BW/BW2 The Isshu Region Speculation Thread (now with new larger map!)

RE: The Isshu Region Speculation

swimfastray said:

That looks like a vortex shaped statue to me. My guess is that it becomes animate when you do something to it and then it will probably shoot out a legen-wait for it-dary. Or since it looks like a tornado, there was a speculation that you can control the weather in battles maybe you get a random weather plate everyday which you can use to change the weather. Just a speculation.
RE: The Isshu Region Speculation

I wonder if they will have any sorte of secret island, such as the one with Darkrai, which can only be unlocked wit an event or so ...
RE: The Isshu Region Speculation

Playerking95 said:

My guess is that it becomes animate when you do something to it and then it will probably shoot out a legen-wait for it-dary.

That makes a lot of sense. Thank you for finally admitting it looks like a tornado. . . I almost thought I was seeing things because no one else thought it looked like a tornado. I like your idea :D
RE: The Isshu Region Speculation Thread

Jhawley said:
Is it only me who see's an airplane run way to the left of the left mountin. Hint at the new vehicle perhaps.

You are just the only person -pardon my French- dumb enough to think an airplane runway would ever be located in an area nearly surrounded by mountains.


Why have only 3 people mentioned the Dark Castle above that Pokeball shaped Island? Uh, HERRO~! Light colored on the right side, black on the left, meaning all the people saying Reshiram is on the left mountain are probably wrong, and further more I don't think that these legendaries will inhabit mountains. Then again, that castle could be un-related to the legendaries. Maybe what the member who thought it would be the lair for the evil faction in the game.

The Legendaries are sky dwelling, sky ruling, pokemon. They will probably have a large respective tower on an unseen part of the map.

Has anyone else noticed that the giant mound in the top right seems to resemble an insect mound like a termite or an ant, perhaps?

Just speculation (though I'd love a Fire/Bug ant pokemon :D)

One more thing:
To the person who said "the Isshu region looks so plain":

Sir, or Madam, I must say to you a sincere and well thought out: Screw you.

Has ANY other region had a carnival in it?

What about a massive city located next to a sea port--containing skyscrapers and cars?

Or a desert that is nearly twice the size of said massive city?

Or a vortex/Pokeball shaped island in the center?

Or magnificent bridges?

I think you get my point.
RE: The Isshu Region Speculation Thread

SPM3 said:
You are just the only person -pardon my French- dumb enough to think an airplane runway would ever be located in an area nearly surrounded by mountains.


Why have only 3 people mentioned the Dark Castle above that Pokeball shaped Island? Uh, HERRO~! Light colored on the right side, black on the left, meaning all the people saying Reshiram is on the left mountain are probably wrong, and further more I don't think that these legendaries will inhabit mountains. Then again, that castle could be un-related to the legendaries. Maybe what the member who thought it would be the lair for the evil faction in the game.

The Legendaries are sky dwelling, sky ruling, pokemon. They will probably have a large respective tower on an unseen part of the map.

Has anyone else noticed that the giant mound in the top left seems to resemble an insect mound like a termite or an ant, perhaps?

Just speculation (though I'd love a Fire/Bug ant pokemon :D)

One more thing:
To the person who said "the Isshu region looks so plain":

Sir, or Madam, I must say to you a sincere and well thought out: Screw you.

Has ANY other region had a carnival in it?

What about a massive city located next to a sea port--containing skyscrapers and cars?

Or a desert that is nearly twice the size of said massive city?

Or a vortex/Pokeball shaped island in the center?

Or magnificent bridges?

I think you get my point.

I agree with you about it not being plain but there is no need to say screw you. When you said the top left i think you mean the top right mounds and as soon as i saw it i thought it has something to do with insect. Or it could be the victory road/leauge. Now that i think about it since it might have to do something with insect maybe the insect gym.
RE: The Isshu Region Speculation Thread

Isshu has to be my favorite region in the looks department. The terrain is so interesting and diverse.

It would seem that the piece of land directly north of the desert is a carnival--it will probably house a Gym leader. A child or a child-at-heart, I'd presume. Then, in the left part, just north of the mountains--are those windmills? If so, it will probably be a Flying-type gym. Beats me, though, where the Bug gym is going to be located. My suspicions lie in the small dent in the ground and the castle, in the piece of land that lies east of Hiun City, connected to it with that bridge. Right where that lake is. Also, that castle (there are a lot of castles, no?) north of the Poké Ball-esque piece of land seems like a Dark-type gym.

