The Dream Thread

RE: Dream Thread


Well, maybe it means that you should stay away from her, perhaps because she's probably a witch. :p
RE: Dream Thread

^ well if you forgot then its not exactly remembering EVERYTHING. :p I had a dream that I became a bird. Then a werewolf ate me so it was kind of short. and strange.
RE: Dream Thread

Mudkip4321 said:
Now here's an odd puzzle for you. Instead of having WIERD dreams, how come I'm having NO dreams? I'd really like to know...

Correct me if I'm wrong, anybody, but you're not supposed to remember your dreams. You generally remember your dreams when you are very tired and did not get enough sleep. If you cannot remember any of your dreams, then you are getting the right amount of sleep every night.

I had a very weird dream once where Birdo was craving watermelons, so he started hallucinating and ate Mario. Then Birdo started sucking everything up like a black hole, and eventually there was just a world of nothingness. I couldn't exactly remember what it looked like, but I think it was all white, and Birdo was just in the middle of it.

Then I had another dream where people turned younger on their birthday, kind of like Benjamin Button, but it went really fast, and before I knew it, I was a baby. Then I think they took me to some mountain, and then they strapped me to a wall and showed me fire. That was when I woke up. XP
RE: Dream Thread

Chariblaze said:
I'll list some that were memorable (as in, I remember them, not that they were especially good or anything), and then the one from last night:

1. I was running barefoot down a sidewalk, being chased by Team Rocket.

2. I was on a scooter, going away from a group of people chasing me on bikes, again on a sidewalk. The sidewalk ended, we went up a hill, and I hit a tree root when I came down it. That bump threw me about 10 stories into the air, and I woke up right before I touched the ground (after falling, of course).

3. I've had a lot that have felt like they were all night long, or where I've had something that I didn't have when I woke up.

4. Oh, and last night's. Honestly, I don't remember much of it, other than the fact that there was a small Wailord in it.

Chariblaze said:
I've never had recurring dreams. And I haven't remembered many of them for a while. The last one I can sorta-remember was about... 8-12 months ago? I was out on my front porch at night, maybe the sidewalk in front of it. The air raid siren that runs near curfew (at least, I think it's for that) in my town was going off, everyone down the street was running inside their houses. I don't know about sleep paralysis, but I feel I have dream paralysis, at points (or something). I barely moved in this situation, and then the Warp Whistle from Mario Bros. 3 played, something about a Soothe Bell was mentioned by somebody, and a big 'ol grey wolf came tumbling down the street, with the atmosphere of a neighborhood terrorist. I still remained relatively motionless, it noticed me, tried to eat me whole, and I naturally woke up.

The ones I do remember usually involve chasing. I won't talk about too many other dreams since this isn't that "What are your dreams?" thread, but I can remember running barefoot down a sidewalk at night with Team Rocket chasing me.

I don't remember too many of them, but I also have dreams where I get something I don't really have. Not fun to wake after those.

But recently, I've been having something I relate to chain-dreaming. Dreams apparently only last for 20 minutes, but it feels like hours in these. I can't remember them, but one happens for a while, I suddenly and barely wake up (my eyes don't open, and I'm only partly conscious), I fall back asleep, and the dream continues right where it left off.
RE: Dream Thread

Last dream I dreamt that I died. It was very morbid. It was also very interesting so I wrote it all down. Like I said it's morbid so only read if you don't think it will bother you. I'll just say what I wrote down now.
I remember getting hit by a bus. I was screaming and then their was the beep noise of a heart moniter going flat. It all went black and then we appeared looking down at my body in a coffin. I could vuagley remember noises in the background and a funeral was implied. I believe the dream ended at that point.
So, yeah, it was disturbing but I've had worse dreams. Ever since I saw a druken man sulking around near where I live (about a year ago) I've had some weird stuff for dreams.
Edit: @Yoshi Some scientists think that you can, some think you can't. Right now though our technology is a bit short of actually being able to know for sure.
RE: Dream Thread

dirupti said:
Last dream I dreamt that I died. It was very morbid. It was also very interesting so I wrote it all down. Like I said it's morbid so only read if you don't think it will bother you. I'll just say what I wrote down now.
I remember getting hit by a bus. I was screaming and then their was the beep noise of a heart moniter going flat. It all went black and then we appeared looking down at my body in a coffin. I could vuagley remember noises in the background and a funeral was implied. I believe the dream ended at that point.
So, yeah, it was disturbing but I've had worse dreams. Ever since I saw a druken man sulking around near where I live (about a year ago) I've had some weird stuff for dreams.
Edit: @Yoshi Some scientists think that you can, some think you can't. Right now though our technology is a bit short of actually being able to know for sure.

That might actually give you another dream after you died in that one. Maybe heaven is giving you a clue what it's like to be a lonely soul or ghost. If so, you are really lucky. :)
RE: Dream Thread

Actually I'm an atheist. :S I don't believe in that stuff, but it's a nice thought. C:
RE: Dream Thread

I'm not sure why people say that you can't dream your own death. It's happened to me before.

I was in a lift. It was pretty spacious, a grey metal all around, no windows. There were no lights, but it wasn't pitch black. I was the only person in there, but somehow I also felt as though the lift was packed with people. There were no buttons. The only feature was a digital counter above the door which displayed the current floor. When I got on the lift, we were on a floor above the hundreds.

