The Dream Thread

RE: Dream Thread

Osha-WHAT!? said:
Can someone tell me what THIS means? :p

So Avatar: The Last Airbender was real and the Fire Nation was friendly. Then they came after us trying to kill us... yeah, not really friendly any more. So I hid in my house, which was empty. I called my mom but she didn't answer. I was SOOOO scared. Then my friend who was texting me from her house next door, texted me and said, "Do you wanna roleplay?"
Then we got caught and put in jail, but Aang saved us :p

It means you watch too much avatar. >_>

RE: Dream Thread

I had another interesting dream except this time it was in a pretty ruin/junkyard (and by pretty, I mean not hideous or disturbing or rusty).

I was best friends with Grell Sutcliff from Kuroshitsuji. Absolutely awesome dream.

I also remember a dream from a long time ago where I was playing Mystery Dungeon but the dream was composed entirely of pixels from the game, no real life anywhere. Probably meant I should take a break from Pokemon.
RE: Dream Thread

I had a dream about Sanji from One Piece...kinda...

I started a band with me as the lead singer, the bass guitarist from Leomonade Mouth, my friend as the keyboarder...if that's what you call it, a few other Disney stars and Sanji as our drummer (who was also my boyfriend..0.o) Well, we took a trip to Wal-Mart, Sanji stole a little portable grill (hmm I wonder why?) and got arrested. Then after that, everyone got lost in Wal-Mart, and we had a feast the next day.

It was an odd dream, but really awesome....because Sanji was my boyfriend! <3
And i was in a band, which was pretty cool too

I also had a dream about Darkrai...I don't know what it was about though, I don't remember.
RE: Dream Thread

A few minutes ago, I had a dream that I was playing a video game as Itachi(an anime character) and was beating up a weird-looking Magikarp.
Then a played as a real Magikarp it used Surf to save the day. o_x
RE: Dream Thread

A few nights ago I had a dream where I was playing Nintendo 64 in an alleyway. Then a gang made up of first graders and a 16 year old boy started to chase me.

I have really no clue what it means.
RE: Dream Thread


I dream about this man a lot. He's always different, such as a bad guy, someone who's trying to save me, or the one who kills me.

I'm not the only one who gets these kinds of dreams. =/
RE: Dream Thread

I had a dream that the reason my mom was freakishly secretly upset at my dad was because he had a living tumor on his crotch...I wish it was :/
RE: Dream Thread

Usually I have dreams about falling, and flying/being flung from places. o_O
I also have dreams about people that I have recently drawn, heard(songs), watched(actors).
RE: Dream Thread

My sister dreams about things and they really do happen... She dreamed on day that my dog was going to die that day... And later she (meaning the dog) got off of her lease and was hit by a car and died... D: Also a different one about my gramma dieing, sure enough she died the next day.... I find it strange.... And scary... That was all 100% True.
RE: Dream Thread

Some of the time my dreams are Pokemon related, other than that they're just weird/random things ,memories, and stuff with people I know/knew. (though sometimes there is people I don't know in my dreams who I talk to or hang out with) Twice I've had a really creepy recurrring dream where I'm in a hospitile for kids but it's all run down and dark and then I look inside a room and there's a bald girl who's insane/possesed and tries to chase me. I also have quite a few more nightmares, but I prefer not to talk about them.
RE: Dream Thread

I've never had a Pokemon dream or any other computer, video game, etc. related dreams that I can remember. I don't know why because I play video games all day.
RE: Dream Thread

Netherwing said:
I had a dream once where I received a letter to go look for two owls around London. For some reason I went to the school canteen and there was a doorway to London. I spent hours looking around, but I found them in a hotel. The next thing I know I'm in a pile of rubble with the owl-owners. I can't remember whether the owls were still there or not.

But my brother has weirder dreams than that. Once he had a dream about statues and rapping rubber rings around teddy-bears and blowing up cars... and that was all in the same dream! XD

Well duh! Your mind is telling you to go make the BEST BLOCKBUSTER EVER!!! :D Just please make it PG, so that I can see it. :p (Seriously though, make the movie. Not lying. Ask your friends to help you or something. =D) And don't forget the PG part!