Also, someone probably already pointed this out, but look at how symmetric the place looks. It looks almost like one piece of land, split into three. Perhaps the mountains on each side house Reshiram or Zekrom. Speaking of legendaries, the castle-like thing just near the windmills seems very mysterious as well.
RE: The Isshu Region Speculation

swimfastray said:

I'm gonna borrow your map Swim, since I agree with a lot of what you're thinking except for a few things:

- In the upper left, where you marked the Castle Gym, I think this is actually going to be Isshu's Battle Frontier.

- Slightly to the right we see a lot of ponds like an everglade; I think this will be our Great Marsh/Safari.

- Below this are the windmills and to the left of them is a small, square-like building. I'm curious as to what this could be.. Maybe something like a checkpoint in which you're stopped by a guard until you've done some objective to allow you to enter this area.

I'm also curious about that middle Vortex as well, especially considering there are bridges leading to it. You would think something like that people would want to keep others away from.
RE: The Isshu Region Speculation

cocowoushi said:
I'm gonna borrow your map Swim, since I agree with a lot of what you're thinking except for a few things:

- In the upper left, where you marked the Castle Gym, I think this is actually going to be Isshu's Battle Frontier.

- Slightly to the right we see a lot of ponds like an everglade; I think this will be our Great Marsh/Safari.

- Below this are the windmills and to the left of them is a small, square-like building. I'm curious as to what this could be.. Maybe something like a checkpoint in which you're stopped by a guard until you've done some objective to allow you to enter this area.

I'm also curious about that middle Vortex as well, especially considering there are bridges leading to it. You would think something like that people would want to keep others away from.
Seeing as how theres a path behind that square-like building leading to the castle-like building it really could be the Safari Zone/Great Marsh, or it could be a gym for water types or maybe grass types which is why its blocked off or something!
RE: The Isshu Region Speculation Thread

The thing in the middle seems like a park for some sort. I though that I had read somewhere that the thing in the middle of the map is a park of some sort. Though I can be completely wrong. The two mountains could contain Zekrom and Reshiram as stated.
RE: The Isshu Region Speculation Thread

To me I believe that Reshiram and Zekrom reside in the same mountain precisely in the east mountain and that the legendary trio reside in the three mountains in the west, then the trio master could be in the tower beside the three mountains which could be why that second entrance in the west mountain is blocked off.
RE: The Isshu Region Speculation Thread

I was wondering what those dark spots were in the sea. It seems like you can dive in the sea. And there also seems to be a theme park in the game as well.
RE: The Isshu Region Speculation Thread

Hey anyone notice that they're are a few buildings in the desert towards the left side? Instead on ruins it could possibly be another town.
RE: The Isshu Region Speculation Thread

As i posted on page 4 i already talked about the dark colours in the water, and i said that they are probably big water pokemon, like wailord. A Wailord evolution, or maybe a wailmer split evolution. Or maybe it's just wailords can be found in isshu as well. Or maybe there clouds? Finally it could be dive but since the legendaries might have something to do with the sky i highly doubt it.
RE: The Isshu Region Speculation Thread

Or maybe Nintendo was just being realistic because bodies of water are not the same depth in all places. The dark spots are not pokemon, and do not really mean dive will return as an HM. I too hope it will, but I don't think it will happen. I could be wrong though! :p
RE: The Isshu Region Speculation Thread


I noticed this thing on the vortex. I don't know if it's a tree or something but it looks like a monster wrapping around it.
RE: The Isshu Region Speculation Thread

That just looks like moss or some other kind of plantlife to me.
RE: The Isshu Region Speculation Thread

It can probably be a spiral staircase leading up to the top of the vortex which could contain a gym at the top of the vortex IMO. There seems to be some plant-life on the vortex which could mean it could be some trees or other plants located on it. The whole thing actually looks like a Pokeball. The top part (which seems like trees) is the red part of the Pokeball. The bottom part (which is the open-field) is the white part of the Pokeball. The middle (which the vortex or spiral staircase) is the button of the Pokeball which releases the Pokemon out of the Pokeball. It also seems like there are two roads connecting to the island. It also seems like it is possible for the trainer to travel by water on a Pokemon (if it is still possible in the game). If we get clearer images then we might make-out of what the vortex might be or if some information does come out then we might know for sure of what the whole thing might be and if it is a gym or not.
RE: The Isshu Region Speculation Thread

I think that the black/white castle is where the 2 legendarys are and that the vortex is a shrine to them but also has the 3rd legendary like how celestic had the dialga and palkia shrine and both were at spear pillar. btw I would love to see dive comeback.