BW/BW2 The Future Games Speculation Thread

So it seems there is more games this year after Pokémon Rumble Blast.. I don't think they will be main-series games... I think possibly a Mystery Dungeon and/or Wii game. Possibly another Pokédex 3D type DS game..
^ yes, it also said that they would still be on DS, but they are going to continue making 3DS games.
Personally, I think they will either make R/S remakes and grey version for generation 5 but I think the next to come out will be on regular DS with the next one(s) will transition the main game series onto 3DS systems, but that's just me.
Honestly I would love R/S or Gray to be up next. Afterall, if they were, that would mean that they haven't had a year gap, and could be speeding up from the usually 4 years per Generation to 3 years, and possibly doing a Kanto-Johto situation and keeping Gen 5 going in Gen 6..

I'm just excited for whatever is coming :D
If RS remakes were to be released in 2012, then it would be interesting to see when the eventual Gray Version would be released.

I think it would be pretty safe to say at this point that we will not be getting it in 2011. If it were released in 2012, it would be too close to the release of the R/S remakes. (Though this wouldn't be the first time this has happened...FRLG and Emerald were both released in 2004 in Japan.) 2013 also doesn't work too well, mostly because that it would be almost too late for it, especially when there are hints that this generation might be shorter than the last two. By 2014, we will almost certainly be approaching/in the sixth generation, so that's an obvious no.

Based on this, I believe RS remakes may have to wait until the sixth generation, or at least might be held off until 2013. The only routes that they could go with to get RS remakes in 2012 is to either release Gray in Spring 2012, Spring 2013 (unlikely), or skip it all together. (very unlikely) They could also release RS remakes in early 2012 and Gray in late 2012, but again, we come up with the "rushing" issue, as well as the fact that the anniversary date would be quite away off, defeating the purpose of a 2012 release. As such, despite it being seemingly obvious that an RS remake would be released in 2012, (if at all) that would either make Gray either rushed or delayed. It is for this reason that I believe that RS remakes will come in 2013, if it were to come in Generation V.

Another possible route would be for Game Freak to hold off RS remakes until the sixth generation so that they can be released on the 3DS. With this schedule, they could do a 13th anniversary in 2015, right in the middle of Generation VI.
^^ Actually.. I could see them doing a Gen III here..

R/S - 2002
SideGames - 2003
R/G remakes & Emerald- 2004
SideGames - 2005

Like this.

BW - 2010
SideGames - 2011
R/S remakes & Grey - 2012
SideGames - 2013

They could do it like Gen III.. because they announced the remakes in September.. and released in January 2004... and then obviously Emerald was released in September 2004.
It's just a matter of what's gonna come first?
Ruby and Sapphire Remakes?
3rd Version of Black and White?

I really think that Ruby and Sapphire will be remade. There's just so many hints in Black and White pointing to remakes. Like how in Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum, There were so many hints to HeartGold and SoulSilver.
Ruby and sapphire games and really expected, but I was thinking last night, and I realised that the only 'racing' pokemon game is pokemon dash. They said 'unexpected' thoughts???
By unexpected i think they mean towards the general audience, as in 7 to 10 year olds. That could easily mean ruby/sapphire remakes ( to young to know) or a new type of sidegame. XD remake for ds would be nice.
I feel the next game will be in 3D, on the 3DS.

Why? Because they still have yet to announce it, so I think they are working really hard and going to make all the sprites in 3D, and everything in 3D. They did that with D/P to try and sell the DS. I think they will do it with the 3DS to sell it also.
I'm praying it won't be for the 3DS.
If it is, I guess I'll just have to save up, little by little. D:
123wert50 said:
I feel the next game will be in 3D, on the 3DS.

Why? Because they still have yet to announce it, so I think they are working really hard and going to make all the sprites in 3D, and everything in 3D. They did that with D/P to try and sell the DS. I think they will do it with the 3DS to sell it also.

While I wouldn't bet against this "surprise" game being on 3DS, I definitely would not count on it being a main series game. The thing about D/P was that it was start of a new generation of Pokemon...not to mention it came out 2-3 years later after the initial DS release anyway. They would not suddenly change consoles in the middle of a generation, seeing as connectivity issues would easily arise. And they aren't ending Generation V anytime soon, either.

Rather, if it is a 3DS game, I would think it would be akin to Pokemon Dash..i.e a side game that showcases the new features on the 3DS. Not a full-blown main series game like Gray, R/S remakes, or Generation VI.

s2daam said:
^^ Actually.. I could see them doing a Gen III here..

R/S - 2002
SideGames - 2003
R/G remakes & Emerald- 2004
SideGames - 2005

Like this.

BW - 2010
SideGames - 2011
R/S remakes & Grey - 2012
SideGames - 2013

They could do it like Gen III.. because they announced the remakes in September.. and released in January 2004... and then obviously Emerald was released in September 2004.

Yes, I did make a reference to that in my other post, and that is indeed the only way that they could really do it. However, I don't know if Game Freak would want to pump out 2 main series in a year again, and that's my biggest qualm with the idea of R/S remakes in 2012. They might also just want to wait to release it on 3DS in Gen VI, anyway. (Especially since Gen V is focusing on the idea of it being a reboot of the series, and R/S remakes would detract from that concept.)
The Nintendo 3DS is still very new. They will still be developing and creating Nintendo DS Games for next 2 years at least. Maybe even 3 years. Then, It will be 2014, Which is the year, 6th Generation Pokemon Games will be due in Japan. Then those will be on the Nintendo 3DS.
I think I have an idea of what the two games maybe.
Does anyone remember the Japanese exclusive Pokemon Mystery Dungeon WiiWare games?
I feel like the Mystery Dungeon games and maybe the Ranger games, aren't reaching their full potential on the Nintendo DS.
Why we are getting R/S remakes...

-Pokemon ex are returning
-The Armaldo statue in Nacrene City
- Hoenn being mentioned in Black/White Versions

... these are all hints of the remakes.
Well its obvious we have r/s remakes. I don't know why people think its up for debate, personally. Generation 1 was remade in Gen 3, Gen 2 was remade in Gen 4, its only natural that Gen 3 will be remade in Gen 5.
I really want a game for the ipod/iphone/ipad. Not some stupid card matching game but a full fledged side game.
I don't think they will. Pokemon's main/side/spin-off games has always been with Nintendo.

I want a 3D Pokemon game. Not 3D (like 3DS) but 3D like PBR.

They have the models from PokeDex3D.

I hope they use them for a PBR 2 or a Coordinator game.
Unlikey, but one can dream.