They have been making remakes of games since 3rd gen, why would they stop? Also there are many hints of R/S remakes in HG/SS.Ice Arceus said:They might make a remake for R/S. Its not official yet. How do you know for sure if the player can't travel to Hoenn. There hasn't been much information yet, but I just hope that the player will be able to travel to the other previous regions.
How does that relate to a R/S/E remake?superfoof said:1. In D/P/P jasmine visited sinnoh before HG/SS and in HG/SS Steven Stone visits
Ice Arceus said:If they still have fly in the game then probably there's no need to take the plane to get to the islands because it is one whole region. If there isn't fly then the airport would explain it all, then you would have to take an airplane to get the the islands. Though I really do think that the plane is intended to take you to the other previous regions in the game (if they allow you to visit the other regions in the game).
No superfoof means that since Jasmine made a cameo in Sunyshore City that was a hint that they were going to make a GSC remake you understand, also in Valor Lakefront in one house there was a man that talked alot about famous landmarks in the other regions such as: Mt. Moon in Kanto(hint for HGSS), Olivine City's Lighthouse in Johto(hint for HGSS), and finally the Space Station in Mossdeep City. Giving us a hint for RSE remakes proving that there will be remakes for generation 3 ,another hint being that Steven appeared in Vermillion City, Pewter Museum, and Saffron City.TheDarkLucario said:How does that relate to a R/S/E remake?
DarkraiLord said:Technically in FRLG you can't use Fly to get to the islands from Kanto, and you have to travel by boat but then once you get to the islands you can fly to the other islands. So maybe you could fly to the islands via the airport, but then again theres a seaport which would make the airport worthless!! Also did anyone else notice on the clearer map of Isshu that on the island near your hometown that theres a house on one of the small islands, so maybe that could be where the visitor from another region is staying so it could possibly be Brawly since he lives in Dewford Town!!
No superfoof means that since Jasmine made a cameo in Sunyshore City that was a hint that they were going to make a GSC remake you understand, also in Valor Lakefront in one house there was a man that talked alot about famous landmarks in the other regions such as: Mt. Moon in Kanto(hint for HGSS), Olivine City's Lighthouse in Johto(hint for HGSS), and finally the Space Station in Mossdeep City. Giving us a hint for RSE remakes proving that there will be remakes for generation 3 ,another hint being that Steven appeared in Vermillion City, Pewter Museum, and Saffron City.TheDarkLucario said:How does that relate to a R/S/E remake?
superfoof said:7th gen - B/W remakes![]()
Pokequaza said:It could still be a gym (probably not anyway). But hey, who ever said there aren't going to be gyms? Gyms are not always shown on these region maps. Look at the Hoenn map for example. Can you clearly see the gyms in every town? No. Maps like this are always a bit unclear and mostly they don't show clearly how the game's map is going to be.
SQUIRTLETamer08 said:What's with all this "you can go to Hoenn" stuff? Do people really think this would happen?
Here's some food for thought:
1.Combine regions in a game? No. Everyone saw how terrible HGSS were. Sure it gave us more places to visit, but ask yourself this, how quickly did you beat the Kanto gym leaders? I beat it in one to two hours tops. As your pokemon are already equal levels if not higher than the gym leaders, you have a relatively easy time throughout Kanto.
2. Knowing the above, why on Earth would you want all 5 regions to be in one game? If this were to occur not only would the game cost more than a home console's game (would cost 70 something or more), it would also greatly reduce the fun and challenging aspects of the game. And how would this occur anyways? By the time you beat the 1st e4 you wold have level 50-60 pokemon and all the gyms and leagues afterwards would be a breeze. Lowering levels of the pokemon to make the game a bit more reasonable wouldn't work either. Do you really want to battle region's 5th gen leader with level 20 pokemon?
3.Thirdly, pokemon is all about the money. Sure if such a collaboration would occur they would make a good bit of money. But by making remakes each generation, the money is flowing right into their accounts. 5 games a generation, 3 new region games, 2 remakes, going for 30-35 dollars a pop. Now that is a lot of money.
4.Lastly if the airport does allow us to fly in an airplane, I am almost positive it would take us to another part of the region, one not shown in the map. Either a whole other half including a good bit of towns and possible gyms or a group of islands off the map.
Not trying to rant, just giving a clear explanation.
ManhattanTheStarr said:I couldn't agree more. I was really mad when I realized how fast I went through Kanto. Having all the HMs, and being able to just Surf and Fly all over the place... I can't find anything to do in HG now other than catch the roaming legendaries. =/ But I have to admit, I like being able to travel to another region, rather than staying in the same region.
If they don't allow you to go to an older region after beating the E4, I think they should make a large island of some sort that's not like the little "zones" in Sinnoh. And Surfing there would be lame, so I think you should be able to take a train. NOT like the stupid Magnet Train in HG/SS and G/S/C. I want to actually RIDE the train, and battle trainers like how you do with the S.S. Anne in HG/SS and FR/LG.
There should be more things to do after beating the E4. There should be daily battles in buildings like that inn in D/P/Pt where you do double battles. If they can't manage to make something similar to that, at least make the game longer... Just something to keep you playing for a long time. :/
SQUIRTLETamer08 said:I love every single thing you just posted.
Yeah all I can do now in HG is level up pokemon to in order to complete the pokedex and capture Entei and Latias. Everything else is done.
I would love if they would let us fight trainers on a train. It would add a whole new level of excitement to the new transportation. And yes a BIG island away from the mainland would be very welcomed. I wouldn't mind surfing to it though. Perhaps you would have to take a train/airplane to the place first before you could surf. Either way I would be happy!
More events after the E4? Yes please! It is so hard to find a good battle now, and waiting to battle the gym leaders is pointless. Just let us rebattle them whenever we want too. And how about letting the trainers become open to new battles every 2 days or so. Battling the e4 again and again is not only repetitive but a bit boring. Having to see the same old pokemon and same old end scene is so bland. Giving us the ability to battle regular trainers any time we wanted would give a whole new freshness to the game.
swimfastray said:Do you think Corocoro cut off the edges of the map and there is more of Isshu to the left and right of the image? It especially looks like in the bottom right there is more beyond the little lake and bridge.
I feel like a major idiot! Duh the map is cut off it's right there in the magazine scan!! Sorry for being so stupid.
Dark_Void said:this game is going to be AWESOME
SQUIRTLETamer08 said:What's with all this "you can go to Hoenn" stuff? Do people really think this would happen?
Here's some food for thought:
1.Combine regions in a game? No. Everyone saw how terrible HGSS were. Sure it gave us more places to visit, but ask yourself this, how quickly did you beat the Kanto gym leaders? I beat it in one to two hours tops. As your pokemon are already equal levels if not higher than the gym leaders, you have a relatively easy time throughout Kanto.