BW/BW2 The Future Games Speculation Thread

The 10th Anniversary of Ruby and Sapphire in Japan is next year in October. So, there is a chance that those may come before the Third Version of Black and White Versions.
teeboy23 said:
The 10th Anniversary of Ruby and Sapphire in Japan is next year in October. So, there is a chance that those may come before the Third Version of Black and White Versions.

I think so too, because they gave us way to many hints of Ruby/Sapphire remakes than Pokemon Gray. Therefore R/S remakes will come first, then Pokemon Gray will come after!
In what case is Green a primary color? A primary color is a color that can not be made from multiple colors. For example: red, yellow, and blue are primary colors because you can't combine anything to make them, while green is a combination of yellow and blue.
Assuming that the advertisement posted earlier is legitimate, I think that it would be the first solid piece of evidence for R/S remakes we've seen yet. Something very similar happened last generation with the Johto starters being promoted for the 12th movie release in Japan in February 2010, 3 months before the announcement of HeartGold and SoulSilver. Game Freak/Nintendo/whoever has a trend for hinting at future releases by promoting Pokemon products that feature Pokemon that are related to the upcoming game release. (This can be seen for both Platinum and HGSS for the last generation.)

Another interesting thing to note is that there seems to be a lack of Hoenn Pokemon in the BW3 TCG set, whereas Geneation 1 and 4 Pokemon are common. While it is still too early to notice a trend, (especially considering BW3 has yet to be released) I would definitely keep an eye on future TCG releases. Like what happened last generation with G/S Pokemon, R/S Pokemon may not be released in the BW sets, which would be strongly hinting at the fact that they are saving them for a TCG set/block to tie in with the release of the Ruby and Sapphire remakes.

There has definitely been some more solid "evidence" over the past couple of months, and unlike before, I am now inclined to agree with those that think we will be getting a remake in Generation V.
I wonder what subnames that they will give to the RSE remakes. I was thinking Blazing Ruby, Soothing Sapphire and Enpowering Emerald.

More on topic, i completely agree with Blue Thunder's speculations on them holding back on RSE pokemon in BW tcg to set them aside for the remakes. the thing about pokemon and nintendo is they do everything in patterns and hint at everything so nobody is left out of anything. like for RSE remakes, they sort of hinted at it through the Basculin colors. there is red and blue Basculins. how obvious is that?
supergamerfreak said:
I wonder what subnames that they will give to the RSE remakes. I was thinking Blazing Ruby, Soothing Sapphire and Enpowering Emerald.

More on topic, i completely agree with Blue Thunder's speculations on them holding back on RSE pokemon in BW tcg to set them aside for the remakes. the thing about pokemon and nintendo is they do everything in patterns and hint at everything so nobody is left out of anything. like for RSE remakes, they sort of hinted at it through the Basculin colors. there is red and blue Basculins. how obvious is that?

I doubt they will make an Emerald remake simply because all remakes have been in twos. I was thinking the names would be DeepSea Sapphire and Molten Ruby or soemthing like that. The Basculin aren't that obvious and most people wouldn't interpret them that way so that may or may not be a hint at a remake, but its definately possible.
If we do end up with R/S remakes,atleast we can start training pokemon from Lv.1(Perfect breeding etc.) to Lv.100(including perfect EVs) in under an hour.No joke.
Unfortunately, they will probably carry over that annoying anti-grind mechanic where you get less exp the higher level you are, which makes it way more frustrating to get to a high level. If they carry that over they will have to give us the Lucky Egg or I will not buy the game, simple as that. It'll be a fail of a game is we are lucky egg-less with that mechanic as it will be such a chore to level up even just to the enemy's level.
It would be interesting if we got Pokemon Red and Blue as virtual console games, and you could transfer the pokemon you catch on those games to Black and White
Dark Void said:
Unfortunately, they will probably carry over that annoying anti-grind mechanic where you get less exp the higher level you are, which makes it way more frustrating to get to a high level. If they carry that over they will have to give us the Lucky Egg or I will not buy the game, simple as that. It'll be a fail of a game is we are lucky egg-less with that mechanic as it will be such a chore to level up even just to the enemy's level.

When I said you could fully train pokemon from 1 to 100,I should've said it was possible via the secret bases,where you could battle Lv.100 pokemon.If the mechanic from 5th Gen passes down,given that your pokemon holds the Luck Egg,it will be almost too easy to fully train pokemon.
Luigi08 said:
It would be interesting if we got Pokemon Red and Blue as virtual console games, and you could transfer the pokemon you catch on those games to Black and White

While I think it would be interesting, the reason I don't think it will come to pass is because Nintendo KNOWS it can make exponentially more cash by making a full-fledged handheld game. And if by "virtual console" you are implying the game could be bought with say, Wii points, we would also run into the possibility of the game being watered down.

