Collecting The "Look What I Pulled" & Pull Rates Thread

Is anyone finding it impossible to pull the full art Mismagius from Paldea Evolved? I mean it’s not that expensive second hand, but I’ve open hundreds (literally) of packs, have 4 Magikarp…and have never seen a Mismagius.
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guess i forgot to post pulls for PE... i havent done that great with any set of SV much at all... i did love my Annihilape box pulls though.

Obsidian Flames - Day 1
ETB - Absol ex, lechonk illustrator, Geeta FA
Houndstone 3pack - Ryme FA(fitting, lol), Revavroom ex FA
Eevee 3pack - X
P Wooper 1pack - X
Pawmi 1pack - X
6pack bundle - X
pencil box - grafaiai illustrator
eraser packs total - SR skeledirge ex
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Opened a Pikachu tin and had sweet pulls :) * I pasted these from my Google let me know if they dont work *



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My first SV151 packs...
ETB 9 packs - tangela IR, SVE lightning, psychic
poster collection 3packs - machoke IR, bulbasaur IR, wigglytuff ex
binder collection 4packs - tangela IR, SVE steel, jynx ex
Zapdos box 4packs - venusaur ex FA
Alakazam box 4packs - alakazam ex, SVE grass, water
2nd binder collection 4packs - SVE steel, grass, psychic, ivysaur IR, nidoking IR, jynx ex
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My first Paradox Rift packs...
pineco 1pack - x
sinistea 1pack - x
cetitan 3pack - xxx
arctibax 3pack - x,Altaria ex, Professor Sada's vitality IR
roaring moon ETB - Iron hands ex, Crustle IR
iron valor ETB - Golisopod ex
6packs (checklane slabs not bundle) - Gimmighoul IR

sigh... not great, but could always be worse...

Iron Valliant box - Artazon SR
Roaring Moon box - Houndstone ex, Maushold ex
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Got some single packs in my stocking this year here my pulls they Obsidian Flames packs :) also got 3 promo box stuff and 3 pack Blister to open Later :)

My first Paldean Fates packs...
ETB - shiny slowpoke, shiny cleffa, forretress ex, squawkabilly ex, gardevoir ex, pawmi ir
Fidough 3pack - x, gardevoir ex ir, shiny mankey
Greavard 3pack - x, x, x
Maschiff 3pack - x, x, espathra ex fa
Iron Treads tin - x, espathra ex fa, clive fa, shiny kingambit, shiny tinkaton
Great Tusk tin - x, x, forretress ex, shiny primeape, shiny oricorio
Charizard tin - x, x, great tusk ex, shiny kilowattrel, shiny armarouge
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Does anyone know if these packs have special value? Couldn't find similar from ebay or google.
Thank you


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Does anyone know if these packs have special value? Couldn't find similar from ebay or google.
Thank you
Those are fake, sorry. If you find unusual art on TCG products, it's best to assume they're fake. The Rotom is just ripped from a Rotom V card (a different Rotom V art than the one in Crown Zenith!) and the Regieleki (which isn't even featured in Crown Zenith!) doesn't even look like official art, it's kind of sloppy. It also has the Pokemon TCG Online logo on the back, even though they had long ago moved to using the Pokemon TCG Live logo on packs.
I ended up attending 4 Temporal prereleases over the weekend, I ended up pulling the following:

Prerelease 1: Regular Iron Leaves ex and an Ancient/Future Pokémon 40-card deck with a Miraidon promo. I went 1/2/0 (mostly due to poor deck building, I failed to include enough Grass Energy to reliably use Iron Leaves ex). I ended up getting an Awakening Drum in my one of my three post-event packs.

Prerelease 2: Regular Scizor ex, FA Wugtrio ex, and a Feraligatr/Ancient Pokémon 40-card deck with a Feraligatr promo, I went 2/1/0 (The first and third rounds were won with Primordial Beatdown, second round was lost due to a poor starting hand I just couldn't recover from). Nothing of note in my three post-event packs other than a Cinccino, a Mist Energy, and two Roaring Moons.

Prerelease 3: Regular Miraidon ex and a Secret Illustrator Rare Eri with an Ancient/Future Pokémon 40-card deck with a Miraidon promo. I've forgotten what my W/L ratio for this event was. The pulls from my three post-event packs were the same as Prerelease 2's post-event packs sans Roaring Moons.

