The hardest video game?

RE: Hardest video game?

InfernoBlaze said:
Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass.

Because it required me to think.

Two hours into the game I ragequit and "lost" the DS card.
Ok, this has to be a joke. PH is by far one of the easiest Zeldas, and Zeldas aren't even usually that hard. In Zeldas there are harder parts (logically), but everything is fair.
RE: Hardest video game?

bacon said:
Timing and memory are skills in their own right, however. Especially timing. Any game can be mastered over a given period of time, but the length of that time is indicative of the game's difficulty. When I say "master", think of it as how long it would take to nail the game mechanics and then be able to apply that skill to run through the game flawlessly. It takes far longer to master the mechanics of IWBTG than most games in this sense.

I agree that timing is certainly a skill that can be honed over time and over separate games, but when it comes to memory, you're starting fresh with every new game unless it has conventions of its genre (An FPS for example). That's not what bothers me though, what bothers me is that IWBTG is all memory.
It's like you're walking along a corridor, spikes come out of a block that is coloured exactly the same as the rest, and you die. You couldn't possibly have prevented it without knowing.

Even when described as a skill I wouldn't say it adds difficulty to the game. It's trial and error. Limbo did it but much better as you could pay attention to your surroundings and move the trap elsewhere etc...

IWBTG is like shuffling a pack of cards and trying to guess what you are going to draw next. There is no skill or effort you really need to apply. 99% of the time you are going to be wrong. I've got nothing against the game, it's rather fun, but hard isn't the right word to describe it.

ShadowLugia said:
All of that said, thought, Megaman X6 was tough for me. I really don't know why.

X6 was just full of bull. It was a badly designed game. Everyone who played X6 had a tough time.
RE: Hardest video game?

RotomRules64 said:
Discuss very hard video games.

My hardest an hour ago was Metroid Fusion (DANG IT WAAAALL JUUUUMP!) But that was solved.

Now: Either Mario and Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story or LoZ: Skyward Sword.

SS: Imprisoned and Demise were near impossible. Ghirahim makes me RAGEEE
BiS: The only reason I say this is because it has INSANELY hard bosses, and the "inhale/suck" control for Bowser is wackadoodlemole.

Bosses? Well, Alpha Cretin kept me for months.
JUKNER BOT. That guy kept me for SO LOOOOOONG!

Imprisoned is hard, but you should only have to retry the fight 2/3 times. Demise is easy if you have the best shield, and you know what to do. Ghirahim is tough if you rush the fight. Or if you have a glitchy Wiimote.

The only hard boss in the latter is the last one. Just cuz button mashing.

Blah said:
Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker, to name one off the top of my head.

There are points in the game where they literally do not tell you anything, and you have to sail to random islands hoping you can pick up some kind of information. It's time consuming, difficult, and horribly annoying. And that's not even mentioning some of the insane boss fights such as the Fire Wizrobe (easy if you know how, but most people don't and it's incredibly difficult to figure out the secret) and Puppet Gannon. Sure, it's not the hardest video game, but it's definitely not easy.

Meh, this game can be sort of difficult. I got stuck up to the part where you need the triforce charts, but if you get the Ghost Ship chart the rest of the game is easy. Especially the dungeons.

Out of the actual video games, not for computers, I think the hardest are as follows:

Donkey Kong Country Returns:

Let's get this game out of the way--this game is the most difficult platformer I've ever played. Limited health, along with really speedy jumps just make it impossible. I'm surprised I actually got up to the final boss.

Super Mario Bros. Wii:

This game follows behind DKCR. The only hard part is clearing world 9. I've gotten so frustrated with that part that I had to stop playing it entirely.

Ocarina of Time: Master Quest:

The dungeons in this game literally make no sense. I remember in the third dungeon in the game you had to slingshot a cow to open a door. Like, I actually figured that out by myself, BUT HOW DOES THAT EVEN MAKE SENSE? Everything is just so hidden, and it's made me overestimate other Zelda games' difficulty.
RE: Hardest video game?

Delta said:
X6 was just full of bull. It was a badly designed game. Everyone who played X6 had a tough time.

But as an MMX vet, I feel as if I should have done better lol. I do agree though that just because a game is poorly designed doesn't make it a hard game. Frustrating and glitchy, maybe, but doesn't require skill.,
RE: Hardest video game?