Me and the ghosts gently descended. Suddenly, one of the invisible people started to scream, and it was a while before I noticed that the counter was moving very rapidly. It hit 0 and went into negative numbers. All the invisible mouths began to scream, and the light source, wherever it came from, went out. We continued to fall for a brief moment, and then crashed. No sound, no wreckage to see in the pitch black, but I knew it crashed.

I find myself in bed. I lay there, with my eyes open, staring at my arm which was at an awkward angle. I couldn't move it. When I did, a fine blue mist rose up from where my arm should have been, and then gently descended.

And then I woke up for real.

RE: Dream Thread

^Most of my dreams are in the third person which makes dying seem easier. A lot of people say that that's really weird. I haven't had a first person dream in a long time though. :s
RE: Dream Thread

That, bacon, was very realistic. I kinda wish I had that kind of dream. :[

But then again, it'd probably be like this:

"I awoke to a man's eyes staring into mine. He knocked me out with something that burnt bad. Moments later, I woke up to find that I'd been thrown into a creepy house. It was really scary. A large lamp was floating overhead. And spiderwebs...everywhere. There was even the sense of a ghostly presence lurking. I walked closer to a door, legs and arms trembling, and opened it. Suddenly, it was dark everywhere. Then I couldn't feel anything, nor could I see anything. Finally, a glow emerged, but it was only my body lying there- dead, with a spear through the head, its tip dripping with a liquid. And I felt that somehow, I had been a victim."

...wait. I might actually die that way. O_O
/me hopes she doesn't dream tonight like this.
RE: Dream Thread

I like controlling my dreams. It is actually really fun but once you realize it is a dream, you wake up almost right away (at least for me) so it is hard to actually have a dream that lasts for a long time with me controlling it, though it has happened before. Strange. I controlled my dream until it was completely outrageous that it was pretty funny actually.
RE: Dream Thread

Weird...uh I dreamt that I was touching a baby with a giant black ring so it could gain angel wings.
I remember Santa being there to.

Also, I was in a video game competing against some guy, but he kept hacking so everything was messed up.
RE: Dream Thread

I have started to have this problem where every dream i can remember has this one girl in it. She's in one of my classes at school, and I don't THINK i like her but my subconscious says otherwise.
RE: Dream Thread

I used to have some dreams like that for a month or so blargh. I might have had a crush on her, but once I got to know her better I realized she was a complete airhead. I haven't dreamed about her since. :p
Anyways I had a dream last night that Vulpix was god. I don't remember the details too well, but he killed Arceus to become a god and he was trying to kill me with his godly powers. So, an extremely strange dream indeed. I love having Pokemon dreams though. I've always been able to control them. I can just snap my fingers and a Dragonite is flying me around town. Every night I hope to get a dream like this. For some reason most of my dreams involve some sort of god, even though I'm an atheist. :S
RE: Dream Thread

dirupti said:
I used to have some dreams like that for a month or so blargh. I might have had a crush on her, but once I got to know her better I realized she was a complete airhead. I haven't dreamed about her since. :p
Anyways I had a dream last night that Vulpix was god. I don't remember the details too well, but he killed Arceus to become a god and he was trying to kill me with his godly powers. So, an extremely strange dream indeed. I love having Pokemon dreams though. I've always been able to control them. I can just snap my fingers and a Dragonite is flying me around town. Every night I hope to get a dream like this. For some reason most of my dreams involve some sort of god, even though I'm an atheist. :S

I kicked the problem last night, and I was relieved but my subconscious was not.
I am atheist also, and my dreams never have a god, which i find slightly odd, because i dream about every significant concept in my life and the fact that other people are driven by a belief in God or a set of gods is one of them.
RE: Dream Thread

I often have dreams of school buses. Yes, school buses. I'd be on a bus, in any of the seats, and for some reason, the bus would speed down huge giant hills at top speeds. I'd actually feel the buttflies and everything, I could even feel the forces bringing me back into my seat. I have a dream of like this all the time, but the dream is always slightly different.
RE: Dream Thread

I don't always have dreams, but when I do, they're straightforward bonkers, take this one for example

NASA didn't have enough money to buy another spaceship to the moon so they kidnapped me in a very large noisy helicopter which they say doesn't bring eny attention, they gave me a balloon and a melon. One green skined NASA person kicked my rear end so hard I flew to the moon for their research.

RE: Dream Thread

Had a dream I was king; I woke up, still king.

The other day I had this dream where I was burdened with the task of saving the world from an evil menace that lived underwater. o_O
RE: Dream Thread

i had a dream that i was in the dinosuar age and then mostly a t-rex attacks me
i escape narrowly and since sometime a music plays when i chased like one i thought that i heard escape from the city from sonic adventure 2 (yes i listen to game music)
while i was chased by a gaint t-rex
RE: Dream Thread

When I was something like 6 may dad put Doctor who on the TV and I was watching (it was a darlek episode) I was actually quite freaked out by the darleks (which i now bag). That night I went to bed and I dreamt I was the Doctor in a 2D platforming game. I was being chased by Skeletons and they eventually got me and I died. Good thing it was just a dream :p