Prerelease 3: Nothing notable was pulled from my 4 packs but I did get another Feraligatr/Ancient Pokémon 40-card deck with a Feraligatr promo. I managed to go 3/0/0 here due to a mix of smart deck building, Primordial Beatdown being nuts with a Bench full of Ancient Pokémon, a very lucky match where I KO'd a Basic ex with Feraligatr. I got a FA Walking Wake ex from my 4 post-event packs.

I also got 4 Play! Pokémon Prize Pack Series Three packs and two Play! Pokémon Prize Pack Series Four packs (the first was from a "random goodness" giveaway and the second was from going 3-0-0 at my last prerelease). I forgot what I pulled but I do remember pulling a holo Iono, holo Ultra Ball, a holo Artazon, a non-holo Forest Seal Stone, and a much-needed non-holo Capturing Aroma.

EDIT: I was digging through my prerelease stuff and I found a regular Incineroar ex and a regular Gengar ex, I remember puling the Gengar ex from one of my four prerelease kits whilst the Incineroar ex was from one of the post-tournament packs.
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My first Temporal Forces packs...
ETB IronThorns - x,x,x,x,x, wugtrio ex, miraidon ex, Salvator fa, prime catcher
ETB FlutterMane - x,x,x,x,x,x,x, miraidon ex, iron boulder ex
Carvanha 1pack - x
Bellibolt 1pack - incineroar ex
Cleffa 3pack -x, x, miraidon ex
Cyclizar 3pack - x, x, bronzor ir
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My first Twilight Masquerade packs...
TM ETB- x,x,x,x,x, Scream Tail ex, Magcargo ex fa, legacy energy ACE, cornerstone mask Ogerpon ex
Snorlax 3pack - x, x, x
Revaroom 3pack - x, x, Magcargo ex fa
Toxel 1pack - Palafin ex fa
Pupitar 1pack - hearthflame mask Ogerpon ex
walking wake tin - (TM) x, x,/(TF) Litten ir/(OF) x, x
iron leaves tin - (TM) x, Sinistcha ex/(TF) Arbok ir/(OF) x, Pidgeot ex fa
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My first Shrouded Fable packs...
ETB - x,x,x,x,x, Pecharunt ex, Revavroom ex, Kingdra ex FA, Duskull IR (H-water,fighting)
Kingdra collection - x, x, x, Kingdra ex FA, Houndoom IR (H-fire/water/psychic)
Greninja collection - x, x, x, x, x (H-lightning) (all the packs were loosely wrapped but i dont want to call repackage)
Kingambit collection - x, x, Fezandipiti ex, Fezandipiti ex (H-psychic)
Pecharunt 3pack - x, x, x, (H-fire/steel)
Zoroark mini tin - x, x
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I opened a Twilight Masquerade Booster Box and got 13 Pulls: Teal Mask Ogerpon ex, Bloodmoon Ursaluna ex, Cornerstone Mask Ogerpon ex, Greninja ex, Blissey ex, Iron Thorns ex, Torkoal IR, Applin IR, Survival Brace ACE SPEC, Hyper Aroma ACE SPEC, Perrin SIR, Blissey ex Full Art, and Wellspring Mask Ogerpon ex Full Art. Do you think I could have got better?
I opened 2 Shrouded Fable 3-pack blisters today, I ended up pulling 3 regular exs (Tera Revavroom ex, Pecharunt ex, and Fezandipidi ex) and not much else.

I’ll probably attend a Stellar Crown prerelease or at the beginning of this weekend but it’ll be based on if I can get some things done beforehand.
I opened a Twilight Masquerade Booster Box and got 13 Pulls: Teal Mask Ogerpon ex, Bloodmoon Ursaluna ex, Cornerstone Mask Ogerpon ex, Greninja ex, Blissey ex, Iron Thorns ex, Torkoal IR, Applin IR, Survival Brace ACE SPEC, Hyper Aroma ACE SPEC, Perrin SIR, Blissey ex Full Art, and Wellspring Mask Ogerpon ex Full Art. Do you think I could have got better?
You did decently. Perrin is the third-most desired SIR in the set (Tera Greninja ex and Carmine are higher in the ranks) while Teal Mask Ogerpon ex/Bloodmoon Ursaluna ex/Iron Thorns ex/Wellspring Ogerpon ex/Hyper Aroma are present in many meta decks.