Teal said:
Taiko no Tatsujin Oni mode. Or any rhythm game really. :B

Totally agree. I think my fingures were bleeding by the time I finally pasted one song on Oni mode. Before I was like "ABC song. I've got this! Apaman and Doraemon won't be that hard. Totoro and Ponyo. Pff!" Boy was I wrong... After I had gotten destroyed and played the songs like three times in a row, I finally past two of the songs.
RE: Hardest video game?

InfernoBlaze said:
Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass.

Because it required me to think.

Two hours into the game I ragequit and "lost" the DS card.

That challenge where you had to shut the DS?

Good god, it took me like 3 hours, then I closed it to get a snack, and then reopened it and im like "Ok, LAWL."

Update to last post:
The reason I say BIS is hard is because I was pretty inexperienced with RPGs.

And I just got Theatrythm Final Fantasy, and the Dark Notes aren't anywhere NEAR as hard as NP hyped them to be. But trying to find all the bosses is hard. But they're medium, I feel like that one scene where Neo is blocking all of Agent Smith's punches with one hand when I do "Something to protect" from IX on a Dark Note.
RE: Hardest video game?

Just about anything on NES or SNES. I suck at classic games.

doublenikesocks said:
For me it was Metroid Prime 2. Those Ing bosses got pretty hard

Boost Guardian was pure evil, but aside from that, Prime 2 had an appropriate difficulty level. I've definitely seen harder.
RE: Hardest video game?

RotomRules64 said:
InfernoBlaze said:
Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass.

Because it required me to think.

Two hours into the game I ragequit and "lost" the DS card.

That challenge where you had to shut the DS?

Good god, it took me like 3 hours, then I closed it to get a snack, and then reopened it and im like "Ok, LAWL."

See, I think that was a great puzzle, but I really wish that information was embargoed. It was hyped by NP and others as a really creative puzzle, but it was the only one of its kind in the game; having read that this puzzle was in the game, it wasn't challenging at all.
RE: Hardest video game?

I think one of the hardest video games is Devil May Cry 3. The american normal mode was the Japanese hard mode which added in much extra difficulty! The Devil May Cry series in general is known for its complexity and challenging situations within the game. My friend and I sat on this game for months and months. Worth while victory!
RE: Hardest video game?

Dark Souls

Generally considered to be one of the hardest RPGs to ever be created. I have only heard about ragequits with this game, and that's before they released an even harder difficulty with the DLC (IIRC, or they did something like that).

I want it so badly.
RE: Hardest video game?

The Fallen One said:
Dark Souls

Generally considered to be one of the hardest RPGs to ever be created. I have only heard about ragequits with this game, and that's before they released an even harder difficulty with the DLC (IIRC, or they did something like that).

I want it so badly.
My friends on Skype talk about that game all the time - and how they keep dying.
It's minimum once a day, every day, I swear.
RE: Hardest video game?

I really haven't played that many games.

Hey, does anyone remember your first pokemon game where you only used your starter, and you ended the game with a lv100 starter and lv10 other Pokemon?
Just me?

Well try beating the champion with 66 HP and no Healing items. 5 months then an Action Replay. FTW.
RE: Hardest video game?

The Fallen One said:
Dark Souls

Generally considered to be one of the hardest RPGs to ever be created. I have only heard about ragequits with this game, and that's before they released an even harder difficulty with the DLC (IIRC, or they did something like that).

I want it so badly.
I own this game and I have to agree,it is really difficult.But it's also so fun,what an evil combination.
RE: Hardest video game?

RotomRules64 said:
...then an Action Replay. FTW.

But you didn't really win? You cheated... (-_-")
Sorry, I just can't take people seriously if they use Action Replay...

Jet Set Radio

OH MY GOODNESS! This game is SOOO MUCH FUN!!!! I love this game to death, but it might be the death of me..... I mean really, some of the stufffs they make you do in that game is crazy hard and sometimes the jumps are hard to get down (i.e. jumping on a rail on a second floor) because the game can be picky about how you land on it...
RE: Hardest video game?

DNA said:
~Final Fantasy IV. Moderately hard throughout, PLUS really hard points in other places. Lunar Ruins was a pain to beat, and so was the plot. I wasn't used to my party characters randomly being dropped and added with little prior notice, so it took a while to get used to. I didn't really catch a break until I got to the last dungeon. Didn't like the game very much, but overall it was nice and challenging.

Proto-Babil and Zeromus. Easily the most difficult battles you could wish for and can be added to this reasoning without much need for explanation if you've faced them. (note: I've only played the DS version.)

Also, Pokemon Black and White upon hitting the 72 win streak and above in the Battle Subway. So many quirky sets. And the hax rate is much higher it seems.
