BW/BW2 The Isshu Region Speculation Thread (now with new larger map!)

RE: The Isshu Region Speculation Thread

But probably you'll be able to use the planes in this game. They are probably adding more things so we can explore them. I really hope that the airport has something to do with the story.
RE: The Isshu Region Speculation Thread

what if the plane takes us to another part of the region they haven't yet shown us...
RE: The Isshu Region Speculation Thread

kangaskhan said:
what if the plane takes us to another part of the region they haven't yet shown us...
That's pretty much what I said
howelllawson said:
I doubt that there will be other regions in the games.

My thinking is that there will be some other place like the Sevi Islands that you take the plane to (if in fact you do take a plane anywhere).

Just whatever we do with a plane, I hope against hope that there won't be skydiving... ^_^;
RE: The Isshu Region Speculation Thread

A boat from Huin City or a train is the best bet of traveling
Where to, maybe more parts of the region or some islands
RE: The Isshu Region Speculation Thread

Dragonlord251 said:
A boat from Huin City or a train is the best bet of traveling
Where to, maybe more parts of the region or some islands

dragonlord251 reminded me of something. Why are there so many ports to Hiun city?
Could it each be a port to a different city? If so then why so many? Maybe like we may use the airplane to go to different regions maybe we use those boats to go to other region's ports too.
RE: The Isshu Region Speculation Thread

rockinpikachu said:
dragonlord251 reminded me of something. Why are there so many ports to Hiun city?
Could it each be a port to a different city? If so then why so many? Maybe like we may use the airplane to go to different regions maybe we use those boats to go to other region's ports too.

That seems like a good idea.

I'm strongly thinking that you can go to another region with all the ports and the airfield. If you couldn't go to another region, then what would be the point of all of the ports?
RE: The Isshu Region Speculation Thread

Something like a repetition of the sevii islands, only bigger, would be good
RE: The Isshu Region Speculation Thread

1 region very far away from isshu able to get there by plane, 16 badges total thats my guess, probably so people who played hg/ss 1st aren't wondering why they're aren't 16 gyms.
RE: The Isshu Region Speculation Thread

nintenpuppy101 said:
The theme park is the battle frontier. Must be.

Has the characteristics but usually they always have The battle tower in the first games (Ruby/Sapphire, Diamond/Pearl, not including Crystal) and The Battle Frontier in the 3rd version (Emerald and Platinum, and recently HG/SS)
RE: The Isshu Region Speculation Thread

manpanda said:
any news on translating the new map images yet?

None. :/

Either those who could translate haven't been on, or there's nothing new/significant in the text.
RE: The Isshu Region Speculation Thread

Where's WPM, surely he'd post this news.
RE: The Isshu Region Speculation Thread

I really want this translated :( I hope it will be released in a few days or so. It kills me not to know what the vortex means!! There has to be new info on it because we didn't know anything about the map in the first place.
RE: The Isshu Region Speculation Thread

swimfastray said:
I really want this translated :( I hope it will be released in a few days or so. It kills me not to know what the vortex means!! There has to be new info on it because we didn't know anything about the map in the first place.


I think the vortex is either The Stonehenge or The Colosseum of Rome
RE: The Isshu Region Speculation Thread

Well it looks like we have a multitude of different transportation services.
We have:
1.Bike (stated it would be in the game)
2.Airplane (there is a landing strip in the newly expanded map picture
3.boat- Huin City docks
4.Train- in the new scan you can see a clear picture of a train garage in the upper lefthand corner. Like this-
5.Car- Shown in Huin City. Might be just a showcase of sorts though.

With all the new transportation I would find the inclusion of another area quite reasonable. Not another region! This has not happened, excluding HG and SS, it hasn't occured. It will most likely be the the Chogoku or Shikoku region in Japan. (Almost 85% sure it is not America based, but hey, I could be wrong). The map we could have seen so far is chogoku while the other is Shikoku (or vice-versa).
RE: The Isshu Region Speculation Thread

^There's the possibility that this isn't the whole region but from what we can see in this map, Isshu looks nothing like those Japan's regions...
RE: The Isshu Region Speculation Thread

swimfastray said:
I really want this translated :( I hope it will be released in a few days or so. It kills me not to know what the vortex means!! There has to be new info on it because we didn't know anything about the map in the first place.