On the subject of R/B or FR/LG remakes, what is your opinion on them? Right now, I could really see it going either way at this point. I do see them wanting to make the Generation I Pokemon more available at some point, and it would be yet another game for Nintendo to fatten the cash cow. On the other hand, I could also see them wanting to finally distant themselves from the older generations, and make those Pokemon available in modern games in new ways. I really don't what to think of it at this point, though I am doubtful we will get them in this generation at least...
I'm pretty sure they won't remake FR/LG again. They might do a first gen game somehow, but definitely not a remake again. In the R/S remakes, the majority of new Pokemon we get that were not there already will be Unova. This is so people will stay up to date with the new Pokemon like if someone has not played B/W but HAS played RSE will be like "Oh what?! These Pokemon are pretty chill!" and get B/W.

Right now, I'm trying to figure out what they will throw in to the remakes. Since they've done Islands in 1st Gen and Cliffs (I guess) in 2nd, I'm thinking along the lines of adding a river or maybe a valley. Hoenn does have a lot of random pretty big islands too.
this is just places that seem like they have potential.
I hope you're talking about Unova Pokemon post-E4. In FRLG there were no new Pokemon pre-E4, and the only reason there were some in HGSS was because they evolved while knowing moves and GF didn't want to ret-con again.
Yeah, of course. Remakes are pretty much the same story-line and game until post-E4. Even in FRLG, they threw in a new area pre-E4 but not new pokemon. Although I would have loved getting an early Crobat.
@ ShadowDark
It would be cool, if they did make those locations playable in a Remake for Hoenn. I really wanted to go to them, but saddly couldn't. They might make one of the islands a Pokemon Relocater, like they did in Pokemon D/P/P. They're relocater was on an island, so it could be a possibile.
Zekroman said:
what do you mean by relocator?

A relocator is something they have had since 4th Gen. it allows you transfer over older generation pokemon that are normally uncompatible with your game due to updated technology and new pokemon that can't even exist on the older games.

More on topic, that does seem like an interesting theory, PikabooPikachu. And ShadowDark, they do seem really big and unnoticed. I am pretty sure they planned to skip them from the beginning. Reason: Nintendo plans ahead on EVERYTHING. first episode of pokemon, they have Ash see a Gen. 2 pokemon that doesn't even exist to pokefans yet. They plan everything from the beginning. They knew pokemon would be so popular that it would 5 generations, countless games, 12+ movies, and countless fans.
@supergamerfreak: Not to veer too off-topic, but quite the polar opposite was true for Pokémon's beginnings. If you take a look at the pre-history of the franchise when it was only a design concept, Tajiri brought the idea for Pokémon ("Capsule Monsters" at the time) to Nintendo numerous times before he actually got a deal; Nintendo was in fact so concerned towards the project that they sent Shigeru Miyamoto to collaborate with Tajiri, who eventually became a mentor-figure to Tajiri, which in many ways you could argue did help launch Pokémon to success by 1999 (financially and as an icon because of Miyamoto's idea for the version split for example, as well as Miyamoto providing Pokémon's close affiliation towards Nintendo's older first party IP, namely Mario and Zelda). And even with the "help" Nintendo sent, the 5-year development process of Red and Green was so straining on the original Game Freak team that it almost destroyed the company (at one point Tajiri couldn't afford to pay the development team at all, and had to have his parents fund the project it was that desperate), and at many times throughout the duration of those five years there were inevitably strong decisions to abandon the games entirely, to prevent the crew from quitting their jobs and complete bankruptcy. You could make a Hollywood-caliber drama/story out of it :D. Needless to say, it was perseverance that bore Pokémon in the first place (not trying to be sentimental or unfairly patronizing of Game Freak; it was genuinely the case), not any sort of planning on Nintendo's part or the corporate behemoth of a structure we have now, with five generations, countless games and fans, 12+ movies, yada yada (not to say the corporate structure is any worse obviously). The coincidences of later Pokémon in original works was just the result of how Game Freak's own workflow and schedule panned out, in addition to the anime folks representing those Pokémon on-screen after the creation of those Pokémon had gone on under Game Freak in a stage preceding the public eye. Nintendo only would've given business direction and an approval on it, at least until they got more involved after the first generation/season/etc. Nintendo had better things to do in the early '90's, or so they thought, haha.[/history lecture…]

and @ShadowDark: I think it's gonna be interesting how future remakes, assuming there are any, tackle the issue of plot. Moving into the third generation a lot of version differences occur in the realm of storyline, so that'll be another element to incorporate when a developer has to consider new features for the games and how they will be integrated with the original games' content. Albeit, after you beat RSE, the games revert to that more traditional similarity, but I guess we'll have to wait and see what Game Freak or whoever else does with that.