared me to death. I hear this gun shot from the upstairs and a window breaking. Then I notice that my basement is of people, like there was a party going on or something. It was a mix of people I knew from my church and people I don't know. Also my basement was different, but not really.... it just felt different, I don't know I can't explain it. All people were whispering, wondering what's going on, and then I heard my basement door open. I grabbed a broom(like it would help lol) and hid behind this random washing machine that shouldn't of been there. But it was just my dad and he was carrying a shot gun. He told me to follow him up the stairs.(By this time, I had enough of this dream and I was trying to wake up, but I couldn't) I walked into the living room where everything was messed up and the window was broken. My dad tells me there's this monster on the loose and he turned on the tv. A news reporter was on talking about this amphibious monster terrorizing the town I live in. Then I hear the creatures screech again and my dad raises the shot gun to the window, and then I finally made myself wake up.

I remember when I woke up, I was trembling and sweating. For a couple of days, I couldn't get the monster's screech out of my head... So yeah that's how my dreams usually go, starts out as one thing and then turns a total 180.

Yeah, that scared me a bit, glad I didn't dream it.

Maybe it means that you have to drop everything, like the things from the store, to stop something that is going wrong around you. Or the monster is a metaphor for something disturbing your dad. Or something is disturbing you mentally and your family has to help it by stopping it. (Probably not, doubt it, it's the best I could get out of it).

Pikachu girl said:
i didn't have this dream recently but i didn't like it when i had it.

the dream was where my grandpa was chasing me and he had a weapon with him and there were not any phones around.

i don't know what it might mean.

Maybe something is wrong with your grandpa, and you can't call out for help because you have to solve it. *Shrugs shoulders*. Just a wild guess.
RE: Dream Thread

I had a dream the other night about gas prices being $10 a gallon. It was pretty scary. o_o;
RE: Dream Thread

@Shining Raikou, your dream may soon become a reality. ;D

@GREENMONKEYDUMP, it means you think you have friends, but some day they're going to blow up in your face about how terrible of a person you are. Just an assumption.
RE: Dream Thread

About 3 days ago I had this really odd dream where this terrifying, demented, morbid Jigglypuff was try to kill me. I don't know where this dream spawned from and I can't really remember it very well anymore, but the frieghtening images of that demonic Jigglypuff are still vivid in my head. It had these possessed white eyes, and it's mouth covered in blood. I will never see Jigglypuff the same way again. o_o
RE: Dream Thread

Hopefully going to try and get a job at the barn where I ride at.

And do a couple weeks of camp, but that's it.