You mean like this (made by Sabonea_Masukippa in serebii):

1. A Blast Furnace? Something that looks like melted iron
A specially shaped building, like a bees nest. Here and there, you can see something that looks like lava, but.... If you look over there at the full map, there's a place with red lava-like building! It's man-made so we wonder if it isn't an institution like a Blast Furnace, where iron is melted down?

2. The on the mouth of a river City with a rising bridge
Text unreadable

3. A place that looks like a Theme Park
Text unreadable

4. The Desert with a Raging Sandstorm
Text unreadable

5. An Airfield?
Is that a runway on the left edge on the map?! We wonder if it's an airfield? Jump on a plane here and enjoy a skyward adventure [please]. Also, just above that there is a building that looks like a tower. Run up the spiral staircase, this is an ancient looking tower.

Translators Note 1: Holy F@!K an airport.
Note 2: 飛行場 can also be translated (in some contexts) as airport as well as airfield.
Note 3: The spiral staircase is visible on the outside of the building.

6. Two Pinwheels/Windmills?
In the middle of the land where it becomes like a staircase, there are two buildings with the same shape. If you look closely it looks like they have wings attatched, and basically they look like windmills. It looks like quite a relaxing scene, but we wonder if they're doing something like making wind-generated power.

7. The Two-Toned Town
Just a little bit above the centre of the map, there's a slightly strange place. On our left the town is painted brown and on our right the town is painted blue; it's a town of two colours. In the centre, a big, solemn-looking building is visible. That place is going to catch your interest. (Note: that last sentence is very losely translated).

8. Ancient Ruins?
In the top-centre of the map at a place that looks like a rocky mountain with a structure that makes you think of ruins. On the rocky mountain you can see the entrances to many [something] rock cavern looking places. Perhaps the inside is a complicated labrynth?

9. What's in the centre?
Right in the centre of the map there's a lake and at its centre is a large island. If you look carefully at the centre, the edges are notched and it has the appearance of being a man-made bit of land. In the centre you can see a [something] thing, but what is it....? It is a place full of mysteries.

10. An Abandoned Factory?
It's small and difficult to see on the map but if you look reeeeally carefully you can see a broken wall and ceiling. In the screenshots released last month there was a place that looked like an abandoned factory and maybe this isn't it, here? We wonder what kind of Pokemon are here?

11. The Starting Town?
In the lower right of the map a small town is visible. It's like we've seen that blue roof and the path surrounding it before ... Right, it was in one of the first screens that were released! This is the starting point of your adventure, and we predict the family living in this house will be that of the protagonist!

12. Sky Arrow Bridge?
Text not satisfactorily translatable. Basically suggests the bridge to the right of Huin is the Sky Arrow Bridge from the screenshot. Duh.

13. Enourmous Metropolis: Huin City
Huin City, lined with Sky-Scrapers. It's dignified appearance remarkably draws your eyes. But, above this town a Ghost Town and an enormous desert spread out. This contrast is really interesting.

Mostly (probably) speculation on the magazine's part, but interesting none the less.

Couple of notes:
1. There's a definite house on the island directly behind the starting town.
2. Hard to tell whether the clouds are covering anything to do with the big white mountains on the right.
3. There's no visible entrance to the black mountains on the lower left (doesn't mean there isn't one though, obviously).
4. They mention nothing about the castle and puddled area just above the windmills.
5. The left most entrance to the blue-white mountains appears to have some sort of netting/criss cross white pattern over it.
RE: The Isshu Region Speculation Thread

If you look closely on the right side mountain you will notice an entrance where the cloud covers it, there's probably some other stuff that the cloud covers.
RE: The Isshu Region Speculation Thread

superfoof is right. under the clouds u can see a city or an enterance