BW/BW2 The Future Games Speculation Thread

I'm not sure if this was brought up or not, but I might as well do it now.
Melbourne IT DBS has registered the domain Melbourne registered (which now links to in the past.
What could this be hinting at?
I'm pretty sure the R/S remakes will have the same storyline with a possible subquest (kinda of like the first couple of Sevii Islands) and then Post-Main game will bring new areas with other Pokemon. I'm thinking, you'll be able to get Palkia/Dialga/Giratina much like you could get Lugia and Ho-Oh in FR/LF and Groudon/Kyogre/Rayquaza in the Embedded Tower in HG/SS. I really hope they make new PMD games soon (preferrably Explorers) as those games actually had a great storyline. I would love Zorua as a starter in there.
what they should do for a subquest in the r/s remakes is let us go into space because the rocket on the island with the twin gym leaders ( cant remember name) is ready. but it would probably be post E4
ShadowDark said:
I'm pretty sure the R/S remakes will have the same storyline with a possible subquest (kinda of like the first couple of Sevii Islands) and then Post-Main game will bring new areas with other Pokemon. I'm thinking, you'll be able to get Palkia/Dialga/Giratina much like you could get Lugia and Ho-Oh in FR/LF and Groudon/Kyogre/Rayquaza in the Embedded Tower in HG/SS. I really hope they make new PMD games soon (preferrably Explorers) as those games actually had a great storyline. I would love Zorua as a starter in there.

This guy's a good thinker! I didn't even put two and two togther.... Anyway, I would like it to be Rescue Team, not Explorers. I played Teams alot more than what I did Explorers. Plus, I cried in Teams and didn't Explorers.
Well there's still that 'Surprise' they were talking about for both the Nintendo DS and the Nintendo 3DS.
That would be a surpirse. "SURPIRSE! We making Black Explorers for the Nintendo 3DS and White Rescue Team for the DS!"
That would be surpirsing :D
I think they should make one with all the regions!!! That would be EPIC!!!!! :D
I'd prefer a Rescue Team game rather than a Explorers of game. I really liked how the Rescue Team games were. As long as they have those Friend Areas again :p
What would be better is another Ranger game(that of course takes place in another far-off region).The only reason most people play those games is for the many events for them.
i liked s2daam's idea. it could be called Pokemon MD: Black Rescue Team and Pokemon MD: White Rescue Team.
Mystery Dungeon 4 would probably come before Ranger 4. Because the latest Mystery Dungeon:Explorers of Sky was released in 2009. And we just got Ranger:Guardian Signs last year. But Yes, I would like some new graphics and new features for both Mystery Dungeon and Ranger.
hm... (imagination is working in my head) I don't know if the technicals will come, but íf virtual reality will exhist... A pokemon game would be very cool. You turning into a anime person, like yourself but in anime form. Beginning with the first region. Beginning with a first region starter. Maybe the first buyers of the game may choose 1 pokemon that can evolve, like meowth, eevee, or if u really want a charmander, bulbasaur or squirtle. And that pokemon will be with you all the time. U can travel, catch new pokemon, people have emotions, you can meet others (maybe friends) who will come online. After you are done with that region, you can just go to a different one! Or virtual reality pokemon mystery dungeon. You turning into a pokemon! that sounds pretty cool too. Ehh, it's just my imagination. I like the idea myself, but I wonder if you guys like it XD
Amazing_Snorlax said:
I think they should make one with all the regions!!! That would be EPIC!!!!! :D
NewADance said:
hm... (imagination is working in my head) I don't know if the technicals will come, but íf virtual reality will exhist... A pokemon game would be very cool. You turning into a anime person, like yourself but in anime form. Beginning with the first region. Beginning with a first region starter. Maybe the first buyers of the game may choose 1 pokemon that can evolve, like meowth, eevee, or if u really want a charmander, bulbasaur or squirtle. And that pokemon will be with you all the time. U can travel, catch new pokemon, people have emotions, you can meet others (maybe friends) who will come online. After you are done with that region, you can just go to a different one! Or virtual reality pokemon mystery dungeon. You turning into a pokemon! that sounds pretty cool too. Ehh, it's just my imagination. I like the idea myself, but I wonder if you guys like it XD

Not like an MMO. That would put a hurting on TPC. Something like NewADance is thinking. It could kind of be like Dragon Quest 9, how you choose if your a male or female, and pick out all the features you want and start off with a set of clothes. Later on, you can buy other clothes if you want to. I've been wanting that forever in a main pokemon game, becasue i loved how battle rev for the wii did that. You could start in your "Home Town region". You don't get to pick it out though! You take a mini quiz answering a couple of quitions like you do in the MD games. These questions could conest of things like "How hard do you want it to be?", "What type of weather do you like?", "What's your favorite color?", ect. Then you'd start out with that regoin's stater pokemon you choose and work your way threw the game. You could choose what regoin you want to go to after you beat your own regoin's elite four. Also, this would be cool for the Wii U, since it's suppose to have a screen in the controll. So while on your TV you have the battle, but the controller screen you're picking out: Run, Fight, Poke, Bag, ect.
We all can be sure of something : No matter what it is, Next Year in 2012, There will be a Main Series Game being released in Japan.
Am I the only one who likes Explorers over Rescue? I really dont care for the Ranger games at all. I only played the 2nd one because Darkrai was the final boss. Also, since they seem to add places to remakes of games (Sevii Islands/The Cliffs), what do you think it could be and where? I kinda wanna see more things beyond Pacifilog (however you spell it) or anywhere by Mossdeep or EverGrande.
you're not the only one, ShadowDark. I think Ranger is completely lame. it wears out your hands and can cost you a new DS if you rotate too hard. Explorers of Darkness/Time has one of THE BEST stories in the history of pokemon and RPGs. In fact, it IS the best. by the way, it is Pacificlog (Pacific+log) just thought you might want to know.
supergamerfreak said:
you're not the only one, ShadowDark. I think Ranger is completely lame. it wears out your hands and can cost you a new DS if you rotate too hard. Explorers of Darkness/Time has one of THE BEST stories in the history of pokemon and RPGs. In fact, it IS the best. by the way, it is Pacificlog (Pacific+log) just thought you might want to know.

O_O Pokemon Ranger needs to be destroyed. SO...MUCH...EXPOSITION....I didn't think it was possible to make riding a legendary Pokemon so BORING. I hate the ranger games lol

It's like they said "We want a plot...not just plot...more plot than playing...ya make the dialogue parts last at a minimum 5 min and then the actual play about 2 min. Then more talking and less playing...peeeerrrrrrfect."

We need another Pokemon Channel...those are so fun :D
@ supergamerfreak

Pacifidlog town, sorry, my pokenerd surfaced and overpowered my fingers...

Another bash on rangers.
They have to have the goofiest evil teams ever.

Go-Rock Quads, they play the Dora: The Explorer theme for their theme! That's the stupidest thing ever!

Wheeler: uses only Bidoof. Even 8 at once. How stupid.
I loved Explorers and even downloaded Sky just to play it again. It had good plot points as well as good graphics (for a pokemon game and at the time) with the floating island. TBH, revealing the part about Grovyle and Dusknoir was actually a shocker to me and there were some good climax points like with Azelf, Primal Dialga, etc.

Ranger is just constant spamming circles... If only life problems could be solved by spamming circles around something.
Wii U version of any game.
Imagine a full 3D pmd, with the team memebers and settings on a seperate screen.
XD ad battle revolutions' graphics would be awesome.