Now here's an odd puzzle for you. Instead of having WIERD dreams, how come I'm having NO dreams? I'd really like to know... :(
RE: Dream Thread

Mudkip4321 said:
Now here's an odd puzzle for you. Instead of having WIERD dreams, how come I'm having NO dreams? I'd really like to know... :(

I think it's not that your not having dreams, you probably just can't remember them.
RE: Dream Thread

Lil Wayne said:
My sister dreams about things and they really do happen... She dreamed on day that my dog was going to die that day... And later she (meaning the dog) got off of her lease and was hit by a car and died... D: Also a different one about my gramma dieing, sure enough she died the next day.... I find it strange.... And scary... That was all 100% True.

What I find scary is that they both have to do with death. Maybe she's possessed by the devil.

I had a dream where i was kissed by this girl i go to school with who then promptly turned into an envelope and left through the mail slot.
An odd thing is that i have heard that this girl is now employed as a model. I believe this to be a "job of no merit," which i am strongly against.
The other odd thing is that i now have a crush on this girl.
Also one time i got launched into a wall, and woke up right before impact, heart pounding.
RE: Dream Thread

Okay, I had a dream recently. In my home, it was flooded. A friend was standing on a table in the corner. I tried to get on board, but then my friend fell into the water. A shark suddenly appeared, and I tried to warn her, but it was too late. It gobbled her up, and then tried to eat my toes. It got my big toe and it started bleeding, and then I woke up at somewhere around 4:00. O_O

I also had a odd dream that I'd climbed into a T-rex's fossil's head and fell out the mouth, into a small pillow. The T-rex was as tall as St. Louis' Arch. And before that, years back, I dreamt that I was in my school wearing pajamas. A few years later, I walked into a Chick-fil-a and completely forgot I was wearing pajamas until the kids said something. >.<
RE: Dream Thread

I have Da Ja Vu ALLL the time...its a little annoying...

But the thing that scares me most is the nightmares.

Now I NEVER get nightmares. But I recently had one, and it was TERRIBLE.
It was like a mix of Shutter Island, Saw and Inception...
I woke up and literally had to force myself to get up and carry myself to the bathroom...
I was seriously disturbed.
RE: Dream Thread

I have a lot of strange dreams...

Last night I dreamed that somebody I knew had steadily morphed into a double decker bus, and that we needed to drive down a hill at night time to go on holiday. However because the bus was generally being disagreeable we ended up fixing a boiler instead. I actually think ponies were involved, somehow. This is really unusual for me because I hardly ever dream about stuff I see on a computer/TV screen (like how I never dream about Pokemon).

Last night I think I dreamed that the supervisor for a project I am writing (and currently sorta stressed about!) was mocking me. Which is perfectly normal, until I started to dream about why windows are invincible and how escalators shouldn't work like they do.

The night before /that/ I can't really remember, but it had something to do with rainbows being sharp.

Andddd a couple of nights before /that/ I fell asleep thinking/partly dreamed about what colour would be like if it had two dimensions and why animals don't have wheels. What. ?_?

I also had this one dream about an owl, let's just say it was... a bad owl.
RE: Dream Thread

The Aura Is With Me 8 said:
I think it's not that your not having dreams, you probably just can't remember them.

Trust me, I remember EVERYTHING. (Dramatic DUHN DUHN DUH!!!) <=(

But just last night a had a dream that freaked me out. I told one of my realitives that I wanted a moustach. (That's normal for me. SERIOUSLY want a moustach. :p) So she wrote directions on a stone paper, (Like in the Flintstones), and (Can't remember reading it) but it said to go to the mirror. So I did, but the mirror was faintly glowing blue, orange, and purple. I looked away from it for a second, then looked back. And engraved in the mirror were WORDS. (DUHN DUHN DUH!!!) Then in a deep voice, then room started counting down from five when I was reading. It said "FRIEND 1984596714 OR FOE?". It also said how to confirm "FRIEND", but I couldn't remember it when I finished reading it. So I frantically searched the words, but it seemed to have "disapeared". Then the deep voice said: "PREPARE FOR INSTANT DEATH".

Any thoughts? (I'm staying as far away as possible from mirrors right now and not saying anything about wanting a moustach.)